
Helper class for manipulation with data, stored locally in (TubCachedData format).

This module shared between client & server. In case of server we use it together with dataLoader, in case of client - inside UBConnection#select to handle operations with entity data cached in IndexedDB.

For server-side samples see ubm_forms.doSelect method implementation.

Client-side sample:

            entity: 'tst_IDMapping',
            method: 'addnew',
            fieldList: ['ID', 'code']
            // here result in array-of-array format: [{"entity":"tst_IDMapping","method":"addnew","fieldList":["ID","code"],"__fieldListExternal":["ID","code"],"resultData":{"fields":["ID","code"],"rowCount": 1, "data":[[3500000016003,null]]}}]
            var objArray = UB.LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects(result); // transform array-of-array result representation to array-of-object
            console.log(objArray); // now result in more simple array-of-object format: [{ID: 12312312312, code: null}]


doFilterAndSort(cachedData, ubRequest) → * static

Perform local filtration and sorting of data array according to ubRequest whereList & order list
  1. cachedData (TubCachedData)  Data, retrieved from cache
  2. ubRequest (TubSelectRequest)  Initial server request

byID(cachedData, IDValue) static

Just a helper for search cached data by row ID
  1. cachedData (TubCachedData)  Data, retrieved from cache
  2. IDValue (Number)  row ID.

doFiltration(cachedData, ubRequest) → Array.<Array> protected static

Apply ubRequest.whereList to data array and return new array contain filtered data
  1. cachedData (TubCachedData)  Data, retrieved from cache
  2. ubRequest (TubSelectRequest)

doSorting(filteredArray, cachedData, ubRequest) protected static

Apply ubRequest.orderList to inputArray (inputArray is modified)
  1. filteredArray (Array.<Array>)
  2. cachedData (TubCachedData)
  3. ubRequest (Object)

selectResultToArrayOfObjects(selectResult, fieldAliasopt) → Array.<*> static

Transform result of UBConnection#select response from Array of Array representation to Array of Object.

 LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects({resultData: {
     data: [['row1_attr1Val', 1], ['row2_attr2Val', 22]],
     fields: ['attrID.name', 'attr2']}
 // result is:
 // [{"attrID.name": "row1_attr1Val", attr2: 1},
 //  {"attrID.name": "row2_attr2Val", attr2: 22}
 // ]

 // object keys simplify by passing fieldAliases
 LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects({resultData: {
     data: [['row1_attr1Val', 1], ['row2_attr2Val', 22]],
     fields: ['attrID.name', 'attr2']}
 }, {'attrID.name': 'attr1Name'});
 // result is:
 // [{attr1Name: "row1_attr1Val", attr2: 1},
 //  {attr1Name: "row2_attr2Val", attr2: 22}
 // ]
  1. selectResult (Object)
  2. [fieldAlias] (Object.<string, string>)  Optional object to change attribute names during transform array to object. Keys are original names, values - new names

flatten(requestedFieldList, cachedData) static

Flatten cached data (or result of LocalDataStore#doFilterAndSort.resultData ) to Object expected by TubDataStore.initialize Flatten format (faster than [{}..] format).

    //consider we have cached data in variable filteredData.resultData
    // to initialize dataStore with cached data:
    mySelectMethod = function(ctxt){
        var fieldList = ctxt.mParams.fieldList;
        resp = LocalDataStore.flatten(fieldList, filteredData.resultData);

cachedData may contain more field or field in order not in requestedFieldList - in this case we use expectedFieldList

  1. requestedFieldList (Array.<string>)  Array of attributes to transform to. Can be ['*'] - in this case we return all cached attributes
  2. cachedData (TubCachedData)

arrayOfObjectsToSelectResult(arrayOfObject, attributeNames) → Array.<Array> static

Reverse conversion to LocalDataStore#selectResultToArrayOfObjects Transform array of object to array of array using passed attributes array

 LocalDataStore.arrayOfObjectsToSelectResult([{a: 1, b: 'as'}, {b: 'other', a: 12}], ['a', 'b']);
 // result is: [[1,"as"],[12,"other"]]
  1. arrayOfObject (Array.<Object>)
  2. attributeNames (Array.<String>)

Type Definitions


Format for UBQ select request
Name Type Description
fieldList Array.<String>

Array of entity attribute names

whereList Object

Where clauses

orderList Object

Order clauses

options Object


ID Number



Format for data, stored in client-side cache
Name Type Attributes Description
data Array.<Array>
fields Array.<String>
rowCount Number
version Number <optional>

A data version in case mi_modifyDate is in fields