* Apply models migrations for application. See [Version migrations tutorial](https://unitybase.info/api/server-v5/tutorial-migrations.html)
* Usage from the command line:
ubcli migrate -?
* Usage from code:
const migrate = require('@unitybase/ubcli/migrate')
var options = {
host: 'http://localhost:888',
user: "admin",
pwd: "admin",
out: process.cwd(),
autorun: true,
optimistic: false
* @author pavel.mash
* @module migrate
* @memberOf module:@unitybase/ubcli
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const http = require('http')
const base = require('@unitybase/base')
const options = base.options
const argv = base.argv
const execSql = require('./execSql')
const { createDBConnectionPool, releaseDBConnectionPool } = require('@unitybase/base')
const generateDDL = require('./generateDDL')
const { normalizeVersion, updateVersionsInDB } = require('./flow/migrationUtils')
/* global nhashFile */
// ts style typedef broke jsdoc documentation generation
* @typedef {import('@unitybase/base/argv.js').ServerSession} ServerSession
* @typedef {import('@unitybase/base/SyncConnection.js').SyncConnection} SyncConnection
const MIGR_FOLDER_NAME = '_migrate'
const HOOK_FILE_NAME = '_hooks.js'
module.exports = function migrate (cfg) {
if (!cfg) {
const opts = options.describe('migrate',
'Apply models migrations for application\nShould be executed from application folder',
.add({ short: 'm', long: 'models', param: 'modelsList', defaultValue: '*', help: 'Comma separated model names for migration' })
.add({ short: 'e', long: 'entities', param: 'entitiesList', defaultValue: '*', help: 'Comma separated entity names list for DDL generation' })
.add({ short: 'c', long: 'connection', param: 'connection', defaultValue: '', help: 'Optional DB connection name for filter SQL migrations' })
.add({ short: 'noddl', long: 'noddl', defaultValue: false, help: 'skip execution of generateDDL' })
.add({ short: 'ddlfor', long: 'ddlfor', param: 'ddlfor', defaultValue: '*', help: 'comma separated model names for DDL generator' })
.add({ short: 'nodata', long: 'nodata', defaultValue: false, help: 'skip execution ub-migrate' })
short: 'nover',
long: 'noUpdateVersion',
defaultValue: false,
help: 'skip update versions of models'
short: 'noscripts',
long: 'noMigrationScripts',
defaultValue: false,
help: 'skip executing migration scripts'
.add({ short: 'optimistic', long: 'optimistic', defaultValue: false, searchInEnv: true, help: 'skip errors on execute DDL statement. BE CAREFUL! DO NOT USE ON PRODUCTION' })
.add({ short: 'v', long: 'verbose', defaultValue: false, searchInEnv: true, help: 'Verbose mode' })
short: 'vs',
long: 'verboseShort',
defaultValue: false,
help: 'Short verbose mode (ins/upd only)'
short: 'tid',
long: 'tenantID',
defaultValue: NaN,
param: 'tenantID',
help: 'Tenant ID to initialize. If not specified, all tenants will be iterated.'
short: 'p',
long: 'progress',
defaultValue: false,
searchInEnv: true,
help: 'Output execution time for each command into console'
cfg = opts.parseVerbose({}, true)
if (!cfg) return
if (cfg.verbose) cfg.verboseShort = true
cfg.user = 'root'
// increase receive timeout to 10 minutes - in case DB server is slow we can easily reach 30s timeout
http.setGlobalConnectionDefaults({ receiveTimeout: 600000 })
const BEFORE_DDL_RE = /_beforeDDL[_/.]/
const BEFORE_DDL_C_RE = /_beforeDDLc[_/.]/
const AFTER_DDL_RE = /_afterDDL[_/.]/
const IS_VERSION_RE = /^\d{9}$/ // 9 digits version number 005001001
const NORMALIZE_VERSION_RE = /^((\d{1,3})[._](\d{1,3})[._](\d{1,3}))/
* @param {object} params Migration parameters
* @private
function runMigrations (params) {
const serverConfig = argv.getServerConfiguration(false)
let dbConnections = createDBConnectionPool(serverConfig.application.connections)
const multitenancyEnabled = serverConfig.security.multitenancy &&
if (params.tenantID && !multitenancyEnabled) {
throw new Error('tenantID parameter should be used only when multi-tenancy is enabled')
let modelsToMigrate = serverConfig.application.domain.models
if (params.models) { // migrate only specified models
const inModels = params.models.split(',')
modelsToMigrate = modelsToMigrate.filter(m => inModels.includes(m.name))
if (params.tenantID) {
patchParamsForTenant(serverConfig, params)
console.log('Loading application migration state from DB...')
