// All classes here are implemented inside UBMail.dll
// This unit contains a DOCUMENTATION
* @module @unitybase/mailer
* @class
* Binding to a native implementation of POP3 receiver.
* Should be created using {@link TubMailReceiver} method of {@link module:@unitybase/mailer} module
* @constructor
* @param {Object} paramsObj parameters object
* @param {String} paramsObj.host host of mail server
* @param {String} paramsObj.port port of mail server
* @param {String} [paramsObj.user = ''] user login on mail server
* @param {String} [paramsObj.password = ''] user password on mail server
* @param {Boolean} [paramsObj.tls=false] use tls on server request. OpenSSL libraries version >= 0.9.7 must be installed - see package README.md for details
* @param {Boolean} [paramsObj.fullSSL=false] Setup TLS before any POP3 command
function TubMailReceiver (paramsObj) {}
* Count of messages on server
* @returns {Number}
TubMailReceiver.getMessagesCount = function () {}
* Get size of message
* @param {Number} index Index of mail message on server. Indexes starts from 1
* @returns {Number}
TubMailReceiver.getMessageSize = function (index) {}
* Receive message from server
* @param {Number} index Index of mail message on server. Indexes starts from 1
* @returns {TubMimeMessBind}
TubMailReceiver.receive = function (index) {}
* Receive message headers and first maxLines strings of message
* @param {Number} index Index of mail message on server. Indexes starts from 1
* @param {Number} maxLines Count of message lines to receive
* @returns {TubMimeMessBind}
TubMailReceiver.top = function (index, maxLines) {}
* Mark the message to delete. The message will be removed indeed, when reconnect to the server
* or the object is destroyed.
* For destroy object immediately use freeNative, for reconnect use reconnect() method
* @param {Number} index Index of mail message on server. Indexes starts from 1
* @returns {Boolean} True if successfully, in opposite case raise exception
TubMailReceiver.deleteMessage = function (index) {}
* Reconnect to mail server. Get new messages from server, delete marked for delete messages.
* @returns {Boolean} True if successfully, in opposite case raise exception
TubMailReceiver.reconnect = function () {}
* @class UBMail.TubMailAttach
* mail attach
* Mail attach kind
* @property kind
* @type {UBMail.TubSendMailAttackKind}
* Attach data.
* If kind is File, then String with path to attached file
* If kind is Text, then String with attach content
* If kind is Buffer, then ArrayBuffer containing attach content
* @property data
* @type {String|ArrayBuffer}
* Name of attached file. Optional when kind is File
* @property atachName
* @type {String}
* Optional contentID of attached file. If contentID is defined for attachment it can be used in mail body
* for example to display embedded image as such:
* const contentID = 'ub-generated-image-1'
* //inside e-mail body
* body = `<img id="footer-logo" src="cid:${contentID}" alt="UB logo" title="UB logo" width="36" height="36" class="image_fix">`
* @property contentID
* @type {String}
* Is attach data already decoded to Base64
* Optional, default false
* @property isBase64
* @type Boolean
* @class
* Mail SMTP sender object
* @constructor
* @param {Object} paramsObj parameters object
* @param {String} paramsObj.host mail server host
* @param {String} paramsObj.port mail server port
* @param {String} [paramsObj.user=''] mail server login
* @param {String} [paramsObj.password=''] mail server password
* @param {Boolean} [paramsObj.tls=false] use tls on server request. OpenSSL libraries version >= 0.9.7 must be installed - see package README.md for details
* @param {Boolean} [paramsObj.fullSSL=false] Setup TLS before any command to SMTP
* @param {Boolean} [paramsObj.auth = false] authentication required
* @param {Boolean} [paramsObj.deferLogin = false] do not call an SMTP Login method inside a constructor (MUST be called manually)
function TubMailSenderBind (paramsObj) {}
* Login to mail server (if deferLogin === true in a constructor)
* throws on any error
TubMailSenderBind.login = function () {}
* Last error when last sendMail failed. Empty string last sendMail finished successfully.
* @property lastError
* @type {String}
* send a email message
* @param {Object} mailObj sending mail object
* @param {String} [mailObj.subject] mail subject
* @param {UBMail.TubSendMailBodyType} [mailObj.bodyType = UBMail.TubSendMailBodyType.Text] mail body type
* @param {String} [mailObj.body = ''] mail body. If bodyType is Calendar then valid *.ics file
* @param {String} [mailObj.fromAddr = ''] sender address
* @param {String} [mailObj.replyTo = ''] the Reply-To address in email
* @param {Array.<String>} [mailObj.toAddr = []] array of receivers addresses
* @param {Array.<UBMail.TubMailAttach>} [mailObj.attaches = []] array of attaches. Ignored when bodyType is Calendar.
* @returns {Boolean} True if successfully
TubMailSenderBind.sendMail = function (mailObj) {}
* @class
* Received message
class TubMimeMessBind {}
* Main mime part of message
TubMimeMessBind.prototype.messagePart = {}
* Full text of message
* @type StringCollectionBind
TubMimeMessBind.fullText = {}
* Header of message
* @type {TMessHeaderBind}
TubMimeMessBind.header = {}
* class for storing strings list
* @class StringCollectionBind
* @implements {UBReader}
function StringCollectionBind () {}
* Length content in bytes
* @type {Number}
StringCollectionBind.byteLength = 0
* Count of lines in list
* @type {Number}
StringCollectionBind.linesCount = 0
* Get string with custom index from list as String or ArrayBuffer
* @param {Number} index Index of string
* @param {String} [encoding] Optional encoding of source. Default to 'utf-8'.
