const argv = require('./argv')
const options = require('./options')
const ServerRepository = require('./ServerRepository')
const SyncConnection = require('./SyncConnection')
const csv1 = require('./csv1')
const dataLoader = require('./dataLoader')
const FileBasedStoreLoader = require('./FileBasedStoreLoader')
const Worker = require('./worker')
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
const uba_common = require('./uba_common')
const { createDBConnectionPool, releaseDBConnectionPool } = require('./DBConnections')
* Classes, common for CLI and server side
* @module @unitybase/base
module.exports = {
* Numeric representation of process.version. For example 'v5.14.1' -> 5014001
* @type {number}
ubVersionNum: process.version.slice(1).split('.').map(v => parseInt(v, 10)).reduce((acum, v) => acum * 1000 + v),
* Command-line utils for connecting to a UnityBase server
* @type {module:argv}
* @type {argv}
argv: argv,
* Parse a command line options & environment variables
* @type {module:options}
options: options,
* Server side & CLI side Repository
* @type {ServerRepository}
* Synchronous connection to external UB server
* @type {SyncConnection}
* CSV data parser
* @type {module:csv1}
csv: csv1,
* Bulk data loader from CSV/arrays
* @type {module:dataLoader}
* @type {dataLoader}
dataLoader: dataLoader,
* ORM **select** method implementation using files as a data source.
* Used for loading files & transforming it content to {@link module:LocalDataStore.TubCachedData TubCachedData} format
* @type {module:FileBasedStoreLoader}
* Execute a script in a dedicated thread
* @type {Worker}
* Constants for administrative security model
* @type {module:uba_common}
* @type {uba_common}
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
* Create a database connection pool from current config
* Release previously created connection pool
* Allows to define a tokenized string and pass an arbitrary number of arguments to replace the tokens. Each
* token must be unique, and must increment in the format {0}, {1}, etc.
* @example
* var s = UB.format('{1}/lang-{0}.js', 'en', 'locale');
* // s now contains the string: ''locale/lang-en.js''
* @deprecated Use a ES6 template string literal instead
* @param {String} stringToFormat The string to be formatted.
* @param {...*} values The values to replace tokens `{0}`, `{1}`, etc in order.
* @return {String} The formatted string.
* @private
format: function (stringToFormat, ...values) {
const FORMAT_RE = /{(\d+)}/g
return stringToFormat.replace(FORMAT_RE, function (m, i) {
return values[i]
* File modified time for files installed by npm
NPM_EPOCH: new Date('1985-10-26T08:15:00Z').getTime(),
* Well known keys used to store data in the App.globalCache
* Key for storing last modification date-time of the models files.
* Used by ubm_form / ubs_report virtual entities to refresh a server-side in-memory form/report cache.
* Virtual entities what depends on file system should refresh this value on insert/update/delete
/** Key prefix for storing a compiled index.html (used by adminui-reg). Actual index name added after this text */
COMPILED_INDEX_: 'UB_STATIC.compiled_index_',
/** Key for storing CSP NONCE generated for compiled index.html */
/** Key prefix for storing actual file path & type for success request to `models` endpoint */
/** Key prefix for cache actual file path & type for success request to `clientRequire` endpoint */
/** Key prefix for cache `allLocales` endpoint. Suffix is a language */
/** Key prefix for storing flags for running schedulers tasks; Value === 1 in case task in running */
* In case schedulers Worker is initialized value is `yes`.
* `ubcli migrate` set this key to `yes` to prevent running schedulers during migration
UBQ_SCHEDULER_INITIALIZED: 'UBQ.schedulersInitialized'