
  Purpose of this file is to describe objects and functions added to server-side JavaScript thread(s) by UnityBase server.
  All described here is native UB objects imported to SpiderMonkey (i.e. realisation is in Pascal or C).
  This file provide correct syntax check, code insight and documentation if we edit models in IDE like JetBrains, eclipse e.t.c.
  Also server-side documentation generated based on this file.

  Author: pavel.mash
  Date: 10.08.13

 * UnityBase application. Accessible via singleton instance App.
 * All `public` method (application-level methods) of this class is accessible from clients via HTTP request to `\appName\methodName\` URI.
 * This documentation describe `native` (implemented inside ub.exe) methods,
 * but developer can add his own (custom) application level methods using App.registerEndpoint and take a full control on HTTP request & response.
 * Mixes EventEmitter, and in case App.emitterEnabled is set to `true` server will emit:
 *  - `endpointName + ':before'` event before endpoint handler  execution
 *  - `endpointName + ':after'` event after success (no exception is raised, no App.preventDefault() is called) endpoint handler execution
 * This happens for both native and custom methods.
 * @Example:
     App.emitterEnabled = true; // enable application level event emitter.
     //Before getDocument requests
     //@param {THTTPRequest} req
     //@param {THTTPResponse} resp
     function doSomethingBeforeGetDocumentCall(req, resp){
                console.log('User with ID', Session.userID, 'try to get document');
     App.on('getDocument:before', doSomethingBeforeGetDocumentCall);
     //After getDocument requests
     //@param {THTTPRequest} req
     //@param {THTTPResponse} resp
     function doSomethingAfterGetDocumentCall(req, resp){
                   var querystring = require('querystring'),
                       params = querystring.parse(req.parameters);
                   console.log('User with ID', Session.userID, 'obtain document using params',  params);
     App.on('getDocument:after', doSomethingAfterGetDocumentCall);

 * To prevent endpoint handler execution App.preventDefault() can be used inside `:before` handler.
 * @namespace
 * @mixes EventEmitter
var App = {
     * Fires for a `App` just after all domain entites (all *.meta) is in server memory, and all server-side js is evaluated.
     * On this stage you can subscruibe/add cross-model handles.
           App.once('domainIsLoaded', function(){
                    domain = App.domain,
                    ettCnt = domain.count,
                    entityMeta, entityObj;

               // all models are evaluated into memory, so we can enumerate enitties here
               for (var i = 0; i < ettCnt; i++) {
                    entityMeta = domain.items[i];
                    if (entityMeta.attributes.byName('mi_fedUnit')) {
                        entityObj = global[];
                        entityObj.on('insert:before', fedBeforeInsert); // add before insert handler
     *     });
     * @event domainIsLoaded

     * Application name
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    name: 'appName',
     * Full path to application static folder if any, '' if static folder not set
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    staticPath: 'fullPathToStaticFolder',

     * Full URl HTTP server is listen on (if HTTP server enabled, else - empty string)
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    serverURL: 'http://myserver:myPort/myPath',
     * List of a local server IP addresses CRLF (or CR for non-windows) separated
    localIPs: '\r\n::1',
     *  Resolve aRequestedFile to real file path.
     *  Internally analyse request and if it start with `model/` - resolve it to model public folder
     *  else - to `inetPub` folder.
     *  Will return '' in case of error (filePath not under `inetPub` or `model/`) to prevent ../../ attack
     * @param {String} aRequestedFile
     * @returns {String}
     * @protected
    resolveStatic: function(aRequestedFile){return ''},
     * Current application Domain
     * @type {TubDomain}
     * @readonly
    domain: new TubDomain(),

     * Default database connection
     * @type {TubDatabase}
    defaultDatabase: null,
     * Get value from global cache. Global cache shared between all threads.
     * Return '' (empty string) in case key not present in cache.
     * @param {String} key Key to retrive
     * @return {String}
    globalCacheGet: function(key){},
     * Put value to global cache.
     * @param {String} key  Key to put into
     * @param {String} value Value To put into this key
    globalCachePut: function(key, value){},

     * Try retrieve  or create new session from request header
     * Return true if success
     * @return {Boolean}
    authFromRequest: function(){},

     * Check Entity-Level-Security for specified entity/method
     *      if App.els('uba_user', 'insert'){
     *          // do something
     *      }
     * @param {String} entityCode
     * @param {String} methodCode
     * @return {boolean}
    els: function(entityCode, methodCode){return false;},

