const http = require('http')
const csShared = require('@unitybase/cs-shared')
const LocalDataStore = csShared.LocalDataStore
const UBSession = csShared.UBSession
const UBDomain = csShared.UBDomain
const CryptoJS = require('@unitybase/cryptojs/core')
const { ServerRepository } = require('./ServerRepository')

CryptoJS.MD5 = require('@unitybase/cryptojs/md5')
// regular expression for URLs server not require authorization.
const NON_AUTH_URLS_RE = /(\/|^)(models|auth|getAppInfo|downloads)(\/|\?|$)/
const bracketsRe = /\[.*]/

/* global nsha256 */

 * @typedef ubRequest
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} entity
 * @property {string} method
 * @property {Array<string>} [fieldList]
 * @property {Object<string, *>} [execParams]

 * @classdesc
 * Synchronous server-side connection to the UnityBase instance. To be used only inside UnityBase.
 * For Node.js & browser use asynchronous UBConnection class from @unitybase/ub-pub package.
 * The most used method is {@link SyncConnection#query  SyncConnection.query} - an authorized request to `ubql` endpoint.
 * @example

const SyncConnection = require('@unitybase/base').SyncConnection
const conn = new SyncConnection({URL: 'http://localhost:888'})
conn.onRequestAuthParams = function(){ return {authSchema: 'UB', login: 'admin', password: 'admin'} }
const domain = conn.getDomainInfo();
if (domain.has('my_entity')){

 * @class
 * @param {object} options Connection parameters. See {@link module:http http.request} for details
function SyncConnection (options) {
  const me = this
  const client = http.request(options)
  let /** @type {UBDomain} */
  let ubSession = null
  const lookupCache = {}
  const userDataDefault = { lang: 'en' }
  let appInfo = {}

   * Internal instance of HTTP client
   * @type {ClientRequest}
   * @protected
   * @readonly
  this.clientRequest = client
  let appName = client.options.path
  let servicePath = client.options.path
  if (servicePath.charAt(servicePath.length - 1) !== '/') servicePath = servicePath + '/' // normalize path
  if (appName.length !== 1) {
    if (appName.charAt(0) === '/') appName = appName.slice(1, 100) // remove leading / from app name
    if (appName.charAt(appName.length - 1) === '/') appName = appName.slice(0, appName.length - 1) // remove / from end of app name

   * Root path to all application-level method
   * @type {string}
   * @readonly
  this.servicePath = servicePath

   * Name of UnityBase application
   * @type {string}
   * @readonly
  this.appName = appName
   * Callback for resolving user credential.
   * Take a {@link SyncConnection} as a parameter, must return authorization parameters object:
   *      {authSchema: authType, login: login, password: password, [apiKey: ]}
   * For an internal usage (requests from a localhost or other systems, etc.) and in case `authShema == 'UB'` it is possible to pass a
   * `apiKey` instead of a password. apiKey is actually a `uba_user.uPasswordHashHexa` content
   * @type {Function}
  this.onRequestAuthParams = null

   * @deprecated Do not use this property due to memory overuse - see
   * @private
  appInfo = this.get('getAppInfo') // non-auth request

  const v = appInfo.serverVersion.split('.')
   * Server support UBQL v2 (value instead of values)
   * @property {boolean} UBQLv2
   * @readonly
  this.UBQLv2 = ((v[0] >= 'v5') && (v[1] >= 10))

   * Return information about how application is configured as returned by `getAppInfo` endpoint
   * @returns {object}
  this.getAppInfo = function () {
    return appInfo

   * Retrieve application domain information.
   * @param {boolean} [isExtended=false] For member of admin group can return a additional domain information,
   *   such as mappings, connection details, indexes, realPath for models etc.
   * @returns {UBDomain}
  this.getDomainInfo = function (isExtended = false) {
    if (this._cachedDomainIsExtended !== isExtended) {
      _domain = null
    if (!_domain) {
      // authorize connection to get a valid user name
      if (this.authNeed) this.authorize(false)

      const domainData = this.get('getDomainInfo', {
        v: 4,
        userName: this.userLogin(),
        extended: isExtended || undefined
      _domain = new UBDomain(domainData)
      this._cachedDomainIsExtended = isExtended
    return _domain

