Direct database access to databases defined in the config file. Inside a server thread class instances are available using App.dbConnections
const mainConn = App.dbConnections['main']
mainConn.exec('insert into table1(a, b) values(:a:, :b:)', {a: 1, b: 2})
# new DBConnection ()
# inTransaction instance
Is database in transaction
# commit () → boolean instance
Commit transaction. If transaction is not started return false
# exec (sql: string, params: Array) → boolean instance
Execute SQL what do not expect a result and contains named :paramName:
and/or inline :(inlineValue):
# execParsed (sqlStatement: string, params: Array) → boolean | Object instance
Execute parsed (without inline parameters) sql statement what do not expect a result. Can be used to call a stored procedure with both IN and OUT parameters (ODBC driver, UB 5.24.11)
Input parameters should be passed as primitives, output - as object { value: 0, output: true }
where value MUST be of the same type as output parameter type, in case of string - must have enough chars to fit a result
WARNING for SQL Server, the called procedure should NOT produce additional output:
MUST be added (including possible nested procedures calls)- any
statement MUST be removed (including possible nested procedures calls)
const conn = App.dbConnections.main
if (conn.config.driver === 'MSSQLODBC') { // see
// call stored with one parameter of type INT and what returns an INT
const funcResultRes = conn.execParsed(
'{? = call inParamTest(?)}', // statement wrapped by {} - so called "ODBC CALL escape sequence"
[{ value: 0, output: true }, 1]
console.log('funcResultRes', funcResultRes) // { out0: 101 }
// call stored proc what do not return a result (ignore result)
const funcWOResultRes = conn.execParsed('{call inParamTest(?)}', [1])
console.log('funcWOResultRes', funcWOResultRes) // true
// call stored proc declared as
// @employeeID INT,
// @managerID nvarchar(100) OUTPUT
const resOut = conn.execParsed(
'{call outParamTest(?, ?)}',
[1, {value: ' '.repeat(100), output: true}] // use ' '.repeat(100) to reserve a buffer for output result of length 100
console.log('resOut=', resOut) // { out1: 'string result' }
// NOTE - in case procedure do not modify an output parameter it will remain a string of 100 spaces
# genID (entity: string) → number instance
Generate ID. If entity is specified - generate for specified entity (it cah have hos own sequence generator) if entity not specified (UB 5.18.17+) - generate ID for this connection
# rollback () → boolean instance
Rollback transaction. If transaction is not started return false
# run (sql: string, params: Object) → string instance
Run SQL what expect a result and contains named :paramName:
and/or inline :(inlineValue):
# runParsed (sql: string, paramsopt: Array) → string instance
Run parsed (all parameters are ?) SQL what expects result (select statement for example).
Returns result as JSON string. To get result as JSON better to use selectParsedAsObject
# savepointWrap (func: function) → * instance
For Postgres wrap a func call into temporary savepoint. In case func throws savepoint is rollback'ed and error is re-trowed, otherwise checkpoint is released. For other RDBMS execute func as is. Return a func result
: function
function insertionWhatMayFail () {
let eStore = UB.DataStore('ubm_enum')'insert', { execParams: { eGroup: 'tst', code: '1', name: 'test1' } })
let db = App.dbConnections[App.domainInfo.entities.ubm_enum.connectionName]
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('insertion failure inside savepoint')
# selectParsedAsObject (parsedSql: string, paramsValues: Array) → Array.<Object> instance
Run parsed (all parameters are ?) SQL what expects result (select statement for example). Returns result as parsed JSON
WARNING Oracle return all field name in UPPER case if AS "normalName"
is not specified, Postgres - in lower case
so better to write a query as such
select ID as "ID", modelName AS "modelName" from ..
instead of select ID, modelName from ..
# startTransaction () → boolean instance
Start transaction. If transaction is already started return false