
  @author pavel.mash

var Q = require('./libs/q');
var _ =  require('./libs/lodash/lodash');
var EventEmitter = require('./events');
var UB = require('./UB');
var UBSession = require('./UBSession');
var LocalDataStore = require('./LocalDataStore');
var UBDomain = require('./UBDomain');
var UBCache = require('./UBCache');
var CryptoJS = require('./libs/CryptoJS/core');
var UBNativeDSTUCrypto = require('./UBNativeDSTUCrypto');

//regular expression for URLs server not require authorization.
var NON_AUTH_URLS_RE = /(\/|^)(models|auth|getAppInfo|downloads)(\/|\?|$)/;
//regular expression for URLs server not require encryption. Note - all non-auth method not require encryption also
var NON_ENCRYPTED_URLS_RE = /(\/|^)(initEncryption)(\/|\?|$)/;
// all request passed in this timeout to run will be send into one runList server method execution

var AUTH_METHOD_URL = 'auth';

 * @classdesc
 * Connection to then UnityBase server.
 * In case host set to value other then `location.host` server must be configured to accept
 * <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTTP/Access_control_CORS">CORS</a> requests.
 * Usually it done via "HTTPAllowOrigin" server configuration option.
 * Usage sample:
       var conn = new UBConnection({
           host: '',
           requestAuthParams: function(conn, isRepeat){
               if (isRepeat){
                   throw new UB.UBAbortError('invalid')
               } else {
                   return Q.resolve({authSchema: 'UBIP', login: 'admin'})
       conn.query({entity: 'uba_user', method: 'select', fieldList: ['ID', 'name']}).done(UB.logDebug);

 * This class mixes an EventEmitter, so you can subscribe for `authorized` and `authorizationFail` events:
       conn.on('authorizationFail', function(reason){
            // indicate user credential is wrong

       conn.on('authorized', function(ubConnection, session, authParams){console.debug(arguments)} );
 * @class
 * @mixes EventEmitter
 * @param {Object} connectionParams connection parameters
 * @param {String} connectionParams.host UnityBase server host
 * @param {String} [connectionParams.appName='/'] UnityBase application to connect to
 * @param {Function} connectionParams.requestAuthParams Handler to log in.
 *      Must return promise & fulfill it by authorization parameters: {authSchema: authType, login: login, password: password }
 *          for openIDConnect must be fulfilled with  {data: uData, secretWord: ???}
 *      Called with arguments: {UBConnection} conn, {Boolean} isRepeat;
 *      isRepeat === true in case first auth request is invalid
 * @param {String} [connectionParams.protocol] either 'https' or 'http' (default)
function UBConnection(connectionParams){
        host = connectionParams.host || 'http://localhost:888',
        appName = connectionParams.appName || '/',
        requestAuthParams = connectionParams.requestAuthParams,
         * Current session (Promise). Result of {@link UBConnection#auth auth} method
         * {@link UBConnection#xhr} use this promise as a first `then` in call chain. In case of 401 response
         * authPromise recreated.

    _.assign(this, EventEmitter.prototype);

    if (appName.charAt(0) !== '/') {
        appName = '/' + appName;
    if (!requestAuthParams) {
        throw new Error('connectionParams.requestAuthParams  is required');
    serverURL = host + appName;
    /** UB Server URL with protocol and host.
     * @type {string}
     * @readonly
    this.serverUrl = serverURL;
    baseURL = (window.location.origin === host) ? appName : serverURL;
    if (baseURL.charAt(baseURL.length-1) !== '/') baseURL = baseURL + '/';
     * The base of all urls of your requests. Will be prepend to all urls while call UB.xhr
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    this.baseURL = baseURL;
    /** UB application name
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    this.appName = appName;

    /** Result of last key agreement. Resolved to object,
     * contain time when it was done inside
     * - **doneTime** property
     *  Usually this is result of UBConnection.doKeyExchange method call
     * @private
     * @type {Promise}
    this.exchangeKeysPromise = null;

    /** UBNativeDSTUCrypto instance used for encryption
     * @type {UBNativeDSTUCrypto}
    this.channelEncryptor = null;

    /** UBNativeIITCrypto instance used for PKI relative operations (read keys / signatures)
     * @private
     * @readonly
     * @type {UBNativeIITCrypto}
    this._pki = null;

     * Check current connection use PKI
     * @protected
     * @returns {boolean}
    this.isPKIReady = function(){
        return this._pki !== null;

    this.cache = null;

     * Last successful login name. Filled AFTER first 401 response
     * @type {String}
    this.lastLoginName = '';
     * Cache flag to enable a hack appending the current timestamp
     * to your requests to prevent IE from caching them and always returning the same result.
     * If "true", will set the param with the name "_"
     * If a string, will use it as the param name
     * @type {Boolean|String}
    this.useCacheForXHR = window && (window.ActiveXObject || 'ActiveXObject' in window);

    this._bufferedRequests = [];
    this._bufferTimeoutPromise = null;

     * Is user currently logged in. There is no guaranty what session actually exist in server.
     * @returns {boolean}
    this.isAuthorized = function(){
        return (authPromise !== null) && authPromise.isFulfilled();
     * Return current user logon name or '' in case not logged in
     * @returns {String}
    this.userLogin = function(){
        return this.isAuthorized() ? authPromise.valueOf().logonname : '';

     * Return current user language or 'en' in case not logged in
     * @returns {String}
    this.userLang = function(){
        return this.userData('lang');

     * Return custom data for logged in user, or {lang: 'en'} in case not logged in
     * If key is provided - return only key part of user data:
     *      $App.connection.userData('lang');
     *      // or the same but dedicated alias
     *      $App.connection.userLang()
     * @param {String} [key] Optional key
     * @returns {*}
    this.userData = function(key){
        var uData;
        if (this.isAuthorized()){
            uData =  authPromise.valueOf().userData;
        } else {
            console.warn('Connection is not authorized. A fake userData will be returned');
            uData =  {lang: 'en'};
        return key ? uData[key] : uData;

    var authDefer;

     * The starter method for all authorized requests to UB server. Return authorization promise resolved to {@link UBSession}.
     * In case unauthorized:
     *  - call requestAuthParams method passed to UBConnection constructor to retrieve user credentials
     *  - call {@link UBConnection#doAuth} method
     * Used inside {@link UBConnection#xhr}, therefore developer rarely call it directly.
     * @method
     * @param {boolean} [isRepeat] in case user provide wrong credential - we must show logon window
     * @returns {Promise} Resolved to {@link UBSession} is auth success or rejected to `{errMsg: string, errCode: number, errDetails: string}` if fail
    this.authorize = function(isRepeat){
        var me = this;
        if (!authPromise || isRepeat){
            if (!isRepeat) {
                authDefer = Q.defer();
                authPromise = authDefer.promise;
                this.exchangeKeysPromise = null;
            requestAuthParams(this, isRepeat).then(function(authParams){
                return me.doAuth(authParams).then(function(session){
                     * Fired for {@link UBConnection} instance after success authorization. Accept 3 args (conn: UBConnection, session: UBSession, authParams)
                     * @event authorized
                    me.emit('authorized', me, session, authParams);
                    return session;
                if (!reason || !(reason instanceof UB.UBAbortError)){
                     * Fired for {@link UBConnection} instance in case of bad authorization Accept 1 args (reason)
                     * @event authorizationFail
                    me.emit('authorizationFail', reason);
        return authPromise;

