* Build-in UnityBase endpoints. Are registered during {@link module:@unitybase/ub~start UB.start}
* In addition to endpoints documented below endpoints `ubql`, `stat`, `auth`, `logout` and `timeStamp` are implemented
* inside native code (will be moved to JavaScript in future releases).
* @module endpoints
* @memberOf module:@unitybase/ub
// author pavel.mash on 13.10.2016
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const _ = require('lodash')
const mime = require('@unitybase/mime-types')
const WebSockets = require('./web-sockets')
const App = require('./App')
const Session = require('./Session')
const ubErrors = require('./ubErrors')
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
const { uba_common, GC_KEYS } = require('@unitybase/base')
// eslint-disable-next-line n/no-deprecated-api
const appBinding = process.binding('ub_app')
const options = require('@unitybase/base').options
const { formatByPattern } = require('@unitybase/cs-shared')
const AUTH_MOCK = options.switchIndex('-authMock') >= 0
// init zonesAuthenticationMethods
const ZONES_AUTH_MAP = {}
let USE_ZONE_AUTH = false
const zonesAuthenticationMethods = App.serverConfig.security.zonesAuthenticationMethods
if (zonesAuthenticationMethods && zonesAuthenticationMethods.length) {
const availableAuthMethods = App.serverConfig.security.authenticationMethods
zonesAuthenticationMethods.forEach(z => {
const zam = ZONES_AUTH_MAP[z.name] = []
z.authenticationMethods.forEach(am => {
if (availableAuthMethods.indexOf(am) !== -1) {
} else {
console.warn(`Authentication method ${am} for security zone ${z.name} ignored because it is not found in the security.authenticationMethods`)
* @param {string} reqPath
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
* @private
function resolveModelFile (reqPath, resp) {
let entry = {
fullPath: ''
// cache actual file path & type for success models/* request
const cached = App.memCacheGet(`${GC_KEYS.UB_MODELS_REQ_}${reqPath}`, { ignoreTenants: true })
if (!cached) {
const parts = reqPath.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/')
const modelName = parts.shift()
if (!modelName) {
return resp.badRequest('first part of path must be model name')
const model = App.domainInfo.models[modelName]
if (!model) {
return resp.badRequest('no such model ' + modelName)
entry.fullPath = path.normalize(path.join(model.realPublicPath, parts.join('/')))
if (!entry.fullPath) {
return resp.badRequest('cant resolve relative path')
if (!entry.fullPath.startsWith(model.realPublicPath)) {
return resp.badRequest(`resolved path "${entry.fullPath}" is not inside model folder ${model.realPublicPath}`)
if (!fs.existsSync(entry.fullPath)) {
return resp.notFound(`"${entry.fullPath}"`)
const stat = fs.statSync(entry.fullPath)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return resp.badRequest(`Prevent access to folder "${entry.fullPath}"`)
entry.fullPath = path.relative(process.configPath, entry.fullPath)
} else {
const ct = mime.contentType(parts.pop())
if (ct) {
entry.mimeHead = 'Content-Type: ' + ct
App.memCachePut(`${GC_KEYS.UB_MODELS_REQ_}${reqPath}`, JSON.stringify(entry), { ignoreTenants: true })
} else {
console.debug('model file is resolved from cache')
entry = JSON.parse(cached)
const head = `${PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER}: /${PROXY_SEND_FILE_LOCATION_ROOT}/app/${entry.fullPath}`
console.debug('<- ', head)
} else {
resp.writeHead('Content-Type: !STATICFILE')
if (entry.mimeHead) {
resp.statusCode = 200
* The `models` endpoint. Responsible for return a static files content from a model publicPath folders
* For example request `GET http://host:port/models/modelName/fileName`
* will return a file from a public folder of a model `modelName`
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
function modelsEp (req, resp) {
if ((req.method !== 'GET') && (req.method !== 'HEAD')) {
return resp.badRequest('invalid request method ' + req.method)
const reqPath = req.decodedUri
if (!reqPath || !reqPath.length || (reqPath.length > 250)) {
return resp.badRequest('path too long (max is 250) ' + reqPath.length)
resolveModelFile(reqPath, resp)
// cache forever - do not cache index*.html
// resp.writeHead('Content-Type: text/html\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT');
const MODULES_ROOT = path.join(process.configPath, 'node_modules')
* The `clientRequire` endpoint. Used by client side loaders (SystemJS for example) to emulate commonJS require
* **Security note**: It is __very important__ to prevent loading a server-side logic to the client - server-side logic MUST be hidden from clients
* To do this `clientRequire` endpoint:
* - allow access only to modules inside application `node_modules` folder
* - in case requested module is a UnityBase model (present in ubConfig.json) then restrict access to non-public part of such model
* So developer should list all the modules that contain a sensitive server-side business logic inside the application
* config and set a `moduleName` parameter correctly for such models.
