/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* global TubDataStore, EventEmitter, UBEntity */
  Purpose of this file is to describe objects and functions added to server-side JavaScript thread(s) by UnityBase server.
  All described here is native UB objects imported to SpiderMonkey (i.e. realisation is in Pascal or C).
  This file provide correct syntax check, code insight and documentation if we edit models in IDE like JetBrains, eclipse e.t.c.
  Also server-side documentation generated based on this file.

  Author: pavel.mash
  Date: 10.08.13

 * Collection of named items
 * @class TubNamedCollection
function TubNamedCollection () {}
TubNamedCollection.prototype = {
   * Get list element by name
   * @param name
   * @returns {Number|String|TubList}
  byName: function (name) {},

   * Stringified JSON representation of named collection
   * @type {string}
  asJSON: '',
   * Number of named collection items
   * @type {Number}
  count: 0,
   * Array of collection items
   * @type {Array}
  items: [],
   * Array of collection item names
   * @type {Array}
  strings: []

 * @classdesc
 * Structure passed as a parameter for all entity level scripting methods
 * @class ubMethodParams
function ubMethodParams () {}
ubMethodParams.prototype = {
   * Do not call methods of other mixins with <b>the same method name</b>.
   * This mean if preventDefault() is called in the overridden `beforeselect`, only `beforeselect` of mixin method will not be called.
   * Useful if we want to override original method implementation by our own implementation.
   * See ubm_form.update implementation for usage sample.
  preventDefault: function () {},
   * Do not check row modification date while execute statement
   * @type {boolean}
  skipOptimisticLock: false,
   * Data Store associated with current method execution context. If initialized - will be added to client response
   * @type {TubDataStore}
   * @readonly
  dataStore: null,
   * Params caller pass to HTTP request
   * @type {TubList}
  originalParams: null,
   * In/Out method parameters. All parameters added or modified in this object is passed back to client.
   * In case method is called from client `mParams` is a serialized request body
   * @type {TubList}
  mParams: null,
   * Indicate current method execution initiated by external caller (client). If false - this method is called from server
   * @type {boolean}
   * @readonly
  externalCall: true

 * Structure for calling WebSocket handlers
 * @class
function WebSocketConnection () {}
WebSocketConnection.prototype = {
   * Current logged-in user session
   * @type {Session}
   * @readonly
  session: null,
   * Send message to caller
   * @param {String|object|ArrayBuffer} data
  send: function (data) {},
   * Close caller connection
   * @param {string} [reason]
  close: function (reason) {}

 * @classdesc
 * During initialization phrase UnityBase load application domain {@link UBDomain} and create a global
 * variable for each entity from domain. Name of such global variable equal to entity name.
 * `EntityNamespace` pseudo class is a accessor for such namespaces.
 * The main task of this class is to provide a code insight in IDEs like WebStorm or VSCode.
 * `ubcli createCodeInsightHelper` command will create a stubs for all entities in model.
 * @augments EventEmitter
class EntityNamespace extends EventEmitter {
  constructor () {
     * Reference to entity metadata
     * @type {UBEntity}
    this.entity = new UBEntity()

 * Mixin. Provide CRUID operations for entity database persistent (ORM) using `ubql` query syntax
 * @mixin
const mStorage = {
   * ORM query for read records
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {UBQL} ctx.mParams ORM query in UBQL format
  select: function (ctx) {},
   * New record insertion
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams Insert method parameters
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams.execParams Pairs of attributeName: attributeValue to be inserted
   * @param {array<string>} [ctx.mParams.fieldList] Optional attributes names. Values of this attributes will be returned in result.
   *   Additional DB query is required to return values, so if caller do not need it better to not pass a fieldList to insert
  insert: function (ctx) {},
   * Update existed record
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams Update method parameters
   * @param {Object<string, *>} ctx.mParams.execParams Pairs of attributeName: attributeValue to be updated
   * @param {number} ctx.mParams.execParams.ID ID of instance we update
   * @param {array<string>} [ctx.fieldList] Optional attributes names. Values of this attributes will be returned in result.
   *   Additional DB query is required to return values, so if caller do not need it better to not pass a fieldList to update
  update: function (ctx) {},
   * Delete record by ID
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams Delete method parameters
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams.execParams
   * @param {number} ctx.mParams.execParams.ID Instance ID to be deleted
  delete: function (ctx) {},
   * Create record with filled default values and return it to caller.
   * Newly created record is not inserted to database. For inserting record to the database `insert` method should be called
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} [ctx.mParams] Optional values for attributes of new record
  addNew: function (ctx) {}

