Tutorial: WebSockets

 With help of WebSockets developer can implement a two-way Server<->Client communication, for example sent a notification from server to client when some task are finished on the server-side or when some data is changed etc.

WebSockets specification itself do not provide neither security nor data format recommendation for such communication, so in UnityBase we implement a simple JSON messaging protocol and secure it using build-in UnityBase auth mechanisms.

System requirements & limitations

You need a Windows8 & up or Windows Server 2012 & up on the server side.

All modern browser are support WebSockets on the client side. See the table

A single WebSocket connection take a 5Kb of memory. In case you need more when 50000 concurrent connection several instance of server & load balancing are required.

On the JsonMessagesProtocol#broadcast operation we discover a linear latency growing during increasing a number of active connection (the worst case are measured):

The JsonMessagesProtocol#sendCommand latency is practically independent of the number of connections and remains within 2-50ms., so our recommendation is to limit a JsonMessagesProtocol#broadcast usage if you expect more when 10000 concurrent WebSocket connections. Usage of JsonMessagesProtocol#sendCommand is not a bottleneck.

Quick example

Set up a Autotest application and:

  • see how we initialize server-side protocol in the Autotest\models\TST\_wsThreadInitialization.js
  • explore a pure HTML example
  • see a entity Autotest\models\TST\tst_maindata.js for example of sending notification after entity update/insert


On the server side WebSockets implemented as a dedicated (compiled inside UB.exe) service with its own threads pool.

By default UnityBase start a single thread for WebSocket (wsServer.threadPoolSize === 1), so code inside this thread must be as fast as possible(like in node.js). Because of this we do not add a database (domain) support to such threads. In case you need a database operations you must call a HTTP server. We plane to add a fast database (sqlite3) support for WebSocket threads in future.

Enable WebSocket support

To set up a WebSocket support on the server side you must add a wsServer section to the server config (example):

    "httpServer": {...},
    "wsServer": {
        "host": "",
        "port": "888",
        "path": "ws"

Because WebSockets is implemented over HTTP(S), you MUST configure a httpServer also. In case you expect many (more when 10000) concurrent connection tuning of HTTP.SYS is required (depend on your usage scenario). See HTTPServer for details.

Add a protocol

The second step is to add a protocols (subprotocols in term of WebSocket RFC) in the WebSocket threads. UnityBase will call require('models\yourModel\_wsThreadInitialization.js') for each domain model during server startup. Inside this module you initialize a build-in {UB#getWSNotifier wsNotifier} protocol:

    var wsNotifier = UB.getWSNotifier();

and assign handlers to it (if you need to receive web socket messages in server):

    if (wsNotifier) {
        console.debug('Start subscribing to wsNotifier tsts_* events');
        wsNotifier.on('tst_echo', function (connection, params) {
                command: 'tst_message', params: {from: connection.session.userID, message: params}

or create a your own protocol implementation - see for example how {UB#getWSNotifier UB.getWSNotifier()} is implemented.

Sending a message

You can send a message to the WebSocket connection either from WebSocket thread or from HTTP thread. In case of HTTP thread do not try to obtain a protocol instance during thread initialization - both HTTP & WebSocket thread pool are initialized in parallel. So you must obtain a protocol instance inside entity methods:

function SomeMethod(ctx){
    var notifier = UB.getWSNotifier();
    if (notifier) {
        store.currentDataName = 'selectAfterInsert';
        if (!store.eof) {
            rowID = store.get('ID');
        //send message to ALL connected sessions
        notifier.broadcast('ub_entityModification', {action: 'insert', ID: rowID});

        //Send to specific user
        var userSessions = notifier.getUserSessions(Session.userID);
            notifier.sendCommand('test_command', sessionID, {action: 'inserted', ID: rowID});

WARNING To avoid conflicts with other models ALWAYS append a model prefix to your events name

    notifier.sendCommand('hello', sessionID, {action: 'inserted', ID: rowID});

    //GOOD (trs - is a model code here)
    notifier.sendCommand('trs_hello', sessionID, {action: 'inserted', ID: rowID});

For a full list of available methods see {JsonMessagesProtocol}

Client side implementation

ub-core.js package contain a client-side helper class UBNotifierWSProtocol. For a adminUI instance of this class is accessible via singleton $App.ubNotifier

Inside your model you can subscribe to events of $App.ubNotifier:

if ($App.ubNotifier.supported){
    $App.ubNotifier.on('ubs_message', me.checkMessages.bind(me));

To check UnityBase server support a spacified WebSocket protocol (i.e WebSocket is supported by the server OS, configured in the server config and protocol are registered) you must check a supportedWSProtocols section of getAppInfo response.

On the client side HTML5 WebSocket can be used:

    $session = session;
    $ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + location.host + '/autotest/ws?SESSION_SIGNATURE=' + session.signature(), 'ubNotifier');

    $ws.onopen = function(e){
        console.log('Connected to:', e.target.url, 'protocol:', e.target.protocol);

    $ws.onmessage = function(e){
        var msg;
        try {
            msg = JSON.parse(e.data)
        } catch (err) {
            console.error('Invalid command from server:', e.data);
            command = msg.command,
            params = msg.params;
        if (command === 'accepted') {
            console.log('Server accept connection with session ID=', params.connectionID);
        } else if (command  === 'tst_message') {
            console.log('New message. ', params.from, 'said:', params.message);
        } else if (command  === 'error') {
            console.error('Error. Details:', params.description);
        } else {
            console.error('Invalid server response. Command', command, 'is unknown');

    $ws.onclose = function(e){
        console.log('Connection closed from server. Code:', e.code, 'Reason:', e.reason);

Now you can send a messages

$ws.send(JSON.stringify({command: 'yourCommand', params: {a: 12, b: 2}});

Application architecture tips


Написать о том, что

  • вебсокетный поток должен работать бысто.
  • нет гарантированной доставки.

Для нотификаций рекомендовать архитектуру:

  1. клиент залогинился в систему.
  2. клиент вызвает HTTP метод "дайВсеМоиСообщения" (сущность в БД)
  3. клиент создал вебсокет и ждет нотификаций
  4. если что то приизошло на сервере сервер кладет (модифицирует) сущность с сообщениями и шлет веб-сокет команду "новоеСообщение" (не факт что клиент онлайн сейчас)
  5. клиент получает команду "новоеСообщение" и вызвает HTTP метод "дайВсеМоиСообщения"
  6. клиент вызывает HTTP метод "яПонялСообщение": {ID: IDсообщения} - сервер помечает сообщение как полученное клиентом

Такая архитектура не ломает обычный HTTP мир. Если веб-сокеты не доступны клиент может вызывать HTTP метод "дайВсеМоиСообщения" периодически без получения команды.

Для гарантированной доставки уведомлений с подтверждением получения и сохранением истории уведомлений/факта прочтения использовать ГОТОВУЮ подсистему message Notification subsystem