
SyNode file-system routines. We try to implement here the same interface as in NodeJS fs

 var fs = require('fs');
 var content = fs.readFileSync('c:\\a.txt');


ReadStream static

Fake class for nodeJS compatibility


isFile(path)Boolean static

Check specified path is file (or symlynk to file)
  1. path

isDir(path)Boolean static

Check specified path is folder (or symlynk to folder)
  1. path

loadFile(fileName, forceUFT8opt)String static

Reads the entire contents of a TEXT file. If BOM found - decode text file to string using BOM If BOM not found - use forceUFT8 parameter.
  1. fileName (String)
  2. [forceUFT8] (Boolean)  If no BOM found and forceUFT8 is True (default) - we expect file in UTF8 format, else in ascii

readFileSync(fileName, optionsopt)String|ArrayBuffer static

Reads the entire contents of a file. If options.encoding == 'bin', then the ArrayBuffer is returned. If no options is specified at all - result is String as in fs.loadFile
  1. fileName (String)  Absolute path to file
  2. [options] (Object)
    1. [encoding] (String|Null)  Default to null. Possible values: 'bin'|'ascii'|'utf-8'

mkdirSync(path, modeopt) static

Create all missing folders in the given path. Only absolute path supported. Throw error in case of fail
  1. path (String)  path for creation.
  2. [mode] (Number)  Ignored under Windows

readdirSync(path) → Array.<String> inner

Read file names from directory (include folder names). Return array of file names. In case directory not exists - throw error
  1. path (String)

statSync(fileName)Boolean|Object inner

Get file statistics. Return false in case file or folder dose not exists.
  1. fileName

writeFileSync(fileName, data, optionsopt) static

Write to file Actually implements UBWriter#write
  1. fileName (String)  Full absolute file path
  2. data (ArrayBuffer|Object|String)  Data to write. If Object - it stringify before write
  3. [options] (Object)
    1. [encoding] (String)  Encode data to encoding before write. Default to utf-8 in case data is String or bin in case data is ArrayBuffer. One of "utf-8"|"ucs2"|"bin"|"base64".

appendFileSync(fileName, data, optionsopt) static

Append data to a file, creating the file if it not yet exists Actually implement {UBWriter#write}
  1. fileName (String)  Full absolute file path
  2. data (ArrayBuffer|Object|String)  Data to write. Object are stringified before write
  3. [options] (Object)
    1. [encoding] (String)  Encode data to encoding before write. Default to utf-8 in case data is String or bin in case data is ArrayBuffer. Possible values: "utf-8"|"ucs2"|"bin"|"base64".

existsSync(path)Boolean static

Check path exists (can be file, folder or symlync)
  1. path

unlinkSync() inner

Delete file.

rmdirSync(path) static

Delete non-empty directory. See removeDir for details
  1. path (String)  path to remove

renameSync(oldPath, newPath) static

Move (rename) file.
  1. oldPath (String)
  2. newPath (String)