* UnityBase Row Level Security routines. For use in rls mixin.
* @author MPV
* Comment by Felix: Внимание! Для Оракла НЕЛЬЗЯ начинать алиас таблицы с символа подчеркивания '_'
/* global Session: false, TubDataStore */
* @namespace
var RLS = UB.ns('RLS')
global['$'] = RLS
roleCache // it's safe to cache roles here because uba_role table is readonly in production
RLS.initCache = function () {
if (!roleCache) {
roleCache = {}
rInst = new TubDataStore('uba_role')
// here is direct SQL because permission to uba_role dose not exist for non-supervisor user's
rInst.runSQL('select ID, name FROM uba_role', {})
while (!rInst.eof) {
roleCache[rInst.get(1)] = rInst.get(0) // roleCashce['admin'] = 1 e.t.c.
RLS.currentOwner = function () {
return '( [mi_owner] = :(' + Session.userID + '): )'
* todo - OPTIMIZE using role cache
* @param user
* @param groupname
* @return {String}
RLS.userInGroup = function (user, groupname) {
return "exists (select 1 from UBA_USERROLE ur inner join UBA_ROLE r ON ur.RoleID = r.ID WHERE r.name = :('" + groupname + "'): AND ur.UserID = :(" + user + '): )'
* is current ( Session.userID) user have role with name groupname
* @param groupname group name from uba_role
* @return {*}
RLS.currentUserInGroup = function (sender, groupname) {
groupID = roleCache[groupname]
if (groupID && new RegExp('\\b' + groupID + '\\b').test(Session.userRoles)) {
return '(1=1)'
} else {
return '(0=1)'
/* if ( RLS.isOracle(sender.entity) ){
return '( BITAND(' + Session.userRoles + ',' + (roleCache[groupname] || 0) + ')!=0 )';
else {
return '( (' + Session.userRoles + ' & ' + (roleCache[groupname] || 0) + ')!=0 )';
/* Session.userRoles is comma separated string of group ID's
RLS.currentUserInGroupByFieldName = function(sender, fieldName){
return '( (' + Session.userRoles + ' & ' + (fieldName || 0) + ')!=0 )';
}; */
* Check user in adm subtable
* no user group check performed!
RLS.userInAdmSubtable = function (sender, user) {
return 'exists (select 1 from ' + sender.entity.name + '_adm admsubtable where admsubtable.instanceID = [ID] and admsubtable.admSubjID = :(' + user + '): )'
* Check staff unit in adm subtable by admOrgUnitID field
RLS.currentStaffUnitInDocAdmSubtable = function (sender, admSubTableName) {
var roles = Session.uData.roles
if (/\badmins\b/.test(roles)) {
return '1=1'
else if (/\ballSeeing\b/.test(roles)) {
return '1=1'
else if (Session.uData.orgUnitIDs === '') {
return '1=0'
else {
var orgUnitIDs = Session.uData.orgUnitIDs ? Session.uData.orgUnitIDs : -1
var result = 'exists (select 1 from ' + admSubTableName + ' admsubtable where admsubtable.instanceID = [ID] and (admsubtable.admOrgUnitID IN (' + orgUnitIDs + ') OR ' +
'admsubtable.admSubjID IN (' + Session.userRoles + ',' + Session.userID + ')))'
return result
// return '1=1';
* Check sender staff unit
RLS.currentSender = function (sender, user) {
if (Session.uData.orgUnitIDs === '') {
return '1=0'
else {
return '[sendEmployee.staffUnitID] = ' + Session.uData.staffUnitID
* Check receiver staff unit
RLS.currentReceiver = function (sender, user) {
if (Session.uData.orgUnitIDs === '') {
return '1=0'
else {
return 'exists (select 1 from fld_receiver rec where rec.docID = [ID] and rec.receiveOrganization = ' + Session.uData.orgUnitIDs.split(',')[0] + ')'
RLS.isOracle = function (entity) {
var dialect = entity.connectionConfig.dialect
return ((dialect === TubSQLDialect.Oracle) || (dialect === TubSQLDialect.Oracle9) ||
(dialect === TubSQLDialect.Oracle10) || (dialect === TubSQLDialect.Oracle11))
/** Check user or any of user groups in adm subtable
/* xmax using ORACLE
* _todo check oracle syntax!!
RLS.userOrUserGroupInAdmSubtable = function (sender, user) {
var result = 'exists (select 1 from ' + sender.entity.name + '_adm admsubtable where admsubtable.instanceID = [ID] and admsubtable.admSubjID in (select ur.RoleID from uba_userrole ur where ur.UserID = :(' + user + '): union select ' + user
if (RLS.isOracle(sender.entity)) {
return result + ' from dual ))'
else {
return result + '))'
// exists (select 1 from ubm_navshortcut_adm admsubtable where admsubtable.instanceID = navsh.ID and admsubtable.admSubjID in (select RoleID from uba_userrole where UserID = 1000000161401 union select 1000000161401)))
RLS.currentUserInAdmSubtable = function (sender) {
return this.userInAdmSubtable(sender, Session.userID)
RLS.currentUserOrUserGroupInAdmSubtable = function (sender) {
return this.userOrUserGroupInAdmSubtable(sender, Session.userID)
RLS.depForUser = function (sender, user) {
var isOra = RLS.isOracle(sender.entity)
return '(select ounit.parentID ' +
'from org_user ouser, org_employee oe, org_employeeonstaff oeos, ' +
' org_staffunit osu, org_unit ounit ' +
'where oe.id = ouser.employeeID ' +
'and oeos.employeeID = oe.id ' +
(isOra ?
'and sysdate between oeos.mi_dateFrom and oeos.mi_dateTo ' :
'and getdate() between oeos.mi_dateFrom and oeos.mi_dateTo ') +
'and osu.id = oeos.staffUnitID ' +
'and ounit.id = osu.ID ' +
'and ouser.userID = ' + user + ')'
RLS.staffUnitForUser = function (sender, user) {
return '(select oeos.staffUnitID ' +
'from org_user ouser, org_employee oe, org_employeeonstaff oeos ' +
'where ouser.userID = ' + user + ' ' +
'and oe.id = ouser.employeeID ' +
'and oeos.employeeID = oe.id ' +
(isOra ?
'and sysdate between oeos.mi_dateFrom and oeos.mi_dateTo)' :
'and getdate() between oeos.mi_dateFrom and oeos.mi_dateTo)')
RLS.userInIncdocRecipient = function (sender, user) {
return this.staffUnitForUser(sender, Session.userID) + ' in (select b.destID from doc_incdoc_org_stunit b where b.sourceID = [ID])'