     * Return JSON specified in serverConfig.uiSettings
     * @return {string}
    getUISettings: function(){return '{}';},

     * Custom settings for application from
     * @type {String}
    customSettings: "",
     * Is event emitter enabled for App singleton. Default is false
     * @deprecated Starting from 1.11 this property ignored (always TRUE)
     * @type {Boolean}
    emitterEnabled: true,

     * Delete row from FTS index for exemplar with `instanceID` of entity `entityName` (mixin `fts` must be enabled for entity)
     * @param {String} entityName
     * @param {Number} instanceID
    deleteFromFTSIndex: function(entityName, instanceID){},
     * Update FTS index for for exemplar with `instanceID` of entity `entityName` (mixin `fts` must be enabled for entity).
     * In case row dose not exist in FTS perform insert action automatically.
     * @param {String} entityName
     * @param {Number} instanceID
    updateFTSIndex: function(entityName, instanceID){},

     * Check database are used in current endpoint context and DB transaction is already active
     * @param {String} connectionName
     * @return {Boolean}
    dbInTransaction: function(connectionName){},
     * Commit active database transaction if any.
     * In case `connectionName` is not passed will commit all active transactions for all connections.
     * Return `true` if transaction is comitted, or `false` if database not in use or no active transaction.
     * @param {String} [connectionName]
     * @return {Boolean}
    dbCommit: function(connectionName){},
     * Rollback active database transaction if any.
     * In case `connectionName` is not passed will rollback all active transactions for all connections.
     * Return `true` if transaction is rollback'ed, or `false` if database not in use or no active transaction.
     * @param {String} [connectionName]
     * @return {Boolean}
    dbRollback: function(connectionName){},
     * Start a transaction for a specified database. If database is not used in this context will
     * create a connection to the database and start transaction.
     * For Oracle with DBLink first statement to DBLink'ed table must be
     * either update/insert/delete or you MUST manually start transaction
     * to prevent "ORA-01453: SET TRANSACTION be first statement"
     * @param {String} connectionName
     * @return {Boolean}
    dbStartTransaction: function(connectionName){}

    // * Native app-level method. Not require neither authentication nor encryption.
    // *
    // * Return information about application.
    // * @public
    // */
    //getAppInfo: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method. Non-authorized.
    // *
    // * Return current server time stamp.
    // * @public
    // */
    //timeStamp: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method. Not require encryption.
    // *
    // * Return application settings.
    // * @public
    // */
    //initEncryption: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Return current server statistics
    // * @public
    // */
    //stat: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method. Non-encrypted.  Non-authorized.
    // *
    // * Perform authorization.
    // * @public
    // */
    //auth: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * End current user session
    // * @public
    // */
    //logout:  function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Return Domain information (metadata)
    // * @public
    // */
    //getDomainInfo:  function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Execute custom SQL. Accessible only from `localhost`.
    // * @public
    // */
    //runSQL: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Retrieve document content from domain store and send it to response
    // * @public
    // */
    //getDocument: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Store request body to `store`
    // * @public
    // */
    //setDocument: function(){},
    // * @deprecated
    // */
    //setDocumentMultipart: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Set uba_user.uData for current user & write it to DB.
    // * @public
    // */
    //setUserData: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Execute a UBQL request
    // *
    // * All parameters passed to method accessible in JS handlers by names.
    // * @public
    // */
    //ubql: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * RESTfull support
    // *
    // * Very limited in current realisation, only run JS methods (registered via entity.addMethod)
    // * Will be extended in future
    // *  supported URL's: `GET /rest/entity/method` - run entity method
    // *
    // *  method JS realisation MUST accept 3 parameter (cxtx: null, req:THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse)
    // *  @public
    // */
    //rest: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Run FTS search for specified connection
    // * @public
    // */
    //fts: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * Return model-related files from model `public` folder. Only HTTP GET method is supported.
    // *
    // * Expect MODEL_NAME as first URI part: `http://host:port/App/models/ModelName/.....`
    // *
    // * Return file from model public folder
    // * @public
    // */
    //models: function(){},
    // * Native app-level method.
    // *
    // * This is default app-level method. In case of request `http://host:port/App/Something/.....` if `Something` not a app-level method we run
    // * `statics` and expect tre URl rest to be path to fil related application `staticFolder`.
    // *
    // * Not require neither authentication nor encryption.
    // * @public
    // */
    //statics: function(){}

 * @enum TubLoadContentBody
var TubLoadContentBody = {
    Default: 0,
    Yes: 1,
    No: 2

 * Contains information about the logged in user. Server recreate this object each time `endpoint` handler are executed
 * Implements {@link EventEmitter} and will emit `login` event each time user logged in
 * or `loginFailed` event whith 2 parameters(userID, isLocked) when user UB authentification failed by wrong password
 * @namespace
 * @mixes EventEmitter
var Session = {
     * Current session identifier. === 0 if session not started, ===1 in case authentication not used, >1 in case user authorized
     * @type {Number}
     * @readonly
    id: 0,
     * Logged-in user identifier (from uba_user.ID). Undefined if is 0 or 1 (no authentication running)
     * @type {Number}
     * @readonly
    userID: 12,
     * Logged-in user role IDs in CSV format. ==="" if no authentication running
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    userRoles: '1,2,3',
     * Logged-in user role names in CSV format. ==="" if no authentication running
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    userRoleNames: 'admins,operators',
     * Logged-in user language. ==="" if no authentication running
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    userLang: 'en',
     * Custom properties, defined in {@link Session.login Session.on('login')} handlers for logged-in user.
     * Starting from UB 1.9.13 this is a JavaScript object (before is {TubList} ).
     * If modified inside Session.on('login'), value of this object is persisted into global server Sessions (via JSON.stringify)
     * and restored for each call (via JSON.parse).
     * Never override it using `Session.uData = {...}`, in this case you delete uData properties, defined in other application models.
     * Instead define or remove properties using `Session.uData.myProperty = ...` or `delete Session.uData.myProperty`;
     * We strongly recommend to **not modify** value of uData outside the `Session.on('login')` handler.
     * Such modification is not persisted between calls.
     * @type {Object}
     * @readonly
    uData: {},
     * IP address of a user. May differ from IP address current user login from. May be empty if request come from localhost.
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    callerIP: '',
     * Fires just after user successfully logged-in but before auth response is written to client.
     * Inside models initialization script you can subscribe to this event and add some data to Session.uData.
     * No parameter is passed to this event handler. Example below add `someCustomProperty` to Session.uData
     * and this value is accessible on client via $App.connection.userData(`someCustomProperty`):
     *      Session.on('login', function(){
     *          var uData = Session.uData;
     *          uData.someCustomProperty = 'Hello!';
     *      });
     * See real life example inside `\models\ORG\org.js`.
     * @event login

     * Fires in case `auth` endpoint is called with registration=1 parameter and authentication schema support
     * "registration" feature (currently only CERT schema support this feature).
     * Inside event handler server-side Session object is in INCONSISTENT state and you must not use it!!
     * Only parameter (stringified object), passed to event is valid user-relative information.
     * Each AUTH schema can pass his own object as a event parameter, but all schema add `authType`. Below is a sample code for CERT schema:
     *      Session.on('registration', function(registrationParams){
     *      }
     * @event registration

     * Fires in case `auth` endpoint is called with authentication schema UB and userName is founded in database,
     * but password is incorrect.
     * If wrong passord is entered more  than `UBA.passwordPolicy.maxInvalidAttempts`(from ubs_settings) times
     * user will be locked
     * 2 parameters passes to this event userID(Number) and isUserLocked(Boolean)
     *      Session.on('loginFailed', function(userID, isLocked){
     *          if (isLocked)
     *              console.log('User with id ', userID, 'entered wrong password and locked');
     *          else
     *              console.log('User with id ', userID, 'entered wrong password');
     *      })
     * @event loginFailed

     * Fires in case of any security violation:
     *  - user is blocked or not exists (in uba_user)
     *  - user provide wrong credential (password, domain, encripted secret key, certificate etc)
     *  - for 2-factor auth schemas - too many sessions in pending state (max is 128)
     *  - access to endpoint "%" deny for user (endpoint name not present in uba_role.allowedAppMethods for eny user roles)
     *  - password for user is expired (see ubs_settings UBA.passwordPolicy.maxDurationDays key)
     *  - entity method access deny by ELS (see rules in uba_els)
     * 1 parameter passes to this event `reason: string`
     *      Session.on('securityViolation', function(reason){
     *          console.log('Security violation for user with ID', Session.userID, 'from', Session.callerIP, 'reason', reason);
     *      })
     * @event securityViolation

