@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.11.4 2020-05-31 #
  • introduce UDatePicker - a wrapper around ElDatePicker with date format and first date of week taken from UB localization. To be used as direct replacement of <el-date-picker>
1.11.2 2020-05-27 #
  • UTable: lastTableRow slot added - used, for example, by UTableEntity to add a pagination in the end of the table
  • UTableEntity: pagination buttons tooltips added (next page, prev page)
  • UTableEntity: next page pagination link added to the end of table scrollable area
  • UMasterDetailView: in case called from shortcut will store table filters in localStorage and apply it on open
1.11.0 2020-05-22 #
  • utils/lookups method subscribe - subscribes to a local entity changes. Lookup attrs already includes ID and description attribute for current entity can be extended by attrs param.
await lookups.subscribe('tst_dictionary', ['code', 'userID'])
  • utils/lookups method unsubscribe Unsubscribe from entity changes. Listener is removed only if current subscription is last.
await lookups.subscribe('tst_dictionary')
  • utils/lookups method get Getter for lookups
/** Returns description attribute value by ID */
lookups.get('tst_dictionary', 245671369782)
/** Returns description attribute value by code */
lookups.get('tst_dictionary', {code: 'code10'})
/** Can search on several attributes */
lookups.get('ubm_enum', {eGroup: 'AUDIT_ACTION', code: 'INSERT'})
/** In case third param as string - returns displayValue as userID.fullName */
lookups.get('tst_dictionary', 245671369782, 'userID.fullName')
 * In case third param is true (boolean) - returns entire record
 * as object with all attributes what passed to subscribe
lookups.get('tst_dictionary', 245671369782, true)
  • utils/lookups added to Vue prototype. Example: this.$lookups.get('tst_dictionary', 245671369782)
1.10.11 2020-05-17 #
  • new icons u-icon-circle, u-icon-circle-bold, u-icon-circle-close, u-icon-circle-dollar, u-icon-circle-double, u-icon-circle-info, u-icon-circle-minus, u-icon-circle-plus, u-icon-circle-question, u-icon-circle-trademark, u-icon-clock, u-icon-data, u-icon-eraser, u-icon-exit, u-icon-expand, u-icon-eye-slash, u-icon-folder-add, u-icon-globe, u-icon-grid, u-icon-hand, u-icon-image, u-icon-key, u-icon-layers, u-icon-line-chart, u-icon-message-alt, u-icon-message-text, u-icon-more-vertical, u-icon-object-group, u-icon-rectangle, u-icon-rectangle-dotted, u-icon-resize, u-icon-rhombus, u-icon-sort-asc-alt, u-icon-sort-desc-alt, u-icon-unlock, u-icon-window-left, u-icon-window-top
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog
1.10.10 2020-05-13 #
  • styles for scrollbar in firefox
1.10.9 2020-05-06 #
  • icons set. See documentation here
  • UForm/mount/mountModal: added merge form component props with dialog props before render, in case you need to use standard el-dialog props. For example: close-on-press-escape: false, show-close: false.

Changed #

1.11.4 2020-05-31 #
  • UTableEntity/filters: width of the filter value input increased to fit all available space
  • for USelectEntity what based on the repository "Select from the dictionary" action will filter dictionary in the same way as in the repository. For example for such select:
     <u-select-entity :repository="getRepo">
     getRepo () {
       return UB.Repository('cdn_currency').attrs('ID', 'code3').where('code3', '>', 'UAH')
    "Select from dictionary" action shows only currency with codes > UAH. Before this change developer had to explicitly define a buildShowDictionaryConfig handler for such behavior.
  • UTabelEntity: values for Boolean attributes rendered as "+" and "-" icons (instead of Yes/No); Content of such columns are centered (instead of left aligned)
1.11.3 2020-05-27 #
  • UFormRow: in case label is empty string - do not render a trailing :
1.11.2 2020-05-27 #
  • UTableEntity, UTable allow text selection in a table using mouse
  • UTableEntity allow scrolls table using PgUp/PgDown/CtrlPgUp/Ctrl+PgDown
  • UTableEntity filter: top/bottom margins decreased to 4px from 12px - this decrease total toolbar height by 16px
1.11.0 2020-05-22 #
  • utils/lookups fully refactored and maked reactive
  • Form/processing connection listener *:changed now provides changed data. So no more need to do select for fresh data in the neighboring tabs.
  entity: 'tst_dictionary',
  method: 'insert',
  resultData: { ID: 123312132313, name: 'name 1', caption: 'caption 1' }
  • UTableEntity: use store getters (canAddNew, canEdit, canDelete) to control keyboard events.
  • UTableEntity table header cell attribute divider changed from '->' to /
  • UTableEntity column divider of fixed column no more hiding
  • UTableEntity: column of type Currency is rendered using formatByPattern from @unitybase/cs-shared with a thousand separator and 2 fractions digits 2 203,00 3.10 (before this changes 2203, 3.1)
  • UTableEntity: column of type Date and DateTime are rendered using formatByPattern from @unitybase/cs-shared in short format (month as number). UK: 23.05.2020, 23.05.2020 13:14, en: 05/23/2020 05/23/2020, 1:14 PM
  • UToolbar: creation and modification dates are rendered using Intl dateTime format with seconds
1.10.12 2020-05-21 #
  • showList command: in case config contains fieldList: ["*"] actual fieldList is constructed by UTableEntity. This guaranty the same behavior of a command as with <u-table-entity :entity-name="nameOfEntity">.
  • UTableEntity: column label for complex attribute like currencyID.code created as concatenation of a parent attributes captions up to 3 level depth: currency->code (the same as for Ext based table); To override this behavior column label can be specified in columns (for vue renderer format) or fieldList for Ext format config.
1.10.11 2020-05-17 #
  • UMasterDetailView in detail grid hides column which relatives detail grid with master grid
  • UMasterDetailView adding of a record sets a master attribute value as a detail default using parentContext param
1.10.10 2020-05-13 #
  • UTableEntity/excel export uses a client-side export and format excel data accoding to current TableEntity configuration; Limitation: custom slots not exported yet; rows count limited to 50000.