   * Endpoint name for query (`runList` before 1.12, `ubql` after 1.12)
   * @type {string}
  this.queryMethod = appInfo.serverVersion.startsWith('1.9.') || appInfo.serverVersion.startsWith('1.10.') ? 'runList' : 'ubql'

   * Is server require content encryption
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  this.encryptContent = appInfo.encryptContent || false

   * `base64` encoded server certificate used for cryptographic operation
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  this.serverCertificate = appInfo.serverCertificate || ''

   * Lifetime (in second) of session encryption
   * @type {number}
   * @readonly
  this.sessionKeyLifeTime = appInfo.sessionKeyLifeTime || 0

   * Possible server authentication method
   * @type {Array.<string>}
   * @readonly
  this.authMethods = appInfo.authMethods

   * Is UnityBase server require authorization
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  this.authNeed = me.authMethods && (me.authMethods.length > 0)

  // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
   * AdminUI settings
   * @type {object}
  this.appConfig = appInfo.adminUI

   * @param {boolean} isRepeat
   * @private
   * @returns {UBSession}
  this.authorize = function (isRepeat) {
    let resp, serverNonce, secretWord, pwdHash
    if (!ubSession || isRepeat) {
      ubSession = null
      if (!this.onRequestAuthParams) {
        throw new Error('set SyncConnection.onRequestAuthParams function to perform authorized requests')
      const authParams = this.onRequestAuthParams(this)
      if (authParams.authSchema === 'UBIP') {
        if (isRepeat) {
          throw new Error('UBIP authentication must not return false on the prev.step')
        resp = this.xhr({ endpoint: 'auth?AUTHTYPE=UBIP', headers: { Authorization: authParams.authSchema + ' ' + authParams.login } })
        ubSession = new UBSession(resp, '', authParams.authSchema)
      } else if (authParams.authSchema === 'ROOT') {
        if (isRepeat) {
          throw new Error('ROOT authentication must not return false on the prev.step')
        resp = this.xhr({ endpoint: 'auth?AUTHTYPE=ROOT', headers: { Authorization: authParams.authSchema + ' ' + process.rootOTP() } })
        ubSession = new UBSession(resp, '', authParams.authSchema)
      } else {
        resp = this.get('auth', {
          AUTHTYPE: authParams.authSchema || 'UB',
          userName: authParams.login
        const clientNonce = Math.trunc(1e17 * Math.random()).toString(16)
        const request2 = {
          AUTHTYPE: authParams.authSchema || 'UB',
          userName: authParams.login
        const request2body = {
        if (resp.connectionID) {
          request2.connectionID = resp.connectionID
        if (resp.realm) { // LDAP
          serverNonce = resp.nonce
          if (!serverNonce) {
            throw new Error('invalid LDAP auth response')
          request2body.password = Buffer.from(authParams.password).toString('base64')
          secretWord = request2body.password // todo -  very unsecured to be used only over SSL!!
        } else {
          serverNonce = resp.result
          if (!serverNonce) {
            throw new Error('invalid auth response')
          if (authParams.apiKey) {
            pwdHash = authParams.apiKey
          } else {
            pwdHash = nsha256('salt' + authParams.password)
          request2body.password = nsha256(appName.toLowerCase() + serverNonce + clientNonce + authParams.login + pwdHash).toString()
          secretWord = pwdHash
        resp ='auth', request2body, request2)
        ubSession = new UBSession(resp, secretWord, authParams.authSchema)
    return ubSession

   * Check is current connection already perform authentication request
   * @returns {boolean}
  this.isAuthorized = function () {
    return Boolean(ubSession)

