General tips #

UnityBase designed to support different types of databases (Oracle, MS SQL, Postgre, ......). Even if you develop your application for some specific database, there is a chance later you will need to migrate it to other database (for example from Oracle to Postgres). So, general tip:

Do not use database-specific features in your application

DataStore - a server-side class for database access is highly optimized for speed. Usually it is faster to execute several simple queries from application server and do something inside JavaScript instead of write complex database query.

In any case developer must remember - usually there is only ONE database server for application, but we can run multiple application servers and do load balancing. So in most cases performance bottleneck is a Database.

Use the database for those things for which it was designed. Be KISS - use a database for storing data and application server for data manipulation.

Database connection parameters #

Each RDBMS driver uses his own mechanism for connection parameters tuning. Below is a recommendations for production usage:

Encodings #

UnityBase always uses UTF8 encoding for transfer data between client and application server. In case database collation is non UTF8 (in most case it's true) character set conversion performed on database driver level (ODBC driver,, etc). In most case this implemented by call to iconv libc function. So it's important to have all needed character sets are installed. Check it using iconv -l.

If required character sets is not in list (as in Oracle Linux 8.6+) - additional package should be added

sudo yum install glibc-gconv-extra

This prevents errors with ??? instead of national characters, or ODBC Invalid string or buffer length exceptions.

Postgres #

Most of the connection parameters can be configured using a PostgreURL. UnityBase allows to set a full postgresURL in the databaseName connection parameter, in this case serverName should be empty:

"connections": [{
    "name": "main",
    "driver": "PostgreSQL",
    "isDefault": true,
    "dialect": "PostgreSQL",
    "serverName": "",
    "databaseName": "postgresql://pg10.local:5432/ub5_autotest?tcp_user_timeout=3000",
    "userID": "%UB_DB_MAIN_USER%",
    "password": "%UB_DB_MAIN_PWD%"
    "supportLang": ["en", "uk"],
    "advSettings": "LibLocation=%UB_POSTGRE_LIB||" // for linux - can be empty or; Windows = path to libpq.dll, for example D:/PostgreClient/10/x64/bin/libpq.dll

A connection parameters keywords are listed in Section 33.1.2 of Postgres documentation

We recommend to sets a tcp_user_timeout=3000 to disconnect ASAP in case TCP connection to database server is lost. A kernel default (~20 minutes) is too large.

Postgres RDBMS server configuration #

Default Postgres configuration MUST be turned first - use PGTune for optimal parameters.

In PGTune set: - DB Type: Online transaction process system - Number of Connections: min(treadPoolSize*5 from ubConfig, 50)

UnityBase expect Postgres error messages to be in English locale. This uses to detect connection lost, constraint violation and so on.

We STRONGLY recommend use en_US.UTF-8 during Postgres setup (parameter is taken from OS locale settings, so better to switch your OS to English before Postgres server setup).

For existed Postgres installation locale can be forced by sets a lc_locale=en_US.UTF-8 parameter in the postgres.conf.

In case it is not possible to set an English locale in the postgres.conf it can be switched on the client side by adding a SET lc_messages TO 'en_US.UTF-8'; to the executeWhenConnected key of ubConfig connection parameters:

"connections": [{
   "driver": "PostgreSQL",
   "executeWhenConnected": ["SET lc_messages TO 'en_US.UTF-8'"]

In case application uses attributes of type geometry, postgis extension must be installed on Postgres server, see Installing PostGIS

for testing purpose docker can be used

docker run --name local-postgis -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgis/postgis

on the database level

create extension postgis;
-- and optionally other extensions
create extension postgis_raster;

Optimization for queries with many joins #

For queries with more when join_collapse_limit (8 by default) Postgres do not use statistic and perform joining in order table are listed in FROM clause. So some queries can run VERY slow.

We recommend to increase join_collapse_limit to 16.

In this case query prepare stage is takes a bit more time (but UB aggressively cache prepared planes, so it happens rarely), but query execution plane became MUCH faster in most case.

Recommended way is to set this parameter per-connection (instead of globally in postgresql.conf) by adding SET join_collapse_limit = 16 into executeWhenConnected ubConfig connection parameter:

"connections": [{
   "driver": "PostgreSQL",
   "executeWhenConnected": ["SET join_collapse_limit = 16", ]

MS SQL server #

MS SQL RDBMS server configuration #

For database, it's important to set:

  • transaction isolation level to Read committed shapshot (using Properties in Management studio or by executing ALTER DATABASE .... SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON)

Starting from SQL Server 2019 OleDB is deprecated by Microsoft - use ODBC instead even on Windows

Setup Microsoft ODBC (Linux) #

See Installing the Microsoft ODBC driver for sql server

ODBC Driver setup steps optional: for bcp and sqlcmd and optional: for unixODBC development headers ARE NOT REQUIRED

in case whereis do nor show library path - made a symlink ->

After installing Microsoft ODBC connection parameters can be defined in one of the sources: - /etc/odbcinst.ini driver settings applied to all databases - /etc/odbc.ini per database for all users - ~/.odbc.ini per database for current user

home catalogue for unitybase unit is /opt/unitybase/apps

For production, we recommend disabling Trace and sets KeepAlive to 10 (second) in the .ini.

In mssqlODBC 18 TLS is ON by default, so eiter valid certificate should be installed on MS SQL server side, or Encrypt=no added into connection properties.


Driver=ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
Description=My production database for Awesome app,1405

In case of error [S1090][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Invalid string or buffer length ensure Database= parameter in odbc.ini is LOWER CASED Database=my_db

ubConfig section example:

"connections": [{
    "name": "main",
    "driver": "MSSQLODBC",
    "isDefault": true,
    "dialect": "MSSQL2012",
    "serverName": "my_production_database", // for Linux this is an entry in ~/.obdc.ini file, for Windows - System DSN name in 64-bit ODBC data sources
    "databaseName": "awesomeapp",
    "userID": "%UB_DB_MAIN_USER%",
    "password": "%UB_DB_MAIN_PWD%"
    "supportLang": ["en", "uk"]

Setup Microsoft ODBC (Windows) #

  • install latest ODBC x64 driver
  • in ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) configure a system DSN - it name must be used in connections.serverName config

Oracle (UB server EE) #

Setup Oracle client #

Download a zip version Basic Light Package (ZIP)

WARNING - UB has problems with BLOB/CLOB wile using Oracle client 21.x. At last with 21.3 while retrieve some BLOB content OCI returns ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation. Please, use Oracle client 19.x on production!

Setup from repo #

Recommended version is Instant Client Basic Light 19.10

For Oracle Enterprise Linux 8.x

dnf install -y oracle-release-el8 
dnf install -y oracle-instantclient19.10-basic
# optional
# dnf install -y oracle-instantclient19.10-sqlplus.x86_64
sh -c "echo /usr/lib/oracle/19.10/client64/lib > /etc/"

For other RPM distribution

From Oracle Instant Client downloads page download version of instant client and install it using dnf

sudo dnf install ./oracle-instantclient19.10-basiclite-

In case serverName in ubConfig is specified as TNS alias, actual TNS should be defined in /usr/lib/oracle/19.10/client64/lib/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file

Manual setup #

Execute under sudo: For instantClient 19

mv instantclient_19_6 /usr/lib
cd /usr/lib/instantclient_19_6
rm -f ./
ln -s
pwd > /etc/
apt install libaio1

For instantClient 12

mv instantclient_12_2 /usr/lib
cd /usr/lib/instantclient_12_2
ln -s
pwd > /etc/
apt install libaio1

Full client with sqlplus can be found here:

Setup Oracle connection #

Connection parameters can be specified in tnsnames.ora - in this case serverName in the ubConfig should be a TNS name, or directly in the TNS string passed to the serverName.

Some connection parameters can be specified on the server-side in:

  • profiles (select * from dba_profiles)

We recommend set SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME=10 to prevent a firewall/proxy/routers to terminate a idle connections. See this article about keepalive for details.

For configuring SQLNET parameters for Oracle Instant Client see How do I ensure that my Oracle Net files like "tnsnames.ora" and "sqlnet.ora" are being used in Instant Client?

On Oracle server we recommend to set cursor sharing to FORCE using command (once) ALTER SYSTEM SET CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE SCOPE=BOTH;

ubConfig section example (connect without using tnsnames) :

"connections": [{
    "name": "main",
    "driver": "Oracle",
    "isDefault": true,
    "dialect": "Oracle11",
    "userID": "%UB_DB_MAIN_USER%",
    "password": "%UB_DB_MAIN_PWD%"
    "supportLang": ["en", "uk"],
    "advSettings": "CARDINALITY_IN",  // sets a CARDINALITY hint for array binding
    "executeWhenConnected": ["ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC", "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI"] // force case insensitive LIKE

MySQL server (Linux) #

ORM currently do not support MySQL, only direct SQL execution is allowed

Under Linux ODBC is used for MySQL connection.

Setup #

docker run --name tst-mysql -p3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mysql:8

Client libs

In case official MySQL ODBC package not installed correctly, the only file required is (copy it from deb package into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc)

In /etc/odbcinst.ini

Description= MySQL ODBC Driver

in ~/.odbc.ini

Description = Test DB
Driver = MySQL
USER = root
PORT = 3306

ubConfig section example:

"connections": [{
    "name": "mysql",
    "driver": "MySQL",
    "isDefault": false,
    "dialect": "MySQL",
    "serverName": "my_server", // this is an entry in ~/.obdc.ini file
    "databaseName": "MYSQLTEST",
    "userID": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "supportLang": ["en"]

Verify connection

  • first verify connection using isql command like tool:
 isql my_server root root
 >select * from mysql.user;
  • second - using UB:
ubcli execSql -c mysql -sql "select * from mysql.user" -withResult -outputRes


Almost any database (what have ODBC driver) can be accessed by UnityBase directly (without ORM) using ODBC driver. Under Linux:

  • install ODBC driver for your database
  • configure /etc/odbcinst.ini
  • configure .odbc.ini

in ubConfig use "driver": "ODBC" and entry from odbc.ini as serverName value.

MS Access Database Example (using CData ODBC driver. mdbtools not work):


[CData ODBC Driver for Access]
Description=CData ODBC Driver for Access 2021


Description = MS Access test CData
Driver      = CData ODBC Driver for Access
DataSource  = ~/_DATA/PCResale.accdb


  "databases": [{
    "name": "access",
    "driver": "ODBC",
    "serverName": "mdb_cdata_test",
    "databaseName": "",
    "userID": "",
    "password": "",
    "supportLang": [

Transactions #

In most cases UB handle transactions automatically. Each HTTP call of endpoint (every HTTP request to server) will be wrapped in database transaction (if it is required). If request is handled successfully (without unhandled exceptions), all started transactions will be committed, in case of any exception - all transactions will be rollback'ed.

Server start database transaction for connection before execution of the first statement, what either not expect a result or expect result and contains one of 'INSERT ', 'UPDATE ' or 'DELETE ' world inside SQL query text.

Node a space after keywords, is INSERT UPDATE or DELETE is a last keyword in state,ent, transaction will not start

For Oracle transaction also started in case 'BEGIN ', for SQL Server - 'EXEC ' or 'DATABASE ' keywords found inside SQL query text.

This allows to execute batch what contains only select statements without explicitly transaction start, what speed up a lot.

SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and transactions #

SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statement always must be executed in transaction. For manual SQL serer do not recognize statement what ends with 'UPDATE' keyword as a subject of transaction stat, because it expects 'UPDATE ' (with a space after keyword).

To force transaction, please, always use 'SELECT ... FOR UPDATE OF ...' instead. In any way it is more correct solution when select for update without specifying a table to lock.

Nested transactions and savepoint #

Nested transactions is not allowed. In case transaction is already started, App.dbStartTransaction will return false and do nothing.

However, for Postgres, in case of any error on the DB level connection allows only rollback statement. Even if statement execution is wrapped in try...catch in the JS:

function testUpdate(ID, code) {
  let store = UB.DataStore(entityName)'update', {
    execParams: { ID, code }
try {
  testUpdate(firstID, '12345678') // this statement throw DB error because code2 is 3 character long
} catch (err) {
  console.warn(err.message) // TSQLDBPostgresLib PGERRCODE: 22001, ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(3)
// for postgres statement below fails with error
// `PGERRCODE: 25P02, ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block`
// for other RDBMS - it executed success
testUpdate(firstID, '123')

To allow other statement to be executed after caught error, UB introduces a method conn.savepointWrap what wrap a function call into temporary savepoint for Postgres or call function as is for other RDBMS. So sample above can be rewritten as:

let db = App.dbConnections[App.domainInfo.entities.ubm_enum.connectionName]
try {
  db.savepointWrap(testUpdate.bind(this, ID, code))
} catch (e) {
  console.warn(err.message) // TSQLDBPostgresLib PGERRCODE: 22001, ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(3)
testUpdate(firstID, '123') // update success

Autonomous transactions #

In UB@5.24.8 we introduce an Autonomous transactions feature. All database statements, or direct SQL execution using dataStore.runSql|dataStore.execSql or UB.Repository|, executed inside the function that passed into App.runInAutonomousTransaction will be executed in a separate connection intended for executing autonomous transactions, and automatically committed (or rolled back in case of an exception).

In the ubConfig, connections what should support autonomous transactions must be marked with allowAutonomousTransaction: true

Default connection is marked with allowAutonomousTransaction: true automatically


function putInLog(message) {
  let store = UB.DataStore('log_entity')'insert', {
    execParams: { message }

// 1. do something what change data in DB
App.runInAutonomousTransaction(putInLog.bind(this, 'this will be inserter into log_entity')) //runInAuthonmousTrnsaction will commit only log_entity changes 
// 2. do something what change data in DB
App.dbRollback() // or throw new Error('throwing of error cause serer to rollback all active transactions')
// on this stage all changes made by 1. and 2. are rollbacked, but changes made by putInLog function - comitted  

Autonomous transactions can't be nested.

On the low level UB server on startup for every DB connection, marked in ubConfig as allowAutonomousTransaction or isDefault add connection with the same parameters, but name = '__4at_' + name (for example "main" -> "__4at_main"). In case application is in autonomous transaction mode - added connection will be used instead of original

Manual transaction handling #

Please, try to avoid a manual transaction as much as possible. Always remember, what server may use connections to several DB backends

Database transaction can be managed manually using App.dbStartTransaction, App.dbCommit, App.dbRollback, App.dbInTransaction methods.

If transaction started manually and not committed / rolled backs, then server commit/roll back it after endpoint is executed.

Indexes #

By default, UnityBase DDL generator create indexes for all attributes of type Entity and unique indexes for attributes marked as "isUnique": true.

In case developer need to add additional indexes it can be specified inside entity metadata dbKeys for UNIQUE indexes or inside dbExtensions for any other index type (including functional indexes for Oracle/Postgres)

Optimizing like queries #

startsWith #

Starting with server version 5.24 new database configuration parameter maxChar4StartsWith (default is 'џ' a Cyrillic Small Letter Dzhe. U+045F) is added.

If parameter is not empty (by default), UBQL with .where('col', 'startsWith', 'val') condition will be transformed into (col >= 'val') AND (col < 'val'+maxChar4StartsWith) AND (col LIKE 'val%') instead of col like 'val%' to force RDBMS to use index.

for some languages maxChar4StartsWith should be set to different character, for example for Georgian should be 'ჾ' - Georgian Letter Hard Sign U+10FE

contains #

Special index type CATALOGUE is available for optimizing queries with substring search .where('col', 'like', 'val'), what normally transformed to where field like "%substr%" SQL expression.

See also 'SUFFIXES index' below

Such queries are usually created by the Select/ComboBox interface controls when the user enters text to search for, or from filters in the Grid when the Contains condition is selected. The database always performs a full table scan for such queries, which can lead to performance problems, especially if the table is large.

To avoid a full scan developer can define a "CATALOGUE" dbExtension as such (myEntity.meta):

  "dbExtensions": {
      "type": "CATALOGUE",
      "definition": {
        "keys": {
          "caption": {}

where CIDX_TMD_CAPTION is an index name and caption is attribute on which substring queries are executed.

Depending on database type UBQL query:

  .attrs('ID', 'caption')
  .where('caption', 'like', 'substr')

will be translated to SQL:

  • Oracle DDL generator creates CTXSYS.ctxcat index and DML generator creates CATSEARCH where expression:
// ? = 'substr*'
select ID, caption from myEntity where CATSEARCH(caption, ?, null) > 0 
  • PostgresSQL DDL generator creates trigram index what work with ILIKE, so statement will be:
// ? = '%substr%'
select ID, caption from myEntity where caption ILIKE ? 
  • SQL Server (UB >= 5.18.15) DDL generator creates Full Text Search index for tables with CATALOGUE extension (one index for all keys). Statement will be:
// ? = '"substr*"'
select ID, caption from myEntity where CONTAINS(caption, ?) 

CATALOGUE index pre-requirements #

for SQL Server #

Default Full Text Catalogue must exist in the database. If database created by ubcli initDB -create, the catalogue created automatically, for other cases run the following statement:


for Oracle #

  • Check Database Collation

Since CTXCAT indexes are not allowed for NVARCHAR2 columns DDL will convert such columns to VARCHAR2. To store international characters correctly in varchar3 columns ensure Oracle database is created using UTF8 collation:


NLS_CHARACTERSET value should be *UTF[8|16]:

  • Enable Oracle Text

Oracle text should be enabled for Oracle instance Can be checked by statement (under sys):

SELECT comp_id, comp_name, status FROM dba_registry where COMP_NAME='Oracle Text'

See Oracle Text Setup instruction

  • Grant Permissions

To create a CTXCAT index CTXAPP and CTX_DDL should be granted to role:


Partial indexes #

A partial index is an index over a subset of the rows of a table. Feature available in MS SQL, Postgres, SQLite3 and NOT available in Oracle.

In ordinary indexes, there is exactly one entry in the index for every row in the table. In partial indexes, only some subset of the rows in the table have corresponding index entries. For example, a partial index might omit entries for which the column being indexed is NULL. When used judiciously, partial indexes can result in smaller database files and improvements in both query and write performance.

The typical use case for partial index in Record Management System applications is to remove an "archived" records from index. Lets, for example, we have task entity with state and department attributes and values for state are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED.

For apps where most of the records are in COMPLETED state we can create one partial index (to speed up some queries) and usual index (for referential constraint)

create index PIDX_DOC_DEPARTMENT on Document(department) where state <> 'COMPLETED';
create index IDX_DOC_DEPARTMENT on Document(department);

and for typical query "all active tasks for my department"

select * from task where department=? and state in ('NEW', 'IN_PROGRESS')

RDBMS will use small PIDX_DOC_DEPARTMENT index instead of big IDX_DOC_DEPARTMENT what dramatically speed up a query above in case of many records in task.

In 'task.meta' partial index can be defined in dbExtension section using filter keyword

  "dbExtensions": {
      "type": "INDEX",
      "definition": {
        "keys": {
          "department": {}
        "filter": "state <> 'COMPLETED'"

For the database to understand that a partial index can be used when building a query plan, the state value in where must be passed to the query "as is" and not as a parameter. To do this, in the entity for the "state" attribute, you need to add preferInline: true as in example below

  "attributes": [
      "name": "state",
      "dataType": "Enum",
      "enumGroup": "TASK_STATES",
      "caption": "State",
      "allowNull": false,
      "defaultValue": "NEW",
      "preferInline": true

After this UBQLs

  UB.Repository('task').attrs('state', 'department').where('state', '=', 'NEW').where('department', '=', 12)

will be transformed into

select state, department from task where department=? and state = 'NEW' -- use partial index
-- instead of 
select state, department from task where department=? and state = ? -- use non-partial index, because value of state is unknown

The in condition for attributes with preferInline: true also inlined:

  UB.Repository('task').attrs('state', 'department').where('state', 'IN', ['NEW', 'IN_PROGRESS']).where('department', '=', 12)
  // generated SQL: select state, department from task where department=? and state IN ('NEW',  'IN_PROGRESS') -- use partial index
  UB.Repository('task').attrs('state', 'department').where('state', 'IN', ['NEW', 'COMPLETED']).where('department', '=', 12)
  // generated SQL: select state, department from task where department=? and state IN ('NEW',  'COMPLETED') -- NOT use partial index because COMPLETED value in IN

In SQL Server filtered indexes only support simple comparison operators, so try to avoid IN condition in filter definition to be cross-database

Oracle DO NOT support partial index - such index definitions will be ignored by ubcli generateDDL (index NOT created at all)

preferInline can be used with parameters of type: String, Number or Boolean. Do not define preferInline for Date attributes

SUFFIXES index for non-words attributes #

Catalogue indexes works perfectly for attributes what not contains abbreviations and acronyms, but otherwise it depends on RDBMS implementation.

For Postgres, where such indexes are based on trigrams, or for Oracle with CXTCAT it may work as expected, for SQL server where CATALOGUE index is based on FTS - not.

For example in case attribute contains a document number, like 01-114-56-15(9370) and we need to search by part of it, FTS word breaker do not recognize "words" correctly, and search by phrase 14-56 do not return a number above.

For such attributes dbExtension of type SUFFIXES can be defined in meta file and UnityBase (>=5.18.15) tries to optimize like %..% to decrease SQL Server CPU consumption.

With such extension:

  • DDL generator creates index organized table with 2 columns (tail, sourceID).
  • mStorage mixin fills this table by all possible suffixes of attribute value using splitChars as separator.
  • select queries with like condition on such attributes will use 'exists' in suffixes table where tail line %? instead of 'like %?%' on the main table what prevents a full scan.

A usage sample in meta file:

"dbExtensions": {
      "type": "SUFFIXES",
      "description": "Creates index organized table TST_DOCUMENT_CODE_SU(TAIL, sourceID)",
      "splitChars": "/-",
      "includeLast": false,
      "attribute": "code"

In case SUFFIXES index is added to an entity which already contains data it must be filled using script generated using command:

ub ./node_modules/@unitybase/ubcli/lib/flow/genSuffixesIndexInitScript.js -u root [-env ubConfig.env] 

See ub ./node_modules/@unitybase/ubcli/lib/flow/genSuffixesIndexInitScript.js -? for other parameters

!!WARNING: script should be executed while UB server is down!! Execution can take a long time (~10 second for each 500 000 rows)

Please, verify such optimization on your data, since logic is not strict in this case

Array binding #

UnityBase can bind arrays (array of int64 or array of strings are supported) as parameters value:

UB.Repository('uba_user').attrs('ID').where('[ID]', 'in', [1, 2, 3]).select()

In UB < 5.24 arrays always bind as array, starting from 5.24 the following algorithm in used:

  • if preferInline: true is defined for attribute - array value will be inlined as where attr IN (1, 2, 3)
  • if the number of values in the array <= connection.maxParams4FlatIn (default is 5) - array splitter into separate values ``where attr IN (?, ?, ?)`
  • otherwise - depends on a RDBMS a resulting query became:

Oracle array binding #

UB server generates a query:

SELECT A01.ID  FROM uba_user A01  WHERE A01.ID IN (SELECT column_value FROM table(CAST( :1 AS SYS.ODCINUMBERLIST)))

crates in-memory SYS.ODCINUMBERLIST / SYS.ODCIVARCHAR2LIST structure and pass it as a parameter value to bind.

We don't know how to run such query with parameters binding in plsql, without parameters:

SELECT A01.ID  FROM uba_user A01  WHERE A01.ID IN (SELECT column_value FROM table(SYS.ODCINUMBERLIST(1, 2, 3)))

Connection advSettings can contain CARDINALITY_IN directive. If enabled then ORM adds /*+ CARDINALITY(t1, P) */ hint for IN sub-queries.

P value depends on array length L: L<10 => P = 1; L < 50 => P=10 else P = 100

Query with cardinality hint

SELECT A01.ID FROM uba_user A01 WHERE A01.ID IN (SELECT /*+ CARDINALITY(t1, P) */ column_value FROM table(SYS.ODCINUMBERLIST(1, 2, 3)))

SQL Server array binding #

UB server generates a query:


creates in-memory IDList / StrList structure, fills it with passed array elements and binds to parameter value

To run such a query in management studio:

-- if type not exists - create it
  id bigint NULL
  id nvarchar(255) NULL

declare @a dbo.IDList;
insert into @a (id) values (1), (2), (3);
SELECT A01.ID  FROM uba_user A01  WHERE A01.ID IN (SELECT * FROM @a)

Postgres SQL array binding #

UB server generates a query:

SELECT A01.ID  FROM uba_user A01  WHERE A01.ID=ANY($1)

transform passed array into Postgres array syntax string {1,2,3} and bind such string as parameter value

To execute a query in DBeaver tool press Ctrl+Enter, in binding dialog type "'{1,2,3}'" (in single quote)

Oracle connection in depth #

UnityBase works with Oracle using direct call to OCI (Oracle Call Interface library). This allows to use all Oracle-specific features, minimize function calls and memory allocation and therefore work on maximum speed.

Just after connect to Oracle server UnityBase sets some specific connection properties. This properties may not be like those, which set TOAD, PL/SQL Developer, DBeaver or other tools. Therefore, some queries work in different way inside UnityBase server and TOAD (for example). But don't be confused - below we explain how to make them work in the same way:

Session variables #

Set the same session parameters as UnityBase sets.

Look at server log - before the first database statement execution you can see instruction like ALTER SESSION SET NLS........; This instruction set Locale Settings. You can change it in advanced connection configuration for your application.

Find all such instruction and execute it inside tool you use for work with database. Usually this is:


Parameters in queries #

UnityBase always try to parametrise queries. For example in case you execute query:

store.runSQL('select * from somethere where code like :myCode:', {myCode: 'value%'});

end expect to see the same execution plane in your tool, parametrise it! For example in DBeaver:

-- WRONG - the query plan may be different from what will be for the application server
select * from somethere where code like 'value%'
select * from somethere where code like :myCode

When DBeaver asks for parameters value - type value% and set parameter type to nvarchar2

Always set parameter type for string parameters to NVARCHAR2. This is the way UnityBase pass string parameters to Oracle

Parameter types #

When binding parameters for query UB applies this convention to call OCIBundByPos

JS Type Oracle Type
int64, float, double SQLT_FLT

For parameters of type string in case database table column is not of the type NVARCHAR2 to use a database index you can cast parameter directly to type you need:

...  where my_function(column) = cast(my_function(?) as varchar2(xxx))

The same POSSIBLE but not mandatory for Int64/Float type of parameter.

Limit a resources usage #

For a Web application (especially for multitenancy apps) it's always a good idea to limit a DB server resources for statements. In other case several "bad" statements what retrieve a huge amount of data or run's too long etc. will slow down all users.

Is limits is exceeded, US (stating from 5.20.1) throws a <<<ERR_RESOURCE_LIMITS_EXCEED>>> error

Fetch size limitation #

Using ubConfig.connections.connName.statementMaxMemoryMb a maximum fetch size for DataStore can be limited. If a result set exceeds this limit, an Exception is raised. This avoids unexpected OutOfMemory errors and prevents server crash when incorrect statement what returns too many rows or too big content are executed.

Default value is 50 (50 megabytes) what enough for most cases. For multitenancy apps we recommend decreasing this limit to 10, for instances what runs a schedulers limit can be increased.

Statement execution time limitation #

Statement execution time limitation depends on used RDBMS and implemented either using connection parameters, or statement in the executeWhenConnected connection config section.

Since default HTTP timeout is 30 second, statement execution time should be smaller, recommended value is 10 sec or less and depends on business logic implementation.

We recommend do use a UB_DB_STATEMENT_TIME_LIMIT environment variable for timeouts

Postgres #

Can be implemented by set a statement_timeout session variable in milliseconds

"executeWhenConnected": [
      "SET statement_timeout=%UB_DB_STATEMENT_TIME_LIMIT||10000%"

Postgre error message contains: "canceling statement due to statement timeout"

MS SQL Server #

MS SQL server have a global query timeout (default is 600 sec) what can be changed using remote query timeout option.

A session level alternative is implemented for ODBC connections using STATEMENT_TIME_LIMIT parameter for connection advSettings. Value is in seconds.

"connections": [{
    "name": "main",
    "driver": "MSSQLODBC",
    "dialect": "MSSQL2012",

SQL server error message contains "Query timeout expired"

Oracle #

Implemented using Oracle resources manager

Oracle Resource Manager Enhancements available only in Oracle EE!

First, DBA should create a consumer group and resource plan for each Oracle instance and grant a switch_consumer_group permission to user used by UB to connect to database (userID parameter value in Oracle connection config).

This can be done using script below (replace a userID in the GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP statement by a real username before execution):


--drop plan and group 
  dbms_resource_manager.DELETE_PLAN ('EXEC_TIME_LIMIT_PLAN');
--create a consumer group for UB registers users 
    COMMENT        => 'This is the consumer group that has limited execution time per statement',
    MGMT_MTH       => 'ROUND-ROBIN',
    CATEGORY        => 'OTHER');
--create a resource plan for what will cancel the current SQL if it runs for more than 10 sec
      plan                         => 'EXEC_TIME_LIMIT_PLAN',
     mgmt_mth                      => 'EMPHASIS',
     sub_plan => FALSE,
      comment                      => 'Resource plan what limits statement execution time to 10 sec');
   plan                       => 'EXEC_TIME_LIMIT_PLAN',
   group_or_subplan           => 'OTHER_GROUPS',
   COMMENT=>'leave others alone',
--create plan directive 
    PLAN             => 'EXEC_TIME_LIMIT_PLAN',
    COMMENT          => 'Kill statement after exceeding total execution time',
    -- SWITCH_TIME      => 10, -- 10 CPU seconds limitation 
    SWITCH_ELAPSED_TIME => 10, -- 10 seconds limitation
-- grant SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP to user
  SYS.DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP('userID', 'GROUP_WITH_LIMITED_EXEC_TIME', false); -- userID should be replaced BY user name used to connect to DB 
-- enable new plan
GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_SESSION TO userID; -- userID should be replaced BY user name used to connect to DB 

After resource plan is created connection should be configured as such:

"executeWhenConnected": [
      "DECLARE prev_group VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN DBMS_SESSION.switch_current_consumer_group ('%UB_DB_STATEMENT_TIME_LIMIT%', prev_group, TRUE); END;"

and environment variable UB_DB_STATEMENT_TIME_LIMIT sets to consumer group name we create above UB_DB_STATEMENT_TIME_LIMIT=GROUP_WITH_LIMITED_EXEC_TIME

Oracle error message is:

  • ORA-00040: active time limit exceeded - call aborted in case SWITCH_TIME resource plan parameter exceed
  • ORA-56735: elapsed time limit exceeded - call aborted in case SWITCH_ELAPSED_TIME resource plan parameter exceed

Horizontal scalability using replicas #

Starts from UB@5.12.12EE server can be configured to use a database replicas for horizontal scalability.

Replication itself should be configured on database level.

In ubConfig.json replicated (secondary) database connection should be defined as usual (we recommend naming it as original connection name + _repl suffix). For primary database connection parameter replicatedAs should be a secondary connection name. Example (ifdefs are optional):

  "connections": [
        "name": "main",
        "driver": "Oracle",
        "isDefault": true,
        "dialect": "Oracle11",
        "serverName": "...",
        "userID": "..",
        "password": ".."
        ,"replicatedAs": "main_repl",
      "name": "main_repl",
      "driver": "Oracle",
      "isDefault": true,
      "dialect": "Oracle11",
      "serverName": "replicated servers",
      "userID": "..",
      "password": ".."

Now business logic can add a hint for server to use a replicated database for some king of select queries either by adding a third parameter for DataStore.runSQL:

const store = UB.DataStore('entity_name')
store.runSQL('select ..', { param: value }, true /* use replica */)

or using Repository.misc

const data = UB.Repository('entity_name').attrs('one').misc({ __useReplica: true }).selectAsObject() 

If entity connection has replicatedAs then server (EE edition) uses replicated connection for such queries. For SE edition or if replica is not defined for connection useReplica is ignored.

WARNING always remember what secondary (replicated) database in most case is behind primary, sometimes behind 1 second, sometimes more, depending on replication technology used. In any case data modified in active transaction on primary database are never present in secondary until transaction is commited

Use secondary database ONLY for queries what:

  • do not expect to read a data modified in current transaction (current endpoint context)
  • possible time lag is not critical for user. For example check current money balance using replica is a bad idea