// allows beforeDDL script to be added into ub_migration table
createUbMigrateIfNotExists(dbConnections.DEFAULT, multitenancyEnabled)
let d = Date.now()
if (params.tenantID) {
dbConnections.DEFAULT.exec('SET ub.tenantID=' + params.tenantID)
const { dbVersions, initialVersions, initialVersionsIsFake, dbVersionIDs, appliedScripts } = getMigrationState(dbConnections.DEFAULT, modelsToMigrate)
console.log(`Migration state (${appliedScripts.length} applied scripts for ${Object.keys(dbVersions).length} models) is loaded from ub_migration table in ${Date.now() - d}ms`)
// console.debug('DBVersions=', dbVersions)
// console.debug('appliedScripts=', appliedScripts)
d = Date.now()
console.log(`Search for migration files in models ${MIGR_FOLDER_NAME} folders..`)
const migrations = readMigrations(modelsToMigrate)
const totalFiles = migrations.files.length
console.log(`Found ${totalFiles} migration file(s) in ${Date.now() - d}ms`)
// remove files for model versions prior to dbVersions
// for "fresh" setup, `ubcli initialize` fills ub_version table by models versions on the moment
// of the initialization
let oldFilesSkipped = 0
migrations.files = migrations.files.filter(f => {
const fileModelVersion = f.name.substring(0, 9)
if (IS_VERSION_RE.test(fileModelVersion)) {
// file name should start from 9 digits model version to which it migrates
// - files intended for migrate to model versions prior to current DB state are skipped
// - starting from 2021-11-17 files for current model version are NOT skipped (< instead of <=)
// this allows to add a new migration script and apply migration for current version many times
// **WARNING** - do not modify an existed and already applied migration scripts - instead either create a new one
// or rename existed script (if it supports re-execution) and change renamed one.
// - starting from 2023-07-18 files for versions <= initial version are skipped.
// Initial version are
// - during `ubcli initialize` sets to model version
// - for new models added to existed app sets to model version
// - sets to model version before migration is begun by @unitybase/ub@5.25 migration script
if (
(fileModelVersion < dbVersions[f.model]) || // skip all files prior current version
!initialVersions[f.model] || // if initial version is not filled - this meas model is added into existed app - skip all model migrations
(fileModelVersion <= initialVersions[f.model]) // skip all files with versions <= initial version
) {
return false
return true // apply files what ot starts from 9 digits or intended for migrate to version newer than current
if (oldFilesSkipped) {
console.log(`${oldFilesSkipped} files intended for migrate to the version of model prior to currently applied are skipped`)
// remove already applied files and verify files SHA
// let shaIsEqual = true
migrations.files = migrations.files.filter(f => {
const applied = appliedScripts.find(s => (s.modelName === f.model) && (s.filePath === f.name))
if (applied && applied.fileSha !== f.sha) {
// shaIsEqual = false
console.error(`File checksum for '${f.name}' in model '${f.model}' is '${f.sha}' but in database is '${applied.fileSha}'`)
return !applied
// if (!shaIsEqual) {
// throw new Error('Some files are modified after been applied. Migration terminated')
// }
console.log(`${migrations.files.length} migration files are new and will be applied`)
// generateDDL stage
/** @type {ServerSession} */
let session
/** @type {SyncConnection} */
let conn
if (!params.noddl) {
// apply beforeGenerateDDL hooks
migrations.hooks.forEach(h => {
if (typeof h.hook.beforeGenerateDDL === 'function') {
if (params.verboseShort) console.log(`Call beforeGenerateDDL hook for model '${h.model}'`)
h.hook.beforeGenerateDDL({ conn: null, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
// apply file based before DDL hooks
const beforeDDLFiles = migrations.files.filter(f => BEFORE_DDL_RE.test(f.name))
if (params.verboseShort && beforeDDLFiles.length) console.log('Run beforeDDL hooks:', beforeDDLFiles)
runFiles(beforeDDLFiles, params, { conn: null, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
releaseDBConnectionPool() // release DB pool created by controller
// connect to server to allows _beforeDDLc_ hooks
session = argv.establishConnectionFromCmdLineAttributes(params)
conn = session.connection
// recreate DB pool - will use server pool (server is started on this stage)
dbConnections = createDBConnectionPool(serverConfig.application.connections)