   * Return current user logon or 'anonymous' in case not logged in
   * @returns {string}
  this.userLogin = function () {
    return this.isAuthorized() ? ubSession.logonname : 'anonymous'

   * Return current user language or 'en' in case not logged in
   * @returns {string}
  this.userLang = function () {
    return this.userData('lang')

   * Return custom data for logged in user, or {lang: 'en'} in case not logged in
   * If key is provided - return only key part of user data
   * @example
// or the same but dedicated alias
   * @param {string} [key] Optional key
   * @returns {*}
  this.userData = function (key) {
    const uData = this.isAuthorized() ? ubSession.userData : userDataDefault
    return key ? uData[key] : uData

   * Lookup value in entity using a Condition
   * @example
// create condition using Repository
const myID = conn.lookup('ubm_enum', 'ID',
  conn.Repository('ubm_enum').where('eGroup', '=', 'UBA_RULETYPE').where('code', '=', 'A').ubql().whereList
// or pass condition directly
const adminID = conn.lookup('uba_user', 'ID', {
 expression: 'name', condition: 'equal', value: 'admin'}
   * @param {string} aEntity - entity to lookup
   * @param {string} lookupAttribute - attribute to lookup
   * @param {string|object} aCondition - lookup condition. String in case of custom expression,
   *      or whereListItem {expression: condition: value: },
   *      or whereList {condition1: {expression: condition: value: }, condition2: {}, ....}
   * @param {boolean} [doNotUseCache=false]
   * @returns {*} `lookupAttribute` value of first result row or null if not found.
  this.lookup = function (aEntity, lookupAttribute, aCondition, doNotUseCache) {
    const me = this
    const cKey = aEntity + JSON.stringify(aCondition) + lookupAttribute
    let request

    if (!doNotUseCache && lookupCache.hasOwnProperty(cKey)) {
      return lookupCache[cKey] // found in cache
    } else {
      request = this.Repository(aEntity).attrs(lookupAttribute).limit(1).ubql()

      if (typeof aCondition === 'string') {
        if (!bracketsRe.test(aCondition)) {
          aCondition = `[${aCondition}]`
        request.whereList = { lookup: { expression: aCondition, condition: 'custom' } }
      } else if (aCondition.expression && (typeof aCondition.expression === 'string')) {
        if (!bracketsRe.test(aCondition.expression)) {
          aCondition.expression = `[${aCondition.expression}]`
        request.whereList = { lookup: aCondition }
      } else {
        request.whereList = aCondition

      const resData = me.query(request)
      if ((resData.length === 1) && (resData[0][0] != null)) { // `!= null` is equal to (not null && not undefined)
        if (!doNotUseCache) {
          lookupCache[cKey] = resData[0][0]
        return resData[0][0]
      } else {
        return null

 * Perform authorized UBQL request.
 * Can take one QB Query or an array of UB Query and execute it at once.
 * @param {object|Array<object>} ubq
 * @returns {object|Array}
SyncConnection.prototype.query = function (ubq) {
  if (Array.isArray(ubq)) {
    return this.xhr({ endpoint: this.queryMethod, data: ubq })
  } else {
    return this.xhr({ endpoint: this.queryMethod, data: [ubq] })[0]

 * HTTP request to UB server. In case of success response return body parsed to {object} or {ArrayBuffer} depends on Content-Type response header
 * @example
   endpoint: 'runSQL',
   URLParams: {CONNECTION: 'dba'},
   data: 'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS ub_autotest CASCADE; DROP USER IF EXISTS ub_autotest;'

 * @param {object} options
 * @param {string} options.endpoint
 * @param {string} [options.UBMethod] This parameter is **DEPRECATED**. Use `options.endpoint` instead
 * @param {string} [options.HTTPMethod='POST']
 * @param {object} [options.headers] Optional request headers in format {headerName: headerValue, ...}
 * @param {boolean} [options.simpleTextResult=false] do not parse response and return it as is even if response content type is JSON
 * @param {*} [options.URLParams] Optional parameters added to URL using http.buildURL
 * @param {ArrayBuffer|object|string} [] Optional body
 * @param  {string} [options.responseType] see <a href="">responseType</a>.
 *    Currently only `arraybuffer` supported.
 * @returns {ArrayBuffer|object|string|Array<object>}
SyncConnection.prototype.xhr = function (options) {
  const me = this
  const req = this.clientRequest
  let resp
  let result = {}

  let path = this.servicePath + (options.endpoint || options.UBMethod)
  if (options.URLParams) {
    path = http.buildURL(path, options.URLParams)
  if (me.authNeed && !NON_AUTH_URLS_RE.test(path)) { // request need authentication
    const session = me.authorize(me._inRelogin)
    req.setHeader('Authorization', session.authHeader())
  req.setMethod(options.HTTPMethod || 'POST') // must be after auth request!

  if (options.headers) {
    for (const key in options.headers) {
      req.setHeader(key, options.headers[key])
  if ( {
    if ( === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {
      req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
    } else {
      req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8')
    resp = req.end(
  } else {
    resp = req.end()
  const status = resp.statusCode

  if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
    if (options.responseType === 'arraybuffer') {
      result ='bin')
    } else if (((resp.headers['content-type'] || '').indexOf('json') >= 0) && !options.simpleTextResult) {
      const txtRes =
      result = txtRes ? JSON.parse(txtRes) : null
    } else {
      result = // return string reads as UTF-8
  } else if (status === 401 && me.isAuthorized()) { // re-login
    if (me._inRelogin) {
      me._inRelogin = false
      throw new Error('invalid user name or password')
    me._inRelogin = true
    console.debug('Session expire - repeat auth request')
    try {
      result = me.xhr(options)
    } finally {
      me._inRelogin = false
  } else {
    if ((status >= 400) && ((resp.headers['content-type'] || '').indexOf('json') >= 0)) { // server report error and body is JSON
      const respObj = JSON.parse(
      if (respObj.errMsg) {
        throw new Error('Server error: "' + respObj.errMsg)
      } else {
        throw new Error('HTTP communication error: "' + status + ': ' + http.STATUS_CODES[status] + '" during request to: ' + path)
    } else {
      throw new Error('HTTP communication error: "' + status + ': ' + http.STATUS_CODES[status] + '" during request to: ' + path)
  return result

 * Perform get request to `endpoint` with optional URLParams.
 * @param {string} endpoint
 * @param {*} [URLParams]
 * @returns {ArrayBuffer|object|string}
SyncConnection.prototype.get = function (endpoint, URLParams) {
  const params = {
    HTTPMethod: 'GET'
  if (URLParams) { params.URLParams = URLParams }
  return this.xhr(params)

 * Shortcut method to perform authorized `POST` request to application we connected
 * @param {string} endpoint
 * @param {ArrayBuffer|object|string} data
 * @param {object} [URLParams]
 * @returns {ArrayBuffer|object|string|Array<object>}
 */ = function (endpoint, data, URLParams) {
  if (URLParams) {
    return this.xhr({ endpoint, data, URLParams })
  } else {
    return this.xhr({ endpoint, data })

 * Shortcut method to perform authorized `POST` request to `ubql` endpoint
 * @private
 * @deprecated Since UB 1.11 use SyncConnection.query
 * @param {Array<ubRequest>} runListData
 * @returns {object}
SyncConnection.prototype.runList = function (runListData) {
  return this.xhr({ endpoint: this.queryMethod, data: runListData })

 * Send request to any endpoint. For entity-level method execution (`ubql` endpoint) better to use {@link SyncConnection#query SyncConnection.query}
 * @returns {*} body of HTTP request result. If !simpleTextResult and response type is json - then parsed to object
SyncConnection.prototype.runCustom = function (endpoint, aBody, aURLParams, simpleTextResult, aHTTPMethod) {
  return this.xhr({ HTTPMethod: aHTTPMethod || 'POST', endpoint: endpoint, URLParams: aURLParams, data: aBody, simpleTextResult: simpleTextResult })
  // throw new Error ('Use one of runList/run/post/xhr SyncConnection methods');