 * @classdesc Properties of a database connection
 * @class TubConnection
function TubConnectionConfig(){}
TubConnectionConfig.prototype = {
  isDefault: false,
  statementCacheSize: 30,
  driver: TubSQLDriver.sqdrMSSQL2008OleDB,
  * @type {TubSQLDialect}
  dialect: TubSQLDialect.AnsiSQL,
  serverName: '',
  property: '',
  userID: '',
  password: '',
     * Languages, supported by this connection
     * @type {Array<String>}
  supportLang: [''],
  advSettings: '',
  executeWhenConnected: ''

 * Entity attribute definition
 * @class TubEntityAttribute
 * @property {TubAttrDataType} dataType
 * Attribute data type
 * @property {Number} size
 * For String type attribute - max length in character
  * @property {String} associatedEntity
  * @property {String} associationManyData
 /** @property {String} caption
 /** @property {String} description
/** @property {Boolean} allowNull
 * default True;
/** @property {Boolean} allowSort
 * default True
 /** @property {Boolean} isUnique */
 /** @property {String} defaultValue */
 /** @property {Boolean} defaultView */
 /** @property {Boolean} readOnly */
 /** @property {Boolean} isMultiLang */
 /** @property {Boolean} generateFK */
 /** @property {String} documentation */
 /** @property {String} storeName */
 /** @property {String} enumGroup */
 /** @property {Boolean} cascadeDelete */
 /** @property {Object} mapping
  * actual type is TubEntityAttributeSQLExprList

 * UnityBase Domain definition.
 * @class
 * @extends {TubNamedCollection}
function TubEntityAttributeList(){}
TubDomain.prototype = {
     * @override
     * @param {String} name
     * @return {TubEntityAttribute}
    byName: function(name){},

     * Create a new attribute for entity. Accessible only iside mixin initializetion methods.
     * jsonString is a JSON representation of a newly created attribute (with name),
     * optional position is a position in attribte list to be inserted into.
            var entity = App.domain.byName('uba_user');
            var attrs = entity.attributes;
            var attr = attrs.newFromJSON(JSON.stringify({name: 'custom1', dataType: 'String', size: 10}), -1);

     * @param {String} jsonString
     * @param {Number} [position]
    newFromJSON: function(jsonString, position){},
     * @override
     * @type {Array<TubEntityAttribute>}
    items: []

 * @classdesc
 * In-memory representation of Entity metadata definition (meta file).
 * Meta file must be created in accordance with the [entity definition JSON scheme](../models/UB/docson/index.html#../schemas/entity.schema.json)
 *This server-side class contain more properties when client-side UBEntity class or {@link TubApp#getDomainInfo} method result,
 * since server pass to client only part of Entity definition information.
 * The most useful method is {@link TubEntity#addMethod addMethod} witch allow to add public (accessible from client) JavaScript methods to entity.
 * @class TubEntity
 * @aside guide entities
function TubEntity(){}
TubEntity.prototype = {
     * The name of the entity
     * @type {String}
    name: '',
     * Model entity assigned to. To get model configuration use following code:
     *      var modelConfig = App.domain.config.models.byName('UBA'); // UBA is a modelName
     *      var publicPath = modelConfig.publicPath;
     * @type {String}
    modelName: '',
     * Caption
     * @type {String}
    caption: 'entity caption',
     * Description
     * @type {String}
    description: 'entity description',
     * Name of the database connection entity assotiated wiith. Connections defined in application config.
     * @type {String}
    connectionName: '',

     * Database connection configuration
     * @type {TubConnectionConfig}
    connectionConfig: null,

     * Database connection
     * @deprecated `undefined` since 1.11. Use a connectionConfig
    connection: null,
     * Caching type
     * @type {TubCacheType}
    cacheType: TubCacheType.None,
     * type of data entity mapped to
     * @type {TubEntityDataSourceType}
    dsType: TubEntityDataSourceType.Normal,
     * Short string using as SQL alias while building SQL query and DDL statements
     * If empty - entity name used
     * @type {String}
    sqlAlias: '',
     * Name of attribute what describe element
     * This attribute is used for example in comboBox as display field
     * @type {String}
    descriptionAttribute: '',
     * entity documentation
    documentation: '',
     * Name of idGenerator used for generating ID's for this entity. Default generator ('main') is created automatically.
     * @type {String}
    idGenerator: '',
     * Entity attributes
     * @type {TubEntityAttributeList}
    attributes: new TubEntityAttributeList(),
    mapping: {},
    filters: {},
    mixins: {},
    options: {},
    dbKeys: {},
    dbExtensions: {},

