const csShared = require('@unitybase/cs-shared')
const LocalDataStore = csShared.LocalDataStore
const CustomRepository = csShared.CustomRepository

 * @classdesc
 * Extend CustomRepository to be used for client-side data retrieve
 * Implements:
 *  - {@link class:ClientRepository#select select} method for retrieve `array of object` representation of server entity
 *  - {@link class:ClientRepository#selectAsArray selectAsArray} method for retrieve `array of array` representation of server entity
 *  - {@link class:ClientRepository#selectAsStore selectAsStore} method for retrieve {} (applicable only for Ext-based client types)
 * Usually created using <a href='../server-v5/ServerRepository.html'>UB.Repository</a> fabric function
 * @example
const store = UB.Repository('my_entity').attrs(['ID', 'code'])
  .where('code', 'includes', ['1', '2', '3'])  // code in ('1', '2', '3')
  .where('name', 'contains', 'Homer'). // name like '%homer%'
   //(birthday >= '2012-01-01') AND (birthday <= '2012-01-02')
  .where('birthday', 'geq', new Date()).where('birthday', 'leq', new Date() + 10)
  .where('[age] -10', '>=', {age: 15}, 'byAge') // (age + 10 >= 15)
  .where('', 'match', 'myvalue') // for condition match expression not need
  .logic('(byStrfType OR bySrfKindID)AND(dasdsa)')
     // here response is in [{ID: 10, code: 'value1'}, .... {}] format
 * @class ClientRepository
 * @augments CustomRepository
class ClientRepository extends CustomRepository {
   * @param {UBConnection} connection
   * @param {String} entityName name of Entity we create for
  constructor (connection, entityName) {
     * @property {UBConnection} connection
     * @private
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'connection', { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: connection })
     * Raw result of method execution. Available after Promise of select* method execution is resolved.
     * Can be used to get additional response parameters such as `resultLock` or `resultAls`.
     * ** Client repository only **
     * @example
     // get lock information together with `select` execution
     let repo = UB.Repository('tst_document').attrs('ID').misc({lockType: 'None'}).where('ID', '=', 332729226657819)
     let data = await repo.selectSingle()
     let lockInfo = repo.rawResult.resultLock
     * @type {object|undefined}
    this.rawResult = undefined

   * @override
  _getDomain () {
    return this.connection ? this.connection.domain : null

   * For cached entities check all attributes from where/order is in fieldList and adds missed. Fix for [#107]
   * @private
  addAttrsForCachedEntity () {
    if (!this.connection || !this.connection.domain || this.__misc.__mip_disablecache === true) return
    /** @type {UBEntity} */
    const e = this.connection.domain.get(this.entityName, false)
    if (!e || !e.cacheType || (e.cacheType === 'None')) return
    const addAttrIfNotAdded = (expr) => {
      if (!expr) return
      let exprNb = ''
      if (expr[0] === '[') {
        exprNb = expr.slice(1, -1) // remove []
      if (!this.fieldList.includes(expr) && (!exprNb || !this.fieldList.includes(exprNb))) {
        this.attrs(exprNb || expr)
    for (const wn in this.whereList) {
      const clause = this.whereList[wn]
      if ((clause.condition !== 'subquery') && (clause.condition !== 'custom')) {
    for (const orderItem of this.orderList) {

   * Asynchronously run request, constructed by Repository. Return promise, resolved to `array of object`
   * representation of response.
   * @example
   UB.Repository('ubm_navshortcut').attrs(['ID', 'code'])
     .where('code', 'in', ['uba_user', 'uba_auditTrail'])
     .selectAsObj().then(function(store) {
       // output is [{"ID":3000000000004,"code":"uba_user"},{"ID":3000000000039,"code":"ubs_audit"}]

  // Optionally can rename attributes in the resulting object:

   .attrs(['ID', 'product', '', ''])
        '': 'productName',
        '': 'productProviderName'
        // output [{"ID": 1, "productName": "My product", "productProviderName": "My provider"}, ...]

