DocuSign® is The Global Standard for Digital Transaction Management. Accessible anytime, anywhere on any device, global enterprises, business departments, individual professionals, and consumers in all industries solve their paper problems by replacing manual, paper-based methods with DocuSign. The result is accelerated transactions that increase speed to results, reduce costs, improve visibility and control, and delight customers. DocuSign helps you keep business digital with the easiest, fastest, most secure way to send, sign, manage and store documents in the cloud.

Now UnityBase support DocuSign by model ub_model_dses. You can create your own envelope, define document and signers for it and subscribe for DocuSign event notifications, witch is emitted when DocuSign calls application callback.

Getting started #

Create your developer sandbox and generate an Integrator Key. Enable docusign-connect.

Add model ub_model_dses to your application.

Install required npm modules for ub_model_dses.

cd <path to ub_model_dses> npm install

Add docusign section in the customSettings section of application config:

    "application": {
        "customSettings": {
            "docuSign": {
                "userName": "<userName>",
                "password": "<password>",
                "integratorKey": "<integratorKey>",
                "apiUrl": ""//"" for production

Be sure that method dses_envelope.eventNotification is accessible for anonymous user and UB is accessible for DocuSign.

Now you are ready to use ub_model_dses

For production, you have to Purchase an API Plan and enable your Integrator Key

Quick demo #

Set up a Autotest application, run it, go to adminui. Enter into TEST desktop and enter into Docusign test shortcut. Create new envelope. Add document(with content) and receiver (with email). Press send button. Now you can see new envelope in your DocuSign account in documents section.

Also, all your recipients will get email notification then they must sign documents. After all recipients sign document Docusign will call UB method rest/dses_envelope/eventNotification (UB must be accessible for DocuSign) and your document's content will be updated(it can take several time).

Using #

Creating new envelope #

Method dses_envelope.addEnvelope:

    entity: 'tst_docusign',
    entityID: <tst_docusignID>,
    emailSubject: 'Please Sign my tst_docusign Envelope',
    emailBlurb: 'Hello, Please sign my my tst_docusign Envelope.',
    documents: [{
        entity: 'tst_document',
        attribute: 'fileStoreSimple',
        id: <tst_documentID1>,
        documentId: 1
        entity: 'tst_document',
        attribute: 'fileStoreSimple',
        id: <tst_documentID2>,
        documentId: 2
    signers: [{
        email: <email1>,
        fullName: <fullName1>,
        tabs: {
            signHere: [{
                documentId: 1,
                pageNumber: 1,
                xPosition: 10,
                yPosition: 10
                documentId: 2,
                pageNumber: 1,
                xPosition: 10,
                yPosition: 10
            fullName: [{
                documentId: 1,
                pageNumber: 1,
                xPosition: 10,
                yPosition: 50
            dateSigned: [{
                documentId: 2,
                pageNumber: 1,
                xPosition: 10,
                yPosition: 50
        email: <email2>,
        fullName: <fullName2>,
        tabs: {
            signHere: [{
                documentId: 2,
                pageNumber: 1,
                xPosition: 100,
                yPosition: 10
            fullName: [{
                documentId: 2,
                pageNumber: 1,
                xPosition: 100,
                yPosition: 50

Event Notifications #

Event, that calls method dses_envelope.addEnvelope emits the following events : dses:Created, dses:Sent, dses:Delivered, dses:Signed, dses:Completed, dses:Declined, dses:Voided. You can subscribe for some of them:

tst_docusign.on('dses:Completed',function(id, envelopeID){dses_envelope.updateDocuments(envelopeID);});

See also #

ub_model_dses module