@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.20.15 2021-06-14 #
  • SignatureVerificationResult - added a media type information (file/hardware)
  • window.capiSelectionDialog - a Vue based interface for cryptographic module selection (used by UB EE/DE)
  • UNavbarNotificationsButton: added opening of unread notifications with the messageType === system in the modal window for the user when logging into the system.
  • processing.saved: pass method name insert/update as second argument into a saved hook on form

Changed #

5.20.15 2021-06-14 #
  • BREAKING UCodeMirror attribute renamed readOnly -> readonly; This fix u-auto-field readonly binding in case attribute is on Json type

Fixed #

5.20.15 2021-06-14 #
  • computedVuex - pass key property to SET mutation

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.20.16 2021-06-14 #
  • UBBoxSelect: added the ability to display entries that have been deleted or closed by the History mixin

@unitybase/openid-connect #

Added #

5.20.16 2021-06-14 #
  • openIDConnect: id_token saving on auth handshake stage. This token needed for doing proper OpenID logout with post_logout_redirect_uri param. Token value can be accessed in 'getOnFinishAction' and save it to the LocalStorage/SessionStorage for example.

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.9.10 2021-06-14 #
  • added i18n for SignatureVerificationResultObj.hardwareKeyUsed
  • connection.pki() function can show a pki implementation selection dialog if multiple 'encryptionImplementation' is available

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.22.5 2021-06-14 #
  • getAppInfo endpoint result can be modified by subscribe to newly added App.getAppInfo event:
App.on('getAppInfo', function(appInfo) {
  const serverConfig = App.serverConfig
  const DSTU = serverConfig.security && serverConfig.security.dstu
  appInfo.trafficEncryption = DSTU ? DSTU.trafficEncryption : false

Removed #

5.22.5 2021-06-14 #
  • DSTU related section of getAppInfo response is removed (moved into getAppInfo event handler of @ub-d/crypto-api endpoint)

Fixed #

5.22.5 2021-06-14 #
  • initial call to App.serverConfig is protected by critical section to prevent possible multithreading errors
  • fsStorage mixin: for *.vue files force script/x-vue mime type (mime module do not detect .vue)
  • /allLocales?lang=LL&includeDomain=1 - will merge meta with meta.lang - the same algo as in client-side UBEntity constructor. This fix ubcli migrate in case {$i18n: entityName} is defined in YAML but meta file is not localized to some language

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.20.16 2021-06-14 #
  • uba_usercertificate - added attributes certParsed: Json and isForSigning: boolean. Both are sets on certificate binary changes. Consider to use uba_user.addCertificate added by @ub-d/crypto-api method to add a binary certificate

  • isForSigning attribute added to the field list of Users->Certificates shortcut;

  • uba_usercertificate.getCertificate method. Can return:

    • any certificate if called as rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate?ID=1231
    • SIGNING certificate for current user if called w/o ID parameter rest/uba_usercertificate/getCertificate
    • if called as UBQL, certificate returned as base64 encoded string

Changed #

5.20.16 2021-06-14 #
  • uba_usercertificate form is rewritten to Vue

Removed #

5.20.16 2021-06-14 #
  • @unitybase/uba does not depend on asn1js and pkijs packages anymore, certificate parser is moved to server side @ub-d/crypto-api model

@unitybase/ubcli #

Fixed #

5.21.11 2021-06-14 #
  • migrate command now tolerate multiple records in ub_version table for the same model, it takes the most recent version

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

5.20.16 2021-06-14 #
  • improved template for new vue form