@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.22.20 2022-05-22 #
  • sidebar (instance of USidebar component) is exported as SidebarInstance. Example below collapse sidebar programmatically:
const { SidebarInstance } = require('@unitybase/adminui-vue')
SidebarInstance.isCollapsed = true
  • URadio: id and label properties names can be customized
  • UChart - a new component for drawing data in a graphical form. Look in the docs
5.22.19 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations
5.22.18 2022-05-04 #
  • window.UB_DEV_MODE global variable. If true - Form constructor menu item is visible in form toolbar menu, in case user have access to ubm_form.update. For UI in -dev mode enabled by default. For production mode is disabled and can be enabled from developer console.

Changed #

5.22.20 2022-05-22 #
  • UDialog: width of the dialog box is extended up to 540px in order to keep all dialog buttons on the same level. Some buttons captions are too long (as for the de locale).
  • UDropdown: fixed Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver' for slow client machine
5.22.18 2022-05-04 #
  • UTableEntityRoot: added custom class support for card view mode (<u-card>)

Fixed #

5.22.20 2022-05-22 #
  • UCron - fixed localization
5.22.19 2022-05-10 #
  • UAutoField: allow to pass required: false (as in UFormRow) to manually turn off field mandatory (and asterisk)
  • USelectMultiple: improve fetching of the selected options:
  • wait for the previous promise to prevent parallel incorrect fetching,
  • watch for stringified value, not just value to prevent fetching for the same value but with the different array pointer

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.22.19 2022-05-26 #
  • added call to connection.logout() on window.pagehide event (in addition to window.onbeforeunload). This adds reaction on more cases of how user can leave a web page (F5, Ctrl+F5, back, close tab, close browser)
5.22.18 2022-05-22 #
  • added support for uiSettings.adminUI.customTheme while generation an index page. See Customizing UI tutorial for details
5.22.17 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations
5.22.16 2022-05-04 #
  • window.UB_DEV_MODE global variable. If true - Form constructor menu item is visible in form toolbar menu, in case user have access to ubm_form.update. For UI in -dev mode enabled by default. For production mode is disabled and can be enabled from developer console.

Changed #

5.22.17 2022-05-10 #
  • UB.ux.UBReportEditor: new property enableTemplateEditor - enable UBReport template editor (visual editor for mustache tags used by report builder). true by default for compatibility

@unitybase/adminui-reg #

Added #

5.22.18 2022-05-22 #
  • added support for uiSettings.adminUI.customTheme while generation an index page. See Customizing UI tutorial for details

@unitybase/base #

Added #

5.22.8 2022-05-26 #
  • A new built-in role in the uba_common module: TenantUser, added for multi-tenant environments only

Fixed #

5.22.6 2022-05-04 #
  • check if server started in ubcli - account for tenantIDHeader in case when forceStartServer option is false

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Fixed #

5.22.7 2022-05-22 #
  • note in JSDoc what App.blobStores.putContent can accept content as Buffer (in addition to ArrayBuffer|String|THTTPRequest)

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.22.17 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.22.17 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.22.12 2022-05-26 #
  • AsyncConnection.logout - optional reasonParams is added, such params are added to URL and cen be analysed in server-side logs
5.22.11 2022-05-22 #
  • new method ClientRepository.selectColumunar - Useful for data analysis \ graph
await UB.Repository('req_request')
   .attrs('department.name', 'COUNT([ID])')
   .groupBy('department.name').selectColumunar({'department.name': 'department', 'COUNT([ID])': 'requestCount'})
// {
//   'department': ["Electricity of Kiev", "Water utility of Kiev"],
//   'requestCount': [5, 44]
// }
5.22.10 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations

Changed #

5.22.12 2022-05-26 #
  • AsyncConnection (browser) UB Authorization will lowercase a logon before pass it to server, so user can enter his name InAnyCase. Note: uba_user convert name to lowercase before save since 2016 year

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.22.36 2022-05-10 #
  • new Session.setTempTenantID(newTenantID) method - allow switch tenant ID "on the fly" (require server 5.22.8)
  • new Session.runInTenant(tenantID, func) method - allow execution code in context of another tenant
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations

Changed #

5.22.38 2022-05-26 #
  • Add TenantUser built-in role on login of every user, if user is logged in any tenant except the system tenant
5.22.37 2022-05-22 #
  • App.reloadConfig will:
    • replace content of App.serverConfig JS variable with a new one
    • reset compiled index.html, so changes from uiSettings ubConfig section will be applied for new index page (app name for example)

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.22.15 2022-05-26 #
  • Migration hook for dynamically creating ELS rules for TenantUser role
5.22.14 2022-05-22 #
  • uba_session.tenantID attribute added. Show tenant for logged-in user. For non-tenant environment shows 0 (server 5.22.9 is required)
5.22.13 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations

Changed #

5.22.14 2022-05-22 #
  • uba_session for tenant user contains only sessions from the same tenant (server 5.22.9 is required)

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.22.17 2022-05-26 #
  • access to process (in addition to server config and current connection config) is added into ubcli execSql template engine. This made possible to use environment variables in templates, for example in migrate SQL scripts:
<% if (conn.dialect.startsWith('SQLite')) { %>
  create synonym rep_reportResult for rep_reportResult@<%= process.env.LINKED_DB %>;
<% } else { %>
  -- do nothing
<% } %>
5.22.16 2022-05-22 #
  • DDL generator for multi-tenant environment, PostgresSQL: generate SQL policies for non-tenant entities, so that all operations except SELECT would be forbidden for non-system tenant users
    • temporarily hardcoded skipping of aclRls and ManyManyRef entities

Changed #

5.22.17 2022-05-26 #
  • migrate command: migration scripts and finalize hooks now accept tenantID parameter, so that logic might be executed depending on tenant ID (system / non system tenant logic separation)

@unitybase/ubm #

Added #

5.22.18 2022-05-22 #
  • added form and method for changing UI settings. Current implementation allow to customize following uiSetting.adminUI props: 'loginWindowTopLogo', 'sidebarLogo', 'sidebarLogoBig', 'applicationTitle', 'supportMailTo', 'customTheme'.

Navigation shortcut is in Administrative -> UI -> Settings

5.22.17 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.22.14 2022-05-22 #
  • Support for schedulers in multitenant mode:
    • do not pass "runAsID", because user ID is different in every tenant, for non-multitenant environments, nothing changes, runAsID still passed
    • if "runAs" passed to a job, but "runAsID" is not (which is possible for multitenant environments only), load "runAsID" before job execution
    • iterate tenants per scheduler job, inside ubq_messages.executeSchedulerTask
5.22.13 2022-05-10 #
  • Ability to disable mailer scheduler, either by:
    • setting App.serverConfig.application.customSettings.mailerConfig.enableScheduler = false
    • using environment variable UB_USE_MAIL_SCHEDULER=false This allows having full SMTP config, so that manual call of email sending work, but turn off just the scheduler, without overriding it.
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations

Changed #

5.22.14 2022-05-22 #
  • Schedulers: for schedulers with invalid commands, instead of recording failed records into ubq_runstat, just make a record in UB log

@unitybase/ubs #

Added #

5.22.16 2022-05-10 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale translations