## [4.1.0-beta.4]
### Added
- more verbose console error in case URL is not registered in HTTP.SYS table
### Fixed
- broken Negotiate authentication
## [4.1.0-beta.3]
### Added
- `App` global object now accessible inside WebSocket thread
- `folderMD5` optimization - in case folder contains `package.json` calc only MD5 for this file (not for all files in folder)
### Fixed
- In case socket for JavaScript debugger is busy - put corresponding error to console with explanation
## [4.1.0-beta.2]
### Added
- JavaScript engine upgraded to SpiderMonkey 52 (required vcredist 15 to be installed (included in UnityBaseSetup.exe)
## [4.0.0-beta.1]
### Fixed
- Buffer.from(text, 'base64')