* If 'bin' - return ArrayBuffer source representation without any conversion.
* If 'base64' - transform base64 encoded content of source to ArrayBuffer
* @returns {ArrayBuffer|String} Return String in case no encoding passed or ArrayBuffer
StringCollectionBind.readLn = function (index, encoding) {}
* Implements a {@link UBReader} interface
StringCollectionBind.read = function (encoding) {}
* @class TMessHeaderBind
function TMessHeaderBind () {}
* Sender of message
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.from = ''
* Receivers of message (one per line)
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMessHeaderBind.toList = {}
* Carbon Copy receivers of message (one per line)
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMessHeaderBind.cCList = {}
* Subject of message
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.subject = ''
* Organization string
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.organization = ''
* After decoding contains all headers lines witch not have parsed to any
* other structures in this object
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMessHeaderBind.customHeaders = {}
* Date and time of message
* @type {Date}
TMessHeaderBind.date = new Date()
* Mailer identification
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.xMailer = ''
* Address for replies
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.replyTo = ''
* Message indetifier
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.messageID = ''
* Message priority
* Can take values: MP_unknown, MP_low, MP_normal, MP_high
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.priority = ''
* Specify base charset. By default is used system charset
* @type {String}
TMessHeaderBind.charsetCode = ''
* Mime part of message
* @class TMimePartBind
function TMimePartBind () {}
* Read DECODED part content.
* @param {String} [encoding] Optional encoding of source. Default to 'utf-8'.
* If 'bin' - return ArrayBuffer source representation without any conversion.
* If 'base64' - transform base64 encoded content of source to ArrayBuffer
* If 'bin2base64' - transform content to base64 encoded string
* @returns {ArrayBuffer|String} Return String in case no encoding passed or ArrayBuffer
TMimePartBind.read = function (encoding) {}
* Primary Mime type of part. (i.e. 'application')
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.primary = ''
* String representation of used Mime encoding in part. (i.e. 'base64')
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.encoding = ''
* String representation of used Mime charset in part. (i.e. 'iso-8859-1')
* Writing to this property automaticly generate value of {@link class:TMimePartBind#charsetCode charsetCode}.
* Charset is used only for text parts.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.charset = ''
* Define default charset for decoding text MIME parts without charset
* specification. Default value is 'ISO-8859-1' by RCF documents.
* But Microsoft Outlook use windows codings as default. This property allows
* properly decode textual parts from some broken versions of Microsoft
* Outlook.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.defaultCharset = ''
* Decoded primary type. Possible values are: MP_TEXT, MP_MULTIPART,
* MP_MESSAGE and MP_BINARY. If type not recognised, result is MP_BINARY.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.primaryCode = ''
* Decoded encoding type. Possible values are: ME_7BIT, ME_8BIT,
* ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE and ME_BASE64. If type not recognised, result is
* ME_7BIT.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.encodingCode = ''
* Decoded charset type.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.charsetCode = ''
* System charset type. Default value is charset used by default in your
* operating system.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.targetCharset = ''
* If True, then do internal charset translation of part content between CharsetCode
* and TargetCharset
* @type {Boolean}
TMimePartBind.convertCharset = ''
* If True, then allways do internal charset translation of HTML parts
* by MIME even it have their own charset in META tag. Default is False.
* @type {Boolean}
TMimePartBind.forcedHTMLConvert = ''
* Secondary Mime type of part. (i.e. 'mixed')
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.secondary = ''
* Description of Mime part.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.description = ''
* Value of content disposition field. (i.e. 'INLINE' or 'ATTACHMENT')
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.disposition = ''
* Content ID.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.contentID = ''
* Boundary delimiter of multipart Mime part. Used only in multipart part.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.boundary = ''
* Filename of file in binary part.
* @type {String}
TMimePartBind.fileName = ''
* String list with lines contains mime part (It can be a full message).
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMimePartBind.lines = {}
* Encoded form of MIME part data.
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMimePartBind.partBody = {}
* All header lines of MIME part.
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMimePartBind.headers = {}
* On multipart this contains part of message between first line of message
* and first boundary.
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMimePartBind.prePart = {}
* On multipart this contains part of message between last boundary and end
* of message.
* @type {StringCollectionBind}
TMimePartBind.postPart = {}
* Show nested level in subpart tree. Value 0 means root part. 1 means
* subpart from this root. etc.
* @type {Number}
TMimePartBind.subLevel = 0
* Specify maximum sublevel value for decomposing.
* @type {Number}
TMimePartBind.maxSubLevel = 0
* When is True, then this part maybe(!) have included some unencoded binary
* data
* @type {Boolean}
TMimePartBind.attachInside = false
* Here you can specify maximum line length for encoding of MIME part.
* If line is longer, then is splitted by standard of MIME. Correct MIME
* mailers can de-split this line into original length.
* @type {Boolean}
TMimePartBind.maxLineLength = 0
* Subparts of MimePart
* @type {Array<TMimePartBind>}
TMimePartBind.prototype.subPart = []