
 * SyNode file-system routines. We try to implement here the same interface as in <a href="http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html">NodeJS fs</a>
 *      var fs = require('fs');
 *      var content = fs.readFileSync('c:\\a.txt');
 * @module fs

"use strict";
var fs = exports;

let {fileStat, directoryExists, fileExists} = process.binding('fs');
 * Check specified path is file (or symlynk to file)
 * @param path
 * @return {Boolean}
exports.isFile  = function isFile(path){
    return fileExists(path);

 * Check specified path is folder (or symlynk to folder)
 * @param path
 * @return {Boolean}
exports.isDir = function isDir(path){
    return directoryExists(path);

exports.realpathSync = function realpathSync(baseDir, fileName){
   //return relToAbs(baseDir || '', fileName || '');
    return baseDir;

 * Reads the entire contents of a TEXT file.
 * If BOM found - decode text file to string using BOM
 * If BOM not found - use forceUFT8 parameter.
 * @param {String} fileName
 * @param {Boolean} [forceUFT8] If no BOM found and forceUFT8 is True (default) - we expect file in UTF8 format, else in ascii
 * @returns {String}
exports.loadFile = function loadFile(fileName, forceUFT8){
    return loadFile(fileName, forceUFT8);

 * Reads the entire contents of a file. If options.encoding == 'bin', then the ArrayBuffer is returned.
 * If no options is specified at all - result is String as in {@link fs.loadFile}
 * @param {String} fileName  Absolute path to file
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {String|Null} [options.encoding] Default to null. Possible values: 'bin'|'ascii'|'utf-8'
 * @returns {String|ArrayBuffer}
exports.readFileSync = function readFileSync(fileName, options){
       stat = fileStat(fileName);
   if (!stat) {
       throw new Error('can not read file ' + fileName);
   } else {
       if (!options || (options && (options.encoding !== 'bin'))) {
           return loadFile(fileName, !(options && options.encoding === 'ascii'));
       } else {
           return loadFileToBuffer(fileName)

function rethrow() {
  return function(err) {
    if (err) {
      throw err; 

function maybeCallback(cb) {
  return typeof cb === 'function' ? cb : rethrow();

function makeOneArgFuncAsync(oneArgSyncFunc){
  return function(arg, cb){
	   var _res;
	   var callback = maybeCallback(cb);
	   try {
		  _res = oneArgSyncFunc(arg);
		  callback(null, _res);
	   } catch(e){
exports.readFile = function readFile(fileName, options, callback_){
   var stat = fileStat(fileName);
   var callback = maybeCallback(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
   if (!stat) {
       callback(new Error('can not read file ' + fileName));
   } else {
       if (!options || (options && (options.encoding !== 'bin'))) {
           callback(null, loadFile(fileName, !(options && options.encoding === 'ascii')));
       } else {
           callback(null, loadFileToBuffer(fileName));

//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
 * Create all missing folders in the given path. Only absolute path supported. Throw error in case of fail
 * @param {String} path path for creation.
 * @param {Number} [mode] Ignored under Windows
exports.mkdirSync = function mkdirSync(path, mode){
    if (!forceDirectories(path)){
        throw new Error('can\'t create directory ' + path);

/** Read file names from directory (include folder names).
 * Return array of file names. In case directory not exists - throw error
 * @param {String} path
 * @return {Array.<String>}
function readdirSync(path){
    var res = readDir(path, true);
    if (res == null) {
        throw new Error('can not read dir ' + path);
    } else {
        return res;
exports.readdirSync = readdirSync; 

exports.readdir = makeOneArgFuncAsync(readdirSync);

 * Get file statistics. Return false in case file or folder dose not exists.
 * @param fileName
 * @returns {Boolean|{atime: Date, mtime: Date, ctime: Date, size: number, _fileName: string, isDirectory: function}}
function statSync(fileName){

    oStat = fileStat(fileName);
    if (oStat === null) return false;
    oStat._fileName = fileName;
    oStat.isDirectory = function(){
      return fs.isDir(this._fileName);
	oStat.isFile = function(){
      return !fs.isDir(this._fileName);
    oStat.isSymbolicLink = function(){
        return false; //TODO - implement

    return oStat;

exports.statSync = statSync;

exports.lstatSync = statSync;

exports.stat = function stat(fileName, callback_){
   var _stat = statSync(fileName);
   var callback = maybeCallback(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
   if (!_stat) {
       callback(new Error('can not read file ' + fileName));
   } else {
       callback(null, _stat);

//todo - lstat is a folloSymLync version of stat
exports.lstat = exports.stat;

 * Write to file
 * Actually implements {@link UBWriter#write}
 * @param {String} fileName  Full absolute file path
 * @param {ArrayBuffer|Object|String} data Data to write. If Object - it stringify before write
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {String} [options.encoding] Encode data to `encoding` before write. Default to `utf-8` in case data is String or `bin` in case data is ArrayBuffer.
 *                              One of "utf-8"|"ucs2"|"bin"|"base64".
exports.writeFileSync = function writeFileSync(fileName, data, options){
    //var res = writeFile(fileName, data);
        encoding = options && options.encoding,
    res = encoding ? writeFileNew(fileName, data, encoding) : writeFileNew(fileName, data);
        throw new Error('can not write file ' + fileName);
    else return res;

 * Append data to a file, creating the file if it not yet exists
 * Actually implement {UBWriter#write}
 * @param {String} fileName  Full absolute file path
 * @param {ArrayBuffer|Object|String} data Data to write. `Object` are stringified before write
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {String} [options.encoding] Encode data to `encoding` before write.
 *  Default to `utf-8` in case data is String or `bin` in case data is ArrayBuffer.
 *  Possible values: "utf-8"|"ucs2"|"bin"|"base64".
exports.appendFileSync = function appendFileSync(fileName, data, options){
        encoding = options && options.encoding,
    res = encoding ? appendFileNew(fileName, data, encoding) : appendFileNew(fileName, data);
        throw new Error('can not write file ' + fileName);
    else return res;

 * Check `path` exists (can be file, folder or symlync)
 * @param path
 * @return {Boolean}
exports.existsSync = function existsSync(path){
    return !!fileStat(path);

 * Delete file.
function unlinkSync(path){
        return deleteFile(path)
        return false;
exports.unlinkSync = unlinkSync; 

exports.unlink = makeOneArgFuncAsync(unlinkSync);

 * Delete non-empty directory. See {@link removeDir} for details
 * @param {String} path path to remove
exports.rmdirSync = function rmdirSync(path){
    return removeDir(path);

 * Move (rename) file.
 * @param {String} oldPath
 * @param {String} newPath
exports.renameSync = function renameSync(oldPath, newPath){
    return moveFile(oldPath, newPath);

 * Fake class for nodeJS compatibility
exports.ReadStream = ReadStream;
function ReadStream(){}