     * Clear current user authorization promise. Next request repeat authorization
     * @private
    this.authorizationClear = function(){
        this.lastLoginName = this.userLogin();
        authPromise = null;

     * UBIP Auth schema implementation
     * @param authParams
     * @returns {Promise}
    this.authHandshakeUBIP = function(authParams) {
        if (!authParams.login) {
            return Q.reject({errMsg: 'invalid user name'});

        return  this.post(AUTH_METHOD_URL, '', {headers: {Authorization: authParams.authSchema + ' ' + authParams.login}});

     * openID Connect auth schema.
     * This function act as a proxy but change authSchema back to 'UB' for authorization token generation
     * @param authParams
     * @return {*}
    this.authHandshakeOpenIDConnect = function(authParams) {
        return Q(authParams).then(function(authParams){
            authParams.authSchema = 'UB';
            return authParams;

     * UB Auth schema implementation
     * @param authParams
     * @returns {Promise}
    this.authHandshakeUB = function(authParams){
        var me = this,

        if (!authParams.login || !authParams.password){
            return Q.reject({errMsg: 'invalid user name or password'});

        return  me.post(AUTH_METHOD_URL, '', {
            params: {
                AUTHTYPE: authParams.authSchema,
                userName: authParams.login
                serverNonce, clientNonce, pwdHash, pwdForAuth, realm,
                SHA256 = CryptoJS.SHA256,
                request = {
                    params: {
                        AUTHTYPE: authParams.authSchema,
                        userName: authParams.login,
                        password: ''
            clientNonce = SHA256(new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 16)).toString();
            request.params.clientNonce = clientNonce;
            if (resp.data.connectionID){
                request.params.connectionID = resp.data.connectionID;
            // LDAP AUTH?
            realm = resp.data.realm;
            if (realm){
                serverNonce = resp.data.nonce;
                if (!serverNonce) {
                    throw new Error('invalid LDAP auth response');
                if (resp.data.useSasl) {
                    pwdHash = CryptoJS.MD5(authParams.login.split('\\')[1].toUpperCase() + ':' + realm + ':' + authParams.password);
                    // we must calculate md5(login + ':' + realm + ':' + password) in binary format
                    pwdHash.concat(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(':' + serverNonce + ':' + clientNonce));
                    pwdForAuth = CryptoJS.MD5(pwdHash).toString();
                    secretWord = pwdForAuth; //:( medium unsecured
                } else {
                    pwdForAuth = btoa(authParams.password);
                    secretWord = pwdForAuth; //todo -  very unsecured!!
            } else {
                serverNonce = resp.data.result;
                if (!serverNonce) {
                    throw new Error('invalid auth response');
                pwdHash = SHA256('salt' + authParams.password).toString();
                var appForAuth = appName === '/' ? '/' : appName.replace(/\//g, '');
                pwdForAuth = SHA256(appForAuth.toLowerCase() + serverNonce + clientNonce + authParams.login + pwdHash).toString();
                secretWord = pwdHash;
            request.params.password = pwdForAuth;
            return me.post(AUTH_METHOD_URL, '', request).then(function(response){
                    response.secretWord = secretWord;
                return response;

     * CERT auth schema implementation
     * @param authParams
     * @returns {Promise}
    this.authHandshakeCERT = function(authParams) {
            me = this, pki, secretWord,
                AUTHTYPE: authParams.authSchema

        if(authParams.login) {
            urlParams.userName = authParams.login;
        if (authParams.password){
            urlParams.password = authParams.password;
        if (authParams.registration){
            urlParams.registration = authParams.registration;

        return me.pki().then(function(pkiInit){
            pki = pkiInit;
            //noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
            return pki.readPK(me);
            var reqData = certInfo.ownIITCert;
            // in case we have different certificates for signing and encryption - pass them all
            if (certInfo.ownIITEncryptCert && certInfo.ownIITEncryptCert !== '') {
                reqData = [certInfo.ownIITCert, certInfo.ownIITEncryptCert, certInfo.ownIITEncryptSignature].join(' ');
            return me.xhr({
                url: AUTH_METHOD_URL,
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'},
                params: urlParams,
                responseType: 'arraybuffer',
                data: reqData
            throw new UB.UBError('msgInvalidCertAuth');
        }, function(resp){
            var aValues, authData, serverMessage;

            if((resp instanceof Error) || (resp instanceof UB.UBError)){
                throw resp;
            if (resp.status !== 401){
                if (resp.data && resp.data instanceof ArrayBuffer && resp.data.byteLength > 1 ){
                    try {
                        //noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
                        var respObj = JSON.parse(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array( resp.data)));
                        if ((respObj.errCode === 65 || respObj.errCode === 0) && respObj.errMsg && /<<<.*>>>/.test(respObj.errMsg)){
                            serverMessage = respObj.errMsg.match(/<<<(.*)>>>/)[1];
                    } catch(err) {}
                    if (serverMessage){
                        throw new UB.UBError(serverMessage);
                throw new UB.UBError('msgInvalidCertAuth');

            // begin phrase 2 of auth.
            // wait for response WWW-Authenticate: CERT connectionId server_certificate
            // and encrypted by client certificate secret word in body
            authData = resp.headers('WWW-Authenticate');
            if (!authData && (authData.substr(0,5) !== 'CERT ')) {
                throw new Error('invalidCertAuthRespAuthType');
            aValues = authData.split(' ');
            if (aValues.length !== 3){ throw new Error('invalidCertAuthResponse'); }
            urlParams.CONNECTIONID = aValues[1];
            return pki.setServerCertificate(aValues[2]).then(function() {
                return UB.base64FromAny(resp.data);
                if (!envelop || (envelop === '')){ throw new Error('invalidCertAuthEnvelop'); }
                // decrypt secret word using client private key
                return pki.decryptEnvelope( envelop, true);
                // memorize it
                secretWord = atob(secretWordB64);
                // encrypt secret word with server public key
                return pki.encryptEnvelope( secretWordB64, true);
                var envelop = UB.base64toArrayBuffer(encryptEnvelopeRes);
                if (envelop.byteLength === 0) { throw new Error('invalidCertAuthEnvelopOut'); }
                // repeat request with encrypted secret word
                return me.xhr({
                    url: AUTH_METHOD_URL,
                    method: 'POST',
                    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'},
                    params: urlParams,
                    data: envelop
                response.secretWord = secretWord;
                return response;
            if(pki) {
    /*jslint bitwise: false */
     * Do authentication in UnityBase server. Usually called from UBConnection #authorize method in case authorization expire or user not authorized.
     * Resolve to {@link UBSession} session object.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} authParams
     * @param {String} [authParams.authSchema] Either 'UB' (default) or 'CERT'. On case of CERT UBDesktop service NPI extension must be installed in browser
     * @param {String} [authParams.login] Optional login
     * @param {String} [authParams.password] Optional password
     * @returns {Promise} Authentication promise. Resolved to {@link UBSession} is auth success or rejected to {errMsg: string, errCode: number, errDetails: string} if fail
    this.doAuth = function(authParams){
        var promise,
            me = this;

        authParams.authSchema = authParams.authSchema || 'UB';
        if (me.isAuthorized()){
            return Q.reject({errMsg: 'invalid auth call', errDetails: 'contact developers'});

            case 'UB':
                promise = me.authHandshakeUB(authParams);
            case 'CERT':
                promise = me.authHandshakeCERT(authParams);
            case 'UBIP':
                promise = me.authHandshakeUBIP(authParams);
            case 'OpenIDConnect':
                promise = me.authHandshakeOpenIDConnect(authParams);
            case 'Negotiate':
                promise = me.post(AUTH_METHOD_URL, '', {
                    params: {
                        USERNAME: '',
                        AUTHTYPE: authParams.authSchema
                    resp.secretWord = resp.data.logonname;
                    return resp;
                promise = Q.reject({errMsg: 'invalid authentication schema ' + authParams.authSchema});
        promise = promise.then(function(authResponse){
            var ubSession = new UBSession(authResponse.data, authResponse.secretWord, authParams.authSchema);
            var userData = ubSession.userData;
            if (!userData.lang || UB.appConfig.supportedLanguages.indexOf(userData.lang) === -1){
                userData.lang = UB.appConfig.supportedLanguages[0];
            return ubSession;
        }, function(rejectReason){
            var errInfo = {}, codeMsg;
            if (!(rejectReason instanceof Error)) {
                if (rejectReason.data) {
                    errInfo = {
                        errMsg: rejectReason.data.errMsg,
                        errCode: rejectReason.data.errCode,
                        errDetails: rejectReason.data.errMsg
                if (rejectReason.status === 403) {
                    errInfo.errMsg = (authParams.authSchema === 'UB') ? 'msgInvalidUBAuth' : 'msgInvalidCertAuth';
                } else {
                    if (!errInfo.errMsg) { errInfo.errMsg = 'unknownError'; } //internalServerError
                if (rejectReason.status === 0) {
                    errInfo.errDetails = 'network error';
                if ( /<<<.*>>>/.test(errInfo.errMsg)){
                    errInfo.errMsg = errInfo.errMsg.match(/<<<(.*)>>>/)[1];

                codeMsg = me.serverErrorByCode(errInfo.errCode);
                if (codeMsg){
                    errInfo.errDetails = codeMsg + ' ' + errInfo.errDetails;
                    if (UB.i18n(codeMsg) !== codeMsg){
                        errInfo.errMsg = codeMsg;

                throw new UB.UBError(errInfo.errMsg, errInfo.errDetails, errInfo.errCode );
            } else {
                throw rejectReason; //rethrow error
        return promise;

    this.recordedXHRs = [];
     * Set this to `true` to memorize all requests to this.recordedXHRs array (for debug only!).
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.recorderEnabled = false;

 * Initialize client cache. Called from application after obtain userDbVersion (in case of Ext-based client called from {@link UB.core.UBApp#launch}.
 * - recreate Indexed Db database if version changed
 * - create instance of UBCache (accessible via {@link UBConnection#cache UBConnection.cache} property) and clear UBCache.SESSION store.
 * @param {Number} userDbVersion Indexed DB database version required for current application
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.initCache = function(userDbVersion){
    var me = this;
     * @property {UBCache} cache
     * @readonly
     * @type {UBCache}
    me.cache = new UBCache(me.baseURL, userDbVersion);
     * List of keys, requested in the current user session.
     * Cleared each time login done
     * @protected
     * @property {Object} cachedSessionEntityRequested
    me.cachedSessionEntityRequested = {};
    //clear use session store
    return me.cache.clear(UBCache.SESSION);

 * Calculate cache key for request. This key is used to store data inside UBCache
 * @param {String} root This is usually entity name
 * @param {Array<string>} [attributes] if present - add attributes hash. This is usually array of entity attributes we want to put inside cache
 * @returns {String}
UBConnection.prototype.cacheKeyCalculate = function(root, attributes){
    var me = this,
        keyPart = [me.userLogin().toLowerCase(), me.userLang(), root];
    if (Array.isArray(attributes)){
    return keyPart.join('#').replace(/[\\:\.]/g, '#'); // replace all :, \ -> #;

 * Refresh all cache occurrence for root depending on cacheType:
 * - if `Session` - clear indexedDB for this root.
 * - if `SessionEntity` - remove entry in {@link UBConnection#cachedSessionEntityRequested}
 * - else - do nothing
 * @param {String} root Root part of cache key. The same as in {@link UBConnection#cacheKeyCalculate}
 * @param {String} cacheType One of {@link UBCache#cacheTypes}
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.cacheOccurrenceRefresh = function(root, cacheType){
    var me = this,
        cacheKey, machKeys, machRe,
        promise = Q.resolve(true),
        domain, mixin, domainMixin ;

    if (cacheType === UBCache.cacheTypes.Session ||  cacheType === UBCache.cacheTypes.SessionEntity ) {
        domain = this.domain.get(root);
        if (domain && domain.hasMixin('unity') ){
            mixin = domain.mixin('unity');
            domainMixin = this.domain.get(mixin.entity);
            if (domainMixin && (mixin.entity !== root) &&  (domainMixin.cacheType !== UBCache.cacheTypes.None)) {
                promise = promise.then(function(){
                    me.cacheOccurrenceRefresh(mixin.entity, domainMixin.cacheType);
        cacheKey = me.cacheKeyCalculate(root);
        machRe = new RegExp('^' + cacheKey);
        machKeys = Object.keys(me.cachedSessionEntityRequested).filter(function (item) {
            return machRe.test(item);
        machKeys.forEach(function (key) {
            delete me.cachedSessionEntityRequested[key];
        if (cacheType === UBCache.cacheTypes.Session) {
            promise = promise.then(function(){
                me.cache.removeIfMach(machRe, UBCache.SESSION);
    return promise;

 * Remove all cache occurrence for root depending on cacheType:
 * - clear indexedDB for this root.
 * - remove entry in {@link UBConnection#cachedSessionEntityRequested}