* On the production where nginx is used as a reverse proxy requests to /clientRequire is intercepted by nginx and
* returns a static file previously linked by `ubcli linkStatic` command, which uses the same resolve algorithm as described above
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
function clientRequireEp (req, resp) {
if ((req.method !== 'GET') && (req.method !== 'HEAD')) {
return resp.badRequest('invalid request method ' + req.method)
const reqPath = req.decodedUri
if (!process.isDebug && reqPath.endsWith('.js.map')) {
return resp.notFound(`Request to map file (${reqPath}) is blocked in non-dev mode`)
// cache actual file path & type for success clientRequire/* request
const cached = App.memCacheGet(`${GC_KEYS.UB_CLIENT_REQ_}${reqPath}`, { ignoreTenants: true })
let entry = {
fullPath: ''
if (!cached) {
if (!reqPath || !reqPath.length || (reqPath.length > 250)) {
return resp.badRequest('path too long (max is 250) ' + reqPath.length)
if (reqPath.startsWith('models/')) {
resolveModelFile(reqPath.slice('models/'.length), resp)
if (reqPath.indexOf('..') !== -1) { // prevent clientRequire/../../../secret.txt attack
return resp.badRequest(`Relative path (${reqPath}) not allowed`)
if (path.isAbsolute(reqPath)) { // prevent clientRequire/d:/secret.txt attack
return resp.badRequest(`Absolute path (${reqPath}) not allowed`)
let resolvedPath
try {
console.debug(`Trying to resolve ${reqPath}`)
// preventSymlinks emulation. code below will resolve to realPath
// what can be outside the application folder if packages are symlinked
// resolvedPath = require.resolve(reqPath, {
// paths: [MODULES_ROOT]
// })
resolvedPath = path.resolve(MODULES_ROOT, reqPath)
if (!fs.existsSync(resolvedPath)) { // try js file
resolvedPath = resolvedPath + '.js'
const stat = fs.statSync(resolvedPath)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
const pkgName = path.join(resolvedPath, 'package.json')
if (fs.existsSync(pkgName)) {
const pkgMain = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgName, 'utf8')).main || './index.js'
resolvedPath = path.join(resolvedPath, pkgMain)
} else {
return resp.badRequest(`package.json not found in folder "${resolvedPath}"`)
} catch (e) {
resolvedPath = undefined
if (!resolvedPath) {
return resp.notFound(`Package ${reqPath} not found`)
if (!resolvedPath.startsWith(MODULES_ROOT)) {
return resp.badRequest(`Path (${reqPath}) must be inside application node_modules folder but instead resolved to ${resolvedPath}`)
const models = App.domainInfo.models
let restrictAccess = false
// allow access to package.json for dynamically load a module from UI
if (!reqPath.endsWith('/package.json')) {
// in case this is request to UnityBase model - check resolved file is inside model public folder
_.forEach(models, (model) => {
