
@unitybase/mailer~ TMimePartBind

new TMimePartBind()

Mime part of message


primary: String static

Primary Mime type of part. (i.e. 'application')

encoding: String static

String representation of used Mime encoding in part. (i.e. 'base64')

charset: String static

String representation of used Mime charset in part. (i.e. 'iso-8859-1') Writing to this property automaticly generate value of @link(CharsetCode). Charset is used only for text parts.

defaultCharset: String static

Define default charset for decoding text MIME parts without charset specification. Default value is 'ISO-8859-1' by RCF documents. But Microsoft Outlook use windows codings as default. This property allows properly decode textual parts from some broken versions of Microsoft Outlook.

primaryCode: String static

Decoded primary type. Possible values are: MP_TEXT, MP_MULTIPART, MP_MESSAGE and MP_BINARY. If type not recognised, result is MP_BINARY.

encodingCode: String static

Decoded encoding type. Possible values are: ME_7BIT, ME_8BIT, ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE and ME_BASE64. If type not recognised, result is ME_7BIT.

charsetCode: String static

Decoded charset type.

targetCharset: String static

System charset type. Default value is charset used by default in your operating system.

convertCharset: Boolean static

If True, then do internal charset translation of part content between CharsetCode and TargetCharset

forcedHTMLConvert: Boolean static

If True, then allways do internal charset translation of HTML parts by MIME even it have their own charset in META tag. Default is False.

secondary: String static

Secondary Mime type of part. (i.e. 'mixed')

description: String static

Description of Mime part.

disposition: String static

Value of content disposition field. (i.e. 'INLINE' or 'ATTACHMENT')

contentID: String static

Content ID.

boundary: String static

Boundary delimiter of multipart Mime part. Used only in multipart part.

fileName: String static

Filename of file in binary part.

lines: StringCollectionBind static

String list with lines contains mime part (It can be a full message).

partBody: StringCollectionBind static

Encoded form of MIME part data.

headers: StringCollectionBind static

All header lines of MIME part.

prePart: StringCollectionBind static

On multipart this contains part of message between first line of message and first boundary.

postPart: StringCollectionBind static

On multipart this contains part of message between last boundary and end of message.

subLevel: Number static

Show nested level in subpart tree. Value 0 means root part. 1 means subpart from this root. etc.

maxSubLevel: Number static

Specify maximum sublevel value for decomposing.

attachInside: Boolean static

When is True, then this part maybe(!) have included some uuencoded binary data

maxLineLength: Boolean static

Here you can specify maximum line length for encoding of MIME part. If line is longer, then is splitted by standard of MIME. Correct MIME mailers can de-split this line into original length.

subPart: Array.<TMimePartBind> static

Subparts of MimePart