 * Shortcut method to perform authorized `POST` request to `ubql` endpoint.
 * Can take one ubRequest and wrap it to array
 * @deprecated Since UB 1.11 use SyncConnection.query
 * @param {ubRequest} request
 * @returns {object}
 */ = function (request) {
  return this.xhr({ endpoint: this.queryMethod, data: [request] })[0]

 * Logout from server if logged in
SyncConnection.prototype.logout = function () {
  if (this.isAuthorized()) {
    try {'logout', '')
    } catch (e) {

 * Saves a file content as a potential value of the specified entity instance attribute to the TEMP store.
 * Call this function before entity insert of update. Result of this function is what shall be assigned to the
 * attribute value, to "execParams".
 * @param {string} entity Entity name
 * @param {string} attribute Entity attribute name
 * @param {number} id ID of the record
 * @param {ArrayBuffer|string} data File content
 * @param {string} origName
 * @param {string} [fileName] If not specified, origName will be used.
 * @param {string} dataEncoding Specify `data` parameter encoding. Either omit for binary data
 *   or set to `base64` for base64 encoded data
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
const myObj = conn.Repository(entityName)
  .attrs('ID', 'mi_modifyDate')
  .where('code', '=', code)
const {ID, mi_modifyDate} = myObj
const data = fs.readFileSync(fileName, {encoding: 'bin'})
const tempStoreResult = conn.setDocument(entityName, 'configuration', ID, data, fn)
  entity: entityName,
  method: 'update',
  execParams: {ID, configuration: tempStoreResult, mi_modifyDate}
SyncConnection.prototype.setDocument = function (entity, attribute, id, data, origName, fileName, dataEncoding) {
  const urlParams = {
    origName: origName || fileName,
    filename: fileName || origName
  if (dataEncoding) urlParams.encoding = dataEncoding
  const setDocumentResponse = this.xhr({
    HTTPMethod: 'POST',
    endpoint: 'setDocument',
    URLParams: urlParams
  return JSON.stringify(setDocumentResponse.result)

const ALLOWED_GET_DOCUMENT_PARAMS = ['entity', 'attribute', 'ID', 'id', 'isDirty', 'forceMime', 'fileName', 'store', 'revision']
 * Retrieve content of `document` type attribute field from server
 * @example
//Retrieve content of document as string using GET
let frmContent = conn.getDocument({
  attribute: 'formDef',
  ID: 100000232003
console.log(typeof frmContent)

//The same, but using POST for bypass cache
let frmContent = conn.getDocument({
  attribute: 'formDef',
  ID: 100000232003
}, {
  bypassCache: true
console.log(typeof frmContent) // string

//Retrieve content of document as ArrayBuffer and bypass cache
let frmContent = conn.getDocument({
  attribute: 'formDef',
  ID: 100000232003
}, {
  bypassCache: true, resultIsBinary: true
console.log('Result is', typeof frmContent, 'of length' , frmContent.byteLength, 'bytes'); //output: Result is object of length 2741 bytes
 * @param {object} params
 * @param {string} params.entity Code of entity to retrieve from
 * @param {string} params.attribute `document` type attribute code
 * @param {number} Instance ID
 * @param {string} [params.forceMime] If passed and server support transformation from source MIME type to `forceMime` server perform transformation and return documenRt representation in the passed MIME
 * @param {number} [params.revision] Optional revision of the documnet (if supported by server-side store configuration). Default is current revision.
 * @param {string} [params.fileName] ????
 * @param {boolean} [params.isDirty=false] Optional ability to retrieve document in **dirty** state
 * @param {string} [] ????
 * @param {object} [options] Additional request options
 * @param {boolean} [options.resultIsBinary=false] if true - return document content as arrayBuffer
 * @param {boolean} [options.bypassCache] HTTP POST verb will be used instead of GET for bypass browser cache
 * @returns {ArrayBuffer|string} Document content (either ArrayBuffer in case options.resultIsBinary===true or text/json)
SyncConnection.prototype.getDocument = function (params, options) {
  const opt = Object.assign({}, options)
  const reqParams = {
    endpoint: 'getDocument',
    HTTPMethod: opt.bypassCache ? 'POST' : 'GET'
  if (options && options.resultIsBinary) {
    reqParams.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
  if (opt.bypassCache) { = Object.assign({}, params)
    Object.keys( (key) {
      if (ALLOWED_GET_DOCUMENT_PARAMS.indexOf(key) === -1) {
  } else {
    reqParams.URLParams = params
  return this.xhr(reqParams)

