Build-in UnityBase endpoints. Are registered during UB.start
In addition to endpoints documented below endpoints ubql
, stat
, auth
, logout
and timeStamp
are implemented
inside native code (will be moved to JavaScript in future releases).
# clientRequireEp (req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse) inner
The clientRequire
endpoint. Used by client side loaders (SystemJS for example) to emulate commonJS require
Security note: It is very important to prevent loading a server-side logic to the client - server-side logic MUST be hidden from clients
To do this clientRequire
- allow access only to modules inside application
folder - in case requested module is a UnityBase model (present in ubConfig.json) then restrict access to non-public part of such model
So developer should list all the modules that contain a sensitive server-side business logic inside the application
config and set a moduleName
parameter correctly for such models.
On the production where nginx is used as a reverse proxy requests to /clientRequire is intercepted by nginx and
returns a static file previously linked by ubcli linkStatic
command, which uses the same resolve algorithm as described above
: THTTPRequestresp
: THTTPResponse
# getAppInfoEp (req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse) inner
The getAppInfo
endpoint. Responsible for return an information about application required for an
initial client side connectivity and UI setup
Models can extend response by subscribes to App.on('getAppInfo') event and modify
a payload object - see example in getAppInfo
event doc
: THTTPRequestresp
: THTTPResponse
# getDomainInfoEp (req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse) inner
The getDomainInfo
Return JSON representation of application Domain according to caller rights
: THTTPRequestresp
: THTTPResponse
# modelsEp (req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse) inner
The models
endpoint. Responsible for return a static files content from a model publicPath folders
For example request GET http://host:port/models/modelName/fileName
will return a file from a public folder of a model modelName
: THTTPRequestresp
: THTTPResponse
# restEp (req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse) inner
Execute entity level method with direct access to the HTTP request and response.
Client calls such methods using POST /rest/entityCode/methodCode
The main purpose is to create an entity-level method what accept a binary request body or returns a binary response
REST methods handler is called with 3 parameters: (ctxt: null, req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse)
and should fill a resp object props properly.
Endpoint verify user has access to method.
: THTTPRequestresp
: THTTPResponse
// define entity method what can be called either using `/rest` or usong `/ubql`
me.getCertificate = function (ctxt, req, resp) {
let certID
if (req) { // endpoint is called as rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate?ID=1231
if (!req.parsedParameters.ID) {
return resp.badRequest('Missed ID; Expext URL to be rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate?ID=1231')
certID = req.parsedParameters.ID
} else {
certID = ctxt.mParams.ID
const store = UB.Repository('uba_usercertificate')
.attrs(['ID', 'certificate'])
.where('ID', '=', certID).select()
if (store.eof) throw new Error('not found')
let certificate = store.getAsBuffer('certificate')
if (req) { // called as rest
resp.writeHead('Content-Type: application/x-x509-user-cert')
resp.statusCode = 200
} else {
certificate = Buffer.from(certificate)
certificate = certificate.toString('base64')
ctxt.dataStore.initialize({ fieldCount: 1, values: ['certificate', certificate], rowCount: 1 })
// on client side
// call using rest:
const certResp = await UB.connection.get('/rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate?ID=334607980199937')
const certBin =
// call using ubql:
const certResp = await UB.connection.query({entity: 'uba_usercertificate', method: 'getCertificate', ID:334607980199937})
const certBase64 =[0][0]
# staticEp (req: THTTPRequest, resp: THTTPResponse) inner
Default endpoint. Will be called in case URL do not start form a known endpoint.
Current implementation will handle static files from ServerConfig.HTTPServer.inetPub
: THTTPRequestresp
: THTTPResponse