 * @param {String} root Root part of cache key. The same as in {@link UBConnection#cacheKeyCalculate}
 * @param {String} cacheType One of {@link UBCache#cacheTypes}
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.cacheOccurrenceRemove = function(root, cacheType){
    var me = this,
        cacheKey, machKeys, machRe,

    cacheKey = me.cacheKeyCalculate(root);
    machRe = new RegExp('^'+cacheKey);
    machKeys = Object.keys(me.cachedSessionEntityRequested).filter(function(item){
        return machRe.test(item);
        delete me.cachedSessionEntityRequested[key];
    cacheStore = (cacheType === UBCache.cacheTypes.Session) ? UBCache.SESSION : UBCache.PERMANENT;
    return  me.cache.removeIfMach(machRe, cacheStore);

 * Clear all local cache (indexedDB session & permanent and UBConnection.cachedSessionEntityRequested)
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.cacheClearAll = function(){
    var me = this;
        delete me.cachedSessionEntityRequested[item];
    return Q.all([me.cache.clear(UBCache.SESSION), me.cache.clear(UBCache.PERMANENT)]);

 * Return instance of UBNativeIITCrypto for PKI operation
 * @returns {UBNativeIITCrypto}
UBConnection.prototype.pki = function(){
    var me = this,
        rDefer = Q.defer();
    if (!me._pki) {
        me._pki = new UBNativeIITCrypto();
        me._pkiInit = me._pki.init();
    return rDefer.promise;

 * Perform key exchange in case of encrypted communication
 * @param session
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.exchangeKeys = function(session){
    var doneAt, now, me = this;
    if (!me.exchangeKeysPromise){
        me.exchangeKeysPromise = this.doKeyExchange(session);
    } else {
        // check session key is near to expire. do key exchange if yes
        if (me.exchangeKeysPromise.isFulfilled() && me.encryptionKeyLifetime > 0 ){
           doneAt = me.exchangeKeysPromise.valueOf().doneTime;
           now = (new Date()).getTime();
           if ((now-doneAt)/1000 > this.encryptionKeyLifetime - 10){
               me.exchangeKeysPromise = me.doKeyExchange(session);
    return me.exchangeKeysPromise;
 * Shortcut method to perform authorized `GET` request to application we connected
 * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request
 * @param {Object=} [config] Optional configuration object as in {@link UB.xhr}
 * @returns {Promise} Future object
UBConnection.prototype.get = function(url, config) {
    return this.xhr(_.assign(
            method: 'GET',
            url: url

 * Shortcut method to perform authorized `POST` request to application we connected
 * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request
 * @param {*} data Request content
 * @param {Object=} [config] Optional configuration object as in {@link UB.xhr}
 * @returns {Promise} Future object
UBConnection.prototype.post = function(url, data, config) {
    return this.xhr(_.assign(
        {}, config,
            method: 'POST',
            url: url,
            data: data
 * Shortcut method to perform authorized/encrypted request to application we connected.
 * Will:
 * - add Authorization header
 * - add {@link UBConnection#baseURL} to config.url
 * - call {@link UB.xhr}
 * - in case server return 401 clear current authorization and call {@link UBConnection#authorize). Then repeat request
 * @param {Object} config Request configuration as described in {@link UB.xhr}
 * @return {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.xhr = function(config) {
    var me = this,
        cfg = _.assign({headers: {}}, config),
        url = cfg.url,
        promise, isBase64 = false;

    if (me.recorderEnabled){
    //prepend baseURl only if not already prepended
    if (url.length < me.baseURL.length || url.substring(0, me.baseURL.length) !== me.baseURL) {
        cfg.url = me.baseURL + cfg.url;

    if (NON_AUTH_URLS_RE.test(url) ){ //request not require authentication - pass is as is
        promise = UB.xhr(cfg);
    } else {
        promise = me.authorize();
        if (me.trafficEncryption && !NON_ENCRYPTED_URLS_RE.test(url)){
            promise = promise.then(function(session) {
                return me.exchangeKeys(session);
            }).then(function() {
                var dataType;
                // must be call to me.exchangeKeys - exchangeKeys use 'this' inside
                //return Q.delay(me.exchangeKeys(session), 20).then(function(){
                // string and stringified objects is not need to be base64 encoded. Anything else - must
                dataType = typeof cfg.data;
                if (( dataType === 'string') || ((dataType === 'object') && !(cfg.data instanceof Blob) && !(cfg.data.byteLength))) {
                    return JSON.stringify(cfg.data);
                } else {
                    isBase64 = true;
                    return UB.base64FromAny(cfg.data);
                cfg.transformResponse = decryptResponse;
                cfg.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
                cfg.transformRequest = function (data){return data;}; //NOP
                if (Boolean(sendData)) {
                    compress = (sendData.length > 1000);
                    return me.channelEncryptor.encryptToArray(sendData, isBase64, compress)
                                cfg.headers['Content-Encoding'] = compress ? 'UBEZ' : 'UBE';
                                cfg.data = new Uint8Array(encryptToArrayRes);
                } else {
                    return true;
        promise = promise.then(function(){
            // we must repeat authorize to obtain new session key ( because key exchange may happens before)
            return me.authorize().then(/** @param {UBSession} session*/ function(session) {
                cfg.headers.Authorization = session.authHeader();
                return UB.xhr(cfg);
        }).fail(function (reason) {  // in case of 401 - do auth and repeat request
            var errMsg = '', errDetails, errCode;
            if (reason.status === 401) {
                UB.logDebug('unauth: %o', reason);
                if (me.isAuthorized()) {
                //reason.config.url: "/bla-bla/logout"
                if (reason.config.url && /\/logout/.test(reason.config.url)){
                    me.lastLoginName = '';
                } else {
                    UB.xhr.allowRequestReiteration(); // prevent a monkeyRequestsDetected error during relogon [UB-1699]
                    return me.xhr(config);

            if (reason.data && reason.data.hasOwnProperty('errCode')){ // this is server side error response
                errCode = reason.data.errCode;
                errDetails = errMsg = reason.data.errMsg;

                if (/<<<.*>>>/.test(errMsg)){ // this is custom error
                    errMsg = UB.i18n(errMsg.match(/<<<(.*)>>>/)[1]); //extract rear message and translate
                 * Fired for {@link UBConnection} instance in case user password is expired. The only valid endpoint after this is `changePassword`
                 * @event passwordExpired
                if ((errCode === 72) && me.emit('passwordExpired')) {
                    throw new UB.UBAbortError();
                throw new UB.UBError(errMsg, errDetails, errCode);
            } else {
               throw reason; //!Important - rethrow the reason is important. Do not create a new Error here
    return promise;

    function decryptResponse(data, headers) {
        var encoding = (headers('content-encoding') || '').toUpperCase(),
            compressed = encoding === 'UBEZ',
            encrypted = compressed || (encoding === 'UBE'),
            jsonContent = (headers('content-type') || '').indexOf('json') >= 0,
            resAsBase64 = (config.responseType === "arraybuffer");

        promise = Q.resolve(data);
        if (encrypted){
            promise = promise.then(function(dataPromise){
               return me.channelEncryptor.decryptArr(dataPromise, resAsBase64, compressed);
        return promise.then(function(dataPromise){
            if (config.responseType === "arraybuffer"){
                dataPromise = UB.base64toArrayBuffer(dataPromise);
            if (typeof dataPromise === 'string' && jsonContent) {
                try {
                  dataPromise = JSON.parse(dataPromise);
                } catch (err){
                    throw err;
            return dataPromise;

