@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.23.16 2022-08-30 #
  • UtableEntity: support customizable buttons (download, openInApp, copyLink) for document attributes in grids. Buttons are enabled by default, excluding non-webDAV environments - here copyLink and openInApp buttons are disabled. To disable buttons, it's need to be added appropriate settings to column config:
  "id": "someColumnID",
  "downloadButton": false,
  "openInAppButton": false,
  "linkButton": false
5.23.15 2022-08-26 #
  • Property forceCmp for UFormRow component, to support scenarios, when inside the row now a single component, but a set of component or a table or a file selector, and the label, which is rendered by default work not good in that case
5.23.14 2022-08-23 #
  • UCheckbox new prop kind. With kind="switch" looks like el-switch, with kind="check" - like native checkbox but styled
  • URadio reacts on disabled
5.23.11 2022-08-16 #
  • expose @unitybase/adminui-vue as window.$AdminUiVue. This allows to compile (using webpack) modules with require('@unitybase/adminui-vue') by adding it into externals section of webpack.config (as we did with ub-pub):
  externals: {
    'lodash': '_',
    '@unitybase/ub-pub': 'UB',
    '@unitybase/adminui-vue': '$AdminUiVue',
    'vue': 'Vue',
    'element-ui': 'ElementUI'
5.23.10 2022-08-09 #
  • Form title property can contain macros {attrName}, such macros will be replaced by attributes values. Example - ({code}) {name}
  • Elements of the UToolbar.toolbarButtons array now may have dropdownOnly property, which allows buttons to be not shown in the main toolbar area, but in the dropdown menu only.
  • ability for USelectCollection control to pass additional properties to underneath USelectMultiple control, for example, to specify repository to select from:
  export default {
    methods: {
      getRolesRepo() {
        return this.$UB.Repository('uba_role')
          .attrs('ID', 'name')
          .where('name', 'notIn', ['Anonymous', 'Everyone', 'User'])
5.23.9 2022-08-04 #
  • new icon: u-icon-download-all-with-signatures

Changed #

5.23.14 2022-08-23 #
  • huge refactoring of UCheckbox and URadio internals
  • all SVG images for ub-icons font are reviewed and simplified
5.23.9 2022-08-04 #
  • u-auto-filed for attributes of type Boolean internally use u-checkbox instead of el-checkbox. It's recommended do not force internal component for Booleans using force-cmp="el-switch" - u-checkbox is good enough
  • u-checkbox and u-radio size increased to 20px (to be the same height as el-switch); Size is defined in --u-checkbox-dim css variable

Fixed #

5.23.16 2022-08-30 #
  • UCheckbox & URadio - use change event for correct v-model work
5.23.13 2022-08-19 #
  • URadio and UCheckbox - added the ability to programmatically change the state
5.23.12 2022-08-19 #
  • UDialogs - fixed logout when send error by email
5.23.11 2022-08-16 #
  • UtableEntity: successfully deleted notification for entities without description attribute shows only number of deleted items instead of empty list
  • UDialogs - when uiSettings.adminUI.supportMailTo is defined in ubConfig.json, mail message text will be truncated to 2038 characters on Windows (Outlook limitation for mailto: href)
5.23.9 2022-08-04 #
  • u-checkbox: added v-bind="$attrs" to allow binds native input properties, disabled for example

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Changed #

5.24.3 2022-08-26 #
  • improved EntityGridPanel smart refresh - use server-side selection of one row to check whenever modified record much grid filters. Client-side check is not applicable for complex UBQL with logicalPredicates, els etc.

Removed #

5.24.0 2022-08-16 #
  • BREAKING EntityGidPanel store is NOT passed as store into doCommand, so not accessible from BasePanel. Refreshing of one row in Ext grid after edition now implemented in connection.on('entity:changed') handler (as it done for Vue grids). Can be turned off by set ubConfig.uiSettings.adminUI.smartExtGridRefresh = false
  • BREAKING if smartExtGridRefresh is enabled (default) childwasmodified ExtJS store event IS NOT FIRED
5.23.13 2022-08-09 #
  • removed code what intercept BackSpace key to prevent Back action in browser - all modern browsers uses Alt+Left Arrow for Back

Fixed #

5.24.1 2022-08-19 #
  • fixed EntityGridPanel smart refresh for grids without filters
5.24.0 2022-08-16 #
  • BasePanel.onAccessRight: creates a fieldList for the aclRLS.showList command just like a Vue form

@unitybase/base #

Fixed #

5.23.6 2022-08-04 #
  • fix usage of uba_common from command-line scripts executed in location where ubConfig is not present

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • Added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang

Changed #

5.23.14 2022-08-19 #
  • org_organization - attribute OKPOCode set as not unique (isUnique: false) to prevent errors with duplicated values in environments with non-required CCEO codes

Removed #

5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • for attributes of type Boolean removed allowNull: false and defaultValue - not needed anymore

Fixed #

5.23.16 2022-08-26 #
  • cdn_contact and cdn_classifieritem forms - show required fields on form to prevent errors when creating new records via entity table
  • fix orderList in some system dictionaries
5.23.13 2022-08-16 #
  • minor localization fixes

@unitybase/codemirror-full #

Added #

1.4.2 2022-08-04 #
  • sql mode added (SQL syntax highlight)

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Added #

5.23.6 2022-08-16 #
  • Support of two new types of conditions in Repository.where for boolean attributes:
    Repository('my_entity').where('myBoolAttr', 'isTrue')
    Repository('my_entity').where('myBoolAttr', 'isFalse')

Changed #

5.23.6 2022-08-16 #
  • Repository.where transforms notIn into notEqual for values consisting of one item, just like it does for in=>equal transformation
5.23.5 2022-08-04 #
  • CustomRepository.ubql() will not add an empty field list into result - starts from UB@5.22.14 server allow such QUBLs for sub-queries, insertion and update. In case of exception parmeter 'fieldList' not found please, update server to 5.22.14

Fixed #

5.23.7 2022-08-19 #
  • LocalDataStore.doFiltration (filtering of local result according to whereList) will skip where conditions what used in joinAs

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.23.16 2022-08-23 #
  • org_employee: avatar attribute added and two-way synced with uba_user.avatar
5.23.14 2022-08-16 #
  • new system setting org.organization.OKPORequired to set mandatory of CCEO/OKPO codes (false by default). If org.organization.OKPORequired set to false, OKPOCode attribute not required in org_organization and cdn_organization forms
  • org_organization form is rewritten to Vue
5.23.13 2022-08-09 #
  • org_employee: attribute apply now two-way synced with title attribute of uba_user
5.23.11 2022-08-04 #
  • Added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang

Changed #

5.23.17 2022-08-26 #
  • org_employeeonstaff form - caption template was changed to {tabNo} {employee.fullFIO}
5.23.12 2022-08-05 #
  • org_employee form - mark employee code as mandatory [LDOC-2336]
5.23.11 2022-08-04 #
  • org_staffunit form uses <u-grid> layout with 2 column

Removed #

5.23.11 2022-08-04 #
  • for attributes of type Boolean removed allowNull: false and defaultValue - not needed anymore

Fixed #

5.23.11 2022-08-04 #
  • org_staffunit form: proper validation for 'position' field

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.23.6 2022-08-04 #
  • ClientRepository for cached entities will add all attributes from where and order into fieldList. This prevents error Filtering by attribute "..." which is not in fieldList is not allowed for cached entity. Before this fix only simple attributes are added, for example parentAdminUnitID.name fails if not in fieldList
  • i18n for new signature validation attributes for de and ru locales

Fixed #

5.23.6 2022-08-04 #
  • prevent unexpected mutation of AsyncConnection.defHeaders what broke Kerberos re-logon

