UnityBase Query Language formal definition. Recommended way to create a UBQL is ClientRepository.

UBQL JSON representation can be retrieved from Repository using ClientRepository.ubql()

# new UBQL ()


# entity : string instance

Entity name

# fieldList : Array.<string> instance

Attributes array

# groupBy : Array.<string> instance

Optional array of attributes names to use in group by clause

# ID : number instance

Optional ID. If exists then this is equal to adding a where condition ID = IDValue but bypass cache for cached entities

# joinAs : Array.<string> instance

Optional array of condition names to use in join clause instead of where clause of result SQL

# logicalPredicates : string instance

Optional logical concatenation of WHERE conditions

# method : string instance

Method name

# options : Object instance

Optional options for building SQL. See CustomRepository.misc documentation for possible values

# orderBy : Object.<string, UBQLOrderItem> instance

Optional order by

# whereList : Object.<string, UBQLWhere> instance

Optional named conditions. Object keys is condition name