 * Base64 encoded server certificate
 * @property {String} serverCertificate
 * @readonly */
/** Lifetime (in second) of session encryption
 * @property {Numeric} encryptionKeyLifetime
 * @readonly */
 * Possible server authentication method
 * @property {Array.<string>} authMethods
 * @readonly */
 * Retrieve application information. Usually this is first method developer must call after create connection
 * @method
 * @returns {Promise}  Promise resolved to result of getAppInfo method
UBConnection.prototype.getAppInfo = function(){
    var me = this, appInfo;
    return me.get('getAppInfo') //non-auth request
        .then(function(resp) {
            appInfo = resp.data;
            /** Is server require content encryption
             * @property {Boolean} trafficEncryption
             * The base of all urls of your requests. Will be prepend to all urls.
             * @readonly */
            Object.defineProperty(me, 'trafficEncryption', {enumerable: true, writable: false, value: appInfo.trafficEncryption || false});
            /** The server certificate for cryptographic operations (base46 encoded)
             * @property {Boolean} serverCertificate
             * @readonly */
            Object.defineProperty(me, 'serverCertificate', {enumerable: true, writable: false, value: appInfo.serverCertificate || ''});
            Object.defineProperty(me, 'encryptionKeyLifetime', {enumerable: true, writable: false, value: appInfo.encryptionKeyLifetime || 0});
            Object.defineProperty(me, 'authMethods', {enumerable: true, writable: false, value: appInfo.authMethods});
             * An array of WebSocket protocol names supported by server
             * @property {Array<String>} supportedWSProtocols
            Object.defineProperty(me, 'supportedWSProtocols', {enumerable: true, writable: false, value: appInfo.supportedWSProtocols || []});

            /** UnityBase server version
             * @property {String} serverVersion
             * @readonly */
            Object.defineProperty(me, 'serverVersion', {enumerable: true, writable: false, value: appInfo.serverVersion || ''});

            UB.apply(UB.appConfig, appInfo.uiSettings.adminUI);
            return appInfo;

 * Retrieve domain information from server. Promise resolve instance of UBDomain.
 * @param {Function} [callBack] This parameter will be deleted in next version
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.getDomainInfo = function(callBack) {
    var me = this;
    return me.get('getDomainInfo').then(function(response) {
            result = response.data,
        domain = new UBDomain(result);
         * Domain information. It will be defined after resolved the Promise returned by function {@link UBConnection#getDomainInfo getDomainInfo} .
         * @property {UBDomain} domain
         * @type {UBDomain}
        me.domain = domain;
        if (callBack){
            callBack(result, domain);
        return domain;

 * If connection require encryption then initialize UBConnection.channelEncryptor
 * @return {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.initEncriptionIfNeed = function(){
    var me = this;
    if (me.trafficEncryption && !me.channelEncryptor) {
        if (!me.serverCertificate) {
            me.channelEncryptor = null;
            return Q.reject(new Error('During call to getAppInfo server not return certificate required for encrypted communication'));
        } else {
            me.channelEncryptor = new UBNativeDSTUCrypto();
            return me.channelEncryptor.init(me.serverCertificate);
    } else {
        return Q.resolve(true);

 * Generate session encryption key and send it to server inside envelope.
 * Must be called for encrypted communication AFTER call to
 *  {@link UBConnection#getAppInfo getAppInfo} and authenticate user
 * @returns {Promise}
 * @private
UBConnection.prototype.doKeyExchange = function(session){
    var me = this, initEncryptionRequest;
    if (!me.trafficEncryption){
        return Q.resolve({
            doneTime: 0,
            trafficEncryption: me.trafficEncryption
    if (!me.isAuthorized()) {
        return Q.reject({errMsg: 'must be authorized before do key agreement'});
    //TODO - wait for pending requests before call to getEnvelopeWithKey
    //var envelope =
    return me.channelEncryptor.getEnvelopeWithKey()
            initEncryptionRequest = {
                url: 'initEncryption',
                method: 'POST',
                data: envelope,
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
                    'Authorization': 'UB ' + session.signature()
            return me.xhr(initEncryptionRequest);
        return Q.fulfill({
            doneTime: new Date().getTime(),
            trafficEncryption: me.trafficEncryption

 * Process buffered requests from this._bufferedRequests
 * @private
UBConnection.prototype.processBuffer = function processBuffer(){
    var me = this,
        bufferCopy = me._bufferedRequests;
    // get ready to new buffer queue
    me._bufferedRequests = []; me._bufferTimeoutPromise = null;

    me.post('ubql', _.pluck(bufferCopy, 'request')).then(
            // we expect responses in order we send requests to server
            bufferCopy.forEach(function(bufferedRequest, num){
        }, function(failReason){

 * Promise of running UBQL command(s) (asynchronously).
 * The difference from {@link UBConnection.post} is:
 * - ability to buffer request: can merge several `query` in the 20ms period into one ubql call
 * For well known UnityBase methods use aliases (addNew, select, insert, update, doDelete)
 * @param {Object} ubq    Request to execute
 * @param {String} ubq.entity Entity to execute the method
 * @param {String} ubq.method Method of entity to executed
 * @param {Array.<String>} [ubq.fieldList]
 * @param {Object} [ubq.whereList]
 * @param {Object} [ubq.execParams]
 * @param {Number} [ubq.ID]
 * @param {Object} [ubq.options]
 * @param {String} [ubq.lockType]
 * @param {Boolean} [ubq.__skipOptimisticLock] In case this parameter true and in the buffered
 * @param {Boolean} [ubq.__nativeDatasetFormat]
 * @param {Boolean} [allowBuffer] Allow buffer this request to single runList. False by default
 * @method
 * @returns {Promise}
 * Example:
 *      //this two execution is passed to single ubql server execution
 *      $App.connection.query({entity: 'uba_user', method: 'select', fieldList: ['*']}, true).done(UB.logDebug);
 *      $App.connection.query({entity: 'ubm_navshortcut', method: 'select', fieldList: ['*']}, true).done(UB.logDebug);
 *      //but this request is passed in separate ubql (because allowBuffer false in first request
 *      $App.connection.query({entity: 'uba_user', method: 'select', fieldList: ['*']}).done(UB.logDebug);
 *      $App.connection.query({entity: 'ubm_desktop', method: 'select', fieldList: ['*']}, true).done(UB.logDebug);
UBConnection.prototype.query = function query(ubq, allowBuffer){
    var me = this, deferred;
    if (allowBuffer===undefined || allowBuffer === false || !BUFFERED_DELAY){
        return me.post('ubql', [ubq]).then(function(response){
            return response.data[0];
    } else {
        deferred = Q.defer();
        if (!me._bufferTimeoutPromise){
            me._bufferTimeoutPromise = Q.delay(BUFFERED_DELAY).then(me.processBuffer.bind(me));
        me._bufferedRequests.push({request: ubq, deferred: deferred});
        return deferred.promise;

