Extends UnityBase adminUI by Vue + ElementUI libraries. Starts from UB@5 Vue is a preferred way to build a UI.

This documentation contains a JS (non-visual) functions/methods/modules exported by @unitybase/adminui-vue. For documentation of the VueJS based UI components see UI library for Vue.

What included

  • VueJS - exported as global Vue variable and registered in SystemJS as 'vue'
  • Vuex - injected into Vue.prototype
  • Vuelidate - injected into Vue.prototype as $v
  • throttle-debounce - exported as throttleDebounce
  • magicLink - a hyperlink click custom actions - see module:magicLinks
  • ElementUI - exported as global ElementUI variable and registered in SystemJS as 'element-ui'
  • @unitybase/ub-pub - available as Vue.prototype.$UB (or this.$UB inside vue component)
  • UB.i18n - integrated into Vue as $ut
  • i18n filter available in vue templates. Lines below produce the same output
<div> {{ 'uba_user' | i18n}} </div>
<div> {{ $ut('uba_user') }} </div>
  • dist/adminui-vue.css theme include normalize.css && modified element-theme-chalk
  • modern login page - located in /views/ub-auth.html. The path to this page is a default for uiSettings.adminUI.loginURL


adminUI based app

An adminUI based application should add a @unitybase/adminui-vue model into domain.models section of ubConfig after adminui-pub

"application": {
  "domain": {
    "models": [
      { "path": "./node_modules/@unitybase/adminui-vue" }

Webpack && SystemJS

Module is registered in SystemJS registry as @unitybase/adminui-vue, so any file what loaded using SystemJS (all UnityBase forms and their dependencies) will use adminui-vue what already loaded into browser.

For packages, what need to be compiled using webpack starts from @unitybase/adminui-vue@5.23.11 module also exposed as a global $AdminUiVue variable. To prevent load adminui-vue twice webpack config must contain external @unitybase/adminui-vue': '$AdminUiVue:

  externals: {
    'lodash': '_',
    '@unitybase/ub-pub': 'UB',
    '@unitybase/adminui-vue': '$AdminUiVue',
    'vue': 'Vue',
    'element-ui': 'ElementUI'

Stand-alone app

See /views/ub-auth.html for sample

Embed a compiled Vue app into adminUI

  • define output and externals section into webpack config to prevent loading modules twice:
  {output: {
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
    library: 'YUR_LIB_NAME',
    libraryTarget: 'var',
    filename: 'your-lib-entry-point.min.js',
    publicPath: '/clientRequire/YOUR_MODULE_NAME/dist/'
  externals: {
    lodash: '_',
    '@unitybase/ub-pub': 'UB',
    '@unitybase/adminui-pub': '$App',
    'vue': 'Vue',
    'element-ui': 'ElementUI',


ElementUI in debug mode

For better debugging experience we recommend rebuilding element-ui in development mode. Use element-ui branch for a version specified in adminui-vue package.json (2.5.4 in a moment of writing this manual)

 git clone https://github.com/ElemeFE/element.git
 cd element
 git checkout v2.5.4
 npm i
 npm run clean && npm run build:file && npx webpack --config build/webpack.conf.js --mode development

and copy /lib/index.js into your project. In my case project is located in ~/dev/ubjs/apps/autotest

cp ./lib/index.js ~/dev/ubjs/apps/autotest/node_modules/element-ui/lib

Prevent debugger to dig into vue sources

While debugging a components source you can prevent debugger to dig into vue sources.

To do this in Source tab of debugger press F1 to open Preferences, select Blackboxing on the left and add a pattern vue.common.dev.js$.

After this Step into (F11) will skip vue sources


Generate variables

npm run gen-el-vars

Edit theme/ub-el.scss and build a theme using command:

npm run build:theme



# clickOutsideDropdownMixin static

Mixin for USelectEntity/USelectMultiple like components to close options dropdown on click outside

# columnTemplates : columnTemplates static

The module provides column settings, cell templates,s and filter templates by UB data types or by the customSettings.columnTemplate value. Different types can have the same templates or settings.

Entity attributes with Text, BLOB, TimeLog dataTypes do not have a default render template. If you need to render attributes values with these data types, register a custom column template for them or use column slots. You should decide to display this column type with great caution because this column can create large server requests

# computedVuex static

See module:formHelpers.computedVuex

# dialog : uDialogs.dialog static

Show modal dialog with 3 optional button and text/html content, see uDialogs.dialog

# dialogError : uDialogs.dialogError static

Error dialog, see uDialogs.dialogError

# dialogInfo : uDialogs.dialogInfo static

Information dialog, see uDialogs.dialogInfo

# dialogYesNo : uDialogs.dialogYesNo static

Confirmation dialog, see uDialogs.dialogYesNo

# errorReporter : uDialogs.errorReporter static

Error reporter dialog, see uDialogs.errorReporter

# fileActions : fileActions static

Helper functions for creating files in a specific way: with dictaphone or webcam help

# filterTemplateMixin static

Mixin for reusing common logic needed for registering custom UTableEntity filter templates components

# Form static

Creates a new instance of UI module. See module:Form.Form

# formHelpers : formHelpers static

Helper functions for forms. See module:formHelpers. mapInstanceFields and computedVuex are aliased into @unitybase/adminui-vue

# lookups : lookups static

A reactive (in terms of Vue reactivity) entities data cache. See examples in lookups module documentation

# mapInstanceFields static

See module:formHelpers.mapInstanceFields

# mountUtils : mountUtils static

Mount a Vue based component as a navbar tab, a modal form or inside other component (as a container). See mountUtils module documentation for samples.

# richTextEditorConfigurator : richTextEditorConfigurator static

The module provides the ability to extend default CSS styles, fonts, .etc for the rich text editor (tinymce)

# throttleDebounce : Object static

throttle-debounce see original doc

# uDialogs : uDialogs static

Modal uDialogs (message boxes) for showing errors, information and confirmation For usage examples see uDialogs module documentation

# uiSettings : uiSettings static

Storage for User Interface settings. Wrapper around localStorage

      // inside vue can be used as this.$uiSettings
this.videoRatio = this.$uiSettings.get('UFileWebcamButton', 'videoRatio') ?? this.videoRatios[0]
this.$uiSettings.put(this.videoRatios[0], 'UFileWebcamButton', 'videoRatio')

// or from adminui-vue exports
const App = require('@unitybase/adminui-vue')
const isCollapsed = App.uiSettings.get('sidebar', 'isCollapsed')

# validationMixin static

Mixin for using in forms with own single-form validation. Mixin automatically creates and passes a validator instance for use in nested controls (UFormRow for example).

# webDav : webDav static

Open files using WebDav protocol (require @ub-e/web-daw to be added into application)


# escapeHtml (stringstring) → string static

Escape special HTML characters in the given string of text.

  • string: string

    The string to escape for inserting into HTML

# magicLinkFocusCommand (paramsObject, targetEventTarget) inner

Magic link to focus DOM/Ext element with specified id

      <a href="#" data-cmd-type="setFocus" data-elm-id="my-html-element-id">focus other</a>

# mergeReactiveOptions (aobject | function | undefined, bobject) → object inner

Helper function that merges validation config defined in mixins


# 'portal:navbar:defineSlot'  --> ()

Additional components can be added to the Sidebar and NavBar using this event

      window.$App.on('applicationReady', () => {
    const SidebarSlotExample = require('./samples/SidebarSlotExample.vue').default
    $App.fireEvent('portal:sidebar:defineSlot', SidebarSlotExample, { some attrs })

    const NavBarSlotExample = require('./samples/NavbarSlotExample.vue').default
    $App.fireEvent('portal:navbar:defineSlot', NavBarSlotExample, { some attrs })