 * Mixin. Implements inheritance for ORM. Override `insert`, `update` and `delete` methods and
 * synchronize content of current entity attributes subset (defined in `unity.attributeList` config)
 * with entity specified in `unity.entity` mixin configuration parameter.
 * Configuration can accept optional `unity.mapping` and `unity.defaults`
 * @mixin
const unity = {


 * Mixin. Enabled by default. All insert/update/delete low level operation will be logged to `uba_auditTrail`
 * @mixin
const audit = {


 * Mixin. Pessimistic Lock implementation
 * @mixin
const softLock = {
   * Lock record. If record is not locked then `update` & `delete` operation are not permitted
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams Method parameters
   * @param {number} ctx.mParams.ID Record ID to lock
   * @param {string} ctx.mParams.lockType Either 'Temp' or 'Persist'
  lock: function (ctx) {},
   * Unlock record
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams Method parameters
   * @param {number} ctx.mParams.lockID ID of lock to remove
  unlock: function (ctx) {},
   * Renew existed lock
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams Method parameters
   * @param {number} ctx.mParams.lockID ID of lock to remove
  renewLock: function (ctx) {},
   * Check record is locked
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
   * @param {object} ctx.mParams Method parameters
   * @param {number} ctx.mParams.ID Record ID
  isLocked: function (ctx) {}

 * Mixin. Provide Row Level Security.
 * Will override `select` method and add a SQL expression returned by function specified in `rls.expression`
 * to `where` section for each `select` operation.
 * Scenarios where RLS might be useful:
 *    Show only tasks assigned to a current user, disallow to see any other tasks
 *    Show only menu items, available to the roles of the current ser
 *    Show only documents, where the current user is a participant
 * See tutorial {@tutorial mixin_rls} for details.
 * @mixin
const rls = {


 * Mixin. Provide Row Level Security based on Access Control List
 * See https://unitybase.info/api/server-v5/tutorial-entites.html#aclrls---access-control-list-row-level-security
 * @mixin
const aclRls = {


 * Mixin. Provide Attribute Level Security
 * @mixin
const als = {
   * Must be implemented in entity. Method should return all possible roles
   * @published
   * @abstract
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
  getallroles: function (ctx) {},
   * Must be implemented in entity. Method should return all possible states
   * @published
   * @abstract
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
  getallstates: function (ctx) {}

 * Mixin. Provide historical data storage
 * @mixin
const dataHistory = {
   * Create new version of specified record
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
  newversion: function (ctx) {}

 * Mixin. Implements Materialized path.
 * Will add mi_treePath to entity attribute and store where current row Materialized path - a string
 * representing row hierarchy rootID/textLevelID/.../currentRowID
 * @mixin
const tree = {


 * Mixin. Full Text Search. See {@tutorial mixins_fts} for details
 * @mixin
const fts = {
   * Full text search query
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
  fts: function (ctx) {},
   * Re-create entity FTS index
   * @published
   * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
  ftsreindex: function (ctx) {}

 * Mixin for truncate `clob` field data to short string (mostly for Oracle)
 * @mixin
const clobTruncate = {


// WebStorm do not understand JSDoc without real method declaration, so create a subs here
 * Return zero based index of fieldName from current data store (-1 if not found)
 * @example

 let r = UB.Repository('cdn_organization').attrs(['ID', 'mi_owner.name'])
   .where('[ID]', '=', 3000000002801)
 console.log(r.fieldIndexByName('mi_owner.name')) // 1
 console.log(r.fieldIndexByName('unexistedAttr')) // -1

 * @method fieldIndexByName
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
 * @param {string} fieldName
TubDataStore.fieldIndexByName = function (fieldName) {}