 * @deprecated Since UB 1.11 use `query` method
 * @private
UBConnection.prototype.run = function run(ubRequest, allowBuffer){
    var me = this, deferred;
    if (allowBuffer===undefined || allowBuffer === false || !BUFFERED_DELAY){
        return me.post('ubql', [ubRequest]).then(function(response){
            return response.data[0];
    } else {
        deferred = Q.defer();
        if (!me._bufferTimeoutPromise){
            me._bufferTimeoutPromise = Q.delay(BUFFERED_DELAY).then(me.processBuffer.bind(me));
        me._bufferedRequests.push({request: ubRequest, deferred: deferred});
        return deferred.promise;

 * Convert raw server response data to javaScript data according to attribute types.
 * Called by {@link UBConnection#select}
 * Currently only Data/DateTime & boolean conversion done
 * If resultLock present - resultLock.lockTime also converted
 *      // convert all string representation of date/dateTime to Date object, integer representation of bool to Boolean
 *      return me.query({entity: 'my_entity', method: 'select'}, true)
 *          .then(me.convertResponseDataToJsTypes.bind(me));
 * @method
 * @param serverResponse
 * @returns {*}
UBConnection.prototype.convertResponseDataToJsTypes = function(serverResponse){
    var convertRules, rulesLen, dataLen, data, d, r, column;
    if (serverResponse.entity && // fieldList &&  serverResponse.fieldList
        serverResponse.resultData &&
        !serverResponse.resultData.notModified &&
        serverResponse.resultData.fields &&
        serverResponse.resultData.data && serverResponse.resultData.data.length)
        convertRules = this.domain.get(serverResponse.entity).getConvertRules(serverResponse.resultData.fields);
        rulesLen = convertRules.length;
        data = serverResponse.resultData.data;
        dataLen = data.length;
        if (rulesLen) {
            for (d=0; d<dataLen; d++){
                for(r=0; r<rulesLen; r++){
                    column = convertRules[r].index;
                    data[d][column] = convertRules[r].convertFn(data[d][column]);
    if (serverResponse.resultLock && serverResponse.resultLock.lockTime){
        serverResponse.resultLock.lockTime = UB.iso8601Parse(serverResponse.resultLock.lockTime);
    return serverResponse;

 * Call a {@link LocalDataStore#doFilterAndSort} - see a parameters there
 * @protected
 * @param {TubCachedData} cachedData
 * @param {TubSelectRequest} ubRequest
 * @returns {Object}
UBConnection.prototype.doFilterAndSort = function (cachedData, ubRequest){
    return LocalDataStore.doFilterAndSort(cachedData, ubRequest);

 * Promise of running UBQL command with `addNew` method (asynchronously).
 * Two difference from {@link UBConnection.query}:
 * - ubRequest.method set to 'addnew'
 * - requests is always buffered in the 20ms period into one ubql call
 * - `Date` & 'DateTime' entity attributes are converted from ISO8601 text representation to javaScript Date object
 * Example:
 *      $App.connection.addNew({entity: 'uba_user', fieldList: ['*']}).done(UB.logDebug);
 * @param {Object} serverRequest    Request to execute
 * @param {String} serverRequest.entity Entity to execute the method
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.method] Method of entity to executed. Default to 'select'
 * @param {Array.<string>} serverRequest.fieldList
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.execParams]
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.options]
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.lockType]
 * @param {Boolean} [serverRequest.alsNeed]
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.addNew = function(serverRequest){
        me = this;
    serverRequest.method = 'addnew';
    return me.query(serverRequest, true)

 * Called in update/insert/delete methods and if request entity is cached - clear cacse
 * @private
 * @param serverResponse
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolved to serverResponse
UBConnection.prototype.invalidateCache = function(serverResponse){
    var me = this,
        cacheType = me.domain.get(serverResponse.entity).cacheType;
    if (cacheType === UBCache.cacheTypes.none) {
        return serverResponse;
    return me.cacheOccurrenceRefresh(serverResponse.entity, cacheType).then(function(){
        return serverResponse;

 * Promise of running UBQL command with `update` method (asynchronously).
 * Difference from {@link UBConnection.query}:
 * - ubRequest.method set to 'update'
 * - `Date` & 'DateTime' entity attributes are converted from ISO8601 text representation to javaScript Date object
 * - if necessary it will clear cache
 * Example:
 *      $App.connection.update({entity: 'uba_user', fieldList: ['ID','name'], execParams: {ID: 1, name:'newName'}}).done(UB.logDebug);
 * @param {Object} serverRequest    Request to execute
 * @param {String} serverRequest.entity Entity to execute the method
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.method] Method of entity to executed. Default to 'update'
 * @param {Array.<string>} serverRequest.fieldList
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.execParams]
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.options]
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.lockType]
 * @param {Boolean} [serverRequest.alsNeed]
 * @param {Boolean} [allowBuffer] Default - false. Allow several "in the same time" request to be buffered to one transaction.
 * @returns {Promise}
UBConnection.prototype.update = function(serverRequest, allowBuffer){
        me = this;
    serverRequest.method = serverRequest.method || 'update';
    return me.query(serverRequest, allowBuffer)

 * Promise of running UnityBase UBQL command with `insert` method (asynchronously).
 * Difference from {@link UBConnection.query}:
 * - ubRequest.method set to 'insert'
 * - `Date` & 'DateTime' entity attributes are converted from ISO8601 text representation to javaScript Date object
 * - if necessary it will clear cache
 * @param {Object} serverRequest    Request to execute
 * @param {String} serverRequest.entity Entity to execute the method
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.method] Method of entity to executed. Default to 'insert'
 * @param {Array.<string>} serverRequest.fieldList
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.execParams]
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.options]
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.lockType]
 * @param {Boolean} [serverRequest.alsNeed]
 * @param {Boolean} [allowBuffer] Default - false. Allow several "in the same time" request to be buffered to one transaction.
 * @method
 * @returns {Promise}
 * Example:
 *      $App.connection.insert({entity: 'uba_user', fieldList: ['ID','name'], execParams: {ID: 1, name:'newName'}).done(UB.logDebug);
UBConnection.prototype.insert = function(serverRequest, allowBuffer){
        me = this;
    serverRequest.method = serverRequest.method || 'insert';
    return me.query(serverRequest, allowBuffer)