if (model.moduleName &&
// do not compare req @unitybase/ub-pub with module @unitybase/ub
((reqPath === model.moduleName) || reqPath.startsWith(model.moduleName + '/')) &&
) {
restrictAccess = true
return false
if (restrictAccess) {
return resp.badRequest(`Request to UnityBase model ${reqPath} resolved to (${resolvedPath}) which is not inside any of public models folder`)
entry.fullPath = resolvedPath
entry.fullPath = path.relative(process.configPath, entry.fullPath)
} else {
const ct = mime.contentType(path.extname(resolvedPath))
if (ct) {
entry.mimeHead = 'Content-Type: ' + ct
App.memCachePut(`${GC_KEYS.UB_CLIENT_REQ_}${reqPath}`, JSON.stringify(entry), { ignoreTenants: true })
console.debug(`Resolved ${reqPath} -> ${resolvedPath}`)
} else {
entry = JSON.parse(cached)
console.debug(`Resolved from cache ${reqPath} -> ${entry.fullPath}`)
const head = `${PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER}: /${PROXY_SEND_FILE_LOCATION_ROOT}/app/${entry.fullPath}`
console.debug('<- ', head)
} else {
resp.writeHead('Content-Type: !STATICFILE')
if (entry.mimeHead) {
resp.statusCode = 200
* The `getAppInfo` endpoint. Responsible for return an information about application required for an
* initial client side connectivity and UI setup
* Models can extend response by subscribes to App.on('getAppInfo') event and modify
* a payload object - see example in `getAppInfo` event doc
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
function getAppInfoEp (req, resp) {
const serverConfig = App.serverConfig
let authMethods
if (!Session.zone) console.warn(`Security zone for IP ${Session.callerIP} is empty`)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!ZONES_AUTH_MAP.hasOwnProperty(Session.zone)) {
console.warn(`Authentication methods not configured for "${Session.zone}" security zone`)
} else {
authMethods = ZONES_AUTH_MAP[Session.zone]
} else {
authMethods = serverConfig.security.authenticationMethods
// getAppInfo event handlers can mutate appInfo
const appInfo = _.cloneDeep({
appVersion: App.package.version,
serverVersion: process.version,
defaultLang: serverConfig.application.defaultLang,
simpleCertAuth: serverConfig.security.simpleCertAuth,
authMethods: authMethods || [],
supportedLanguages: serverConfig.application.domain.supportedLanguages || ['en'],
supportedIrregularLang: serverConfig.application.localization ? serverConfig.application.localization.irregularLangToLocaleMap : undefined,
supportedWSProtocols: process.isWebSocketEnabled ? WebSockets.registeredProtocols() : [],
uiSettings: serverConfig.uiSettings || {},
authMock: AUTH_MOCK || undefined
* Models can modify `getAppInto` response by mutate an `appInto` parameter of `getAppInfo` App event.
* **WARNING** `getAppInto` endpoint is called often, so event handler should be as fast as possible.