 * Set name for column. New name will be used during serialization to JSON or response
 * @example
// change column name in HTTP response for select method
entity.on('select:after', ctx => {
  const ccIdx = ctx.mParams.fieldList.indexOf('category.code')
  if (ccIdx !== -1) {
    ctx.dataStore.setColumnName(ccIdx, 'categoryCode')

// change column name in HTTP response for custom method
entity.customSelect = function (ctx) {
  UB.Repository('tst_document').attrs('ID', 'category.code').limit(10).select(ctx.dataStore)
  ctx.dataStore.setColumnName(1, 'categoryCode')
  // caller got categoryCode instead of category.code

// change column name for custom SQL
store = new UB.DataStore('my_entity')
store.runSQL('select 1 from dual', {})
store.setColumnName(0, 'dummy')
const obj = store.getAsJsObject() // obj will be [{dummy: 1}]

 * @since 5.22.2
 * @method setColumnName
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
 * @param {number} columnIdx
 * @param {string} newColumnName
TubDataStore.setColumnName = function (columnIdx, newColumnName) {}

 * Run any entity method.
 * @example

const store = new TubDataStore('doc_attachment');
store.run('update', {
  execParams: {
    ID: 1,
    approved: 0
store.run('anyEntityMethod', {param1: 'valueOfParam1', ...})

 * @param {string} methodName
 * @param {Object|TubList} params
 * @return {boolean} True in case of success, else raise exception
 * @method run
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.run = function (methodName, params) {}

 * The same as `store.run`, but params, passed to method is returned as a result.
 * Can be used to call methods, what modify a params.
 * **WARNING** - recommended way to create a server-side method what should return a result and can be called from both
 * server-side and client-side is to create TWO function - one for server-side usage, and a wrapper for client-side usage:
 * @example
// method what modify an mParams
tst_entity.multiply = function(ctx) {
  const a = ctx.mParams.a; const b = ctx.mParams.b;
  ctx.mParams.multiplyResult = a * b
// call method and get a result (modified mParams)
const store = new TubDataStore('tst_service');
const modifiedParams = store.runWithResult('multiply', { a: 3, b: 10 })
console.log(modifiedParams) // { a: 3, b: 10, multiplyResult: 30 }
 * @param {string} methodName
 * @param {Object|TubList} params
 * @return {Object|TubList} params (maybe modified by method call)
 * @method runWithResult
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.runWithResult = function (methodName, params) {}

 * Execute SQL with parameters and place result into dataStore. This method expect SQL statement have **result**.
 * To execute SQL statement without result (`insert` for example) - use TubDataStore.execSQL instead.
 * @param {string} sql SQL statement to run
 * @param {Object|TubList} params SQL parameters list
 * @param {boolean} [useReplica=false] Prefer a replica DB if configured
 * @method runSQL
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.runSQL = function (sql, params, useReplica) {}
 * Execute SQL with parameters. Not wait result data
 * @param {string} sql SQL statement to run
 * @param {Object|TubList} params SQL parameters list
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
 * @method execSQL
 * @returns {number} Affected rows count (since UB@5.22.3, before returns false)
TubDataStore.execSQL = function (sql, params) {}
 * init dataStore content from JSON string.
 * WARNING!!! during initFromJSON UnityBase determinate field types from vield values,
 *  so if some data column contain only numeric values it becode Number (even if in source it String).
 * @example

const UB = require('@unitybase/ub')
let ds = UB.DataStore('myEntityCode')
console.log(ds.initialized); // TRUE

