NodeJS compatible Buffer implementation. See original Buffer doumentation

Two additional methods are added for converting between any codepage:

  • Buffer.prototype.cpSlice(start, end, sourceEncodingNum): string: convert a part of buffer, encoded as sourceEncoding into JavaScript string

    const xmlIn1251EncodingBin = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'win1251Encoded.XML'), {encoding: 'binary'})
    const buffer = Buffer.from(xmlIn1251EncodingBin)
    const strData = buffer.cpSlice(0, buffer.length, 1251) // convert buffer, encoded as Windows1251 into string
  • Buffer.cpFrom(string, targetEncodingNum): Buffer: convert a JavaScript string into buffer with specified encoding

    const buffer = Buffer.cpFrom('here text in cyrilic', 1251) // result is Win-1251 encoded string in binary format