@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.9.0 2019-11-19 #
  • UTable component. Build's table with sticky header. Accepts data and columns config
  • UTableEntity component able to display data either using entity name or repository. Extends UTable and adds pagination, filters, sorts
  • UDropdown and UDropdownItem component. Wrap element which passed as default slot and shows dropdown on click in this element
  • Lookups util. Can load any entity and get it lookup value. Lookups values are cached GLOBALLY
  • new property uiSettings.adminUI.useVueTables in app config. If true - replace all ext grids showList by UTableEntity component.
  • UB.core.UBCommand.prototype.showList showList accepts new prop renderer. To render Ext showList use old doCommand config
      renderer: 'vue',
      param: [{
        entity: 'uba_user',
        fieldList: ['*']
    Old config can be used with vue renderer, but be careful, it may not take into account all the parameters that the old renderer took into account
      renderer: 'vue',
      cmdType: 'showList',
      cmdData: {
        params: [{
          entity: 'uba_user',
          fieldList: ['*']
    Also you can use new config of vue renderer
      renderer: 'vue',
      cmdType: 'showList',
      cmdData: {
        entityName: 'uba_user',
        columns: [
            id: 'fullName',
            minWidth: 200,
            align: 'right'
        pageSize: 5
  • UFile Component for fields of type Document. Features:
    • download file or (in case mime type is application/pdf or one on supported images) - show content in dialog
    • in case prop previewMode: true will show document content instead of link
  • UFileInput file input with drag and drop, but without preview - just for upload
  • UFileCollection Multi file upload to UB entity. Maps to collection in UB.Form constructor
  • Form/processing|instance: added param entity to collection instance. Can be used for example to get entity name for setDocument method from collection.
  • BREAKING removed UDetailGrid
  • UDialog now exports errorReporter and it available in vue instance as $errorReporter
  • UContextMenu - registered globally, can be used in template as <u-context-menu>... tag.
1.8.7 2019-11-18 #
  • property disabled in UUploadDocument
  • New optional props fixedItems to USelectMultiple and USelectCollection, example:
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        value: [1,2,3],
        fixedItems: [2]
  • New events focus and blur to USelectMultiple, USelectCollection and USelectEntity

Changed #

1.9.0 2019-11-19 #
  • BREAKING UUploadDocument removed, use UFile instead
  • UFormRow increased default label width from 120 to 150
  • UFormRow previously margin-top was added only if one UFormRow element follows another in DOM, instead now margin-bottom always 10px
  • element theme css extracted into separate. This allow to override element styles in our vue components

Fixed #

1.9.0 2019-11-19 #
  • USelectEnum wrong display value on open form
  • loader (spinner) added to auth form - turned on after user press "Login" button. This help to indicate user what something is happens in case server response is slow
1.8.9 2019-11-18 #
  • added CSP for IIT sign agent (localhost:8081 & 8083)
  • error unlock auth cert2 form on error
1.8.7 2019-11-18 #
  • Styles in UFormRow, USelectMultiple, and USelectEntity
  • clickOutsideDropdown directive in USelectEntity now works properly

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.12.6 2019-11-15 #
  • UBConfig property uiSettings.adminUI.useVueTables which replace all ext grids showList by UTableEntity component
  • $App.doCommand({ cmdType: 'showList' }) new parameter renderer which override uiSettings.adminUI.useVueTables option for a current grid. For a case when you need replace all grids to new, but want to set some grids renderer as ext
5.12.5 2019-11-01 #
  • Registration component for authentication form

Changed #

5.12.7 2019-11-21 #
  • index.html template will expect favicon.ico is placed in the root of httpServer.inetPub folder. In case ${httpServer.inetPub}/favicon.ico not exists npx ubcli linkStatic will sym-lynk it from @unitybase/ub/public/img/UBLogo16.ico
5.12.6 2019-11-15 #
  • An ability to translate report name added: a key from localization file should be provided in @name field of report definition in order to have localizable report form title
  • Add translation for mi_createDate term, just like there is for mi_modifyDate

Fixed #

5.12.8 2019-11-29 #
  • EntityGridPanel: in case entity descriptionAttribute type <> string use value of first column for deletion confirmation message [UBDF-8061]

@unitybase/adminui-reg #

Fixed #

5.3.6 2019-11-18 #
  • CSP for IIT sign agent

@unitybase/base #

Added #

5.1.34 2019-11-19 #
  • argv.getServerConfiguration() will resolve a httpServer.inetPub location to absolute path

Fixed #

5.1.33 2019-11-07 #
  • prevent an error in dataLoader.localizeEntity when running initialization scripts on entities with softLock mixin

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Fixed #

5.1.2 2019-11-19 #
  • prevent exposing of package to client by adding "config": {"ubmodel": {} } into package.json

@unitybase/compressors #

Fixed #

5.1.19 2019-11-19 #
  • prevent expose a package to client by adding "config": {"ubmodel": {} } into package.json

@unitybase/mailer #

Fixed #

5.1.17 2019-11-30 #
  • force mailer instance to be destroyed by JS engine in the same thread it's created (JSCLASS_FOREGROUND_FINALIZE)
5.1.16 2019-11-19 #
  • prevent expose a package to client by adding "config": {"ubmodel": {} } into package.json

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.3.28 2019-11-18 #
  • translates for iit-sign-web forms

Fixed #

5.3.27 2019-11-18 #
  • Correct translation crypto

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.3.3 2019-11-21 #
  • new server config parameter security.excludeGroups: ["group1", ...] Groups codes (uba_group.code) to EXCLUDE from available user groups during user logon. Useful in case a same DB is used by several server instances, and one of instance (private portal for example) should limit roles available to user. WARNING - roles what assigned directly to user (in uba_userroles) NOT filtered and remains available

Changed #

5.3.3 2019-11-21 #
  • in case nginx is used as a reverse proxy (http.reverseProxy.kind === 'nginx' in app config) /statics endpoint on the UB level simply redirect to /statics nginx location. ub-proxy.cfg nginx config should be upgraded by npx ubcli generateNginxCfg (or rule for location /statics should be added manually)

@unitybase/uba #

Fixed #

5.3.13 2019-11-07 #
  • prevent bug when inserting a new role at the multilingual instance
  • increased the size of uba_subject.name attribute to 256 characters, for compatibility with a uba_role.description

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.4.0 2019-11-21 #
  • new command ubcli linkStatic: creating folder with all static assets (models, modules) what should be available for client using /clientRequire and /models endpoints. Such folder can be served by nginx as a static folder. See tutorial Serving static assets by nginx for details
  • npx ubcli generateNginxCfg will add a location /statics what points to httpServer.inetPub folder
  • npx ubcli generateNginxCfg will add a locations /clientRequire and /models to nginx config in case reverseProxy.serveStatic is true (default)

Fixed #

5.4.0 2019-11-21 #
  • prevent expose a package to client by adding "config": {"ubmodel": {} } into package.json

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

5.2.52 2019-11-15 #
  • Report names are localizable now - "Click sample" report is an example