Blob store implementation for storing content inside folder, defined in application.blobStores.path


# new FileSystemBlobStore (storeConfigobject, appInstanceServerApp, sessionInstanceUBSession, optionsoptobject)



# fullStorePath instance

Normalized path to the store root

# LUCount instance

Logical Unit Count for store. If > 0 then files are stored inside Logical Unit sub-folders /LU01, /LU02 etc Write operations works with last LU folder

# newFolderMask : number instance

File system permission mask for new folders. Default is 0o750. Set it to 0 to inherit permissions

# options : Object instance

Store options


# checkTempFileBeforePersist (attributeUBEntityAttribute, IDnumber, dirtyItemBlobStoreItem) → string instance

Validate temp file exists, return full path to temp file, null in case of dirty item deletion or throw an error


# doDeletion (attributeUBEntityAttribute, IDnumber, blobInfoBlobStoreItem) instance


# fillResponse (requestParamsBlobStoreRequest, blobInfoBlobStoreItem, reqTHTTPRequest, respTHTTPResponse, preventChangeRespOnErroroptboolean) → boolean instance

Fill HTTP response for getDocument request


# genNewPlacement (attributeUBEntityAttribute, dirtyItemBlobStoreItem, IDnumber, optionsobject) → Object instance

Calculate a relative path & file name for a new BLOB item. If new folder does not exist - create it


# getContent (requestBlobStoreRequest, blobInfoBlobStoreItem, optionsoptobject) → string | UBMail.TubSendMailAttachKind.Buffer | ArrayBuffer | null instance

Retrieve BLOB content from blob store.

  • request: BlobStoreRequest
  • blobInfo: BlobStoreItem

    JSON retrieved from a DB.

  • options: object
    • encodingstring | null

      Possible values: 'bin' 'ascii' 'binary' 'hex' ucs2/ucs-2/utf16le/utf-16le utf8/utf-8 base64 if null will return Buffer, if bin - ArrayBuffer

# getContentFilePath (requestBlobStoreRequest, blobInfoBlobStoreItem) → string instance

Returns full path to the file with BLOB content


# getPermanentFileName (blobItemBlobStoreItem, requestoptBlobStoreRequest) → string instance

For file based store:

  • store.path + relativePath + fileName


In case of item not exists - return empty string ''


# persist (attributeUBEntityAttribute, IDnumber, dirtyItemBlobStoreItem, newRevisionnumber) → BlobStoreItem | null instance

Move content defined by dirtyItem from temporary to permanent store. TIPS: in v0 (UB<5) if file updated then implementation takes a store from old item. This raise a problem - old store may be in archive state (readonly) So in UB5 we change implementation to use a store defined in the attribute for new items

Return a new attribute content which describe a place of the BLOB in permanent store
