Support for S3-compatible backend for storing UnityBase files (BLOB stores)

Existing storages can be switched to S3. Files added before the migration will remain available from the file system.


  1. add package to application
npm i @unitybase/s3-blob-store
  1. add @unitybase/s3-blob-store as an application model into ubConfig.json
  "application": {
    "domain": {
      "models": [
        // ...
          "path": "./node_modules/@unitybase/s3-blob-store"
  1. for BLOB stores, what should be stored in S3 add "implementedBy"
  "application":  {
    "blobStores": [
        "name": "yourStore",
        "implementedBy": "@unitybase/s3-blob-store",
        "s3enabled": true
  1. define environment variables

s3-blob-store model adds partial config with following envs:

Variable name Default Description
UB_USE_S3 false enable S3
UB_S3_URL S3 server URL (example:
UB_S3_REGION us-east-1 S3 bucket region. For MinIO keep a default
UB_S3_KEY S3 accessKeyId
UB_S3_SECRET S3 secretAccessKey
UB_S3_DEFAULT_BUCKET ubbs Default Bucket name where new documents will be written
UB_S3_ANONYMOUS_READ true Enable read requests to use nginx. See Buckets policy configuration
UB_S3_UA_SECRET CHANGE_ME_TO_BE_SECURE Secret User-Agent, See Buckets policy configuration

Buckets policy configuration

On production environment we strongly recommend to enable read (getDocument) requests to be proxied throws nginx. To do such:

  • set env variables UB_S3_ANONYMOUS_READ=true and UB_S3_UA_SECRET=secureRandomString. Instead secureRandomString set actual RANDOM string, can be generated using openssl rand -base64 18 or tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 18; echo bash command
  • call ubcli generateNginxCfg - this adds internal location s3 into nginx config
  • for each bucket, what used by UnityBase configure bucket policy, what allows anonymous reading from specified IP addresses (replace value of aws:SourceIp by your nginx address) and for custom User-Agent (replace valueaws:UserAgent below by UB_S3_UA_SECRET env variable value)
  1. manually create a bucket with name defined in UB_S3_DEFAULT_BUCKET variable and set a policy below (with replacements of SourceIp and UserAgent) for it (and all buckets what can be used additionally)
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "IpAddress": {
                    "aws:SourceIp": [
                "StringLike": {
                    "aws:UserAgent": [

To define a policy for MinIO: in the user interface, go to Admin->Buckets->yourBucket and click on the icon next to the text Access Policy: in the Summary panel. Select "custom" and paste policy JSON

for bucket policies rules see

  1. now all new items will be stored in the S3 storage, old items remains in old location

Implementation details

For objects, stored in S3 the BlobStoreItem (JSON stored in the database) contains path what starts with s3:// (and followed by bucket/path/to/object) in the relPath attribute.

Old files, stored in the file system before switching to S3 (with relPath what not starts with s3://) will be accessible for read from old location.

Until database commit files are stored in BLOB store temp folder, just before commit they moved into S3 ( see TubDataStore.commitBLOBStore), therefore in case of several UnityBase instances either ip_hash strategy must be used for load balancing, or store temp folder must be shared between instances

By default, all BLOB stores save files to the same UB_S3_DEFAULT_BUCKET bucket. Application can define own logic for bucket by subscribing to App getBucketName event and mutate a bucketCfg object. Example:

 * @param {object} item
 * @param {UBEntityAttribute} item.attribute
 * @param {BlobStoreItem} item.dirtyItem
 * @param {object} bucketCfg
 * @param {string}
function calcBlobStoreName ({ attribute, blobStoreItem }, bucketCfg) {
  if ('arc_')) { = 'archive'
App.on('getBucketName', calcBlobStoreName)


For testing purpose we recommend to use a MinIO