* Since `getAppInto` endpoint is called for non-authorised users, response MUST NOT contain a sensitive data
* @example
App.on('getAppInfo', function(appInfo) {
const serverConfig = App.serverConfig
const DSTU = serverConfig.security && serverConfig.security.dstu
appInfo.trafficEncryption = DSTU ? DSTU.trafficEncryption : false
* @event getAppInfo
* @memberOf ServerApp
* @param {object} appInfo
App.emit('getAppInfo', appInfo) // allow models to extend an appInfo
if (App.isLicenseExceed) appInfo.isLicenseExceed = true
resp.statusCode = 200
// const RESTRICTED_ENTITY_PROPS = ['connectionConfig', 'dbExtensions', 'mapping'] // adv allow mapping
// const RESTRICTED_ATTRIBUTES_PROPS = ['physicalDataType', 'generateFK', 'mapping'] // adv allow mapping
// const RESTRICTED_MODEL_PROPS = ['realPublicPath'] // adv allow realPublicPath
// const advancedDomainInfoEntityProps = []
// function domainReplacer (key, val) {
// if (!this) return undefined
// if (this instanceof UBDomain.UBEntity) {
// // at last one of entity method is accessible
// if (!this.haveAccessToAnyMethods(Object.keys(this.entityMethods))) return undefined
// // serialize only allowed properties
// return RESTRICTED_ENTITY_PROPS.find(elm => elm === key) ? undefined : val
// } else if (this instanceof UBDomain.UBEntity.UBEntityAttribute) {
// // skip empty string
// if ((typeof val === 'string') && !val) return undefined
// if ((key === 'customSettings') && !Object.keys(val).length) return undefined
// return RESTRICTED_ATTRIBUTES_PROPS.find(elm => elm === key) ? undefined : val
// } else if (this instanceof UBDomain.UBModel) {
// return RESTRICTED_MODEL_PROPS.find(elm => elm === key) ? undefined : val
// } else {
// return val
// }
// }
const authenticationHandled = appBinding.handleAuthentication
const nativeGetDomainInfo = appBinding.getDomainInfo
* The `getDomainInfo` endpoint.
* Return JSON representation of application Domain according to caller rights
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
function getDomainInfoEp (req, resp) {
// implementation below is SLOW. The bottleneck is JSON.stringify() for huge JSON
// let restrictedDomain = {
// domain: App.domainInfo.entities, // _.filter(App.domainInfo.entities, (e) => e.code.startsWith('ubm')),
// models: App.domainInfo.models
// }
// let res = JSON.stringify(restrictedDomain, domainReplacer)
const params = req.parsedParameters
const isExtended = (params.extended === 'true')
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
if (isExtended && authenticationHandled && !uba_common.isSuperUser()) {
return resp.badRequest('Extended domain info allowed only for member of admin group of if authentication is disabled')
if (!params.userName) {
return resp.badRequest('userName=login parameter is required')
if (params.userName !== Session.uData.login) {
return resp.badRequest(`passed userName=${params.userName} not match current session user "${Session.uData.login}"`)
nativeGetDomainInfo(isExtended, true /* write to resp */)
resp.statusCode = 200
* Default endpoint. Will be called in case URL do not start form a known endpoint.
* Current implementation will handle static files from `ServerConfig.HTTPServer.inetPub` folder
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
function staticEp (req, resp) {
if (!App.staticPath) return resp.notFound('httpServer.inetPub is empty')
if (PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER) { // redirect to statics endpoint handled by nginx
const head = req.url.startsWith('statics/')
? `${PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER}: /${req.url}`
: `${PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER}: /statics/${req.url}`
console.debug('<- ', head)
resp.statusCode = 200
} else {
if ((req.method !== 'GET') && (req.method !== 'HEAD')) {
return resp.badRequest('invalid request method ' + req.method)
const reqPath = req.decodedUri
console.log('reqPath', reqPath)
if (!reqPath || !reqPath.length || (reqPath.length > 250)) {
return resp.badRequest('path too long (max is 250) ' + reqPath.length)
const normalized = path.normalize(path.join(App.staticPath, reqPath))
if (!normalized.startsWith(App.staticPath)) {
return resp.badRequest(`statics: resolved path "${normalized}" is not inside inetPub folder ${App.staticPath}`)
if (!fs.existsSync(normalized)) {
return resp.notFound(`"${normalized}"`)
const stat = fs.statSync(normalized)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return resp.badRequest(`Prevent access to folder "${normalized}"`)
const ext = path.extname(normalized)
const ct = mime.contentType(ext)
resp.writeHead('Content-Type: !STATICFILE')
if (ct) {
resp.writeHead('Content-Type: ' + ct)
resp.statusCode = 200
const EXPECT_RESULT_RE = /^[ \r\n\t]*(select|pragma)/i // start with optional RC LF TAB or SPACE and when select or pragma
* Run sql query on server side. Allowed from local IP's.
