
# Object() { [native code] } (messageoptstring, argsany) inner

      // UB client will show message inside <<<>>> to user (and translate it using UB.i18n)
const UB = require('@unitybase/ub')
throw new UB.UBAbort('<<<textToDisplayForClient>>>')
// In case, client-side message shall be formatted:
throw new UB.UBAbort('<<<file_not_found>>>', '')
// The "file_not_found" i18n string on client should be like `'File "{0}" is not found or not accessible'
// Format args can be translated by assing a :i18n modifier to template string: `'File "{0:i18n}" is not found or not accessible'

// In case message should not be shown to the end used by ub-pub globalExceptionHandler `<<<>>>` can be omitted
throw new UB.UBAbort('wrongParameters')

# Object() { [native code] } (reasonstring) inner

Server-side Security exception. Throwing of such exception will trigger Session.securityViolation event
