Helper for manipulation with data, stored locally in (TubCachedData format).

This module shared between client & server. In case of server we use it together with dataLoader, in case of client - inside to handle operations with entity data cached in IndexedDB.

For server-side samples see ubm_forms.doSelect method implementation.

  entity: 'tst_IDMapping',
  method: 'addnew',
  fieldList: ['ID', 'code']
  // here result in array-of-array format
  // [{"entity":"tst_IDMapping","method":"addnew","fieldList":["ID","code"],
  //   "__fieldListExternal":["ID","code"],
  //   "resultData":{"fields":["ID","code"],"rowCount": 1, "data":[[3500000016003,null]]}}]
  var objArray = UB.LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects(result);
  // transform array-of-array result representation to array-of-object
  // now result in more simple array-of-object format: [{ID: 12312312312, code: null}]


# arrayOfObjectsToSelectResult (arrayOfObjectArray.<object>, attributeNamesArray.<string>) → Array.<Array> static

Reverse conversion to LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects.

      //Transform array of object to array of array using passed attributes array
LocalDataStore.arrayOfObjectsToSelectResult([{a: 1, b: 'as'}, {b: 'other', a: 12}], ['a', 'b']);
// result is: [[1, "as"], [12, "other"]]

# byID (cachedDataTubCachedData, IDValuenumber) → Object static

A helper for search cached data by row ID


new filtered & sorted array


# convertResponseDataToJsTypes (domainUBDomain, serverResponse) → * static

Convert raw server response data to javaScript data according to attribute types


# doFilterAndSort (cachedDataTubCachedData, ubqlUBQL) → Object static

Perform local filtration and sorting of data array according to ubql whereList & order list.

WARNING - sub-queries are not supported.


new filtered & sorted array


# doFiltration (cachedDataTubCachedData, ubqlUBQL, skipSubQueriesAndCustomoptboolean) → Array.<Array> static

Apply ubql.whereList to data array and return new array contain filtered data

  • cachedData: TubCachedData

    Data, retrieved from cache

  • ubql: UBQL
  • skipSubQueriesAndCustom = false: boolean

    Skip subquery and custom conditions instead of throw. Can be used to estimate record match some of where conditions

# doSorting (filteredArrayArray.<Array>, cachedDataTubCachedData, ubRequestobject) static

Apply ubRequest.orderList to inputArray (inputArray is modified)


# flatten (requestedFieldListArray.<string>, cachedDataTubCachedData) → Object static

Flatten cached data (or result of LocalDataStore.doFilterAndSort.resultData ) to Object expected by TubDataStore.initialize Flatten format (faster than [{}..] format). CachedData may contain more field or field in order not in requestedFieldList - in this case we use expectedFieldList.

  • requestedFieldList: Array.<string>

    Array of attributes to transform to. Can be ['*'] - in this case we return all cached attributes

  • cachedData: TubCachedData
      // consider we have cached data in variable filteredData.resultData
// to initialize dataStore with cached data:
mySelectMethod = function(ctxt){
  const fieldList = ctxt.mParams.fieldList;
  resp = LocalDataStore.flatten(fieldList, filteredData.resultData);

# iso8601ParseAsDate (valstring) → Date static

Convert UnityBase server date response to Date object. Date response is a day with 00 time (2015-07-17T00:00Z), to get a real date we must add current timezone shift


# selectResultToArrayOfObjects (selectResultObject, fieldAliasoptObject.<string, string>) → Array.<object> static

Transform result of response from Array of Array representation to Array of Object

  • selectResult: Object
  • fieldAlias: Object.<string, string>

    Optional object to change attribute names during transform array to object. Keys are original names, values - new names

      LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects({resultData: {
    data: [['row1_attr1Val', 1], ['row2_attr2Val', 22]],
    fields: ['', 'attr2']}
// result is:
// [{"": "row1_attr1Val", attr2: 1},
//  {"": "row2_attr2Val", attr2: 22}
// ]
// object keys simplify by passing fieldAliases
LocalDataStore.selectResultToArrayOfObjects({resultData: {
    data: [['row1_attr1Val', 1], ['row2_attr2Val', 22]],
    fields: ['', 'attr2']}
}, {'': 'attr1Name'});
// result is:
// [{attr1Name: "row1_attr1Val", attr2: 1},
//  {attr1Name: "row2_attr2Val", attr2: 22}
// ]

# truncTimeToUtcNull (vDate) → Date static

Convert a local DateTime to Date with zero time in UTC0 timezone as expected by UB server for Date attributes


# ubZip (attrsArray.<string>, attrsLennumber, valsArray) → Object inner

x2 faster _.zipObject(attrs,vals) (and ES6 reduce) alternative for internal use. Must be a separate function for JIT (if inlined in selectResultToArrayOfObjects - x10 become times slower)



# TubCachedData inner

Format for data, stored in client-side cache
