
//@define CustomRepository
//@tag UBCore

 @ author pavel.mash

// ***********   !!!!WARNING!!!!! **********************
// Since module shared between server and client code,
// to prevent conflicts in case on modification modify this file HERE:
// \Subsystems\Clients\Web\app\CustomRepository.js and commit to version control.

 * Base data access class for server-side, client(browser)-side and client(console) side Repositories.
 * Usually used via {@link UB#Repository} fabric function.
 * Do not use it directly, use {@link UB.Repository} instead.
 * @class CustomRepository
 * @exports {CustomRepository}
(function (definition) {
    if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        module.exports = definition();
    } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define([], definition);
    } else {
        window.CustomRepository = definition();
})(function () {
    'use strict';
        bracketsRe = /\[.*]/,
        // in case values for where is null we transform condition to allowed null comparison with warning.
        // If condition not in conditionInCaseValueIsNull object keys we raise error
        conditionInCaseValueIsNull = {equal: 'isNull', notEqual: 'notIsNull', custom: 'custom'};
     * Enumeration of all condition types. This enumeration defines a set of String values.
     * It exists primarily for documentation purposes - in code use the actual string values like '>', don't reference them through this class like WhereCondition.more.
     * We define several aliases for the same condition. In case of direct HTTP request (without Repository) use only non-aliased values (i.e. `more` instead of '>' or 'gt')
     * @enum {string}
    WhereCondition = {
            'gt': 'more', /** @property {string} gt Alias for `more` */
            '>': 'more',  /** @property {string} _greaterThan This is actually **>** sign - we can't pout it into documentation. Alias for `more` */
            'more': 'more', /** @property {string} more Greater than */

            'lt': 'less', /** @property {string} lt Alias for `less` */
            '<': 'less', /** @property {string} _lessThan (actually **<** sign). Alias for `less` */
            'less': 'less', /** @property {string} less Less than */

            'eq': 'equal', /** @property {string} eq Alias for `equal`*/
            '=': 'equal', /** @property {string} _eq (actually **=** sign). Alias for `equal`*/
            'equal': 'equal', /** @property {string} equal Equal to*/

            'ge':  'moreEqual', /** @property {string} geq Alias for `moreEqual` */
            'geq': 'moreEqual', /** @property {string} geq Alias for `moreEqual` */
            '>=': 'moreEqual', /** @property {string} _geq (actually **>=** sign). Alias for `moreEqual` */
            'moreEqual': 'moreEqual', /** @property {string} moreEqual Greater than or equal */

            'le':  'lessEqual', /** @property {string} leq Alias for `lessEqual` */
            'leq': 'lessEqual', /** @property {string} leq Alias for `lessEqual` */
            '<=': 'lessEqual', /** @property {string} _leq (actually **<=** sign). Alias for `lessEqual` */
            'lessEqual': 'lessEqual', /** @property {string} lessEqual Less than or equal */

            'ne':  'notEqual', /** @property {string} neq Alias for `notEqual` */
            'neq': 'notEqual', /** @property {string} neq Alias for `notEqual` */
            '<>': 'notEqual', /** @property {string} _neq1 (actually **<>** sign). Alias for `notEqual` */
            '!=': 'notEqual', /** @property {string} _neq2 (actually **!=** sign). Alias for `notEqual` */
            '!==': 'notEqual', /** @property {string} _neq3 (actually **!==** sign). Alias for `notEqual` */
            'notEqual': 'notEqual', /** @property {string} notEqual Not equal */

            'contains': 'like', /** @property {string} contains Alias for `like` */
            'like': 'like', /** @property {string} like Like condition. For `String` type attribute only */

            'notContains': 'notLike', /** @property {string} notContains Alias for `notLike` */
            'notLike': 'notLike', /** @property {string} notLike Not like condition. For `String` type attribute only */

            'isNull': 'isNull', /** @property {string} isNull Is null */
            'null': 'isNull', /** @property {string} null Alias for `isNull` */

            'notNull': 'notIsNull', /** @property {string} notNull Alias for `notIsNull` */
            'notIsNull': 'notIsNull', /** @property {string} notIsNull Not is null */
            'isNotNull': 'notIsNull', /** @property {string} isNotNull Alias for `notIsNull` */

            'beginWith': 'startWith', /** @property {string} beginWith Alias for `startWith` */
            'startWith': 'startWith', /** @property {string} startWith Start with. For `String` type attribute only */
            'startsWith': 'startWith', /** @property {string} startsWith Alias for `startWith` */
            'startswith': 'startWith', /** @property {string} startwith Alias for `startWith` */

            'notBeginWith': 'notStartWith', /** @property {string} notBeginWith Alias for `notStartWith` */
            'notStartWith': 'notStartWith', /** @property {string} notStartWith Not start with. For `String` type attribute only */
            'notStartsWith': 'notStartWith', /** @property {string} notStartWith Alias for `notStartWith` */

            'includes': 'in', /** @property {string} includes Alias for `in` */
            'in': 'in', /** @property {string} in One of. Can accept array of string on array of Int/Int64 as values depending on attribute type. */

            'notIncludes': 'notIn', /** @property {string} notIncludes Alias for `notIn` */
            'notIn': 'notIn', /** @property {string} notIn Not one of. See for details */

            'match': 'match', /** @property {string} match For entities with FTS mixin enabled. TODO - expand */

            'subquery': 'subquery', /** @property {string} subquery Execute a sub-query passed in values. Better to use 'in' condition with Repository as a values parameter or a CustomRepository.exists method*/
            'exists': 'subquery', /** @property {string} exists Execute a exists(sub-query) passed in values. Better to use CustomRepository.exists method*/
            'notExists': 'subquery', /** @property {string} exists Execute a not exists(sub-query) passed in values. Better to use CustomRepository.notExists method*/

            'custom': 'custom' /** @property {string} custom Custom condition. For Server-side call only. For this condition `expression` can be any SQL statement */

     * Create a new CustomRepository
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} entityName name of Entity we create for
    function CustomRepository(entityName) {
         * @private
         * @type {Array}
        this.fieldList = [];
         * @private
         * @type {Array}
        this.groupList = [];
         * @private
         * @type {{}}
        this.whereList = {};
         * @private
         * @type {Array}
        this.logicalPredicates = [];
         * @private
         * @type {Array}
        this.joinAs = [];
         * @private
         * @type {Array}
        this.orderList = [];
         * @private
         * @type {{}}
        this.options = {};

         * Entity method name to use for data retrieve. Default is 'select'.
         * @property {string} method
        this.method = 'select';

         * Retrieved data description for server log in GUI mode. Default is ''.
         * @property {string} __description
         * @private
        this.__description = '';

         * Miscellaneous options
         * @property {Object} __misc
         * @private
        this.__misc ={};

        this.entityName = entityName;

    CustomRepository.prototype = {
         * Retrieve a data from server using `methodName` entity method.
         * By default `select` method will be used.
         * @param {string} methodName
        using: function(methodName){
            this.method = methodName;
            return this;

         * Add fields to collection.
         * Can take one attribute name as string or array of attributes.
         * Duplicate is not checked and in case of duplicate attribute caller got server error.
         *      UB.Repository('tri_srf_reg').attrs('ID').attrs(['code', 'name']).attrs('fullName', 'newCode');
         * Can take expression as a field. In this case entity attribute name must be wrapped into [] brackets.
         * In case of client-side execution the only valid expression is one of:
         * - **'SUM', 'COUNT', 'AVG', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'CAST', 'COALESCE'**
         * Example:
         *      UB.Repository('tri_srf_reg').attrs('SUM([payment])').where('documentID', '=', value); //will calculate sum of document payments
         * If case of server-side execution any valid SQL expression is accepted:
         *      UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs('[ID] / 100 + 1').selectAsArray()
         * @param {String|Array} attr
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        attrs: function (attr) {
            var me = this;
            var fields = _.flatten(;
            me.fieldList = me.fieldList.concat(fields);
            return me;

         * Add where expression. Fix some known issues:
         *  - if attribute name without brackets is passed to expression parameter then wrap attribute to brackets "ID" -> "[ID]"
         *  - transform some dummy expressions to more simple form: `in ['one']` -> `equal 'one', `in []` -> `0=1`, `? null` -> `isNull` e.t.c.
         *  - expression may contains this functions: 'SUM', 'COUNT', 'AVG', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'CAST', 'COALESCE',
         *    'LENGTH', 'LOWER', 'UPPER', 'DAY', 'MONTH', 'YEAR', 'ROUND', 'FLOOR', 'CEILING'
         * `In` and 'notIn` conditions can take a sub-repository as a values parameter value. See CustomRepository.exists for a conplex example
         * @example
         *        UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs('id')
         *           .where('code', 'in', ['1', '2', '3'])  // code in ('1', '2', '3')
         *           .where('code', 'in', UB.Repository('my_codes').attr('code').where('ID', '<', 10)  // code in (select code from my_codes where id = 10)
         *           .where('[name]', 'contains', 'Homer'). // name like '%homer%'
         *           .where('[birtday]', 'geq', new Date()).where('birtday', 'leq', new Date() + 10) //(birtday >= '2012-01-01') AND (birtday <= '2012-01-02')
         *           .where('[age] -10', '>=', {age: 15}, 'byAge') // (age + 10 >= 15)
         *           .where('LENGTH([code]), '<', 5)
         *           .where('', 'match', 'myvalue') // for condition match expression not need
         * @param {String} expression   Attribute name (with or without []) or valid expression with attributes in [].
         * @param {WhereCondition|String} condition    Any value from WhereCondition list.
         * @param {*} [values]          Condition value. In case expression is complex can take {Object} as value.
         *                              In case values === undefined no values property passed to where list
         * @param {String} [clauseName] Optional clause name to be used in {CustomRepository.logicalPredicates}. If not passed where will generate unique clause named 'c1', 'c2', ......
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        where: function (expression, condition, values, clauseName) {
            var me = this, whereItem, subQueryType, originalCondition;
            if (!clauseName) { // generate unique clause name
                clauseName = 'c' + Object.keys(me.whereList).length + 1;
                while (me.whereList[clauseName]) {
                    clauseName += '_';
            originalCondition = condition;
            condition = WhereCondition[condition];
            if (expression && condition !== 'custom' && !bracketsRe.test(expression)) {
                expression = '[' + expression + ']';
            if (!condition) {
                throw new Error('Unknown conditions');
            if (((condition === 'in') || (condition === 'notIn')) && (values instanceof CustomRepository)) { // subquery
                subQueryType = condition; // remember sub-query type
                condition = 'subquery';
                values = values.ubql(); // get a subquery definition from a sub-repository
            } else if (condition === 'subquery' ) {
                subQueryType = originalCondition;
                if (values instanceof CustomRepository){
                    values =  values.ubql(); // get a subquery definition from a sub-repository
            } else if (condition === 'in' && (!Array.isArray(values))){
                console.warn('Condition "in" is passed to CustomRepository.where but values is not an array -> condition transformed to equal. Check your logic');
                condition = WhereCondition.equal;
            } else if (condition === 'in' && (!values || !values.length)) {
                console.warn('Condition "in" is passed to CustomRepository.where but value is empty array -> condition transformed to "0=1". Check your logic');
                expression = '0';
                condition = WhereCondition.equal;
                values = {a: 1};
            } else if (condition === 'notIn' && (!values || !values.length)) {
                console.warn('Condition "notIn" is passed to CustomRepository.where but value is empty array -> condition transformed to "1=1". Check your logic');
                expression = '1';
                condition = WhereCondition.equal;
                values = {a: 1};
            } else if (values === null && (condition !== 'isNull' || condition !== 'notIsNull')) {
                var wrongCondition = condition;
                values = undefined;
                condition = conditionInCaseValueIsNull[wrongCondition];
                if (condition) {
                    console.warn('Condition ' + wrongCondition + 'is passed to CustomRepository.where but value is null -> condition transformed to ' + condition + '. Check your logic');
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Condition ' + wrongCondition + 'is passed to CustomRepository.where but value is null');
            if (condition === 'in' && (values.length===1)) {
                console.warn('Condition "in" is passed to CustomRepository.where but value is an array on ONE item -> condition transformed to "equal". Check your logic');
                condition = WhereCondition.equal;
                values = values[0];
            if (values !== undefined && (typeof(values) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(values) || _.isDate(values))) {
                var obj = {};
                obj[clauseName] = values;
                values = obj;
            whereItem = me.whereList[clauseName] = {
                expression: expression,
                condition: condition
            if (condition === 'subquery'){
                whereItem.subQueryType = subQueryType;
            if (values !== undefined) {
                whereItem.values = values;
            return this;

         *  Add an expression with `EXISTS` sub-query. Inside a sub-query there is two macro:
         *  - {master} will be replaced by master entity alias
         *  - {self}  will be replaced by sub-query entity alias
         *      //select users
         *      UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs(['ID', 'name'])
         *        // who are not disabled
         *        .where('disabled', '=', 0)
         *        // which allowed access from Kiev
         *        .where('trustedIP', 'in',
         *          UB.Repository('geo_ip').attrs('IPAddr')
         *            .where('city', '=', 'Kiev')
         *        )
         *        // who do not login during this year
         *        .notExists(
         *          UB.Repository('uba_audit')
         *            .correlation('actionUser', 'name')  // here we link to
         *            .where('actionTime', '>', new Date(2016, 1, 1))
         *            .where('actionType', '=', 'LOGIN')
         *        )
         *        // but modify some data
         *        .exists(
         *          UB.Repository('ubs_audit')
         *            .correlation('actionUser', 'ID') // here we link to uba_user.ID
         *            .where('actionTime', '>', new Date(2016, 1, 1))
         *        )
         *        .select()
         * @param {CustomRepository} subRepository  Repository, what represent a sub-query to be execute inside EXISTS statement
         * @param {String} [clauseName] Optional clause name
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        exists: function(subRepository, clauseName) {
            return this.where('', 'exists', subRepository, clauseName)

         * Add an expression with `NOT EXISTS` sub-query. See CustomRepository.exists for sample
         * @param {CustomRepository} subRepository  Repository, what represent a sub-query to be execute inside EXISTS statement
         * @param {String} [clauseName] Optional clause name
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        notExists: function(subRepository, clauseName) {
           return this.where('', 'notExists', subRepository, clauseName)

         * If current repository are used as a sub-query for `exists`, `notExists`, `in` or `notIn` conditions
         * will add a [correlation]( with a master repository
         * @param {String} subQueryAttribute
         * @param {String} masterAttribute
         * @param {WhereCondition|String} [condition=eq] A subset from WhereCondition list applicable for correlation join
         * @param {String} [clauseName] Optional clause name to be used in {CustomRepository.logicalPredicates}. If not passed where will generate unique clause named 'c1', 'c2', ......
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        correlation: function(subQueryAttribute, masterAttribute, condition, clauseName){
            if (!bracketsRe.test(subQueryAttribute)) {
                subQueryAttribute = '[' + subQueryAttribute + ']';
            if (!condition) condition = '=';
            return this.where(subQueryAttribute + condition + '[{master}.' + masterAttribute + ']', 'custom', undefined, clauseName)
         * Arrange where expressions in logical order. By default where expressions is joined by AND logical predicate. Here is possible to  join it in custom order.
         *      UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs('id')
         *          .where('code', 'in', ['1', '2', '3'], 'byCode')  // code in ('1', '2', '3')
         *          .where('name', 'contains', 'Homer', 'byName') // name like '%homer%'
         *          .where('birtday', 'geq', new Date()).where('birtday', 'leq', new Date() + 10) //(birtday >= '2012-01-01') AND (birtday <= '2012-01-02')
         *          .where('[age] -10', '>=', {age: 15}, 'byAge') // (age + 10 >= 15)
         *          .logic('(([byCode]) OR ([byName]))') // (byCode OR byName) AND (all where items, not included in logic)
         * @param {String} predicate logical predicate.
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        logic: function (predicate) {
            var me = this;
            return this;

         * Force where expressions to be used in join SQL statement instead of where. Applicable only for not cached entities.
         *      // will generate
         *      // SELECT A.ID, B.code FROM tst_document A LEFT JOIN tst_category B ON (B.instanceID = A.ID and B.ubUser = 10)
         *      // instead of
         *      // SELECT A.ID, B.code FROM tst_document A LEFT JOIN tst_category B ON B.instanceID = A.ID WHERE B.ubUser = 10
         *      UB.Repository('tst_document').attrs(['ID', '[caregory.code]'])
         *          .where('[caregory.ubUser]', '=', 10, 'wantInJoin')
         *          .join('wantInJoin')
         *          .selectAsObject().done(UB.logDebug);
         * @param {String} whereItemName name of where item to use in join.
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        join: function(whereItemName){
            var me = this;
            return this;

         * Add join condition. Fix some known issues
         * @param {String} expression   Attribute name (with or without []) or valid expression with attributes in [].
         * @param {WhereCondition} condition    Any value from WhereCondition list.
         * @param {*} [values]          Condition value. In case expression is complex can take {Object} as value.
         *                              In case values === undefined no values property passed to where list
         * @param {String} [clauseName] Optional clause name to be used in {CustomRepository.logicalPredicates}. If not passed where will generate unique clause named 'c1', 'c2', ......
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        joinCondition: function(expression, condition, values, clauseName){
            var me = this;
            if (!clauseName) { // generate unique clause name
                clauseName = 'c' + Object.keys(me.whereList).length + 1;
                while (me.whereList[clauseName]) {
                    clauseName += '_';
            me.where(expression, condition, values, clauseName);
            return this;

         * Add sorting
         *      UB.CustomRepository('my_entity').attrs('ID').orderBy('code')
         * @param attr      Sorted attribute
         * @param [direction='asc'] Sort direction ('asc'|'desc')
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        orderBy: function (attr, direction) {
            var me = this;
            direction = direction || 'asc';
                expression: attr,
                order: direction
            return this;

         * Add desc sorting. The same as orderBy(attr, 'desc')
         *      UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs('ID').orderBy('code').orderByDesc('date_create') // ORDER BY code, date_create DESC
         * @param {String} attr
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        orderByDesc: function (attr) {
            var me = this;
                expression: attr,
                order: 'desc'
            return this;

         * Add grouping
         * Can take one attribute name as string or array of attributes name
         *      UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs('ID').groupBy('code')
         *      UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs('disabled').groupBy('disabled').select()
         *      UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs(['disabled','uPassword','COUNT([ID])']).groupBy(['disabled','uPassword']).select()
         * @param attr  Grouped attribute
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        groupBy: function (attr) {
            var me = this;
            if (_.isArray(attr)) {
                me.groupList = me.groupList.concat(attr);
            } else if (_.isString(attr)) {
            return this;

         * Add options.start value to retrieve first `start` rows
         *      var store = UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs('id').start(15).limit(10).select() //will return ID's from 15 to 25
         * @param {Number} start
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        start: function (start) {
            var me = this;
            me.options.start = start;
            return this;

         * Add options.limit value. Can be combined with {@link CustomRepository#start).
         *      var store = UB.CRepository('my_entity').attrs('id').limit(2).select() ; //will return first two ID's from my_entity
         * @param {Number} resultRowsLimit
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        limit: function (resultRowsLimit) {
            var me = this;
            me.options.limit = resultRowsLimit;
            return this;

         * For debug purpose only.
         * If set, in GUI mode will put this description into log before query execution
         *      var store = UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs('ID').describe('Select all record for "my_entity"').select()
         * @param {String} value
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        describe: function (value) {
            var me = this;
            me.__description = value;
            return this;
         * Construct a UBQL JSON request. Used in {@link CustomRepository#select}
         *       var repo = UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs('ID').where('code', '=', 'a')
         *       var inst = new TubDataStore(my_entity);
         *'select', repo.ubql());
         * @return {Object}
        ubql: function () {
            var me = this, orderCnt = me.orderList.length, i, req = {};

            req.entity = me.entityName;
            req.method = me.method;
            req.fieldList = me.fieldList;
			if (me.groupList.length > 0) {
                req.groupList = me.groupList;
            if (Object.keys(me.whereList).length) {
                req.whereList = me.whereList;
            if (orderCnt > 0) {
                req.orderList = {};
                for (i = 0; i < orderCnt; i++) {
                    req.orderList[i] = me.orderList[i];
            if (Object.keys(me.options).length) { //.limit || .start .totalRequired
                req.options = me.options;
            if (me.logicalPredicates.length) {
                req.logicalPredicates = me.logicalPredicates;
            if (me.joinAs.length){
                req.joinAs = me.joinAs;
            _.defaults(req, me.__misc); // apply misc

            return req;

