@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.23.71 2023-08-11 #
  • u-table control now supports thenoBackground new property:
    • if true - table will have no background, so that instead of white background the background of the parent element will be used
    • default is false
  • new experimental theme added - Sand theme (bigger controls, custom colors, icons, loader)
5.23.70 2023-08-08 #
  • processing.copied: passing collections source items ids as the third argument
5.23.69 2023-08-07 #
  • Libre/OpenOffice files now can be opened using WebDav (if WebDav is enabled)
  • added webDav.isWebDawEnabled & webDav.isEntitySupportWebDav methods
  • added documentation about usage of UTableEntity/column-template-provider:
// valid usage
const columnTemplates = require('@unitybase/adminui-vue').columnTemplates
// WRONG usage
const helpers = require('@unitybase/adminui-vue/components/UTableEntity/column-template-provider')
  • added documentation about valida usage of uDialogs:
// valid usage
const uDialogs = require('@unitybase/adminui-vue').uDialogs
// WRONG usage
// const uDialogs = require('@unitybase/adminui-vue/utils/uDialogs')
const answer = await uDialogs.dialogDeleteRecord(entityName, item)

Changed #

5.23.71 2023-08-11 #
  • style of u-radio - made color of label the same as for all other u* controls - hsl(var(--hs-text), var(--l-text-label)), so all controls look consistent and good together on the same form
5.23.69 2023-08-07 #
  • UTable for BLOB attributes will hide OpenInApp and Link buttons in case WebDav is not available or file extension does not support opening using WebDav. Before this changes buttons are disabled (not hided)

Fixed #

5.23.72 2023-08-25 #
  • UTableEntity: condition for disabling the copy action in the toolbar dropdown

@unitybase/adminui-reg #

Added #

5.23.66 2023-08-25 #
  • default CSP rule for media-src set to media-src 'self' blob:; - this allows play media from in-memory blobs (UFile preview for dictaphone, for example). Before this chang media-src was empty and Chrome used default-srs in such cases, which denied access to blob:

@unitybase/base #

Fixed #

5.23.26 2023-08-25 #
  • ServerRepository: fixed error value for "in" or "notIn" condition must be a not empty array of string or array of Int64, what appears in case in where condition in Repository applied for attribute of type Many and contains array of ONE value, like below: UB.Repository().where('manyAttriburte', 'in', ['arrayOfOneElement]')

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Added #

5.23.17 2023-08-07 #
  • formatByPattern: added ability to register custom (not based on Intl) number/date formatters for specified language and pattern: formatByPattern.registerCustomNumberFormatter(lang, patternName, formatFunction) and formatByPattern.registerCustomNumberFormatter(lang, patternName, formatFunction)

Fixed #

5.23.18 2023-08-25 #
  • CustomRepository: fixed error value for "in" or "notIn" condition must be a not empty array of string or array of Int64, what appears in case in where condition in Repository applied for attribute of type Many and contains array of ONE value, like below: UB.Repository().where('manyAttriburte', 'in', ['arrayOfOneElement]')

@unitybase/logview #

Added #

1.1.6 2023-08-25 #
  • text for lines with ERR level and q=.... now formatted as SQL - most likely this is query what produce DBMS level error
  • for log files, opened from remote (both portal or serverside app logs) new button "Copy log URL" is added on the right of the toolbar. Copied URL includes all filters and selected log line

Fixed #

1.1.6 2023-08-25 #
  • Postgres logs: Format SQL with parameters inlined action now correctly inline parameter values
1.1.5 2023-08-08 #
  • fixed opening of remote files in standalone mode: prevent send Range header - if sends Chrome adds Accept-Encoding: identity and server-side gzip not works

@unitybase/mailer #

Changed #

5.23.18 2023-08-11 #
  • for TLS connection mailer now uses OpenSSL3 library instead of OpenSSL1.1. TLS up to 1.3 now supported for POP/SMTP/IMAP secure connections. If UB server version >= 5.23.11 no additional step is required (openssl3 is in ub server dependencies), otherwise:
// Ubuntu 22.04 and Debian
sudo apt install libssl3
// Ubuntu < 22.04
// Install OpenSSL 3 from sources
// Oracle Enterprise linux 8.x
// add EPEL repo (if not lready added)
sudo dnf install oracle-epel-release-el8
// install OpenSSL3
sudo dnf install openssl3-libs
// Oracle Enterprise linux 9.x
sudo dnf install openssl3-libs

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.23.71 2023-08-25 #
  • checking of the rights of a user with the role localOrgManager to modify the org_employee record. The employee must be associated with a real position in the organizational structure of the local administrator.

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Fixed #

5.23.34 2023-08-25 #
  • ClientRepository: fixed error value for "in" or "notIn" condition must be a not empty array of string or array of Int64, what appears in case in where condition in Repository applied for attribute of type Many and contains array of ONE value, like below: UB.Repository().where('manyAttriburte', 'in', ['arrayOfOneElement]')

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.25.4 2023-08-25 #
  • new key ubConfig.uiSettings.cspAllow.mediaSrc. Additional roles for media-src can be added to defaults 'self' blob:;

@unitybase/ubcli #

Changed #

5.25.4 2023-08-25 #
  • Speed-up ubcli ftsReindex operation up to 40% (require server UB@5.23.12):
    • ftsreindex method called by ubcli ftsReindex now do not check record is already indexed by FTS and always do insertion. Such expectation should always be true for re-index operation, since before re-indexation all data in FTS tables are truncated.
    • for compatibility reasons new parameter -checkExisted is added into ubcli ftsReindex. If passed, re-index will check record with ID is exist in FTS table, and if so = do update instead of insert. The same remains in case server is below 5.23.12

@unitybase/ubq #

Changed #

5.23.63 2023-08-08 #
  • when running the scheduler task as the root user, call entryPoint() instead of runaAs*(entryPoint). This reduces the depth of the runaAs stack, what helps to prevent the error EMetabaseException 2 level depth call to Session.runAs* is not allowed

@unitybase/ubs #

Fixed #

5.23.61 2023-08-08 #
  • fixed ubs_numcounterreserv.getReservedRegnum (regression in 5.23.59)