@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.6.27 2019-08-31 #
  • Form.validation() added param validator for creating custom validation. Example
1.6.26 2019-08-31 #
  • UDetailGrid component - shows data collection as a table view
1.6.25 2019-08-31 #
  • UToolbar added prop hideDefaultButton which hide's default buttons
1.6.23 2019-08-13 #
  • VueJS based form now accept target in UForm constructor, and render form directly into this target. Target can be either id of html element or Ext component
1.6.21 2019-08-13 #
  • default authentication form (ub-auth.html) handle a uiSettings.adminUI.registrationURL parameter from config. In case parameter is empty or not exists (default) then registration link do not displayed on the authentication form. Otherwise a link to the specified URL is displayed
1.6.20 2019-08-10 #
  • expose clickoutside directive from ElementUI. hideDropdown in code below will be called in case user click outside the div:
<div v-clickoutside="hideDropdown"></div>

Changed #

1.6.26 2019-08-31 #
  • update package element-ui 2.8.2 -> 2.11.1
1.6.24 2019-08-19 #
  • use new method $App.generateTabId() for tabId generation instead of hardcoded expression
1.6.23 2019-08-13 #
  • element-ui & element-theme-chalk versions are frozen to 2.8.2 because of bugs (again) in element theme builder
  • BREAKING one-line function helpers.isExistAttr() is removed. Use const schema = UB.connection.domain.get(entity); schema.attributes[attr] instead

Fixed #

1.6.25 2019-08-31 #
  • In case vue form is mounted directly into another component it will be destroyed during destroying parent Ext or Vue component
1.6.23 2019-08-13 #
  • show Registration URL on the login page independent of available auth methods
  • turn off silence kerberos login on the auth page works correctly - fix #64
1.6.20 2019-08-10 #
  • prevent adding document.body.onclick handle for every u-select-entity/u-select-multiple by using clickoutside directive instead. Fix #65 as side effect
  • USelectMultiple allow to select option by clicking not only on item caption but also on checkbox
  • Save button in multi language dialog for input renamed to apply + localization added
  • the form with multi lang fields still remains dirty after saving ( fix #67 )
1.6.19 2019-08-09 #
  • disable sidebar shortcut "Edit" popup menu item in case user don't have access to ubm_navshortcut.update [UBDF-9664]
  • sidebar item deletion fixed [UBDF-9652]

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.10.15 2019-08-19 #
  • new method $App.generateTabId() for tabId generation
  • $App.generateTabId() will include a formCode into tabId - this allows to open several different forms for the same instance
5.10.14 2019-08-14 #
  • in case localStorage key UB.LDS_KEYS.PREVENT_CALL_LOGOUT_ON_UNLOAD is set to "true" document.onbeforeunload handler don't call $App.logout. This solves unexpected logout in case document opened using WebDav
5.10.11 2019-08-10 #
  • new localization key apply

Changed #

5.10.15 2019-08-19 #
  • set default value [] for EntityGridPanel.hideActions; prevent override it by undefined in UBCommand
5.10.14 2019-08-14 #
  • for entities with softLock mixin BasePanel will send a single select request with lockType: 'None' instead of two request - one for select and one for isLocked. UB server >= 5.14.0 correctly handle lockType: 'None' requests.
5.10.10 2019-08-09 #
  • introduced lazy data loading for UBDetailTree in case it is placed onto inactive tab (as UBDetailGrid). UBDetailTree.forceDataLoad must be set to ** true ** to load data immediately.

Fixed #

5.10.16 2019-08-22 #
  • silenceKerberosLogin now handled by adminui-pub instead of AsyncConnection. This fix [UBDF-9903] && #64
  • allow calling EntityGridPanel.doShowDetail for instances of EntityGridPanel with stateId and title undefined
  • if formCode passed to $App.doCommand is a function then tabId algorithm will use word 'func', instead of function source code
5.10.9 2019-08-01 #
  • loading the ubDetailGrid, which refers to the empty "masterField" value. (For example, when opening a form to create a new record)

@unitybase/base #

Changed #

5.1.23 2019-08-13 #
  • csv module: reformatting & fix ESLint warnings

@unitybase/cdn #

Changed #

5.2.5 2019-08-12 #
  • initial data locale for cdn_citytype & cdn_country entities changed to english
  • initial data for cdn_region loaded only for uk locale

