

Name Type Description
startupPath string

Use a process.cwd() instead

execPath string

The main executable full path (including .exe file name)


binPath: String static readonly

The main executable full path (excluding .exe file name)

configPath: String static readonly

Path to config file process started with

isServer: Number static readonly

In case this is server-side thread === 1 else (client theread) === 0

isWebSocketServer: Number static readonly

In case this is WebSocket server-side thread === 1 else not defined

isWebSocketEnabled: Number static readonly

When WebSockets are enabled === 1 else not defined

isDebug: Number static readonly

true if server executed with -dev command line switch.

startupMode: String static readonly

The UB process startup mode. One of "Service", "Console", "GUI", "CmdLine"


cwd()string|String static

Current working directory

nextTick(callback) static

This function is just to be compatible with node.js
  1. callback (function)  Callback (called immediately in SyNode)