// apply beforeDDL then connected (beforeDDLc) hooks
migrations.hooks.forEach(h => {
if (typeof h.hook.beforeGenerateDDLc === 'function') {
if (params.verboseShort) console.log(`Call beforeGenerateDDL hook for model '${h.model}'`)
h.hook.beforeGenerateDDLc({ conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
// apply file based before DDL when connected hooks
const beforeDDLFilesC = migrations.files.filter(f => BEFORE_DDL_C_RE.test(f.name))
if (params.verboseShort && beforeDDLFilesC.length) console.log('Run beforeDDL when connected hooks:', beforeDDLFilesC)
runFiles(beforeDDLFilesC, params, { conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
// run DDL generator
const paramsForDDL = Object.assign({}, params)
paramsForDDL.autorun = true // force autorun
paramsForDDL.out = process.cwd() // save script into current folder
paramsForDDL.forceStartServer = true // use a local server instance
if (params.ddlfor && (params.ddlfor !== '*')) {
paramsForDDL.models = params.ddlfor
if (params.verboseShort) console.log('Run generateDDL with params:', paramsForDDL)
// apply afterGenerateDDL hooks
migrations.hooks.forEach(h => {
if (typeof h.hook.afterGenerateDDL === 'function') {
if (params.verboseShort) console.log(`Call afterGenerateDDL hook for model '${h.model}'`)
h.hook.afterGenerateDDL({ conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
// apply file based before DDL hooks
const afterDDLFiles = migrations.files.filter(f => AFTER_DDL_RE.test(f.name))
if (params.verboseShort && afterDDLFiles.length) console.log('Run afterDDL hooks:', afterDDLFiles)
runFiles(afterDDLFiles, params, { conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
} else {
if (params.verboseShort) console.warn('Skip generateDDL stage (-noddl)')
releaseDBConnectionPool() // release DB pool created by controller
session = argv.establishConnectionFromCmdLineAttributes(params)
dbConnections = createDBConnectionPool(serverConfig.application.connections)
conn = session.connection
// remove before/after DDL hook files - either already applied or should be skipped
migrations.files = migrations.files.filter(f => !BEFORE_DDL_RE.test(f.name) &&
!AFTER_DDL_RE.test(f.name) && !BEFORE_DDL_C_RE.test(f.name))
// apply ub-migrate if installed
if (!params.nodata) {
const ubMigratePath = require.resolve('@unitybase/ub-migrate')
if (!ubMigratePath) {
console.warn('Skipped data sync because ub-migrate not found. Either add -nodata parameter or install ub-migrate (npm i @unitybase/ub-migrate)')
} else {
const ubMigrate = require('@unitybase/ub-migrate')
if (typeof ubMigrate.exec !== 'function') {
console.warn('Skipped data sync because ub-migrate is outdated (require to be >= 5.17.0). Either add -nodata parameter or update ub-migrate (npm update @unitybase/ub-migrate)')
} else {
const paramsForUbMigrate = Object.assign({}, params)
paramsForUbMigrate.silent = true
// paramsForUbMigrate.verbose = false
console.log('Run ub-migrate with parameters:', JSON.stringify(paramsForUbMigrate))
} else if (params.verboseShort) {
console.warn('Skip data sync (ub-migrate) stage (-nodata)')
if (!params.noMigrationScripts) {
// call filterFiles hooks in reverse order
const initialFilesCnt = migrations.files.length
for (let i = migrations.hooks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (typeof migrations.hooks[i].hook.filterFiles === 'function') {
if (params.verbose) console.log(`Call filterFiles hook for model '${migrations.hooks[i].model}'`)
migrations.hooks[i].hook.filterFiles({ conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
if (params.verbose) console.log(`filterFiles hooks decline ${initialFilesCnt - migrations.files.length} files`)
// apply remains migration files (without beforeDDL* hooks)
runFiles(migrations.files, params, { conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations, tenantID: params.tenantID })
// apply finalizing hooks
migrations.hooks.forEach(h => {
if (typeof h.hook.finalize === 'function') {
if (params.verbose) console.log(`Call finalize hook for model '${h.model}'`)
h.hook.finalize({ conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations, tenantID: params.tenantID })
} else {
console.log('Migration scripts skipped because of "noMigrationScripts" option')
if (!params.noUpdateVersion) {
if (params.tenantID > 1) {
// When multi-tenant environments, noUpdateVersion=true for all tenants except the last,
// So that until ALL tenant migrated, version not updated.
// So, this code usually executed for the last tenant, and in order to allow
// update ub_version entity, need to switch back to tenant 1
console.log('Recreate UB connection for tenant=1 to update model versions')
params.tenantID = 1
patchParamsForTenant(serverConfig, params)
session = argv.establishConnectionFromCmdLineAttributes(params)
conn = session.connection
updateVersionsInDB(conn, modelsToMigrate, { dbVersionIDs, dbVersions, initialVersions, initialVersionsIsFake })
} else {
console.log('Skipped update version because of "noUpdateVersion" flag')
const rcfg = serverConfig.application.redis
if (rcfg && rcfg.enabled && (rcfg.useForSessionStorage || rcfg.useForGlobalCache)) {
// cleanup redis database
console.log(`Flushing Redis database #${rcfg.dbIndex || 0} on ${rcfg.host}:${rcfg.port}...`)
try {
const redis = require('@unitybase/redis')
const redisConn = new redis.RedisClient(rcfg)
console.log('Redis database \'FLUSHDB\': success')
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error flushing a Redis database:', e.message)
console.info('Migration success')
* @param serverConfig
* @param params
function patchParamsForTenant (serverConfig, params) {
console.log('Configure tenant connection for tenant: %s', params.tenantID)
if (serverConfig.security.multitenancy.tenantIDHeader) {
const patchedHeaders = params.headers ? JSON.parse(params.headers) : {}
patchedHeaders[serverConfig.security.multitenancy.tenantIDHeader] = params.tenantID.toString()
params.headers = JSON.stringify(patchedHeaders)
} else {
const tenantIDNum = +params.tenantID
const tenantCfg = serverConfig.security.multitenancy.tenants.find(t => t.TID === tenantIDNum)
if (!tenantCfg) {
throw new Error(`Tenant ${params.tenantID} does not exist`)
params.host = 'http://' + tenantCfg.URI
* Run filesToRun
* @param filesToRun
* @param params
* @param root0
* @param root0.conn
* @param root0.dbConnections
* @param root0.dbVersions
* @param root0.migrations
function runFiles (filesToRun, params, { conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations }) {
// execute filesToRun
filesToRun.forEach(f => {
if (f.name.endsWith('.js')) {
const jsMigrationModule = require(f.fullPath)
if (typeof jsMigrationModule !== 'function') {
console.error(`File '${f.origName}' in model '${f.model}' do not export a function. Skipped`)
} else {
jsMigrationModule({ conn, dbConnections, dbVersions, migrations })
} else if (f.name.endsWith('.sql')) {
const parts = /#(.*?)[-.#/]/.exec(f.name) // 010#rrpUb#fix-UBJS-1223.sql -> ["#rrpUb#", "rrpUb"]
let connName
if (parts && parts[1]) {
if (!dbConnections[parts[1]]) {
throw new Error(`Unknown connection '${parts[1]}' (text between ##): file '${f.origName}' in model '${f.model}'`)
connName = parts[1]
connection: connName,
file: f.fullPath,
optimistic: params.optimistic,
verbose: params.verbose,
progress: params.progress
} else {
console.warn(`Unknown extension for '${f.origName}' in model '${f.model}'`)
// conn.insert cannot be used because in beforeDDL hook conn is not defined
if (params.tenantID) {
dbConnections.DEFAULT.exec('SET ub.tenantID=' + params.tenantID)
'insert into ub_migration(ID, modelName, filePath, fileSha, mi_tenantID) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
[dbConnections.DEFAULT.genID(undefined), f.model, f.name, f.sha, params.tenantID]
} else {
'insert into ub_migration(ID, modelName, filePath, fileSha) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)',
[dbConnections.DEFAULT.genID(undefined), f.model, f.name, f.sha]
// conn.insert({
// entity: 'ub_migration',
// method: 'insert',
// execParams: {
// ID:
// modelName: f.model,
// filePath: f.name,
// fileSha: f.sha
// }
// })
* Create ub_migration table if it does not exist
* @param {DBConnection} dbConn
* @param {boolean} multitenancyEnabled
function createUbMigrateIfNotExists (dbConn, multitenancyEnabled) {
let exists = null
try {
// fake select to ensure table exists
exists = dbConn.selectParsedAsObject('select modelName AS "modelName", filePath as "filePath", fileSha as "fileSha" from ub_migration where ID=0')
} catch (e) {
// table not exists
if (!exists) {
const ubMigrateTableScript = path.join(__dirname, 'dbScripts', 'create_ub_migrate.sql')
file: ubMigrateTableScript,
optimistic: true,
* Read ub_version and ub_migration from database. Return `000000000` for model versions what not exists in ub_version