   * @param {Object<string, string>} [fieldAliases] Optional object to change attribute
   *  names during transform array to object
   * @returns {Promise<Array<object>>}
  selectAsObject (fieldAliases) {
    return this.selectAsArray().then(resp => {
      return LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects(resp, fieldAliases)

   * Asynchronously run request, constructed by Repository. Return promise, resolved
   * to `array of array` representation of response.
   * Actual data is placed to `resultData` response property.
   * @example
   UB.Repository('ubm_navshortcut').attrs(['ID', 'code'])
   .where('code', 'in', ['uba_user', 'ubs_audit'])
   // output is
   //  [3000000000004,"uba_user"],[3000000000039,"ubs_audit"]

   // Response MAY (but may not even for the same request) contain other variables,
   // returned by server in case data retrieved not from cache, but resultData is always present

   // since uba_user have `unity` mixin it ID property point us to parent (`uba_subject` in this case)
   UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs(['ID', 'name', ''])
   // {"entity":"uba_user","fieldList":["ID","name",""],"method":"select",
   // "resultData":{"fields":["ID","name",""],
   // "data":[[10,"admin","admin"]]},"total":1}

   * @returns {Promise<{entity: string, fieldList: string, method: string, resultData: TubCachedData}>}
  selectAsArray () {
    return => {
      this.rawResult = resp
      return resp

   * For repository with ONE attribute returns a flat array of attribute values
   * @example
const usersIDs = await UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs('ID').limit(100).selectAsArrayOfValues()
// usersIDs is array of IDs [1, 2, 3, 4]
   * @returns {Promise<Array<string|number>>}
  selectAsArrayOfValues () {
    return this.selectAsArray().then(resp => {
      return => r[0])

   * For core module (without Ext) - do the same as {ClientRepository.selectAsObj}
   * For ExtJS based client (actual implementation in {}) - create store based on request, constructed by Repository.
   * Return promise resolved to loaded {} instance
   * @example
UB.Repository('ubm_navshortcut').attrs(['ID', 'code'])
  .where('code', 'in', ['uba_user', 'ubs_audit'])
     console.log(store.getTotalCount()); // here store is instance
   * @param {object} [storeConfig] optional config passed to store constructor
   * @returns {Promise<Array<object>>}
  selectAsStore (storeConfig) {
    return this.selectAsObject(storeConfig)

   * Alias to {@link class:ClientRepository#selectAsObject selectAsObject}
   * @param {object} [fieldAliases]
   * @returns {Promise<Array<object>>}
  select (fieldAliases) {
    return this.selectAsObject(fieldAliases)

   * Select a single row. If ubql result is empty - return {undefined}.
   * **WARNING** method do not check repository contains the single row and always return
   * a first row from result
   * @param {Object<string, string>} [fieldAliases] Optional object to change attribute names
   *   during transform array to object. See {@link class:ClientRepository#selectAsObject selectAsObject}
   * @returns {Promise<object|undefined>} Promise, resolved to {Object|undefined}
  selectSingle (fieldAliases) {
    return this.selectAsObject(fieldAliases).then((rows) => {
      if (rows.length > 1) console.error(this.CONSTANTS.selectSingleMoreThanOneRow)
      return rows[0]

   * Perform select and return a value of the first attribute from the first row
   * **WARNING** method do not check repository contains the single row
   * @returns {Promise<number|string|undefined>} Promise, resolved to {Number|String|undefined}
  selectScalar () {
    return this.selectAsArray().then((result) => {
      const L =
      if (L) {
        if (L > 1) console.error(this.CONSTANTS.selectScalarMoreThanOneRow)
      } else {
        return undefined

   * Select a single row by ID. If ubql result is empty - return {undefined}.
   * @param {number} ID Row identifier
   * @param {Object<string, string>} [fieldAliases] Optional object to change attribute names
   *   during transform array to object. See {@link class:ClientRepository#selectAsObject selectAsObject}
   * @returns {Promise<object|undefined>} Promise, resolved to {Object|undefined}
  selectById (ID, fieldAliases) {
    return this.where('[ID]', '=', ID).selectSingle(fieldAliases)

   * Asynchronously run request, constructed by Repository. Return promise, resolved
   * to columnar (each attribute values is a separate array) representation.
   * Useful for data analysis \ graph
   * @example
await UB.Repository('req_request')
  .attrs('', 'COUNT([ID])')
  .groupBy('').select({'': 'department', 'COUNT([ID])': 'requestCount'})
// {
//   'department': ["Electricity of Kiev", "Water utility of Kiev"],
//   'requestCount': [5, 44]
// }
   * @param {object} [fieldAliases] Optional object to change attribute names to column name.
   *   Object key is attribute name (as it in .attr) and value is preferred column name
   * @returns {Promise<{}>} Promise of object with keys = column name and value - array of attribute values
  selectColumunar (fieldAliases = {}) {
    return this.selectAsArray().then(resp => {
      const { fields, data } = resp.resultData
      const rArr = => []) // array of empty arrays
      const FC = fields.length
      for (let i = 0, L = data.length; i < L; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < FC; j++) {
      const res = {}
      for (let j = 0; j < FC; j++) {
        const rfn = fieldAliases[fields[j]] || fields[j]
        res[rfn] = rArr[j]
      return res

module.exports = ClientRepository