@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.24.19 2024-07-29 #
  • UTableEntity: onFetchResponse prop hook for additional custom processing of fetch items response
5.24.18 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)
5.24.17 2024-07-11 #
  • UTableEntityRoot: added tableBodyAppend slot. It can be used to enable preview mode, which is supported in the table and card views, inside the UTable
  • PreviewForm: added a new property buildPreviewConfig. This allows to configure entity, formCode or other parameters before previewing the form

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.24.91 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)

@unitybase/adminui-reg #

Removed #

5.24.21 2024-07-29 #
  • removed logging of all CSP headers during request to "/" handler

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Added #

5.24.12 2024-07-22 #
  • in case ubConfig.security.blobStoresAccessAudit (recommended env is UB_BLOB_STORE_ACCESS_AUDIT) is true, then all external access (view from client POV) of BLOB store items from client side are logged into uba_auditTrail with actionType: 'VIEW', entityinfo_id: ID_of_BLOB_row, parentEntityInfo_id: reference_to_master.

    reference_to_master is calculated based on value of softLock mixin lockIdentifier (if available) attribute or audit mixin parentIdentifier otherwise

5.24.10 2024-07-11 #
  • localized error message to client side when trying to save a file with a size of 0 KB

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.24.17 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)

@unitybase/org #

Changed #

5.24.18 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.24.13 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)
5.24.12 2024-07-11 #
  • Localization for blob-stores error invalidFileSize, which occurs when trying to save a file with a size of 0 KB

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.25.31 2024-07-22 #
  • added documentation for new ubConfig.security.blobStoresAccessAudit parameter (recommended env is UB_BLOB_STORE_ACCESS_AUDIT)
5.25.30 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)
  • ubConfig.schema.json: documented new properties lobParameters and indexTablespace of Database connection config (items of ubConfig.application.connections). These optional properties are used by ubcli generateDDL to place newly added *LOB columns and indexes into predefined tablespaces\filegroups - mostly for performance tuning of big databases

Changed #

5.25.31 2024-07-22 #
  • aclRls mixin: add safe expression [instanceID]=[{master}.${connectAttr}] instead of unsafe [instanceID]={master}.${connectAttr}. Starting from UB@5.24.16 server will not accept unsafe correlation expressions ({master}.attr without [])

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.24.14 2024-07-22 #
  • added new enum value VIEW for AUDIT_ACTION group (with localization)
5.24.13 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)
5.24.12 2024-07-11 #
  • under Linux in case service is started by systemd all security-related changes are logged into syslog/journald (in addition to uba_audit table) with PRIORITY=Notice. This allows to do real-time integration with SIEM systems

Fixed #

5.24.12 2024-07-11 #
  • uba_user form: set current user ID while adding new group for user

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.25.36 2024-07-17 #
  • ubcli generateDDL now recognize new properties lobParameters and indexTablespace of Database connection config (items of ubConfig.application.connections). These optional properties are used to place newly added *LOB columns and indexes into predefined (manually created) tablespaces\filegroups - mostly for performance tuning of big databases. Options are ignored in case UB server version is < 5.24.15

Fixed #

5.25.35 2024-07-11 #
  • fixed flushing a Redis database during update by adding @unitybase/redis in @unitybase/ubcli package dependencies. Before this fix ubcli migrate command do not found @unitybase/redis package on production, because devDependencies is not added into production bundle

@unitybase/ubm #

Added #

5.24.16 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.24.15 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)

@unitybase/ubs #

Added #

5.24.16 2024-07-17 #
  • localization for Romanian language (ro)