 * Execute insert method by add method: 'insert' to `ubq` query (if req.method not already set)
 * If `ubq.fieldList` contain only `ID` return inserted ID, else return array of attribute values passed to `fieldList`.
 * If no field list passed at all - return response.resultData (null usually).
 * @example
const testRole = conn.insert({
  entity: 'uba_role',
  fieldList: ['ID', 'mi_modifyDate'],
  execParams: {
      name: 'testRole1',
      allowedAppMethods: 'runList'
console.log(testRole) //[3000000000200,"2014-10-21T11:56:37Z"]

const testRoleID = conn.insert({
  entity: 'uba_role',
  fieldList: ['ID'],
  execParams: {
      name: 'testRole1',
      allowedAppMethods: 'runList'
console.log(testRoleID) //3000000000200
 * @param {ubRequest} ubq
 * @returns {*}
SyncConnection.prototype.insert = function (ubq) {
  const req = ubq
  req.method = req.method || 'insert'
  const res = this.query(req)
  if (req.fieldList) {
    return ((req.fieldList.length === 1) && (req.fieldList[0] === 'ID')) ?[0][0] :[0]
  } else {
    return res.resultData

 * Run UBQL command with `insert` method
 * In case `fieldList` is passed - result will contains new values for attributes specified in `fieldList` as Object, otherwise - null
 * In opposite to `insert` method values in result are PARSED based on Domain (as in AsyncConnection) - so values
 * for boolean attributes is true/false, date is typeof Date etc.
 * @param {ubRequest} ubq
 * @param {Object<string, string>} [fieldAliases] Optional object to change attribute names during transform array to object. Keys are original names, values - new names
 * @returns {object}
 * @example
const newRole = conn.insertAsObject({
  entity: 'uba_role',
  fieldList: ['ID', 'name', 'allowedAppMethods', 'mi_modifyDate'],
  execParams: {
      name: 'testRole61',
      allowedAppMethods: 'runList'
}, {mi_modifyDate: 'modifiedAt'})
console.log(newRole) // {ID: 332462911062017, name: 'testRole1', allowedAppMethods: 'runList', mi_modifyDate: 2020-12-21T15:45:01.000Z}
console.log(newRole.modifiedAt instanceof Date) //true
SyncConnection.prototype.insertAsObject = function (ubq, fieldAliases) {
  const req = ubq
  req.method = req.method || 'insert'
  const serverResp = this.query(req)
  const res = LocalDataStore.convertResponseDataToJsTypes(this.getDomainInfo(), serverResp)
  return (res.resultData && &&
    ? LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects(res, fieldAliases)[0]
    : null

 * Execute addnew method: add method 'addnew' to `ubq` query (if req.method not already set)
 * If `ubq.fieldList` contain only `ID` return generated ID, otherwise return array of attribute values passed to `fieldList`.
 * If no field list passed at all - return response.resultData (null usually).
 * @example
const testRole = conn.addNew({
  entity: 'uba_role',
  fieldList: ['ID', 'name', 'allowedAppMethods'],
  execParams: {
    name: 'testRole1',
    allowedAppMethods: 'runList'
console.log(testRole) //[3000000000200,"testRole1","runList"]

const testRoleID = conn.addNew({
  entity: 'uba_role',
  fieldList: ['ID']
console.log(testRoleID) //3000000000200
 * @param {ubRequest} ubq
 * @returns {*}
SyncConnection.prototype.addNew = function (ubq) {
  const req = ubq
  req.method = req.method || 'addnew'
  const res = this.query(req)
  if (!req.fieldList) {
    return res.resultData
  } else if (req.fieldList.length === 1 && req.fieldList[0] === 'ID') {
  } else {