* @param {DBConnection} dbConn
* @param {object} modelsConfig
* @returns {{dbVersions: Object<string, string>, initialVersions: Object<string, string>, initialVersionsIsFake: boolean, appliedScripts: Array<{modelName: string, filePath: string, fileSha: string}>}}
function getMigrationState (dbConn, modelsConfig) {
const r = {
dbVersions: {},
initialVersions: {},
dbVersionIDs: {},
appliedScripts: [],
initialVersionsIsFake: false
try {
const versions = dbConn.selectParsedAsObject('select ID as "ID", modelName AS "modelName", version as "version" from ub_version')
versions.forEach(v => {
if (!r.dbVersions[v.modelName] || v.version > r.dbVersions[v.modelName]) { // old version of ub_migrate can produce several rows for same model - take the latest
r.dbVersions[v.modelName] = v.version
if (v.initialVersion) r.initialVersions[v.modelName] = v.initialVersion
r.dbVersionIDs[v.modelName] = v.ID
} catch (e) {
// ub_version table does not exist
try {
const initialVersions = dbConn.selectParsedAsObject('select modelName AS "modelName", initialVersion as "initialVersion" from ub_version')
initialVersions.forEach(v => {
if (v.initialVersion) r.initialVersions[v.modelName] = v.initialVersion
} catch (e) {
// reading of versions is done before generateDDL, so if `initialVersion` column is not exists in DB,
// we got exception and consider `initialVersion` is current DB version
r.initialVersionsIsFake = true
r.initialVersions = Object.assign({}, r.dbVersions)
// add models not in DB but in current config with 0 version
modelsConfig.forEach(m => {
if (!r.dbVersions[m.name]) {
r.dbVersions[m.name] = normalizeVersion()
// add application version if missed
if (!r.dbVersions.APPLICATION) r.dbVersions.APPLICATION = normalizeVersion()
try {
r.appliedScripts = dbConn.selectParsedAsObject('select modelName AS "modelName", filePath as "filePath", fileSha as "fileSha" from ub_migration')
} catch (e) {
// table not exists
return r
* Load content of all `_migrate` model sub-folders.
* Files inside migrations already sorter in order for execution
* @param {Array<object>} models
* @returns {{hooks: Array<{model: string, hook: Object<string, Function>}>, files: Array<{model: string, name: string, fullPath: string, sha: string}>}}
function readMigrations (models) {
const migrations = {
hooks: [],
files: []
models.forEach(m => {
const mp = path.join(m.realPath, MIGR_FOLDER_NAME)
if (!fs.existsSync(mp)) return // no migrations for model
if (!fs.statSync(mp).isDirectory()) {
console.error(`'${mp}' is a file, but should be a folder`)
const files = fs.readdirSync(mp).filter(f => !f.startsWith('_'))
.map(f => {
return { fn: f, normalizedFn: normalizeVersionInFileName(f) }
}).sort( // sort files by normalized 9digits version number
(a, b) => a.normalizedFn.localeCompare(b.normalizedFn)
files.forEach(f => {
const ffp = path.join(mp, f.fn)
if (fs.isFile(ffp)) {
model: m.name,
name: f.normalizedFn,
origName: f.fn,
fullPath: ffp,
sha: nhashFile(ffp, 'SHA256')
} else { // folder
const fFiles = fs.readdirSync(ffp).filter(subFolderF => !subFolderF.startsWith('_')).sort()
fFiles.forEach(ff => {
const subPath = path.join(ffp, ff)
if (fs.isFile(subPath)) {
model: m.name,
name: f.normalizedFn + '/' + ff, // normalized folder/file
origName: f.fn + '/' + ff, // original folder/file
fullPath: subPath,
sha: nhashFile(subPath, 'SHA256')
} else {
console.warn(`${MIGR_FOLDER_NAME} folder should have 1 level depth. Sub-folder '${subPath}' is ignored`)
// check for hooks
const hookFn = path.join(mp, HOOK_FILE_NAME)
if (fs.existsSync(hookFn)) {
model: m.name,
hook: require(hookFn)
return migrations
* Normalize beginning of the string to match XXXYYYZZZ version pattern
* - '2.13.21*' -> '002013021*'
* - '02_1_1*' -> '002001001*'
* - 'notA3digitsGroup' -> 'notA3digitsGroup'
* @param {string} fn
* @returns {string}
function normalizeVersionInFileName (fn) {
// '2.3.12-asdsa' -> ["2.3.12", "2.3.12", "2", "3", "12"]
const p = NORMALIZE_VERSION_RE.exec(fn)
if (p === null) return fn // not match 3digits pattern
const tail = fn.substring(p[0].length)
return `${p[2].padStart(3, '0')}${p[3].padStart(3, '0')}${p[4].padStart(3, '0')}${tail}`
module.exports.shortDoc = `Run generateDDL + ub-migrate + apply scripts from
\t\t\t'${MIGR_FOLDER_NAME}' models _migrate folders`