 * Promise of running UBQL command with delete method (asynchronously).
 * Difference from {@link UBConnection.query}:
 * - ubRequest.method set to 'delete' by default
 * - if necessary it will clear cache
 * @param {Object} serverRequest    Request to execute
 * @param {String} serverRequest.entity Entity to execute the method
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.method] Method of entity to executed. Default to 'delete'
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.execParams]
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.options]
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.lockType]
 * @param {Boolean} [serverRequest.alsNeed]
 * @param {Boolean} [allowBuffer] Default - false. Allow several "in the same time" request to be buffered to one transaction.
 * @method
 * @returns {Promise}
 * Example:
 *      $App.connection.doDelete({entity: 'uba_user', fieldList: ['ID','name'], execParams: {ID: 1, name:'newName'}).done(UB.logDebug);
UBConnection.prototype.doDelete = function(serverRequest, allowBuffer){
        me = this;
    serverRequest.method = serverRequest.method || 'delete';
    return me.query(serverRequest, allowBuffer)

 * Promise of running UBQL (asynchronously).
 * Two difference from {@link UBConnection.query}:
 * - ubRequest.method by default set to 'select'
 * - requests is always buffered in the 20ms period into one ubql call
 * - `Date` & 'DateTime' entity attributes are converted from ISO8601 text representation to javaScript Date object
 * - if request entity is cached - cache used
 * @param {Object} serverRequest    Request to execute
 * @param {String} serverRequest.entity Entity to execute the method
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.method] Method of entity to executed. Default to 'select'
 * @param {Number} [serverRequest.ID] if passed - request bypass cache, where & order list is ignored. Can be used to load single record from server
 * @param {Array.<string>} serverRequest.fieldList
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.whereList]
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.execParams]
 * @param {Object} [serverRequest.options]
 * @param {String} [serverRequest.lockType]
 * @param {Boolean} [serverRequest.alsNeed]
 * @param {Boolean} [serverRequest.__skipOptimisticLock] In case this parameter true and in the buffered
 * @param {Boolean} [bypassCache=false] Do not use cache while request even if entity cached.
 *   If  `__mip_disablecache: true` is passed in serverRequest cache is also disabled.
 * @method
 * @returns {Promise}
 * Example:
 *      //retrieve users
 *      $App.connection.select({entity: 'uba_user', fieldList: ['*']}).done(UB.logDebug);
 *      //retrieve users and desktops and then both done - do something
 *      Q.all($App.connection.select({entity: 'uba_user', fieldList: ['ID', 'name']})
 *            $App.connection.select({entity: 'ubm_desktop', fieldList: ['ID', 'code']})
 *      ).done(UB.logDebug);
UBConnection.prototype.select = function(serverRequest, bypassCache){
    var me = this,
        cacheTypes = UBCache.cacheTypes,
        serverRequestWOLimits = {},
        cacheType, dataPromise, cKey, cacheStoreName,
         * @param {Object} serverResponse
         * @param {Object} serverResponse.resultData       miscmimi
         * @param {Boolean} [serverResponse.resultData.notModified]
         * @param {String} storeName
         * @returns {*}
        processVersionedResponse = function(serverResponse, storeName){
            if (serverResponse.resultData.notModified){
                // in case we refresh cachedSessionEntityRequested or just after login - put version to cachedSessionEntityRequested
                me.cachedSessionEntityRequested[cKey] = serverResponse.version;
                return me.cache.get(cKey, storeName);
            } else {
                return me.cache.put([
                    {key: cKey+':v', value: serverResponse.version},
                    {key: cKey,      value: serverResponse.resultData}
                ], storeName)
                        me.cachedSessionEntityRequested[cKey] = serverResponse.version;
                        return serverResponse.resultData;

    bypassCache = bypassCache || (serverRequest.__mip_disablecache === true),
    cacheType = bypassCache || serverRequest.ID || serverRequest.bypassCache ? UBCache.cacheTypes.None :

    if (!serverRequest.method){
        serverRequest.method = 'select';
    // if exist expression where ID = ... bypass cache
//        if (idInWhere(serverRequest.whereList)){
//            cacheType = cacheTypes.None;
//        }
    if (cacheType === cacheTypes.None){ //where & order is done by server side
        dataPromise = me.query(serverRequest, true)
                var responseWithTotal = {}, resRowCount, opt, start, limit;
                UB.apply(responseWithTotal, response);
                if (response.__totalRecCount){
                    responseWithTotal.total = response.__totalRecCount;
                } else if (response.resultData && response.resultData.data){
                    resRowCount = response.resultData.data.length;
                    if (!serverRequest.options){
                        responseWithTotal.total = resRowCount;
                    } else {
                        opt = serverRequest.options || {};
                        start = opt.start ? opt.start : 0;
                        limit = opt.limit || 0;
                        // in case we fetch less data then requested - this is last page and we know total
                        responseWithTotal.total = (resRowCount < limit) ? start + resRowCount : -1;
                return responseWithTotal;
    } else { //where & order is done by client side
        //TODO check all filtered attribute is present in whereList - rewrite me.checkFieldList(operation);
        cKey = me.cacheKeyCalculate(serverRequest.entity, serverRequest.fieldList);
        cacheStoreName = (cacheType === cacheTypes.Session) ? UBCache.SESSION : UBCache.PERMANENT;
        // retrieve data either from cache or from server
        dataPromise = me.cache.get(cKey+':v', cacheStoreName).then(function(version){
            var cachedPromise;
            if (!version || // no data in cache or invalid version
                // or must re-validate version
                (version && cacheType === cacheTypes.Entity) ||
                // or SessionEntity cached not this current cache version
                (version && cacheType === cacheTypes.SessionEntity && me.cachedSessionEntityRequested[cKey] !== version)
                UB.apply(serverRequestWOLimits, serverRequest);
                delete serverRequestWOLimits.whereList;
                delete serverRequestWOLimits.orderList;
                delete serverRequestWOLimits.options;
                serverRequestWOLimits.version =  version ? version : '-1';
                //noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
                cachedPromise = me.query(serverRequestWOLimits, true)
                        return processVersionedResponse(response, cacheStoreName);
            } else { // retrieve data from cache
                cachedPromise = me.cache.get(cKey, cacheStoreName);
            return cachedPromise;
           //noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
            return me.doFilterAndSort(cacheResponse, serverRequest);
    return dataPromise;

 * Alias to {@link LocalDataStore#selectResultToArrayOfObjects LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects}
 * @param {{resultData: {data: Array.<Array>, fields: Array.<String>}}} selectResult
 * @returns {Array.<*>}
 * @private
 * @deprecated Use LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects
 UBConnection.selectResultToArrayOfObjects = LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects;

 * Execute numbers of ubRequest in one server request (one transaction)
 *      $App.connection.runTrans([
 *           { entity: 'my_entity', method: 'update', ID: 1, execParams: {code: 'newCode'} },
 *           { entity: 'my_entity', method: 'update', ID: 2, execParams: {code: 'newCodeforElementWithID=2'} },
 *       ]).done(UB.logDebug);
 * @method
 * @param {Array.<ubRequest>} ubRequestArray
 * @returns {Promise} Resolved to response.data
UBConnection.prototype.runTrans = function run(ubRequestArray){
    var me = this;
    return me.post('ubql', ubRequestArray).then(function(response){
        return response.data;

