UMasterDetailView - now supports a new property hideViewModes. It allows hiding some
default view modes in the toolbar dropdown menu, such as: table, card, previewForm.
UToolbar: button definitions passed in the toolbarButtons prop may
override not only the buttons on the main panel, but the buttons from the
dropdown menu as well.
UAutoField: the forceCmp prop accepts Object type values alongside
String. This extension is required because locally registered components
(i.e. application custom components) cannot be passed as a forceCmp by
UCron - rewrite:
added non-standard 7-part cron expression syntax, where last seven field @n mean - fires on every n occurrence
added "Estimated executions" - first 5 dates what match cron expression.
Uses server-side ubq_scheduler.estimateCronSchedule method (if available)
added two-way binding support
added hints for cron expression fields of Expresion
correct implementation of step modifier - allow construct field like 1-10/3, 3,4,5,6/2 etc.
BREAKINGUCron do no longer emits change event with expression + it's explanation.
$App.verbaliseCronExpression(value) should be used to get expression explanation.
removed unneeded files from /dist/fonts/fa/css: fontawesome.min.css, regular.min.css, solid.min.css
and v4-shims.min.css - all these files already bundled into fa-all4ub.min.css
fontawesome - removed unnecessary fallbacks from woff2 to woffttf and svg - woff2 is supported by all browsers
$App.verbaliseCronExpression - added support for non-standard 7-part cron expression syntax,
where last field @occurrence mean - fires on every x occurrence.
Example: 0 0 1 * * 1 @2 = At 01:00 AM, only on Monday, once per 2 occurrence (every second Monday)
EntityGridPanel: allow to open form from EntityGridPanel in non-modal mode even in case base form have
a parent (by passing isModal: false into form opening config)
EntityGridPanel: do not disable grid actions (edit, del, showPreview, lock, unLock, itemLink) got grids with recordCount === 0.
This fix situation when new record is added into empty grin via smartRefresh but actions for it are still disabled.
EntityGridPanel: if smartExtGridRefresh is enabled, adding newly added rows are inserted to the beginnigng of the grid instead of appending to the end. This improve UX
org_employee: building fullFIO and shortFIO depending on the user language (surname at the beginning or at the end)
in case they didn't come from client side
org_employee: building fullFIO and shortFIO now takes into account
parameters with explicitly specified language (i.e. fullFIO_de^). Before the
fix such parameters were ignored.
updateEmployeeAttributes from org_employee.js: do not try to update
not-null attributes of the org_employee entity in case they are null in
the uba_user entity
BREAKINGawait UBCache.createStorage must be called before any UBCache operations. UBConnection.initCache
already did it during connection creation, so nothing changed for UBConnection.cache usage
linkStatic command copy existed favicon.ico into cust model (if cust model do not already contains it) and when
made a symlink into inetpub. This allows to set custom favicon using UI settings form.
UI Settings form: added ability to change application favicon (linkStatic from ubcli@5.23.16 should be executed, what normally happens during application update)
ubq_scheduler.calculateNextCronTerm - added optional parameter isFirstExecution;
In case today is monday, and we need each second (@2) monday, then first occurrence should be today (initialDate should be 00:00:01)
new method ubq_scheduler.calculateNextCronTerm - return next cnt execution dates for specified cronExpression;
Supports non-standard 7-part cron expression syntax, where last field @occurrence mean - fires on every x occurrence.
Example - 0 0 1 * * 1 @2 = At 01:00 AM, only on Monday, once per 2 occurrence (every second Monday)
new entity-level method ubq_scheduler.estimateCronSchedule - wrapper for ubq_scheduler.calculateNextCronTerm
for client-side execution. Used by UCron to show "Estimated executions"