 * @deprecated Use `TubDataStore.initialize` instead
 * @param source
 * @method initFromJSON
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.initFromJSON = function (source) {}
 * Return value of attribute.
 * In case store initialized using TubDataStore.run style we can return Number or String type,
 * but in case it initialized using runSQL columns data types is unknown and you must cast value do required type directly.
 * @param {Number|String} attrib attribute index or name. Index is faster but less readable.
 * @return {Number|String}
 * @method get
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.get = function (attrib) {}
 * Return value of attribute as ArrayBuffer.
 * You can apply this method to blob fields only
 * @param {Number|String} attrib attribute index or name. Index is faster but less readable.
 * @return {ArrayBuffer}
 * @method getAsBuffer
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.getAsBuffer = function (attrib) {}
 * Move next
 * @method next
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.next = function () {}
 * Move prev
 * @method prev
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.prev = function () {}
 * Move first
 * @method first
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.first = function () {}
 * Move last
 * @method last
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.last = function () {}
 * Indicate current position in data collection is on the beginning of collection
 * @member {boolean} bof
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.bof = false
 * Indicate current position in data collection is on the end of collection.
 * @member {boolean} eof
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.eof = false
 * Generate a new identifier (int64)
 * @return {Number}
 * @method generateID
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.generateID = function () {}
 * Is store initialized
 * @member {boolean} initialized
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.initialized = false
 * Return string representation of Instance in format `[{attr1: value1, attr2: value2},... ]`.
 * To get a JavaScript object use `getAsJsObject()` method
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
 * @returns {string}
TubDataStore.getAsTextInObjectNotation = function () {}
 * Return string representation of Instance in format `[{attr1: value1, attr2: value2},... ]`
 * @deprecated Consider to replace JSON.parse(store.asJSONObject) -> store.getAsJsObject(). getAsJsObject() method return a plain JS object instead of string and 25% faster
 * @member {string} asJSONObject
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.asJSONObject = '[{},{}]'
 * Return string representation of Instance in format `[{attr1: value1, attr2: value2},... ]`.
 * To get a JavaScript object use getAsJsArray() method
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
 * @returns {string}
TubDataStore.getAsTextInArrayNotation = function () {}
 * Return string representation of Instance in `Array of array` format
 * @deprecated Consider to replace `JSON.parse(store.asJSONArray) -> store.getAsJsArray()` which returns a plain JS object instead of string and 25% faster
 * @member {string} asJSONArray
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.asJSONArray = '[[],[]]'
 * Return XML representation of Instance in MS DataSet format
 * @member {string} asXMLPersistent
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.asXMLPersistent = '<xml>...</xml>'
 * Return JavaScript Object representation of Instance in format `[{attr1: value1, attr2: value2},... ]`
 * @member {string} getAsJsObject
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.getAsJsObject = function () {}
 * Return JavaScript Object representation of Instance in `Array of array` format
 * @member {string} getAsJsArray
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.getAsJsArray = function () {}
 * Active dataset name we work with. There is some predefined
 * dataNames - see {@link TubDataStore#DATA_NAMES TubDataStore.DATA_NAMES}
 * @member {string} currentDataName
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.currentDataName = '<xml>...</xml>'
 * Last store operation row count
 *  - for operations what returns result (`select`) - fetched record count
 *  - for non-select operations - affected row count (deleted, updated, etc)
 *  - if DataStore is just created - return 0
 * *NOTE* before UB@5.22.3 property returns only fetched record count, for update/delete  returns 0
 * @member {Number} rowCount
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.rowCount = 0
 * Total record count if store are filled with {@link class:CustomRepository#withTotal Repository.withTotal()} option.
 * If DataStore is not initialized or empty or initialized without withTotal() will return -1.
 * @member {Number} totalRowCount
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.totalRowCount = 0
 * Row position inside currentDataName dataset. Read/write
 * @member {Number} rowPos
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.rowPos = 0
 * Release all internal resources. Store became unusable after call to `freeNative()`
 * @method freeNative
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.freeNative = function () {}

 * Change an entity associated with DataStore. Example shows method for uba_user what actually return a result from FTS connection
 * @example
const me = uba_user
me.runInAnotherConn = function (ctx) {
  ctx.dataStore.runSQL('select * from uba_user', {})
  ctx.dataStore.runSQL('SELECT A01.ID,A01.entity,A01.ftsentity,A01.databody FROM ftsDefault_en A01  LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0', {})
 * @function switchEntity
 * @param {string} newContextEntityCode
 * @since 5.22.10
 * @memberOf TubDataStore.prototype
TubDataStore.switchEntity = function (newContextEntityCode) {}