@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Fixed #

4.2.17 2017-05-26 #
  • allow UBComboBox.setValueById to use valueField instead of hardcoded 'ID'
  • "Remember me" feature for Negotiate authentication now don't hung a app
  • "unable to change password at first logon" issue fixed

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Changed #

4.4.1 2017-05-19 #
  • UBConnection.on('passwordExpired') callback now accept connecton as a argument
4.4.0 2017-05-16 #
  • all DSTU cryptography routines are moved to @ub-d/mn-dstu package
4.3.5 2017-05-13 #
  • simplify a UBNativeMessages.features by removing a dstu feature (for UB Defence @ub-d/nm-dstu model must be added to domain)

Fixed #

4.4.1 2017-05-19 #
  • allow reconnect even if exception is occurred inside UBConnection 'authorized' / 'authorizationFail' event handlers
  • in case language for user not stored in uba_user.uData will set a UBConnection.userLang=appConfig.defaultLang instead of appConfig.supportedLanguages[0] witch depends on how languages configured for database connections
4.3.5 2017-05-13 #
  • New event "notify" in UBNativeMessage instead of promise.notify

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

4.0.30 2017-05-17 #

Fixed #

4.0.30 2017-05-17 #
  • mdb virtual data store correctly handle models with a public path only
  • clientRequire endpoint return correct mime type for files (using mime-db)
  • optimize clientRequire endpoint by caching resolved path's to globalCache
  • UB.UBAbort server side exception stack trace now independent of UB.js placement

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

1.0.28 2017-05-18 #
  • ability to create a empty database for non-default connection using -conn initDB parameter: ubcli initDB -conn connectionName -create -drop.

Fixed #

1.0.28 2017-05-18 #
  • show a connection name during database drop/create operations

@unitybase/ubm #

Fixed #

4.0.27 2017-05-11 #
  • added unique index for instanceID + admSubjectID for ubm_desktop_adm.meta & ubm_navshortcut_adm.meta

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

4.1.20 2017-05-17 #
  • add ability to pass a <a href> onclick event to HTML report