Execute an SQL script in specified connection. Statements in script can be delimited using a line what contains only one of:

  • --
  • /
  • GO Each statement is executed in own transaction.

If --optimistic (-o) option is passed each statement are wrapped in try/finally block and script execution will continue even after error in individual statement

Exceptions in statements what contains --@optimistic string is forced to be optimistic.

SQL script can be a lodash template. In this case it preparsed using options = {conn: connectionConfig, cfg: execSqlOptionsObject, process}

Template example:

<% if (conn.dialect.startsWith('Oracle')) { %> create synonym rep_reportResult for rep_reportResult@<%process.env.LINKED_DB%>; <% } else { %> non SQL server statement <% } %>

one more statement for any DBMS;

Usage from a command line:

ubcli execSsq -? ubcli execSql -c connectionName -f path/to/script.sql -o // run a statement and output colored beautified result ubcli execSql -sql 'select * from uba_user' -withResult -noLogo | sed -n "/--BEGIN/,/--END/p" | tail -n +2 | head -n -2 | jq -r . Usage from a code

      const execSql = require('@unitybase/ubcli/lib/execSql')
 let options = {
      connection: 'main',
      file: './myScript.sql',
      optimistic: true,
      progress: false

 // exec SQL script in default connection
 options = {
      sql: `BEGIN
      delete from myTable where code = 'oldCode';`


# execSql (cfgObject) inner

  • cfg: Object
    • connectionstring

      Connection name. If empty - uses default connection

    • filestring

      Path to a script for execution. Either file or sql should be specified

    • sqlstring

      Text of SQL script for execution. Either file or sql should be specified

    • optimisticBoolean

      Wrap each statement in try/catch block. Continue execution on exceptions

    • progressBoolean

      Output execution time for each command into console

    • withResultBoolean

      If true execSql expect last statement in batch to be a statement what returns a result, exec it using runSQL and returns a result as JSON

    • outputResBoolean

      If withResult is true - output last statement result to stdout