/* global nhashFile */
* @module @unitybase/s3-blob-store
const fs = require('fs')
const BlobStores = require('@unitybase/blob-stores')
const FileSystemBlobStore = BlobStores.classes.FileSystemBlobStore
const aws = require('@unitybase/aws')
const UB = require('@unitybase/ub')
* @type S3Client
* @private
let threadS3Client
* @classdesc
* Blob store implementation for storing content inside s3 compatible storage
* Key conceptions:
* - relative path created in format modelName|relativePathFromModelDir to hide real file place from client
* - OS user temp folder used for store temporary content
* - delete operation is forbidden since models must be under version control
* Singleton
class S3BlobStore extends FileSystemBlobStore {
* @param {object} storeConfig
* @param {ServerApp} appInstance
* @param {UBSession} sessionInstance
* @param {object} options
constructor (storeConfig, appInstance, sessionInstance, options) {
super(storeConfig, appInstance, sessionInstance, { checkStorePath: storeConfig.s3enabled })
this.s3enabled = storeConfig.s3enabled || false
if (!this.s3enabled) {
const s3Cfg = appInstance.serverConfig.application.s3
if (!s3Cfg) {
throw new Error(`BLOB store "${this.name}" configured to use s3 but serverConfig.application.s3 section not exists`)
if (!s3Cfg.URL || !s3Cfg.credentials || !s3Cfg.credentials.accessKeyId || !s3Cfg.credentials.secretAccessKey) {
throw new Error(`BLOB store "${this.name}" configured to use s3 but URL or credentials.accessKeyId or credentials.secretAccessKey is empty in serverConfig.application.s3 section`)
this.repondUsingProxy = this.PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER && (s3Cfg.anonymousReadPolicyEnabled === true)
this.defaultBucket = s3Cfg.defaultBucket || 'ubbs'
if (!threadS3Client) {
threadS3Client = new aws.S3Client({
URL: s3Cfg.URL,
credentials: s3Cfg.credentials
if (!this.repondUsingProxy && !process.isDebug) {
console.warn('S3 BLOB store: for production usage enabling of reverse proxy and set a \'serverConfig.application.s3.anonymousReadPolicyEnabled\' to true is strongly recommended')
* Returns true in case item stored in S3 storage
* @param {BlobStoreRequest} [request]
* @param {BlobStoreItem} blobInfo
* @returns {boolean}
isStoredInS3 (request, blobInfo) {
if (request && request.isDirty) {
return false // temp files stored in BOB store temp folder
} else if (blobInfo.relPath) {
return blobInfo.relPath.startsWith(aws.S3_URI_SCHEMA)
} else {
return false
* Returns full path to the file with BLOB content. For s3 objects returns s3://bucket/path
* @param {BlobStoreRequest} request
* @param {BlobStoreItem} blobInfo JSON retrieved from a DB
* @returns {string}
getContentFilePath (request, blobInfo) {
return request.isDirty ? this.getTempFileName(request) : this.getPermanentFileName(blobInfo, request)
* Retrieve BLOB content from blob store
* @param {BlobStoreRequest} request
* @param {BlobStoreItem} blobInfo JSON retrieved from a DB.
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {string|null} [options.encoding] Possible values:
* 'bin' 'ascii' 'binary' 'hex' ucs2/ucs-2/utf16le/utf-16le utf8/utf-8 base64
* if `null` will return {@link Buffer}, if `bin` - ArrayBuffer
* @returns {string|Buffer|ArrayBuffer|null}
getContent (request, blobInfo, options) {
if (!this.isStoredInS3(request, blobInfo)) {
return super.getContent(request, blobInfo, options)
const filePath = this.getContentFilePath(request, blobInfo)
if (!filePath) return undefined
if (!threadS3Client) {
throw new Error(`File '${filePath}' is stored in S3, but S3 is not enabled`)
let encoding = options ? options.encoding : 'bin'
if (encoding === 'base64') {
// http.read expect encoding to be a source encoding, so use UB specific bin2base64 to return a base64 string
// as in FileSystemBlobStore.getContent
encoding = 'bin2base64'
return threadS3Client.download({ s3url: filePath, encoding })
* Fill HTTP response for getDocument request
* @param {BlobStoreRequest} request
* @param {BlobStoreItem} blobInfo Document metadata. Not used for dirty requests
* @param {THTTPRequest} req
* @param {THTTPResponse} resp
* @param {boolean} [preventChangeRespOnError=false] If `true` - prevents sets resp status code - just returns false on error
* @returns {boolean}
fillResponse (request, blobInfo, req, resp, preventChangeRespOnError) {
if (!this.isStoredInS3(request, blobInfo)) {
return super.fillResponse(request, blobInfo, req, resp, preventChangeRespOnError)
// s3 storage request
const s3url = this.getPermanentFileName(blobInfo, request)
if (!threadS3Client) {
throw new Error(`File '${s3url}' is stored is s3 but s3 is not enabled`)
let ct = blobInfo.ct
if (!ct) ct = 'application/octet-stream'
if (this.repondUsingProxy) { // send via nginx using proxy pass to s3
const s3Path = s3url.slice(aws.S3_URI_SCHEMA.length)
// non anonymous request (TODO - nginx do not pass new headers to s3)
// const parsedUri = aws.parseS3Url(s3url)
// const reqParams = threadS3Client.computeAwsHttpRequestParams({
// HTTPMethod: 'GET',
// bucket: parsedUri.bucket,
// s3Path: parsedUri.bucketKey
// })
// const proxyPassHead = `${this.PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER}: /${this.PROXY_SEND_FILE_LOCATION_ROOT}/s3${reqParams.path}`
// const headersForNginx = reqParams.headersStr + '\r\n' + proxyPassHead
const headersForNginx = `${this.PROXY_SEND_FILE_HEADER}: /${this.PROXY_SEND_FILE_LOCATION_ROOT}/s3/${s3Path}`
console.debug('<- ', headersForNginx)
resp.statusCode = 200
} else { // dev mode - send from memory
console.debug('S3 store: downloading from ', s3url)
const binContent = threadS3Client.download({ s3url, encoding: 'bin' })
resp.writeHead(`Content-Type: ${ct}`)
resp.statusCode = 200
return true
* Move content defined by `dirtyItem` from temporary to permanent store.