* Connection name is in `connection` uri parameter (or default connection if not set)
* - If HTTP verb is GET then allowed inline parameters only and sql is in `sql` uri parameter
* - If HTTP verb is POST then sql is in request body and query parameters is uri parameters except `connection`
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
* @private
function runSQLEp (req, resp) {
if (App.localIPs.indexOf(Session.callerIP) === -1) {
throw new Error(`Only local execution allowed. Caller remoteIP="${Session.callerIP}"`)
const parameters = req.parsedParameters
const connectionName = parameters.connection || parameters.CONNECTION || App.domainInfo.defaultConnection.name
const conn = App.dbConnections[connectionName]
if (!conn) throw new Error(`runSQL: Unknown connection ${connectionName}`)
let sql, sqlParams
if (req.method === 'GET') {
sql = parameters.sql
sqlParams = null
} else if ((req.method === 'POST') || (req.method === 'PUT')) {
sql = req.read('utf-8')
delete parameters.connection
sqlParams = parameters
} else {
return resp.badRequest('runSQL: invalid verb ' + req.method)
if (!sql) throw new Error('runSQL: statement is empty')
if (EXPECT_RESULT_RE.test(sql)) {
const result = conn.run(sql, sqlParams)
} else {
conn.exec(sql, sqlParams)
resp.statusCode = 200
* Execute entity level method with direct access to the HTTP request and response.
* Client calls such methods using `POST /rest/entityCode/methodCode`.
* The main purpose is to create an entity-level method what accept a binary request body or returns a binary response
* REST methods handler is called with 3 parameters: `(ctxt: null, req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse)`
* and should fill a resp object props properly.
* Endpoint verify user has access to method.
* @example
// define entity method what can be called either using `/rest` or usong `/ubql`
me.getCertificate = function (ctxt, req, resp) {
let certID
if (req) { // endpoint is called as rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate?ID=1231
if (!req.parsedParameters.ID) {
return resp.badRequest('Missed ID; Expext URL to be rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate?ID=1231')
certID = req.parsedParameters.ID
} else {
certID = ctxt.mParams.ID
const store = UB.Repository('uba_usercertificate')
.attrs(['ID', 'certificate'])
.where('ID', '=', certID).select()
if (store.eof) throw new Error('not found')
let certificate = store.getAsBuffer('certificate')
if (req) { // called as rest
resp.writeHead('Content-Type: application/x-x509-user-cert')
resp.statusCode = 200
} else {
certificate = Buffer.from(certificate)
certificate = certificate.toString('base64')
ctxt.dataStore.initialize({ fieldCount: 1, values: ['certificate', certificate], rowCount: 1 })
// on client side
// call using rest:
const certResp = await UB.connection.get('/rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate?ID=334607980199937')
const certBin = certResp.data
// call using ubql:
const certResp = await UB.connection.query({entity: 'uba_usercertificate', method: 'getCertificate', ID:334607980199937})
const certBase64 = certResp.resultData.data[0][0]
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
function restEp (req, resp) {
const INVALID_PARAMS = 'REST: parameters are invalid'
if (req.uri === '') return resp.badRequest(INVALID_PARAMS)
const parts = req.uri.split('/')
const entity = App.domainInfo.get(parts[0], false)
if (!entity) return resp.badRequest('REST: unknown entity ' + parts[0])
const method = parts[1]
if (!method) return resp.notImplemented('REST: await "entity/method" in url')
if (!entity.haveAccessToMethod(method)) throw new ubErrors.ESecurityException(`REST: unknown method or access deny ${entity.code}.${method}`)
// TODO - must be implemented using launchMethod to emit :before and :after events etc.