         * Must be implemented in descendants and return (or resolved for async clients)
         * to `array of object` representation of result, like this
         *      [{"ID":3000000000004,"code":"uba_user"},{"ID":3000000000039,"code":"ubs_audit"}]
         * @abstract
        selectAsObject: function () {
            throw new Error('abstract');

         * Must be implemented in descendants and return (or resolved for async clients)
         * to `array of array` representation of result, like this
         *      {"resultData":{"fields":["ID","name",""],"rowCount":1,"data":[[10,"admin","admin"]]},"total":1,"__totalRecCount": totolRecCountIfWithTotalRequest}
         * @abstract
        selectAsArray: function () {
            throw new Error('abstract');

         * Must be implemented in descendants and return (or resolved for async clients)
         * to `DataSet` class instance, implemented in caller level. It can be:
         *  - {TubDataStore} for in-server context
         *  - {} for UnityBase `adminUI` client
         *  - `array of array` data representation for UnityBase remote connection
         *  - etc.
         * @abstract
         * @param [storeConfig]
        selectAsStore: function (storeConfig) {
            throw new Error('abstract');

         * Must be implemented in descendants as a alias to the most appropriate method
         * @abstract
         * @param [storeConfig]
        select: function (storeConfig) {
            throw new Error('abstract');

         * Apply miscellaneous options to resulting ubRequest:
         *          // this server-side call will select all currency, including deleted
         *          UB.Repository('cdn_currency').attrs(['ID']).misc({__allowSelectSafeDeleted: true}).selectAsArray();
         * @param {Object} flags
         * @param {Date} [flags.__mip_ondate] Specify date on which to select data for entities with `dataHistory` mixin. Default to Now()
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__mip_recordhistory=false] Select only record history data for specified ID (for entities with `dataHistory` mixin)
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__mip_recordhistory_all=false] Ignore __mip_ondate and select all data (acts as select for entities without `dataHistory` mixin)
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__mip_disablecache=false] For entities with cacheType in ["Session", "SessionEntity"] not check is data modified and always return result
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__skipOptimisticLock=false] Skip optimistic lock for entities with `mStorage.simpleAudit = true`
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__allowSelectSafeDeleted=false] **Server-side only.**
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__skipSelectAfterUpdate=false] **Server-side only.**
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__skipSelectAfterInsert=false] **Server-side only.**
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__skipRls=false] **Server-side only.**
         * @param {Boolean} [flags.__skipAclRls=false] **Server-side only.**
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        misc: function(flags){
            _.assign(this.__misc, flags);
            return this;

         * Calculate total row number. WARNING!! This is VERY slow operation on DB level in case of many record
         * Result of calculation is returned in __totalRecCount parameter value in case `selectAsArray()` client call:
         *          var result = UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs(['ID', 'description']).withTotal().selectAsArray();
                    console.log('Total count is:', result.__totalRecCount)
         * Or into TubDataStore.totalRowCount in case of server side `selectAsStore()` call:
         *          var store = UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs(['ID', 'description']).withTotal().selectAsStore();
                    console.log('Total count is:', store.totalRowCount);
         * @return {CustomRepository}
        withTotal: function(){
            var me = this;
            me.options.totalRequired = true;
            return this;

     * Alias to {@link CustomRepository#ubql CustomRepository.ubql}
     * @memberOf CustomRepository
     * @deprecated Will be removed in UB 2.0. Use .ubql() instead
    CustomRepository.prototype.getRunListItem = CustomRepository.prototype.ubql;
     * Alias to {@link CustomRepository#ubql CustomRepository.ubRequest}
     * @memberOf CustomRepository
     * @deprecated Will be removed in UB 2.0. Use .ubql() instead
    CustomRepository.prototype.ubRequest = CustomRepository.prototype.ubql;
    return CustomRepository;