
Utils for connecting to a local UnityBase server

In case you need to work with command line use a @unitybase/base.options module

const argv = require('@unitybase/base').argv
  // connect to server
  let session = argv.establishConnectionFromCmdLineAttributes()
  console.log('Session.uData:', session.uData, typeof session.uData, session.uData.lang)

  let userLang = session.uData.lang
  let conn = session.connection
  // obtain domain information
  const domainInfo = conn.getDomainInfo()




findCmdLineSwitch static

  • Use `options.switchIndex' instead

findCmdLineSwitchValue static

  • Use `options.switchValue' instead


getConfigFileName()String inner

Get config file name. if -cfg switch passed then use this switch value, else use default

serverSessionFromCmdLineAttributes()ServerSession inner

Parse cmd line and environment variables for command line parameters expected by UnityBase cmd mode

establishConnectionFromCmdLineAttributes(configopt)ServerSession inner

Service function for establish UnityBase server connection from client-side command line script. Parse command line attributes for switches host, u, p and:

  • Check specified server is started (simple request to host) and if not started then start server locally with local config
  • Establish connection to specified host
  • Retrieve application information and in case authorization is required then call login method using u and p params
  • Return serverSession object with connection in case of success or throw assertion error
  1. [config] (Object)
    1. [host] (String)
    2. [user] (String)
    3. [pwd] (String)
    4. forceStartServer=false} (Boolean)  If we sure local server not started - start it without checking. Faster because check take near 2 sec.

checkServerStarted(URL)boolean inner

Perform check somebody listen on URL
  1. URL (String)

getServerConfiguration()Object inner

Read server configuration using file, resolved by argv.getConfigFileName parse it in safe mode, replace environment variables by it values and return parsed config

serverURLFromConfig(config) inner

Return a URL server actually listen on
  1. config (Object)  Server configuration

safeParseJSONfile(fileName, allowMultiLineStringopt, preprocessoropt)Object inner

JSON file parsing, allow to parse semi-JSON files with comments. In case of errors inside JSON show detailed error description
  1. fileName (String)
  2. [allowMultiLineString=false] (Boolean)  Replace \n before parse (not compatible with JSON format, but multiline string is useful)
  3. [preprocessor] (function)  Optional function accept file content transform it and return new content