/* global UB */
const Vue = require('vue')
// vuex required for type checking
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Vuex = require('vuex')
const { required, minValue, maxValue } = require('vuelidate/lib/validators/index')
const { i18n } = require('@unitybase/ub-pub')
const { mapInstanceFields, validateWithErrorText } = require('./helpers')
const MAX_INT_VALUE = 2 ** 31 - 1
const MIN_INT_VALUE = -(2 ** 31)
const attrCaptionsMixin = {
computed: {
attributeCaptions () {
const { attributeCaptions } = this.$options
if (typeof attributeCaptions === 'function') {
return attributeCaptions.call(this)
return attributeCaptions
methods: {
getCustomFormCaptionByPath (path) {
return path.reduce(getPropByKey, this.attributeCaptions)
getAttributeCaption (path) {
return this.getCustomFormCaptionByPath(path) ?? getEntityAttributeCaption(this.entitySchema, path[0])
attributeCaptions: {}
* Abstraction for easy managing of validation of some form. This class uses a `Vue`
* instance with configured `Vuelidate` state to provide reactivity of form data.
class Validator {
constructor (vueInstance) {
this._vueInstance = vueInstance
* Create a instance for form data validation based on some options defined as Vue mixin.
* Default behavior is to check entity schema attributes with `allowNull=true` and `defaultView=true`.
* `customValidationMixin` can extend default behavior by it own rules.
* @param {object} params
* @param {Vuex} params.store Store
* @param {UBEntity} params.entitySchema Entity schema
* @param {string[]} params.masterFieldList Field list of master entity
* @param {Vue} [customValidationMixin={}] Custom validations what extends default
static initializeWithCustomOptions ({
customValidationMixin = {}
}) {
const requiredAttributesNames = entitySchema
.filterAttribute(attr => attr.defaultView && !attr.allowNull && masterFieldList.includes(attr.code))
.map(attr => attr.name)
const intAttributesNames = entitySchema.filterAttribute(attr => attr.dataType === 'Int').map(attr => attr.name)
const defaultValidationMixin = {
computed: {
entitySchema () {
return entitySchema
validations () {
const requiredAttrs = requiredAttributesNames.map(attr => [attr, { required }])
const validationObject = Object.fromEntries(requiredAttrs)
if (intAttributesNames.length) {
for (const attributeName of intAttributesNames) {
validationObject[attributeName] = validationObject[attributeName] ?? {}
validationObject[attributeName].minValue = validateWithErrorText(
i18n('numberExceedsMinLimit', MIN_INT_VALUE),
validationObject[attributeName].maxValue = validateWithErrorText(
i18n('numberExceedsMaxLimit', MAX_INT_VALUE),
return validationObject
const vueInstance = new Vue({
mixins: [
return new Validator(vueInstance)
* Returns the current state of validation. The method is useful when you have dynamic validation
* @returns {object} Vuelidate object
getValidationState () {
return this._vueInstance.$v
* Get caption by attribute name from `attributeCaptions` sections. If it
* is not defined, default locale i18n(`${entity}.${attributeName}`) will be returned
* @param {string} attributeName
* @returns {string}
getAttributeCaption (attributeName) {
const attributePath = attributeName.split('.')
const caption = this._vueInstance.getAttributeCaption(attributePath)
return UB.i18n(caption)
* Get error text for some first failed validation rule of the attribute
* @param {string} attributeName
* @returns {string | null}
getErrorForAttribute (attributeName) {
const attributePath = attributeName.split('.')
const attrValidationState = attributePath.reduce(getPropByKey, this._vueInstance.$v)
if (!attrValidationState || !attrValidationState.$error) {
return null
for (const param in attrValidationState.$params) {
if (attrValidationState[param] === false) {
const ruleParams = attrValidationState.$params[param]
const errorText = ruleParams ? ruleParams.$errorText : null
if (errorText) {
return UB.i18n(errorText)
return UB.i18n('requiredField')
* Check if the attribute has the required rule in the configured validation
* @param {string} attributeName
* @returns {boolean}
getIsAttributeRequired (attributeName) {
const attributePath = attributeName.split('.')
const attrValidationState = attributePath.reduce(getPropByKey, this._vueInstance.$v)
return attrValidationState && 'required' in attrValidationState
* Validates form data with the Vuelidate help. If validation is failed `UBAbortError` will be thrown
* @param {object} [params = {}]
* @param {boolean} [params.showErrorModal = true] To display error modal if validation is failed
* @param {string} [params.errorMsgTemplate = 'validationError'] Error message template for the error modal
* @throws {UB.UBAbortError}
validateForm ({
showErrorModal = true,
errorMsgTemplate = 'validationError'
} = {}) {
const { $v } = this._vueInstance
if (!$v.$error) {
const invalidFieldsCaptions = new Set()
for (const { path } of $v.$flattenParams()) {
const attrValidation = path.reduce(getPropByKey, $v)
if (attrValidation.$error) {
// for array validation remove $each.XXX: aaa.bbb.$each.125.ccc.ddd -> aa.bbb.$each.125.ccc.ddd
const attrCaption = this.getAttributeCaption(path.filter((f, idx, arr) => (f !== '$each') && (arr[idx - 1] !== '$each')).join('.'))
const errMsg = UB.i18n(errorMsgTemplate, [...invalidFieldsCaptions].join(', '))
if (showErrorModal) {
throw new UB.UBAbortError(errMsg)
* Reset validation state
reset () {
* Helper function that returns an object property by the key. This method is useful for
* passing to the `reduce()` array function to get some object nested property
* @param {object|null} obj
* @param {string} key
* @returns {object|null}
function getPropByKey (obj, key) {
return obj ? obj[key] : null
* Get entity attribute caption in the current locale
* @param {UBEntity} entitySchema
* @param {string} attr
* @returns {string}
function getEntityAttributeCaption (entitySchema, attr) {
const localeString = `${entitySchema.code}.${attr}`
return UB.i18n(localeString) === localeString ? attr : UB.i18n(localeString)
const validationMixin = {
inject: {
entitySchema: {
from: 'entitySchema',
default: {}
mixins: [
provide () {
return {
validator: this.validator
computed: {
validator () {
return new Validator(this)
module.exports = {