     * @type {Boolean}
    existSequence: false,
     * @type {String}
    refSequenceName: '',
     * @type {Boolean}
    allowGenSequence: false,
     * @type {Boolean}
    allowUseSequence: false,
     * Add entity level method.
     * Method itself must be a function type property of entity with single parameter of type {ubMethodParams}
     * Client able to call such methods remotely. Also such methods is a subject of ELS security.
     * You do not need to add methods what do not called from client using {TubEntity#addMethod}
     * Warning: do not call entity.addMethod from inside function or conditions. This code evaluated during thread initialization and each thread must add method in the same manner.
     * @example
     * //consider we have entity my_entity. Code below is inside my_entity.js file):
       "use strict";
        var me = my_entity;
        // @param {ubMethodParams} ctx <- here must be JSDoc comment format
        me.externalMethod = function(ctx){
                params = ctx.mParams, a = params.a || 1, b = params.b || 1;
            params.multiplyResult = a*b;

        // now from client side you can call
        ${entity: 'my_entity', method: 'externalMethod', a: 10, b:20}).done(function(result){
            console.log(' 10 * 20 = ', result.multiplyResult); // will put to log "10 * 20 = 200"
     * @param {String} methodName
    addMethod: function(methodName){}

 * @classdesc
 * Entity communication class. Use it to:
 *  - execute any entity method using {@link TubDataStore#run}
 *  - execute any SQL statement using {@link TubDataStore#runSQL} or {@link TubDataStore.execSQL} (we strongly recommend usage of ORM instead SQL)
 *  - store several named data collection using {@link TubDataStore#currentDataName} (data stored inside server memory, not in JS, this is very good for GC)
 *  - iterate other collection rows using {@link TubDataStore#next}, eof, e.t.c and retrieve row data using TubDataStore.get
 *  - serialize data to XML or JSON
 *  To retrieve data from database using build-in ORM (to execute entity `select` method) preffered way is to use {@link UB.Repository} fabric function.
 * @class TubDataStore
 * @param {String|TubEntity} entity
 * @constructor
function TubDataStore(entity){}
TubDataStore.prototype = {
     * Run any entity method.
     * @example
     * var store = new TubDataStore('doc_attachment');
     *'update', {execParams: {
     *          ID: 1,
     *          approved: 0
     *      }
     * });
     *'anyEntityMethod', {param1: 'valueOfParam1', ...});
     * @param {String} methodName
     * @param {Object|TubList} params
     * @return {Boolean} True in case of success, else raise exception
    run: function(methodName, params){},
     * Execute SQL with parameters and place result into dataStore. This method expect SQL statement have **result**.
     * To execute SQL statement without result (`insert` for example) - use TubDataStore.execSQL instead.
     * @param {String} sql SQL statement to run
     * @param {Object|TubList} params SQL parameters list
    runSQL: function(sql, params){},
     * Execute SQL with parameters. Not wait result data
     * @param {String} sql SQL statement to run
     * @param {Object|TubList} params SQL parameters list
    execSQL: function(sql, params){},
     * init dataStore content from JSON string
     * If you need to init dataStore w/o rows:
     *      var ds = new TubDataStore('myEntityCode');
     *      ds.initFromJSON({"fieldCount":1,"values":["ID"],"rowCount":0});
     *      console.log(ds.initialized); // TRUE
     * WARNING!!! during initFromJSON UnityBase determinate field types from vield values,
     *  so if some data column contain only numeric values it becode Number (even if in source it String).
     * @param source
    initFromJSON: function(source){},

     * Return zero based index of fieldName from current data store (-1 if not found)
     * @example

            var r = UB.Repository('cdn_organization').attrs(['ID', '']).where('[ID]', '=', 3000000002801).select();
            console.log(r.fieldIndexByName('')); // 1
            console.log(r.fieldIndexByName('unexistedAttr')); // -1

     * @param {String} fieldName
    fieldIndexByName: function(fieldName){},
     * Return value of attribute.
     * In case store initialized using style we can return Number or String type,
     * but in case it initialized using runSQL columns data types is unknown and you must cast value do required type directly.
     * @param {Number|String} attrib attribute index or name. Index is faster but less readable.
     * @return {Number|String}
    'get': function(attrib){},
     * Return value of attribute as ArrayBuffer.
     * You can apply this method to blob fields only
     * @param {Number|String} attrib attribute index or name. Index is faster but less readable.
     * @return {ArrayBuffer}
    'getAsBuffer': function(attrib){},
    /** Move next */
    next: function(){},
    /** Move prev */
    prev: function(){},
    /** Move first */
    first: function(){},
    /** Move last */
    last: function(){},
     * Indicate current position in data collection is on the begining of collection
     * @type {Boolean}
    bof: true,
     * Indicate current position in data collection is on the end of collection.
     * @type {Boolean}
    eof: true,