global[entity.code][method](null, req, resp)
return true
* Return a single localization script bundled from all models public/locale/lang-${Session.userLang} scripts
* excluding adminui-pub what injected before login window
* GET allLocales?lang=en
* GET allLocales?lang=en&json=1&includeDomain=1&includeData=1
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
* @private
function allLocalesEp (req, resp) {
const { lang, json, includeData, includeDomain } = req.parsedParameters
if (!lang || lang.length > 5) return resp.badRequest('lang parameter required')
const supportedLanguages = App.serverConfig.application.domain.supportedLanguages || ['en']
if (supportedLanguages.indexOf(lang) === -1) return resp.badRequest('unsupported language')
if (json) {
// do not move a metadataTransformation require from here - this file required by native!!
const loadDomainIntoJS = require('./metadataTransformation')
const resources = {}
const addDescriptionAndDocumentation = (resourceKey, meta) => {
if (meta.captionSingular) {
resources[resourceKey + '#captionSingular'] = meta.captionSingular
if (meta.description) {
resources[resourceKey + '#description'] = meta.description
if (meta.documentation) {
resources[resourceKey + '#documentation'] = meta.documentation
if (includeDomain) {
if (App.localIPs.indexOf(Session.callerIP) === -1) {
resp.writeEnd('includeDomain is not allowed for remote clients')
resp.statusCode = 403
const rawDomain = loadDomainIntoJS(true)
for (const [entityCode, { langs }] of Object.entries(rawDomain)) {
const meta = rawDomain[entityCode].meta
const i18n = langs && langs[lang]
const localizedEntity = i18n ? _.merge(meta, i18n) : meta // merge locale into entity definition = the same as in UBEntity constructor
if (localizedEntity.caption) {
resources[entityCode] = localizedEntity.caption
addDescriptionAndDocumentation(entityCode, localizedEntity)
if (localizedEntity.attributes) {
for (const attr of localizedEntity.attributes) {
const attrResourceKey = entityCode + '.' + attr.name
resources[attrResourceKey] = attr.caption
addDescriptionAndDocumentation(attrResourceKey, attr)
const mergeFileIntoResources = (...dirComponents) => {
if (!dirComponents[0]) return
const localeFile = path.join(...dirComponents, `locale/lang-${lang}.json`)
if (fs.existsSync(localeFile)) {
_.merge(resources, require(localeFile))
for (const model of App.domainInfo.orderedModels) {
if (includeData) mergeFileIntoResources(model.realPath, '_data')
} else {
// Get lang-<xx>.js and lang-<xx>.json together and wrap as executable client-side code
let cached = App.globalCacheGet(`${GC_KEYS.UB_LOCALE_REQ_}${lang}`)
if (!cached) {
cached = ' '
for (const model of App.domainInfo.orderedModels) {
if (!model.realPublicPath) continue
let localeFile = path.join(model.realPublicPath, 'locale', `lang-${lang}.json`)
if (fs.existsSync(localeFile)) { // JSON localization (since UB 5.19.3)
const content = fs.readFileSync(localeFile, 'utf-8')
cached += `\n// ${model.name} localization\nUB.i18nExtend(\n${content}\n)`
localeFile = path.join(model.realPublicPath, 'locale', `lang-${lang}.js`)
if (fs.existsSync(localeFile)) { // JS localization
const content = fs.readFileSync(localeFile, 'utf-8')
cached += `\n// ${model.name} localization\n${content}`
// get locale-specific translations for the server-side code
const localeCode = formatByPattern.lang2locale(lang)
if (localeCode !== lang) {
localeFile = path.join(model.realPublicPath, 'locale', `lang-${localeCode}.json`)
if (fs.existsSync(localeFile)) {
const content = fs.readFileSync(localeFile, 'utf-8')
cached += `\n// ${model.name} localization\nUB.i18nExtend(\n${content}\n)`
App.globalCachePut(`${GC_KEYS.UB_LOCALE_REQ_}${lang}`, cached)
resp.statusCode = 200
resp.writeHead('Content-Type: application/javascript')
module.exports = {