Removed #

1.11.0 2020-05-22 #
  • BREAKING methods load, getEnumValue, getValueById
1.10.11 2020-05-17 #
  • UTableEntity property useRequestFieldList is removed. From now grid uses fieldList from request.
  • UChat component moved into @unitybase/messaging package and renamed to UmChat

Fixed #

1.11.4 2020-05-31 #
  • UTableEntity/filters: typo for boolean isFalse filter from 'Yes' to 'No'
  • UTableEntity: prevent error 'template of undefined' while user change focused column
1.11.3 2020-05-27 #
  • JSDoc for UFormRow
1.11.2 2020-05-27 #
  • UMasterDetailView incorrect display of total count. Resets total on any changes in filters
  • UTableEntity css fixes:
    • filters will try to expand to full width
    • will wrap on overflow
    • pagination white-space sets to no-wrap
  • DatePicker: localize date/dateTime/firstDayOfWeek format for form auto field, full text search and table filters controls
1.11.1 2020-05-25 #
  • UAutoFiled for String attributes will set a maxLength input property to attribute.size, so user can't enter string longer when accepted by DB. This prevents a server-side errors like "attribute value will be truncated".
  • prevent o.core.UBApp is undefined error on login page (lookups initialized only in case UB.core.UBApp is defined)
  • production build of @unitybase/adminui-vue will exports lookups as expected
  • UTableEntity table header cell attribute divider changed from '->' to / for 3d level depth
  • UMasterDetailView detail header translated using i18n
  • date filter caption i18n fixed for ru (от..до.. -> с..по..) uk (вiд..до.. -> з..до..)
1.10.13 2020-05-21 #
  • UTableEntity prevent error parentAttribute of undefined in case attribute param is passed in column config.
1.10.12 2020-05-21 #
  • UTableEntity: if columns prop is not binds, then fieldList will contain attributes with defaultView: true only. This prevents to fetch from DB attributes what not visible in the current view.
  • UTableEntity: prevent error dataType of undefined on export table with custom column
1.10.11 2020-05-17 #
  • UTableEntity prevent error "get dataType of undefined" for a table with custom columns
  • ElSelect(multiple) removed fixed height to allow display several rows
  • UTableEntity/filters/entity/equal prevent error "get descriptionAttribute of undefined" for custom attributes in column definition
  • UTableEntity excel export: fixed export of eav attributes by using a fieldList from request instead of broken one from server
1.10.10 2020-05-13 #
  • u-icon* centered inside container properly (before this change they could move slightly upwards). Fixed by sets font descent to 100
1.10.9 2020-05-06 #
  • UMasterDetailView: prevent crops of the scrollbar's due to wrong navbar height (min navbar heingth set to 54px.
  • UDialog/dialogDeleteRecord: prevent error in case description attribute for entity is not defined
  • UButton: allow to bind any native events to inner <button> component. Example: <u-button @onmouseover="action">click me</u-button>
  • UCodeMirror: error on ctrl+B (beautify)
  • UTableEntity: visibility of filters in case passed attribute param in column definition
  • UTableEntity, UMasterDetailView: slot toolbarDropdownAddNew. Previously this slot did not replace the button

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.13.15 2020-05-27 #
  • UBCommand/getNavshortcutCommandText param shortcutCode in returned commandConfig

Changed #

5.13.12 2020-05-21 #
  • UBCommand/showForm provide shortcut caption to cmdCode. Now tab title will be equal to the caption of the shortcut
5.13.11 2020-05-17 #
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog

Fixed #

5.13.16 2020-05-31 #
  • en i18n: "Select from dictionary" -> "Select from the dictionary"
  • for UBBaseComboBox with applied filters (new Ext.util.Filter) applied "Select from the dictionary" action will filter Vue based dictionary in the same way as in the ComboBox store (the same behavior as with obsolete Ext-based dictionary)
5.13.12 2020-05-21 #
  • UB.ux.UBImg: image content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the element's content box
  • UBCommand.showList: detailAttribute should be added to fieldList as object with visibility:false, to prevent lookup queries for this field
  • icon class for MenuItem.Details. Changed from u-icon-arrow-down to u-icon-arrow-right
  • ubfieldset: use icon class fa-angle-down|right for expand a button - u-icon-dows too large there
5.13.11 2020-05-17 #
  • UBMultiSelectBox: changed orderList structure from Array<Object> to Object for compatibility wit UB@5.18+

@unitybase/cdn #

Changed #

5.4.10 2020-05-17 #
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Added #

5.3.1 2020-05-25 #
  • formatByPattern.setLang2LocaleHook function added - allows override default UB language to ICU locale transformation rules
5.3.0 2020-05-22 #
  • formatByPattern module with formatNumber and formatDate functions using cached Intl instances. This module is moved from @unitybase/ubs to be used in apps what not require a UBS model.
5.2.7 2020-05-13 #
  • link to tutorial for an array bindings from CustomRepository.where()

Changed #

5.3.1 2020-05-25 #
  • formatByPattern.formatDate now accept any type as a value. For !value returns '', for non-date value creates a Date using new Date(value)
  • formatByPattern.formatNumber now accept any type as a value. For !value(except 0) and NaN returns '', for non-number value uses parseFloat()

@unitybase/org #

Changed #

5.3.10 2020-05-17 #
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Fixed #

5.5.8 2020-05-06 #
  • NativeMessages extension setup (@ub-e/nm-scanned, @ub-e/nm-pdfsign etc.) for FireFox >= 75 will show setup link for user as expected instead of silently ignore fact what extension not installed (work-around for bug in FF75+)

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.4.10 2020-05-17 #
  • put a model version (version from package.json) into log while loading domain models on server startup. New log example:
20200514 09285007  " info  		Loading domain models... 
20200514 09285007  " info  		"UB"(5.4.9) from "./node_modules/@unitybase/ub" 
20200514 09285007  " info  		"UBA"(5.4.9) from "./node_modules/@unitybase/uba" 
5.4.9 2020-05-13 #
  • HTTPRequest.requestId property added: returns unique HTTP request ID - the same value as used to fill a uba_auditTrail.request_id; In case audit trail is disabled in domain (uba_auditTrail entity not available) or Ub server version < 5.18.2 returns 0.
5.4.8 2020-05-06 #
  • support for "attribute restriction" feature added in UB server 5.18.1 (u)

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.4.8 2020-05-06 #
  • BREAKING this version of @unitybase/uba require UB server to be at last 5.18.1 ("attribute restriction" feature used)
  • SECURITY access to uba_user.uPasswordHashHexa is disallowed from client (restricted for all)
  • SECURITY access to uba_user disabled, isPending and trustedIP attributes are allowed only for members of Supervisor role; For other roles actual values is replaced by ***** for trustedIP and null for disabled, isPending
  • SMS registration handler added to uba_user.publicRegistration rest method. Registration kind can be defined in serverConfig.application.customSettings.publicRegistration.kind application config key. See uba_user.publicRegistration documentation for details.

Changed #

5.4.10 2020-05-17 #
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog
5.4.8 2020-05-06 #
  • BREAKING uba_otp.generateOtp will generate a 6 digits random string instead of GUID

Fixed #

5.4.8 2020-05-06 #
  • characters ,.[]{}? added to password policy complexity check. Checking is carried out in case ubs_settings UBA.passwordPolicy.checkCmplexity value is set to true.
  • i18n added for uba_auditTrail.actionUserName attribute

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.5.9 2020-05-13 #
  • detailed explanation of database creation in initDB - see https://unitybase.info/api/server-v5/module-initDB.html for tips how to create a database manually

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

5.3.10 2020-05-17 #
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.3.10 2020-05-17 #
  • @unitybase/ubq/modules/mail-queue exports a property mailerEnabled.
    • Indicate mailer is configured in serverConfig.application.customSettings.mailerConfig.
    • in case this property is false calls to queueMail do nothing, so better to verify it before mail creation to save a server resources

Changed #

5.3.10 2020-05-17 #
  • queueMail do not put a mail sending job into queue in case mailer is not configured in serverConfig.application.customSettings.mailerConfig
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

5.3.10 2020-05-17 #
  • replace most font-awesome and element-ui to UB icons analog

Deprecated #

5.4.0 2020-05-22 #
  • usage of @unitybase/ubs/public/formatByPattern.js is deprecated. require('@unitybase/cs-shared').formatByPattern should be used instead.

Fixed #

5.3.8 2020-05-06 #
  • fix ESLint warnings in initial JS template for ubs_report (no functional changes)

@unitybase/xlsx #

Changed #

5.1.26 2020-05-13 #
  • reformat code according to ESLint rules (no functional changes)