 * Retrieve content of `document` type attribute field from server. Usage samples:
 *      //Retrieve content of document as string using GET
 *      $App.connection.getDocument({
 *          entity:'ubm_form',
 *          attribute: 'formDef',
 *          ID: 100000232003
 *       }).done(function(result){console.log(typeof result)}); // string
 *      //The same, but using POST for bypass cache
 *      $App.connection.getDocument({
 *          entity:'ubm_form',
 *          attribute: 'formDef',
 *          ID: 100000232003
 *       }, {
 *          bypassCache: true
 *       }).done(function(result){console.log(typeof result)}); // string
 *      //Retrieve content of document as ArrayBuffer and bypass cache
 *      $App.connection.getDocument({
 *          entity:'ubm_form',
 *          attribute: 'formDef',
 *          ID: 100000232003
 *       }, {
 *          bypassCache: true, resultIsBinary: true
 *       }).done(function(result){
 *          console.log('Result is', typeof result, 'of length' , result.byteLength, 'bytes'); //output: Result is object of length 2741 bytes
 *       });
 * @param {Object} params
 * @param {String} params.entity Code of entity to retrieve from
 * @param {String} params.attribute `document` type attribute code
 * @param {Number} params.id Instance ID
 * @param {String} [params.forceMime] If passed and server support transformation from source MIME type to `forceMime` server perform transformation and return documenRt representation in the passed MIME
 * @param {Number} [params.revision] Optional revision of the documnet (if supported by server-side store configuration). Default is current revision.
 * @param {String} [params.fileName] ????
 * @param {Boolean} [params.isDirty=false] Optional ability to retrieve document in **dirty** state
 * @param {String} [params.store] ????
 * @param {Object} [options] Additional request options
 * @param {Boolean} [options.resultIsBinary=false] if true - return document content as arrayBuffer
 * @param {Boolean} [options.bypassCache] HTTP POST verb will be used instead of GET for bypass browser cache
 * @returns {Promise} Resolved to document content (either ArrayBuffer in case options.resultIsBinary===true or text/json)
UBConnection.prototype.getDocument = function(params, options){
        opt = _.defaults({}, options),
        allowedParams = ['entity', 'attribute', 'ID', 'id', 'isDirty', 'forceMime', 'fileName', 'store', 'revision'],
        reqParams = {
            url: 'getDocument',
            method: opt.bypassCache ? 'POST' : 'GET'
    if (options && options.resultIsBinary){
        reqParams.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
    if (opt.bypassCache){
        reqParams.data = _.clone(params);
            if (allowedParams.indexOf(key) === -1){
                delete reqParams.data[key];
                UB.logDebug('invalid parameter "' + key + '" passed to getDocument request');
    } else {
        reqParams.params = params;
    return this.xhr(reqParams)
            return response.data;

 * Alias to {@link UBSession.hexa8 UBSession.hexa8}
 * @private
 * @deprecated since 1.8 use UBSession.prototype.hexa8 instead
UBConnection.prototype.hexa8 = UBSession.prototype.hexa8;

 * Alias to {@link UBSession.hexa8 UBSession.crc32}
 * @private
 * @deprecated since 1.8 use UBSession.prototype.crc32 instead
UBConnection.prototype.crc32 = UBSession.prototype.crc32;

 * Log out user from server
UBConnection.prototype.logout = function(){
    var me = this;
    if ( me.isAuthorized() ){
        return me.post('logout', {})
                if (me._pki) {
            }, 20));
    } else {
        return Q.resolve(true);

 * Known server-side error codes
 * @enum
 * @private
UBConnection.prototype.serverErrorCodes = {
    1: "ubErrNotImplementedErrnum",
    2: "ubErrRollbackedErrnum",
    3: "ubErrNotExecutedErrnum",
    4: "ubErrInvaliddataforrunmethod",
    5: "ubErrInvaliddataforrunmethodlist",
    6: "ubErrNoMethodParameter",
    7: "ubErrMethodNotExist",
    8: "ubErrElsAccessDeny",
    9: "ubErrElsInvalidUserOrPwd",
    10: "ubErrElsNeedAuth",
    11: "ubErrNoEntityParameter",
    13: "ubErrNoSuchRecord",
    14: "ubErrInvalidDocpropFldContent",
    15: "ubErrEntityNotExist",
    16: "ubErrAttributeNotExist",
    17: "ubErrNotexistEntitymethod",
    18: "ubErrInvalidSetdocData",
    19: "ubErrSoftlockExist",
    20: "ubErrNoErrorDescription",
    21: "ubErrUnknownStore",
    22: "ubErrObjdatasrcempty",
    23: "ubErrObjattrexprbodyempty",
    24: "ubErrNecessaryfieldNotExist",
    25: "ubErrRecordmodified",
    26: "ubErrNotexistnecessparam",
    27: "ubErrNotexistfieldlist",
    28: "ubErrUpdaterecnotfound",
    29: "ubErrNecessaryparamnotexist",
    30: "ubErrInvalidstoredirs",
    31: "ubErrNofileinstore",
    32: "ubErrAppnotsupportconnection",
    33: "ubErrAppnotsupportstore",
    34: "ubErrDeleterecnotfound",
    35: "ubErrNotfoundlinkentity",
    36: "ubErrEntitynotcontainmixinaslink",
    37: "ubErrEssnotinherfromessaslink",
    38: "ubErrInstancedatanameisreadonly",
    39: "ubErrManyrecordsforsoftlock",
    40: "ubErrNotfoundidentfieldsl",
    41: "ubErrInvalidlocktypevalue",
    42: "ubErrLockedbyanotheruser",
    43: "ubErrInvalidwherelistinparams",
    44: "ubErrRecnotlocked",
    45: "ubErrManyrecordsforchecksign",
    46: "ubErrNotfoundparamnotrootlevel",
    47: "ubErrCantcreatedirlogmsg",
    48: "ubErrCantcreatedirclientmsg",
    49: "ubErrConnectionNotExist",
    50: "ubErrDirectUnityModification",
    51: "ubErrCantdelrecthisvalueusedinassocrec",
    52: "ubErrAssocattrnotfound",
    53: "ubErrAttrassociationtoentityisempty",
    54: "ubErrNotfoundconforentityinapp",
    55: "ubErrNewversionrecnotfound",
    56: "ubErrElsAccessDenyEntity",
    57: "ubErrAlsAccessDenyEntityattr",
    58: "ubErrDatastoreEmptyentity",
    //59: "ubErrCustomerror"
    67: "ubErrTheServerHasExceededMaximumNumberOfConnections",
    69: "ubErrFtsForAppDisabled",
    72: "ubErrElsPwdIsExpired"

 * Return server-side error message by error number
 * @param {Number} errorNum
 * @return {String}
UBConnection.prototype.serverErrorByCode = function(errorNum) {
    return this.serverErrorCodes[errorNum];

module.exports = UBConnection;