
 * @classdesc
 * Virtual store implementation for storing documents into the file system.
 * Since this is primary type of store for most systems, almost all methods is a proxy to `native` implementation for performance reason.
 * @class
 * @extends UB.virtualStores.Custom
 * @singleton
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual = Object.create(UB.virtualStores.Custom);

 * Save file content to temporary file store
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.saveContentToTempStore = function (handler){
    return this.saveContentToTempFileStore(handler);
 * Move old file revision to file archive according to store historyDepth and delete file from permanent store.
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
 * @return {Boolean}
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.moveToArchive = function (handler){
    return this.moveToFileArchive(handler);
 * Delete file content from permanent file store
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
 * @return {boolean}
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.deleteContent =  function (handler){
    return this.deleteFileContent(handler);
 * Load content and (optionally) body from temporary file
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
 * @param {TubLoadContentBody} aWithBody
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.loadContentFromTempStore = function (handler, aWithBody){
    this.loadContentFromTempFileStore(handler, aWithBody);
 * Move file content from temporary file store to permanent file store
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
 * @param {String} aPrevRelPath In case exist prev. file revision this variable contain it relative path
 * @return {boolean}
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.moveToPermanentStore = function (handler, aPrevRelPath){
    this.moveToPermanentFileStore(handler, aPrevRelPath)
 * Returns null and fill response from file storage
 * @inheritDoc
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.fillResponse = function(handler){
    return this.fillFileResponse(handler);
 * Fill handler.request body from file storage
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
 * @return {boolean}
    UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.loadBodyFromEntity = function(handler){
    return this.loadBodyFromFile(handler);
 * Returns config of selected file revision
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
 * @param {Number} aRevision
 * @param {String} aRelPath
 * @return {String} JSON config
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.getRevisionConfig =  function(handler, aRevision, aRelPath){
    return this.getRevisionConfigFromFileStore(handler, aRevision, aRelPath);
 * Change isPermanent flag of revision
 * @param {Object} params parameters object
 * @param {String} params.entity
 * @param {String} params.attribute
 * @param {Number}
 * @param {Number} params.revision
 * @param {Boolean} params.isPermanent
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.setRevisionIsPermanent = function(params){
    var request = new TubDocumentRequest(),
        path = require('path'),
        fs = require('fs'),
    request.entity = params.entity;
    request.attribute = params.attribute; =;
    handler = request.createHandlerObject(true);
    handler.getLastRevisionContent(false, handler.content);
    fnUbfti = handler.storeConfig.path + handler.content.relPath +
        handler.content.fName.slice(0, -path.extname(handler.content.fName).length)+'\\'+ params.revision +'.ubfti';
    ubfti = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(fnUbfti));
    if (ubfti.isPermanent !== params.isPermanent) {
        ubfti.isPermanent = params.isPermanent;
        fs.writeFileSync(fnUbfti, ubfti);
 * Is temp content exists.
 * @param {TubDocumentHandlerCustom} handler
 * @return {Boolean}
UB.virtualStores.fileVirtual.tempContentExists = function(handler){
    return this.tempFileContentExists(handler);