Tutorial: Using UnityBase modules

# Manage a remote server using console

Usually we manage a windows-based enviromnent using Remote Desktop Connection (log in to the GUI mode and use a mouse to do somethoing).

This is slow and non-scailable way. Below we describe a "unix way" of remote server managment.

Console - a right way

We strongly recommend to use a Far Manager + ConEmu instead of Explorer + cmd:

  • install a Far Manager
  • install a ConEmu to the same folder where Far is installed
  • Enjoy!

Enable WinRM on the remote server

Verify WinRM is enabled

$ winrm quickconfig

Starting from windows Server 2012 PowerShell remoting is enable dy default. If disabled - run (as admin)

  $ Enable-PSRemoting -Force

ConEmu {cmd:Admin} console indicate a admin session as a $ sign in the left of command line

Enable WinRM remote acces

Both server and client are in the same domain

In case both your computer and remote server are in the same domain, no additional sеteps is required.

Server and client are in re different domain (or no domain at all)

  • set up a valid HTTPS certificate (with common name your host either using IIS of from command line using makecert & httpcfg as described in UnityBase HTTP server tutorial. In case you use a self-signed certificate add your CA certificate to the Local Computer Trusted root certification list

  • configure a winrm to accept connections using https protocol

    $ winrm create winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS @{Hostname="";CertificateThumbprint=""}

    delete listener https (if need)

    $ winrm set winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS @{Enabled="false"}

    disable listener https (if need)

    $ winrm delete winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS

  • check current permisions

    $ winrm g winrm/config/client

  • add your host to trusted

    $ winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="*"}

Add ub-service (local users perm) to "Allow logon localy" and "Logon as batch job" to local security policy

Connect ot Remote Server using PowerShell

In ConEmu Select New->Shell->PowerShell

> Enter-PSSession -EnableNetworkAccess -ConnectionUri https://<fdqn hostname>:5986/wsman/ -Credential ub-service

Applications pool management using pm2

For a production environment all operations below must be performed under user who execute a applications in pool. Consider this is a ub-service user

    runas /user:ub-service "C:\Far\Far.exe"
  • install a pm2

     npm install -g pm2
  • set a PM2_HOME to a folder, accessible to all users

     SETX PM2_HOME c:\node_pm2

    restart a cmd to apply a setx command results

  • Check pm2 is accessible

     pm2 ls

    if not - add a %APPDATA%\npm to the ub-service user PATH variable (restart a cmd)

     setx PATH %APPDATA%\npm
  • Add a application(s) to pool.

    For sinopia

     create folder c:\ub-npm
     run from folder c:\ub-npm
     npm install --save sinopia
     run from folder c:\Users\ub-service\AppData\Roaming\npm
     pm2 start --name sinopia C:\ub-npm\node_modules\sinopia\lib\cli.js -- -c C:\ub-npm\config.yaml 

    For CMS

     pm2 start --name ub-cms C:\mmcms-server\server.js

    For a UnityBase application

      SET UB_HOME=<PathToYourUB>
      pm2 start --name ub-app %UB_HOME%\ub -- -cfg C:\<pathToApplication>\ubConfig.json 
  • Save pm2 tasks

     pm2 dump
  • create a scheduled task.aspx) for run a pm2 on system startup

     schtasks /Create /RU ub-service /RP adminub /SC ONSTART /TN PM2 /TR "C:\Users\ub-service\AppData\Roaming\npm\pm2.cmd resurrect" /V1 /F

    admin rights is required. /V1 switch is IMPORTANT - it set a valid working folder for the command (pm2.cmd inside use a %~dp0 - a cwd() analog in cmd)

UnityBase modules repository


Develop a modules for UnityBase


Modify your package.json file by adding a publishConfig property. This prevent npm to publish a module to a public npm repository. We strongly recommend to use a (http://standardjs.com/index.html)[JavaScript Standard Style] code style so we add a "standard" to the package.json devDependency

   "publishConfig": {
     "registry": "http://packages.unitybase.info"
   "devDependencies": {
       "standard": "*"


Install lerna (> 2.0 required for scoped packages support)

npm install -g lerna@latest

Link all UB modules to the global NPM storage

cd /dev/ubjs
lerna exec -- npm link

Create your test application

mkdir my-app
cd my-app
npm init

Link a unitybase modules required by your project

npm link @unitybase/stubs 
npm link @unitybase/ub 
npm link @unitybase/uba 
npm link @unitybase/ub-pub
npm link @unitybase/ubs 
npm link @unitybase/ubm 
npm link @unitybase/ubq    
npm link @unitybase/adminui-pub 
npm link @unitybase/adminui-reg

Install all other required modules

npm install

Warning Pathed cversion of SystemJS must be installed form http://registry.unitybase.info - this add a scoped modules support to system.js as described (in this issue)[https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs/issues/1496]

Developer environment

Set up your IDE to use a (http://standardjs.com/index.html)[JavaScript Standard Style]. For WebStorm users (http://standardjs.com/webstorm.html)[see this link].

For debugging your modules use a (https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/link)[npm link] command. This command will create a symlink from your module folder to your test application folder

WARNING npm link command will install (hard copy) all dependencies to the node_modules. If your package depends on some module, link it BEFORE linking current module to the global NPM folder.

For example, if your module depends on @unitybase/uba run

npm link @unitybase/uba

before commands below. All UnityBAse packages have a npm run dev script for this purpose.

Create a link from a development folder to a global npm storage

  cd X:\pathToSource\ub_model_ub
  npm link 

Create a link from global npm storage to a application node_modules folder

  cd pathToYourTestProject
  npm link ub_model_ub

Publishing module to UnityBase repository

Ensure you set a publishConfig parameter in package.json.

Bump a module version using (file:///C:/nodejs/node_modules/npm/html/doc/cli/npm-version.html)[npm version] command. For initial publication this step can be omitted. For example the command below will increase a patch version of module ub_model_ub:

  cd X:\pathToSource\ub_model_ub
  npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s - remove a `ub-ddl-generator` dependency"

Publish a module

  npm publish

To publish to a UnityBase repository you must authorize your requests

  npm adduser --registry http://registry.unitybase.info

Installing packages

npm set registry http://registry.unitybase.info
npm install @unitybase/ub --save