* TIPS: in v0 (UB<5) if file updated then implementation takes a store from old item.
* This raise a problem - old store may be in archive state (readonly)
* So in UB5 we change implementation to use a store defined in the attribute for new items
* Return a new attribute content which describe a place of the BLOB in permanent store
* @param {UBEntityAttribute} attribute
* @param {number} ID
* @param {BlobStoreItem} dirtyItem
* @param {number} newRevision
* @returns {BlobStoreItem|null}
persist (attribute, ID, dirtyItem, newRevision) {
if (!this.s3enabled) {
return super.persist(attribute, ID, dirtyItem, newRevision)
// new files are stored in s3
const tempPath = this.checkTempFileBeforePersist(attribute, ID, dirtyItem)
if (tempPath === null) { // deleted
return null
const newPlacement = this.genNewPlacement(attribute, dirtyItem, ID) // newPlacement.relPath is s3 URL
const newMD5 = nhashFile(tempPath, 'MD5')
const ct = this.getMimeType(newPlacement.ext, true)
const stat = fs.statSync(tempPath)
const resp = {
v: 2,
store: this.name,
fName: newPlacement.fn,
origName: dirtyItem.origName,
relPath: newPlacement.relPath,
size: stat.size,
md5: newMD5,
revision: newRevision
const s3url = this.getPermanentFileName(resp)
console.debug('S3 store: upload to ', s3url)
filePath: tempPath,
additionalHeaders: {
'content-type': ct
if (dirtyItem.isPermanent) resp.isPermanent = true
return resp
* @override
* @param {UBEntityAttribute} attribute
* @param {number} ID
* @param {BlobStoreItem} blobInfo
doDeletion (attribute, ID, blobInfo) {
if (!this.isStoredInS3(null, blobInfo)) {
return super.doDeletion(attribute, ID, blobInfo)
const s3url = this.getPermanentFileName(blobInfo)
if (!threadS3Client) {
throw new Error(`File '${s3url}' is stored is s3 but s3 is not enabled`)
if (s3url) {
try {
console.info(`removes blob data from S3 store for ${attribute.entity.code}.${attribute.name} row ID ${ID}`)
return threadS3Client.delete({
} catch (e) {
console.error(`BLOB store "${this.name}" - can't delete object "${s3url}":`, e)
* Calculate a relative path, file name and bucket for a new BLOB item
* @protected
* @param {UBEntityAttribute} attribute
* @param {BlobStoreItem} dirtyItem
* @param {number} ID
* @returns {{fn: string, ext: string, relPath: string, fullFn: string}}
genNewPlacement (attribute, dirtyItem, ID) {
// generate file name && relPath
const placement = super.genNewPlacement(attribute, dirtyItem, ID, { forceFolder: !this.s3enabled })
if (this.s3enabled) {
const bucketCfg = { name: this.defaultBucket }
UB.App.emit('getBucketName', { attribute, blobStoreItem: dirtyItem }, bucketCfg)
placement.relPath = `${aws.S3_URI_SCHEMA}${bucketCfg.name}/${placement.relPath}`
return placement
* If item stored in file system - returns full path to file, if in S3 - s3 URL
* @protected
* @param {BlobStoreItem} blobItem
* @param {BlobStoreRequest} [request] Optional request to get a revision
* @returns {string} In case of item not exists - return empty string ''
getPermanentFileName (blobItem, request) {
if (!this.isStoredInS3(null, blobItem) || !this.s3enabled) {
return super.getPermanentFileName(blobItem, request)
return blobItem.relPath.endsWith('/')
? blobItem.relPath + blobItem.fName
: blobItem.relPath + '/' + blobItem.fName
module.exports = S3BlobStore