     * Generate a new identifier (int64)
     * @return {Number}
    generateID: function(){},
     * Entity repository created with
     * @readonly
     * @type {TubEntity}
    entity: {},
     * Database connection
     * @type {TubConnection}
    connection: {},
     * Is store initialized
     * @type {Boolean}
    initialized: false,
     * Return string representation of Instance in format `[{attr1: value1, attr2: value2},... ]`
     * @type {String}
    asJSONObject: '[{attr1: value1, attr2: value2},... ]',
     * Return string representation of Instance in `Array of array` format
     * @type {String}
    asJSONArray: '[[value1, value2,..],..[]]',
     * Return XML representation of Instance in MS DataSet format
     * @type {String}
    asXMLPersistent: 'MS dataset xml format',
     * Active dataset name we work with. There is some predefined dataNames - see mixin documentation for details
	 * Predefined values:
	 *  - selectBeforeUpdate
	 *  - selectAfterUpdate
	 *  - selectAfterInsert
	 *  - selectBeforeDelete
     * @type {String}
    currentDataName: '',
     * Record count. If DataStore is not initialized or empty will return 0.
     * @type {Number}
    rowCount: 0,
     * Total record count if store are filled with withTotal() option.
     * If DataStore is not initialized or empty or inited without withTotal() will return -1.
     * @type {Number}
    totalRowCount: 0,
     * Row position inside currentDataName dataset. Read/write
     * @type {Number}
    rowPos: 0,
     * Release all internal resources. Store became unusable after call to `freeNative()`
    freeNative: function(){}

 * Collection of named items
 * @class TubNamedCollection
function TubNamedCollection(){}
TubNamedCollection.prototype = {
     * Get list element by name
     * @param name
     * @returns {Number|String|TubList}
    byName: function(name){},

     * Stringified JSON representation of named collection
     * @type {String}
    asJSON: '',
     * Number of named collection items
     * @type {Number}
    count: 0,
     * Array of collection items
     * @type {Array}
    items: [],
     * Array of collection item names
     * @type {Array}
    strings: []

 * @classdesc
 * Structure passed as parameter to all entity level scripting methods
 * @class ubMethodParams
function ubMethodParams(){}
ubMethodParams.prototype = {
     * Do not call methods of other mixins with <b>the same method name</b>.
     * This mean if preventDefault() is called in the overridden `beforeselect`, only `beforeselect` of mixin method will not be called.
     * Useful if we want to override original method implementation by our own implementation.
     * See ubm_form.update implementation for usage sample.
    preventDefault: function(){},
     * Do not check row modification date while execute statement.
     * @type {Boolean}
    skipOptimisticLock: false,
     * Data Store associated with current method execution context. If initialized - will be added to client response
     * @type {TubDataStore}
     * @readonly
    dataStore: new TubDataStore(),
     * Params caller pass to HTTP request.
     * @type {TubList}
    originalParams: null,
     * In/Out method parameters. All parameters added or modified in this object is passed back to client
     * @type {TubList}
    mParams: null,
     * Indicate current method execution initiated by external caller (client). If false - this method is called from server.
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @readonly
    externalCall: true

/** Structure for direct read HTTP request properties. Passed as parameter to endpoints handler.
 * Also accessible in in entity level scripting methods while in rest mode
 * @class
 * @implements {UBReader}
function THTTPRequest(){}
THTTPRequest.prototype = {
    /** HTTP request headers
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    headers: '{header:value\\n\\r}',
    /** HTTP request method GET|POST|PUT......
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    method: 'POST',
    /** full request URL with app name, method name and parameters
     * for request http://host:port/ub/rest/doc_document/report?id=1&param2=asdas
     * - return ub/rest/doc_document/report?id=1&param2=asdas
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    url: 'URL',

    /** request URI - URL WITHOUT appName and method name
     * - return doc_document/report
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    uri: 'uri',
     * The same as uri, but URLDecode'd
     *      req.uri === "TripPinServiceRW/My%20People"
     *      //
     *      req.decodedUri === "TripPinServiceRW/My People"
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    decodedUri: 'URLDEcoded uri',

