
# TableScopedSlot (cfg, rowoptobject, columnoptobject, valueopt*) inner

It returns store and close params for toolbar slots, or row, column, value for column slots.

  • cfg:
    • storeobject

      UTableEntity store. To access store data, selected record or etc.

    • closefunction

      Close action just if it provided from target which opened it. $App.doCommand(showlist) already provides close action.

  • row: object

    Row data

  • column: object

    Column data

  • value: *

    Cell value

# TableScopedSlotsBuilder (createElementfunction) inner

Uses for inject scoped slots programmatically

  • createElement: function

    For creating virtual dom nodes in slots docs

# TableScopedSlotsConfig inner

List of scoped slots. Look available slots in UTableEntity component

# UTableColumn inner

UTable column definition - extends UTableColumnSettings


  • id string

    Unique column property name

  • label string

    Column label which shows in header cells

  • attribute UBEntityAttribute

    Meta attribute info from UB entity schema

  • valueAttribute opt string

    Whether isLookup and has current attribute value in fieldList.

  • toValidate opt boolean

    To check this column in the validateFieldList method. Need to mark columns that do not have their own scoped slots and are not available in the fieldList. Displaying of cell value may be done with the column.format function or with a template for this cell that is registered globally with the columnTemplates.registerTemplate method

# UTableColumnFilter inner


  • template Vue.Component

    Template which render filter for current column

  • label opt string

    Label of current filter. If unset will shows filter id by default

# UTableColumnFormat (value*, columnUTableColumn, rowobject) inner


# UTableColumnFormatXls (columnUTableColumn) inner

It is comfortable to return some value of the XLSXStyle.predefinedFormats object since these styles are already registered by XLSX


# UTableColumnFormula (value*, exportToString) inner


# UTableColumnSettings inner


  • sortable opt boolean

    Allow ordering records by values of the column.

  • filterable opt boolean

    If set false, the column cannot be filtered. Otherwise, default and optional custom filters will be applied

  • isLookup opt = false boolean

    If true - check attribute associatedEntity and loads description attribute for displayed value

  • lookupPartitionKey opt number  | string

    Partition key for lookup attribute

  • summaryAggregationOperator opt 'SUM'  | 'MIN'  | 'MAX'  | 'AVG'  | null

    Specify aggregation operator to use, when calculate a summary for a column. If not set, column default will be used. If set to null, then summary will be disabled for column.

  • align opt = 'left' 'left'  | 'right'  | 'center'

    Align text in column

  • headerAlign opt = 'left' 'left'  | 'right'  | 'center'

    Align text in column header

  • maxWidth opt number

    Maximum width

  • minWidth opt number

    Minimum width

  • width opt number


  • isHtml opt = false boolean

    If set true will render content as v-html directive

  • format opt UTableColumnFormat

    Function what returns a formatted cell value to be inserted as cell innerHTML. Ignored in case slot is defined for column.

  • exportFormat opt UTableColumnFormat

    Function what returns a formula to be inserted as cell formula in xlsx or additional element in html.

  • exportFormula opt UTableColumnFormula

    Function what returns a formatted cell value to be used during exports. If omitted - value will be used as is.

  • exportFormatXlsColumn opt UTableColumnFormatXls

    Function that returns excel format depends on the column configuration

  • exportExpression opt string

    Entity attribute expression to load for export. It may be useful when one attribute stores a value used for displaying in column cells (column.id) and another attribute stores the original value needed for exporting (column.exportExpression)

  • padding opt = 16 number

    column cells padding.

  • filters opt = {} object.<string, UTableColumnFilter>

    Filters templates

# UTableFilterDefinition inner


# UTableFilterDefinitionWhereListItem inner


# UTableSort inner


  • column string
  • order 'asc'  | 'desc'