 * Run UBQL command with `addnew` method
 * In case `fieldList` is passed - result will contains new values for attributes specified in `fieldList` as Object, otherwise - null
 * In opposite to `addNew` method values in result are PARSED based on Domain (as in AsyncConnection) - so values
 * for boolean attributes is true/false, date is typeof Date etc.
 * @param {ubRequest} ubq
 * @param {Object<string, string>} [fieldAliases] Optional object to change attribute names during transform array to object. Keys are original names, values - new names
 * @returns {object}
 * @example
const newRole = conn.addNewAsObject({
  entity: 'uba_role',
  fieldList: ['ID', 'name', 'allowedAppMethods'],
  execParams: {
      name: 'testRole61',
      allowedAppMethods: 'runList'
console.log(newRole) // {ID: 332462911062017, name: 'testRole1', allowedAppMethods: 'runList'}
SyncConnection.prototype.addNewAsObject = function (ubq, fieldAliases) {
  const req = ubq
  req.method = req.method || 'addnew'
  const serverResp = this.query(req)
  const res = LocalDataStore.convertResponseDataToJsTypes(this.getDomainInfo(), serverResp)
  return (res.resultData && &&
    ? LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects(res, fieldAliases)[0]
    : null

 * Execute update method (adds method: 'update' if `req.method` is not already set)
 * @param {UBQL} ubq
 * @returns {object}
SyncConnection.prototype.update = function (ubq) {
  const req = ubq
  req.method = req.method || 'update'
  const res = this.query(req)
  return res.resultData

 * Run UBQL command with `update` method
 * In case `fieldList` is passed - result will contain new values for attributes specified in `fieldList` as Object, otherwise - null
 * In opposite to `update` method values in result are PARSED based on Domain (as in AsyncConnection) - so values
 * for boolean attributes is true/false, date is typeof Date etc.
 * @param {ubRequest} ubq
 * @param {Object<string, string>} [fieldAliases] Optional object to change attribute names during transform array to object. Keys are original names, values - new names
 * @returns {object}
 * @example
const newRole = conn.updateAsObject({
  entity: 'uba_role',
  fieldList: ['ID', 'name', 'allowedAppMethods', 'mi_modifyDate'],
  execParams: {
      ID: 123,
      name: 'testRole61'
}, {mi_modifyDate: 'modifiedAt'})
console.log(newRole) // {ID: 332462911062017, name: 'testRole1', allowedAppMethods: 'runList', mi_modifyDate: 2020-12-21T15:45:01.000Z}
console.log(newRole.modifiedAt instanceof Date) //true
SyncConnection.prototype.updateAsObject = function (ubq, fieldAliases) {
  const req = ubq
  req.method = req.method || 'update'
  const serverResp = this.query(req)
  const res = LocalDataStore.convertResponseDataToJsTypes(this.getDomainInfo(), serverResp)
  return (res.resultData && &&
    ? LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects(res, fieldAliases)[0]
    : null

 * Create a new instance of repository
 * @param {string|object} entityCodeOrUBQL The name of the Entity for which the Repository is being created or UBQL
 * @returns {ServerRepository}
SyncConnection.prototype.Repository = function (entityCodeOrUBQL) {
  if (typeof entityCodeOrUBQL === 'string') {
    return new ServerRepository(this, entityCodeOrUBQL)
  } else {
    return new ServerRepository(this, '').fromUbql(entityCodeOrUBQL)

module.exports = SyncConnection