const UB = require('@unitybase/ub')
// const WebSockets = require('@unitybase/ub/modules/web-sockets')
const Session = UB.Session
/* global uba_audit */
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
const me = uba_audit


// let __supervisorUserID = 0

// function getSupervisorID () {
//   if (__supervisorUserID === 0) {
//     const supervisorUserName = ubs_settings.loadKey('UBA.securityDashboard.supervisorUser')
//     if (supervisorUserName) {
//       __supervisorUserID = UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs('ID').where('name', '=', supervisorUserName).selectScalar()
//     }
//   }
//   return __supervisorUserID
// }

 * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
uba_audit.on('insert:after', function notifyAboutSecurity (ctx) {
  // duplicate message into journald/syslog for SIEM
  console.warn('AUDIT=' + JSON.stringify(ctx.mParams.execParams,
    ['entity', 'actionType', 'actionUser', 'remoteIP', 'targetUser', 'targetRole', 'targetGroup', 'userAgent', 'entityinfo_id', 'fromValue']))

  // const notifier = WebSockets.getWSNotifier()
  // if (notifier) {
  //   // Send to specific user
  //   const userSessions = notifier.getUserSessions(getSupervisorID())
  //   userSessions.forEach(function (sessionID) {
  //     notifier.sendCommand('uba_audit_notifier', sessionID, JSON.stringify(ctx.mParams.execParams))
  //   })
  // }

const UBA_AUDIT = UB.DataStore('uba_audit')
 * Save an audit events from the secure browser (UnityBase defense edition)
 * @param {ubMethodParams} ctx
 * @param {string} ctx.mParams.reason
 * @param {string} ctx.mParams.action
 * @memberOf uba_audit_ns.prototype
 * @memberOfModule @unitybase/uba
 * @published
function secureBrowserEvent (ctx) {
  const params = ctx.mParams
  const action = params.action || 'DOWNLOAD'
  const reason = params.reason || 'Invalid client call''insert', {
    execParams: {
      entity: 'secureBrowser',
      entityinfo_id: 0,
      actionType: action,
      actionUser: Session.uData.login || Session.userID,
      actionTime: new Date(),
      remoteIP: Session.callerIP,
      fromValue: reason
me.secureBrowserEvent = secureBrowserEvent