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Added #

5.1.7 2019-08-27 #
  • extended property UBDomain.UBModel.packageJSON added to the extended domain; Property value is parsed model package.json

@unitybase/org #

Fixed #

5.2.8 2019-08-23 #
  • allow to update org_employeeonstaff when parent org unit is not visible on the current date (for example department is closed)

@unitybase/pdf #

Fixed #

5.0.22 2019-08-13 #
  • invalid PDF file format in case ArialBoldItalic font is used

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.3.14 2019-08-19 #
  • new localStorage key UB.LDS_KEYS.PREVENT_CALL_LOGOUT_ON_UNLOAD added to prevent logout in case user open document using Document URI Schema (WebDav). Before call to document.location.href = 'ms-word....' developer must set this key value to "true" to prevent ub-pub to call $App.logout inside document.onbeforeunload handler.

Changed #

5.3.15 2019-08-22 #
  • silenceKerberosLogin support has been removed from AsyncConnection and moved into @unitybase/adminui-pub; This is responsibility of UI to analyse localStorage key and resolve requestAuthParams promise to Negotiate algorithm
5.3.11 2019-08-09 #
  • Domain-based localization logic allows get localized entity or entity attribute not just caption, but also description and documentation. In order to do so, use hash tag suffix and description or documentation, for example:
    • UB.i18n('uba_user.name#description')
    • UB.i18n('uba_audit#documentation')

Fixed #

5.3.13 2019-08-13 #
  • do not lost params in AsyncConnection.stringifyExecParamsValues (introduced by premature optimization in 5.3.12)
5.3.12 2019-08-13 #
  • AsyncConnection methods runTrans and runTransAsObject now stringify execParams for insert and update methods, just like single insert, update. This fixes problems with saving JSON attributes and overall, make connection object methods more consistent.

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.2.29 2019-08-13 #
  • uiSettings.adminUI.registrationURL parameter. In case parameter is empty or not exists (default) then registration link do not displayed on the default authentication form (@unitybase/adminui-vue/views/ub-auth.html). Otherwise, a link to the specified URL is displayed

Changed #

5.2.32 2019-08-28 #
  • for UB server >= 5.15 UBLDAP auth schema use libcurl for LDAP query; ubConfig ldapCatalogs configuration parameters is changed - see ubConfig schema for details. Example config:
"security": {
    "authenticationMethods": [
      "UB", "UBLDAP"//, "Negotiate"
    "ldapCatalogs": [{
        "name": "MYCOMPANY",
        "URL":  "ldaps://mycompany.main:636/OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=main?cn?sub?(sAMAccountName=%)",
        "CAPath": "",
        "ignoreSSLCertificateErrors": false
5.2.30 2019-08-14 #
  • explicitly disable audit for system entity ub_blobHistory

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.3.0 2019-08-31 #
  • TOTP (Google Authenticator) One Time Password generation and verification methods added into uba_otp
5.2.6 2019-08-19 #
  • Auditing rights provided to Supervisor role

Changed #

5.3.0 2019-08-31 #
  • HTTP request headers logged into uba_audit during user logon now truncated to 512 characters
5.2.5 2019-08-12 #
  • uba_usercertificates.serial attribute is marked as unique

Fixed #

5.2.5 2019-08-12 #
  • removes the hardcoded check for "accountAdmins" group inside changePassword endpoint. To change password for other used new method uba_user.changeOtherUserPassword is added. Supervisor role is allowed to call it.
5.2.4 2019-08-09 #
  • added ELS rule for Supervisor to allow reading roles (uba_role;select;A)

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.3.37 2019-08-27 #
  • ubcli generateDoc will add's API methods available for entities; HTML output is formatted using bootstrap

Changed #

5.3.38 2019-08-28 #
  • speed up command ubcli checkStoreIntegrity by removing attribute not null expression from SQL and check attachment is exist in JS

Fixed #

5.3.36 2019-08-23 #
  • DDL generator will correctly add a JSON columns with allowNull: false and without default value; For such case estimated value for updating existed rows is set to {}
5.3.35 2019-08-20 #
  • DDL generator: in case database connection does not contains entities for DDL generation (all entities is marked as External for example) ubcli generateDDL will skip loading of DB metadata for such connections. This fix issue for read-only Oracle connections in which DDL generator try to create a stored procedure and speed up generation for other RDBMS