Generate include for NGINX config based on reverseProxy section of application config:

  • add proxy_pass directive to the URL from specified ubConfig
  • add host and client IP passthrow using reverseProxy.remoteIPHeader from NGINX to UB
  • in case reverseProxy.sendFileHeader if configured - add a internal locations for app and all defined BLOB stores

Result can be included to the main NGINX config using include path-to-generated-config.conf directive (inside the server directive)

Usage from a command line:

npx ubcli generateNginxCfg -?


# addPartialsToBaseCfgTpl (serverConfig, baseTpl) inner

Scan models for nginx partials nginx-partial.conf files and add it into main template instead of MODELS_PARTIALS_PLACEHOLDER

  • serverConfig:
  • baseTpl: