Introduction #

UnityBase is a platform for building complex enterprise application. So security is one of most important part of platform. UnityBase security mechanism includes:

  • Users, Groups, And Security Roles (UBA model)
  • different types of authentication and authorization - modified DIGEST, Kerberos, via public/private key, using LDAP
  • encrypted communication - either HTTPS or more secure internal mechanism
  • audit trail - all operations are logged into audit tables (both old and new values are logged)
  • simple row level audit - memorize a creator, modifier and owner for each entity row
  • safe delete - mark entity row as deleted without psychically delete it from the database (or other store)
  • data history - track history of entity row modification and show row content on specified date
  • entity-level security (ELS) - restrict access to entity methods based on user roles
  • row-level security (RLS) - restrict access to entity rows based on row attributes values + user roles
  • access control list (ACL) - restrict access to entity rows based on security principal assigned for each entity row
  • attribute-level security (ALS) - restrict access to entity attribute values based on different criteria
  • record signing - sign entity attributes using electronic signature
  • PDF signing - sign PDF documents, including visual signatures
  • advanced logging mechanism - almost everything what server does can be logged into files without losing performance

Users, Groups, And Security Roles #

A user is an entity that can be authenticated. A user can be a person or a software entity, such as other information system. Each user is given a unique name. For efficient security management, we recommend adding users to groups. A group is a collection of users who usually have something in common, such as working in the same department in a company or perform a similar task, such as "document registration".

Groups, users, and user to role assignments are usually created by the supervisor - person in organization, who monitors and regulates employees, and their access rights.

A security role is an identity granted to users or groups based on specific conditions. Multiple users or groups can be granted the same security role and a user or group can be in more than one security role. Security roles are used by Entity-Level Security (ELS) policies to determine who can access a entity methods. It also defines the set of the endpoints to which access is allowed. Security roles and ELS policies are usually created by the application developer.

Build-in roles #

Table below lists the build-in roles UnityBase define by default. Do not delete these roles - they are used in the default ELS policies.

Role name Default ELS rules... Endpoints granted Granted to groups...
Admin All entity methods are allowed All endpoints are granted
Supervisor All rights for Users & Groups management. Soft-lock removing
Developer Reserved for change entity definitions
Monitor Application statistics stat
User Read for common dictionaries (cdn* org*), UI (ubm*) and settings (ubs_settings) changePassword,checkDocument,getDocument,getDomainInfo,logout,rest,setDocument,ubql
SysOps Full access to ub*, ubm*, ubs*, ubq*, R/O access to uba*
ServiceAccount Bypass 2FA. Not allowed to use UI
Anonymous None
Everyone auth,timeStamp,statics,getAppInfo,models

Roles Anonymous, Everyone and User are runtime roles. It assigned automatically by UnityBase server:

  • User: this role contains all users who have been authenticated
  • Anonymous: this role is assigned to any non-authorized user
  • Everyone: this role for any anonymous users and all users who have been authenticated

We recommend at least one user to be added into Admin role in addition to the admin user. Having at least two administrators at all times helps protect against a single admin user being locked out from a potential security breach.

Authorization & authentication #

What Is The Difference Between Authentication And Authorization? #


Authentication verifies who you are. For example, you can log in into your Unix server using the ssh client, or access your email server using the POP3 and SMTP client.


Authorization verifies what you are authorized to do. For example, you are allowed to login into your Unix server via ssh client, but you are not authorized to browser /data2 or any other file system. Authorization occurs after successful authentication. Authorization can be controlled at file system level or using various application level configuration options such as chroot(2).

Usually, the connection attempt must be both authenticated and authorized by the system. You can easily find out why connection attempts are either accepted or denied with the help of these two factors.

UnityBase authentication schemas #

UnityBase support several authentication algorithm with different level of security. While configuring your application you can set security.authenticationMethods config parameter to array or possible supported authentication algorithm.

Authentication schema Description Authorization method
Basic HTTP Basic. Not recommended for a production Basic
UBLDAP Based on a LDAP catalog UB
UBIP Based on a caller IP. For a server <-> server communication UBIP
Negotiate SSO using MS Windows domain. Enterprise edition only UB
CERT2 Based on a private/public keys. Defence edition only UB
OpenIDConnect Authentication layer on top of OAuth 2.0 UB
JWT JSON Web Token - Authorization only JWT

Some schemas have its own authorization some are only for a authentication - the last column it the table above note a authorization method.

UnityBase also supports One-Time-Passwords (see uba_otp) using SMS, EMail and TOTP (Google Authenticator)

UB authorization #

If future client requests are authorized using UB method, the task of authentication is to elaborate two parameters between the client and server: clientSessionID and sessionPrivateKey. With knowledge of a secretWord - something only client is know, we can calculate a authentication header and add it to every request what require authentication.

After authentication all requests to a serve must include a Authorization: UB signature header, where signature is:

signature = hexa8(clientSessionID) + hexaTime + hexa8(crc32(sessionPrivateKey + secretWord + hexaTime));

Adding a time to a signature prevent from a relplay attack (server check time is growing in each request).

For any request server MAY response with 401 - this mean session is expired and client must repeat the authorization.

Authorization signature calculation (JavaScript):

function hexa8(value){
  const num = parseInt(value, 10)
  return isNaN(num) ? '00000000' : num.toString(16).padStart(8, '0')

function getSignature() {
    timeStampI = Math.floor( /  1000),
    hexaTime = hexa8(timeStampI);

return  hexa8(clientSessionID) + hexaTime + hexa8(crc32(sessionPrivateKey + secretWord + hexaTime));

crc32 implementation must handle argument as UTF8 encoded string (to allow crc32 for non-english chars) crc32('тест') === 2676977762

2FA #

Starting from ub@5.23.18 second factor authentication can be enabled for application. If this option is enabled, authentication will not be completed until the server receives the secret for the user session at the secondFactorConfirm endpoint.

The session can be in the "unconfirmed" state (waiting for confirmation by the second factor) up to SessionTimeout minutes - the minimum value of uba_role.sessionTimeout for all roles, assigned to user.

By default, 10min for Admin and 30 min for User

Accounts (users) with ServiceAccount role is not a subject of 2FA. Useful for accounts for communication between servers

Enabling 2FA #

Recommended ubConfig settings:

  "security": {
    "secondFactor": {
      "enabled": true,
      "confirmationMethod": "%UB_2FA_METHOD||Code%"

If 2FA is enabled, @unitybase/uba model will fire a secondFactorCodeReady event for Session, application should subscribe to this event and deliver a secret to user using SMS, Push etc.

UB.Session.on('secondFactorCodeReady', function send2faToConsole (secret) {
  // real code should send 2FA secret as SMS to user phone
  // for debugging purpose we write it into console
  console.log(`2FA code for user '${UB.Session.uData.login}' on session #${} is: ${secret}`)

secondFactorCodeReady handler implementation MUST return as fast as possible, in other case thread will be blocked and other users can't be logged in

2FA UI #

Default UI (@unityase/admonui-vue) already knows how to deal with 2FA during logon

For custom UI application should pass an onRequest2fa callback into UB.connect() - see how it's done in @unitybase/adminui-vue/views/ub-auth.html) or set a request2fa using UB.connection.setRequest2faFunction - see @unitybase/adminui-vue/components/relogin/URequest2fa.vue

2FA Methods #

confirmationMethod is one of:

  • Code - in this case secret is a random string of 6 digits what should be delivered to user using SMS or messenger.User input in on login form and UBConnection will send this code into server secondFactorConfirm endpoint to finish authentication
  • App (reserved) - in this case secret is a GUID what should be delivered to mobile "confirmator" app using push and mobile app will send this code into server secondFactorConfirm endpoint

authMock mode #

Server can be started in authMock mode by passing --authMock in the command line (ub --authMock) This mode is designed for testing UB from tools what do not support complex calculations, required for authorisation and authentication:

  • authentication will not use a cryptography random for nonce generation, instead nonce is always === 1234567890abcdef
  • sessions ID will always start from 100 and increased continuously 101, 102, etc (instead of random int)
  • Authorization header calculation do not require to include a continuously growing request counter (can be const across all requests inside one session)
  • session signature part of Authorization header not verified (can be constant)
  • checking of IP equality for authorization and authentication requests for session is disabled
  • auth response JSON includes authHeader field what can be used for Authorization: header value for all future request for this session

In this mode after session is created any UBQL can be executed by POST request with 2 header:

  • "Content-Type" = "application/json"
  • "Authorization"= "UB 000000680000000000000000" where "00000068" is a session number in hex (first user session is 104 = 0x68)

Full request can be simply copied from browser network tab as CURl etc.

UnityBase Administration (UBA) model #

The basis of all security mechanism is UnityBase Administration (UBA) model. To enable build-in security developer must include UBA model to application domain.

This model defines entities:

  • uba_role - security roles list
  • uba_user - user list
  • uba_userrole - user roles
  • uba_usercertificate - user certificates (used for public/private key authentication schema)
  • uba_els - entity level security information
  • uba_als - attribute-level security information
  • uba_audit - audit of security related operations
  • uba_subject - unity for uba_user and uba_role entities. Used as security principal for RLS and ACL security

If model UBA is not included into domain, UnityBase work in "authentication not used" mode. In this mode there is no Session context for method execution. This mode can be used in several cases:

  • for simple services what not require authentication
  • during database initialization
  • for test or developing purpose

Also, developer can turn on "authentication not used" mode by comment "authMethods" section in application config.

One Time Passwords (OTP) #

uba_otp entity adds support for One Time Passwords into UBA model.

Currently, implemented methods is EMail, SMS and TOTP (FreeTOTP, Google Authenticator etc). OTP can be generated using uba_otp.generateOtp method and verified using uba_otp.authAndExecute for EMail/SMS or uba_otp.verifyTotp for TOTP.
. TOTP sample:

// generate TOTP secret and store it for currently logged in user

// validate TOTP (6 digits passed from user)
let valid = uba_otp.verifyTotp('012345') // true/false

// generate QR code for Google Authenticator for user with ID=userID
const totpLib = require('@unitybase/uba/modules/totp')
let secret = uba_otp.generateOtp('TOTP', userID)
let qrContent = totpLib.getTotpQRCodeData('My SuperApp', secret, 'My company name')

Password policy #

For authentication schemas what based on a password, stored in the uba_user entity (Basic, UB & CERT) administrator can define policies. The policies are stored in the ubs_settings entity, so the UBS model must be in application domain. In other case default values are applied.

Parameter Description Default value
UBA.passwordPolicy.maxDurationDays Password expiration. Calculated form a last password change date. After maxDurationDays days user can't access any endpoint except changePassword and logout. That is, to continue the work the user must change the password. 0 (unlimited)
UBA.passwordPolicy.checkPrevPwdNum When user change password new one must not be equal to a checkPrevPwdNum previous passwords. If it is equal en error Previous password is not allowed is rised 4
UBA.passwordPolicy.minLength Minimal password length in chars. If user password length less to minLength Password is too short exception raised 3
UBA.passwordPolicy.checkCmplexity If true server will check password must contains upper & lower case letters, numbers and special chars [~!@#$%^&*()_+ \=-/'":;<>.,[]{}?]. If not - exception Password is too simple is raised
UBA.passwordPolicy.checkDictionary Check the password are not a word from a dictionary. If so - Password is dictionary word error is raised false
UBA.passwordPolicy.allowMatchWithLogin Check password not contain username. If so - Password matches with login error is raised false
UBA.passwordPolicy.maxInvalidAttempts After maxInvalidAttempts unsuccessful authorization user will be locked (permanently by sets uba_user.disabled=1 in DB, or temporary - depending on parameter value). All attempts will logged to uba_audit as LOGIN FAILED or LOCKED LOGIN FAILED events 0 (unlimited)

Note, that for some of these settings, you will need to restart UnityBase server after the change. Setting value is a localized string, make sure you update the setting in all the languages.

Starts from UB server 5.19.6 ubConfig security.lockOutInDB parameter control whenever user account is locket permanently (by sets uba_user.disabled) or temporary for security.lockOutTimeoutSec seconds. Default behavior is temporary lock for 300 seconds.

Security audit & dashboard #

All security related operations are added to the uba_audit entity. The interface part is available in the adminUI on the path Administrator -> Security -> Security audit.

For user, specified in the UBA.securityDashboard.supervisorUser setting key (by default this is admin user) also available a Security monitor ( Administrator -> Security -> Security monitor ) feature, where all security related events are logged in the real time. For a real-time communication WebSockets must be turned on both server and client side - see {@tutorial web_sockets}.

LDAP authentication #

Security warning - password for LDAP authentication passed in plain text other the wire, so server should accept only HTTPS connection to be secure.

In case UBLDAP authentication method added to security.authenticationMethods ubConfig section server can verify user password using one or several LDAP catalogues.

security.ldapCatalogs section should be configured for each supported domain. Consider a customer have two LDAP catalogues:

  • first is a Windows domain and domain user is company\user01
  • second is OpenLDAP secondcompany.local and LDAP user is secondcompany\user02

After users with names company\user01 and secondcompany\user02 are added into uba_user server can authenticate him by sending a curl request using URL specified in URL parameter with % placeholder replaced by user01 (without domain name).

Configuring for Linux #

Starting from UB5.18.1 under Linux UB use libldap (one of,, to verify a user credential. Before 5.18.1 - libcurl (see curl section below). For Debian based system this library provided by libldap-2.5-0 package, for RedHat (OEL) - by openldap (+ openldap-compat for UB < 5.24.6) packages.

URLs in ldapCatalogs ubConfig section should be in format protocol://server:post/DN where DN is the Distinguished Name binddn to bind to the LDAP directory. % placeholder in DN will be replaced by username (without domain part). Examples:

"ldapCatalogs": [{
  "name": "COMPANY",
  "URL": "ldaps://company.ldap.server:636/"
  "name": "SECONDCOMPANY",
  "URL": "ldaps://secondcompany.ldap.server:636/CN=%,OU=users,OU=org,DC=secondcompany,DC=local"

Validity of URLs and ldap client configuration can be verified by ldapsearch utility:

  • for first catalogue (where user is company\user01 ):
ldapsearch -W -H ldaps://company.ldap.server:636 -D "" -s sub "uid=user01"
  • for second catalogue (where user is secondcompany\user02 ):
ldapsearch -W -H ldaps://secondcompany.ldap.server:636 -D "CN=user02,OU=users,OU=org,DC=secondcompany,DC=local" -s sub "uid=user02"

ldapserach output should contain result: 0 Success phrase if all configured properly.

Troubleshooting for Linux #

In case ldaps protocol used and ldapserach give a connection error most likely CA certificates are not trusted and must be added to trusted storage:

Ubuntu (Debian): #

Copy your CA certificates to folder /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and run update-ca-certificates:

sudo cp myCACertificate.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/myCACertificate.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates

BE CAREFUL - files copied into /usr/local/share/ca-certificates (myCACertificate.crt in example) MUST have crt extension BUT file content MUST be in pem encoding (base64 encoded data starts with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

CentOS #

  • Install the ca-certificates package: yum install ca-certificates
  • Enable the dynamic CA configuration feature: update-ca-trust force-enable
  • Add it as a new file to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/: cp foo.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source anchors/
  • Use command: update-ca-trust extract

Additional LDAP configurations settings usually located in:

  • Ubuntu: /etc/ldap/ldap.cof
  • CentOS: /etc/openldap/ldap.conf

Configuring for Windows (and Linux in case UB server < 5.18.1) #

Under Windows and under Linux in case UB version < 5.18.1 UB use libcurl to verify a user credential. Configuration example for Active Directory catalogue:

"ldapCatalogs": [{
  "name": "COMPANY",
  "URL": "ldaps://company.ldap.server:636/OU=MyCompany,DC=company,DC=com?cn?sub?(sAMAccountName=%)"

LDAP URL can be verified using curl command:

curl -v "ldaps://company.ldap.server:636/OU=MyCompany,DC=company,DC=com?cn?sub?(sAMAccountName=user01)" -u company\\user01

-v switch means verbosely. This mode can be used for diagnostic.

See also CAPath and ignoreSSLCertificateErrors parameters in ubConfig schema

WARNING in case ldap catalogue use REFFERALS (as almost always with MS AD) curl will hang under linux. Recommended solution is to update to UB5.18.1 what uses libldap.

Additional features of Enterprise edition #

Kerberos authentication #

Linux #

UnityBase Enterprise edition supports Kerberos authentication on Linux using MIT implementation of gssapi library.

Internally the implementation of Kerberos authentication supports only one authentication iteration while RFC 2743 defines multiple iterations - this is a known implementation limitation. Despite there are some plugins for gssapi library that define NTLM support, use of such plugins is neither recommended nor functional. For Kerberos authentication to work properly it is recommended to setup domain to use SPNEGO authentication mechanism.

To prepare UnityBase to use Kerberos authentication on Linux a number of steps should be done:

  1. Preparation of network interfaces
  2. Installation of packages required
  3. realmd configuration
  4. Joining the Linux Server to Active Directory
  5. Configuring Active Directory
  6. Creating keytab file for UnityBase service
  7. Configuring UnityBase to support Kerberos authentication

Most of the steps above are clearly described in a document for configuring Microsoft SQL Sever to use Windows authentication. The steps for UnityBase server is the same as for SQL Server under linux/

Another tutorial (Russian) is ALT Linux Создание SPN и Keytab файла These steps are described here only briefly.

Preparation of network interfaces #

Network interfaces on the Linux server should be configured in the way that the server is on the same network as Domain Controller is and the server can resolve names withing Domain Controller's network. To achieve this actions described in the document above could be done. By the way as a result "nslookup <DC_name>" should be resulted in actual Domain Controller's address. This may be required to check here an availability of desired ports if some filters are active in the network. At the moment a change of the name of the Linux server may be required to follow the domain's policies.

Installation of packages required #

A few packages should be installed on the Linux server to prepare it to join an Active Directory domain, including:

  • samba libraries and tools
  • sssd libraries and tools
  • MIT kerberos implementation libraries and tools including gssapi library Here is a list of packages that could be applicable: realmd krb5-user sssd-ad samba-common-bin samba-libs sssd-tools krb5-user adcli When installing the packages a prompt for default realm should appear.

Please note that it is required to enter the full (not short NETBIOS form) realm name in uppercase.

This is also worth to mention that time on the Linux server should be synchronized with Domain Controller's one. For this purpose it is recommended to have ntpd installed of the server and ntpd configured to take time from Domain Controller.

realmd configuration #

Before joining Active Directory realmd service should be properly configured. In the document above there is a good example of /etc/realmd.conf file to be taken. After the realmd.conf file is created it is needed to (re) start realmd service.

Joining the Linux Server to Active Directory #

Everything is now ready to join the domain. This may be done by issuing the following command:

realm join [] -U '[user_with_rights_to_add_computer_to_domain@YOUR_DOMAIN.COM]' -v

Please note that domain name should be provided using capital letters and this should be the full domain name. When the command successfully finishes, the Linux server become a member of the Active Directory domain.

Configuring Active Directory #

It's now time to prepare Active Directory to know about UnityBase. Either computer's account, or some special user account could be used by UnityBase service. The account should have "Logon as a service" right. In either case it is a good practice to create Service Principal Name for UnitBase service and associate it with the account chosen. As UnityBase is a Web (http) service, the SPN should correspond to the following schema:


Listening_Port is an optional component. it is recommended to add it when UnityBase listens on non default http|https port (not 80 or 443) Use setspn utility on Domain Controller or any Windows computer joined to the same domain to create SPN.

Creating keytab file for UnityBase service #

On the Linux server service's credentials are stored as keytab file. ktutil is used to create such a file on Linux. Look at the document on configuring MS SQL Server mentioned above to see how to prepare the keytab file. Don't forget about user rights - UnityBase local account should be able to read the file. Below is a list of the commands used:

kinit <user@REALM.COM>
kvno <SPN>

addent -password -p <SPN@REALM.COM> -k <no_from_kvno> -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
addent -password -p <SPN@REALM.COM> -k <no_from_kvno> -e rc4-hmac
write_kt /path/to/file.keytab
Configuring UnityBase to support Kerberos authentication #

The final step is to provide configuration information to UnityBase. It is mandatory to specify the keytab file to be used by UnityBase to authenticate itself in the domain. This is done by specifying KRB5_KTNAME environment variable for UnityBase process. It is better to specify it just at the call to ub:

KRB5_KTNAME=/path/to/file.keytab ub

UnityBase server configuration file should also be changed. At least 'Negotiate' should be specified in the list of authentication providers. It is also strongly recommended to specify SPN parameter in the "security" section - the SPN string here should be written in wide form, with realm specified: SPN@REALM.COM. It should be exactly the same as the name inside the keytab.

Configuring Client browsers to use Kerberos for SSO #

By default, Kerberos SSO is disabled in most browsers. Instructions to enable Kerberos in browsers can be found in interned using "Configuring Browser to use Kerberos for SSO" phrase, example - here

Additional features in Defence edition #

UnityBase Defense edition provide additional security features. In the security environment instead of usual HTML browsed UBDefenseBrowser - a chromium based Web browser must be used.

Integrity checking of the application components #

UnityBase Defense edition provide a mechanism of self-checking components integrity.

Application server #

For the application server the subject of integrity checking are:

  • Application server bin folder content
  • Application configuration file
  • Files and subfolders* in models folders (models listen in the configuration file)
  • Files and subfolders* in inetPub folder (defined in serverConfig.httpServer.inetPub)
  • Files and folders whose names begin with "_" is ignored during checksum calculation

After set up application on the production environment, the first step is to calculate an application integrity. Command:

ub -calcIntegrity  

will calculate a MD5 checksum of all application components and write it to system32 folder in the file UB_[applicationServerURL], where applicationServerURL is a full URL of current application. This folder accessible for write only for operation system Administrator, so the command should be executed using Administrator rights.

Every time application is starting, UnityBase will calculate a current application checksum and compare it with checksum, calculated by -calcIntegrity command. If the checksums do not match the application will be terminated with exit code = 1.

Client side #

For the UBDefenseBrowser the subject of integrity checking are:

  • UBDefenseBrowser browser itself and all it components
  • offline application part

After set up UBDefenseBrowser on the client, the first step is to calculate an application integrity. Command:

RunSecureBrowser.cmd -calcIntegrity  

will calculate a CRC32 checksum of all client components.

Every time client part is starting, it will calculate a current checksum and compare it with checksum, calculated by -calcIntegrity command. If the checksum do not match the application will be terminated with exit code = 1.

File downloads #

UBSecureBrowsed limit a folder where user can store downloaded files to the folder, specified in downloadFolder parameter. (by default %USERPROFILE%\Downloads). In any case all downloads will be logged to the uba_audit with action=DOWNLOAD and fromValue=full path to stored file.