    /** request parameters if any
     * - return id=1&param2=asdas
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    parameters: '',
     * URLDecoded request parameters if any
     *      req.parameters === "$filter=Name%20eq%20%27John%27"
     *      //
     *      req.decodedParameters === "$filter=Name eq 'John'"
     * @type {String}
     * @readonly
    decodedParameters: 'params',
    /** @inheritdoc */
    read: function(encoding){},
    /** HTTP request body
     * @type {String}
     * @deprecated Since 1.8 use {@link THTTPRequest#read} instead
    body: ''

/** Structure for direct write HTTP response. Passed as parameter to application level scripting methods (see App.registerEndpoint )
 * also accessible in in entity level scripting methods while in rest mode.
 * Implements string writer.
 * Caller MUST call writeEnd once in the end and set response statusCode
 * To send file content as a response without loading file into memory the following code can be used:
		// Replace this comments by JSDocs style comment
		// param {THTTPRequest} req
		// param {THTTPResponse} resp
		function getPublicDocument(req, resp){
			resp.statusCode = 200;
			resp.writeHead('Content-Type: !STATICFILE\r\nContent-Type: text/plain'); // !STATICFILE is a special content type - will be removed from headers by server during sending

 * @class
 * @implements {UBWriter}
function THTTPResponse(){}
THTTPResponse.prototype = {
    /** add response header(s). Can be called several times for DIFFERENT header
     * @param {String} header one header or #13#10 separated headers
    writeHead: function(header){},
     * @inheritdoc
    write: function(data, encoding){},
     * Write base64 encoded data as a binary representation (will decode from base64 to binary before write to response)
     * @param {String} base64Data
    writeBinaryBase64: function(base64Data){},
    /** Write to internal buffer and set buffer content as HTTP response.
     * @inheritdoc
    writeEnd: function(data, encoding){},
     /** response HTTP status code
     * @type {Number} */
    statusCode: 400

 * @class TubDocumentContent
 * Class for store meta information (not content) about content for adtDocument attribute. Serialized representation are stored in the adtDocumnet attribute.
 * Actual content (file) is stored elsewhere (in store)!.
 * @property {String} fName
 *  actual file name
 * @property {String} origName Original file name
 * @property {String} relPath
 * Can be one of follow:
 *  - relative path of document in medium/large store
 *  - record ID for DB store
 *  - any data for virtual store
 * @property {String} ct Content type
 * @property {Number} size Content size
 * @property {String} md5 Content md5 checksum
 * @property {Number} revision Content revision
 * @property {Boolean} isDirty
 * @property {Boolean} deleting

 * Container for raw document data extracted from incoming HTTP request for setDocument/setDocumentMultipart app level methods
 * @class TubDocumentRequest
 * @param {THTTPRequest} [httpReq] Optional HTTP request. In case passed content will be loaded from request body during constructor call
 * @constructor
function TubDocumentRequest(httpReq){}
TubDocumentRequest.prototype = {
     * Entity code
     * @type {String}
    entity: '',
     * Entity attribute code
     * @type {String}
    attribute: '',
     * @type {Number}
    id: 0,
     * If `true` - content is stored in the temporary store
     * @type {Boolean}
    isDirty: false,
     * MIME type to force convertion to (in case blob store sonfigured to support MIME convetration)
     * @type {String}
    forceMime: '',
     * Name of file as it in the store
     * @type {String}
    fileName: '',

     * @param {boolean} AEstablishStoreFromAttribute
     * @returns TubDocumentHandlerCustom
    createHandlerObject: function(AEstablishStoreFromAttribute){},
     * Save request body to file
     * @param {String} fileName name of file to save request body to
     * @returns {boolean}
    saveBodyToFile: function (fileName){return true},
     * @param {String} fileName
     * @return {boolean}
    loadBodyFromFile: function(fileName){return true},
     * @return {string}
    getBodyAsUnicodeString: function(){return ''},
     * Transform unicode string to internal UFT8 buffer
     * @param {String} bodyAsString
    setBodyAsUnicodeString: function(bodyAsString){},
     * Read request body from array buffer and call TubDocumentRequest.writeToTemp method.
     * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer
     * @returns {String} Document content (JSON, contain meta information about file) to be stored to Document type attribute
    setBodyFromArrayBuffer: function(buffer){},
     * @returns {String} base64 encoded body representation
    getBodyAsBase64String: function(){return '';},
     * @returns {boolean}
    getIsBodyLoaded: function(){return false;},

     * Set document content to internal request buffer (in-memory). Function implement {@link UBWriter#write}
     * Call to this function not perform actual writing of document to store,
     * to save document to store call {@link TubDocumentRequest#writeToTemp}
    setContent: function(data, encoding){},

     * Read document content. Content must be previously loaded. Function implement {@link UBReader#read}
    getContent: function(){},

     * Write passed body to temporary store. If body is loaded it is possible to call writeToTemp without parameters.
     * @example
     *      var
     *          pdfRequest = new TubDocumentRequest(),
     *          docContent;
     *      pdfRequest.entity = "rep_reportResult";
     *      pdfRequest.attribute = 'generatedDocument';
     * = reportResultID;
     *      pdfRequest.fileName = reportResultID.toString() + '.pdf';
     *      docHandler = docReq.createHandlerObject(true);
     *      docHandler.loadContent(TubLoadContentBody.Yes);
     *      docContent = pdfRequest.writeToTemp(pdfDocument.pdf.output(), 'bin');
     * @param {TubDocumentRequest|String} [body] Body to write. Can be copied from existing TubDocumentRequest or from string. In case body is loaded using TubDocumentRequest#write, it can be omitted
     * @param {String} [encoding] Optional. In case parameter exist and first parameter type is string - perform decode of body before write to store. Possible values: "bin", "base64"
     * @returns {String} Document content (JSON, contain meta information about file) to be stored to Document type attribute
    writeToTemp: function(body, encoding){return '';}

 * Class to work with stored content of `Document` attribute (files/BLOB/Virtual)
 * @class TubDocumentHandlerCustom
 * @constructor
function TubDocumentHandlerCustom(){}
TubDocumentHandlerCustom.prototype = {
     * Load file/BLOB into memory
     * @param {TubLoadContentBody} loaderType
    loadContent: function(loaderType){},

     * Reference to attribute definition
     * @type {TubEntityAttribute}
     * @readonly
    attribute: null,
     * @type {TubDocumentRequest}
    request: null,
     * @type {TubStoreConfig}
     * @readonly
    storeConfig: null,

     * Actual content
     * @type {TubDocumentContent}
    content: null

 * Structure for calling WebSocket handlers
 * @class
function WebSocketConnection(){}
WebSocketConnection.prototype = {
     * Current logged in user session
     * @type {Session}
     * @readonly
    session: null,
     * Send message to caller
     * @param {String|Object|ArrayBuffer} data
    send: function(data) {},
     * Close caller connection
     * @param {String} [reason]
    close: function(reason) {}

 * UnityBase Domain definition.
 * @class
 * @extends {TubNamedCollection}
function TubDomain(){}
TubDomain.prototype = {
     * Domain name
    name: '',
     * Entity collection
     * @type {Array}
    items: [],
     * Domain configuration
     * @type {TubDomainConfig}
    config: '',
     * @override
     * @param {String} name
     * @return {TubEntity}
    byName: function(name){}

 * UnityBase Domain configuration.
 * @interface
 * @extends {TubNamedCollection}
var TubDomainConfig = {
     * Model collection
     * @type {TubModelConfig}
    models: null

 * UnityBase Models configuration.
 * @interface
 * @extends {TubNamedCollection}
var TubModelConfig = {


 * Entity attributes data type
 * @enum {Number}
 * @readonly
TubAttrDataType = {Unknown: 0, String: 1, Int: 2, BigInt: 3, Float: 4, Currency: 5, Boolean: 6, DateTime: 7,
    Text: 8, ID: 9, Entity: 10, Document: 11, Many: 12, TimeLog: 13, Enum: 14, BLOB: 15, Date: 16};

 * Entity cache type
 * @enum {Number}
 * @readonly
TubCacheType = {None: 0, SessionEntity: 1, Entity: 2, Session: 3};

 * Supported SQL dialects
 * @enum {Number}
 * @readonly
TubSQLDialect = {AnsiSQL: 0, Oracle: 1, Oracle9: 2, Oracle10: 3, Oracle11: 4, MSSQL: 5,
    MSSQL2008: 6, MSSQL2012: 7, SQLite3: 8, PostgreSQL: 9, Firebird: 10};

 * Entity dataSource types
 * @enum {Number}
 * @readonly
TubEntityDataSourceType = {Normal: 0, External: 1, System: 2, Virtual: 3};

 * SQL expression types
 * @enum {Number}
 * @readonly
TubSQLExpressionType = {Field: 0, Expression: 1};