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.23.11 2022-08-09 #
  • Session.hasRole can accept roles as array and returns true in case user has at last one of passed roles
const UB = require('@unitybae/ub')
const Session = UB.Session
if (Session.hasRole(['Admin', 'Supervisor'])) { // equal to Session.hasRole('Admin') || Session.hasRole('Supervisor')
  console.debug('current user is a member of `Admin` or/and `Supervisor` group')
5.23.9 2022-08-04 #
  • added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang
  • added new ubConfig parameter security.dstu.doNotRequireOCSPForCert2

Changed #

5.23.9 2022-08-04 #
  • logic for setting attribute defaults is moved from native into _hookMetadataTransformation.js:
    • for 'Text', 'Document', 'Many' attributes force allowSort = false
  • for Boolean attributes force defaultValue = '0'. After upgrade to this version it's recommended to remove
  "allowNull": true/false,
  "defaultValue": "0"

from all meta files.

Fixed #

5.23.13 2022-08-19 #
  • allLocalesEp: added assignment of the #captionSingular hashtag
5.23.10 2022-08-05 #
  • fixed syntax error in ub_version.meta.ru

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.23.12 2022-08-09 #
  • added new attribute uba_user.title
5.23.11 2022-08-05 #
  • added new attribute uba_user.middleName
5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • Added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang
  • uba_group form - multiselect for users in group

Changed #

5.23.13 2022-08-16 #
  • change columns order in uba_group grid to ['code', 'name', 'description']

Removed #

5.23.12 2022-08-09 #
  • removed attribute uba_user.gender
5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • for attributes of type Boolean removed allowNull: false and defaultValue - not needed anymore

Fixed #

5.23.13 2022-08-16 #
  • uba_group form: sort users by name in 'Add users' dialog
5.23.12 2022-08-09 #
  • uba_group form - fix multi-select for users
5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • uba_group form - fix unnecessary table refreshes

@unitybase/ubcli #

Fixed #

5.23.15 2022-08-31 #
  • DDLGenerator - allow override index generated for isUnique attributes by define index with the same name in dbExtension. This fix regression introduced in 5.23.3
5.23.14 2022-08-30 #
  • DDLGenerator - allow override index generated by dataHistory mixin by define index with the same name in dbExtension. This fix regression introduced in 5.23.3
5.23.12 2022-08-16 #
  • Minor improvements in messages generated by the ubcli generateDDL command.

@unitybase/ubm #

Added #

5.23.13 2022-08-16 #
  • added localization for all not translated fields for ubm_desktop-uiSettings-fm.vue
5.23.12 2022-08-09 #
  • added localization for ubm_desktop.meta.* and ubm_desktop-fm.vue for not localized fields
5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • Added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang

Changed #

5.23.13 2022-08-16 #
  • ubm_sysdictionary - creation of system dictionaries for ORG and CDN models moved to ubjs
5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • use u-checkbox instead of el-switch on ubm_navshortcut form

Removed #

5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • for attributes of type Boolean removed allowNull: false and defaultValue - not needed anymore

Fixed #

5.23.16 2022-08-26 #
  • titles for ubm_desktop, ubm_query, ubm_sysdictionary forms are set in format {code} {name}
5.23.13 2022-08-16 #
  • The ubm_desktop form: remove validation for isDefault attribute. Make the form more UAutoForm-like

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • Added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang

Fixed #

5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • uk locale for ubq_scheduler

@unitybase/ubs #

Added #

5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • Added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang

Removed #

5.23.10 2022-08-04 #
  • for attributes of type Boolean removed allowNull: false and defaultValue - not needed anymore

Fixed #

5.23.13 2022-08-16 #
  • minor localization fixes

@unitybase/udisk #

Added #

5.23.9 2022-08-04 #
  • Added captionSingular for all *.meta and *.meta.lang

Removed #

5.23.9 2022-08-04 #
  • for attributes of type Boolean removed allowNull: false and defaultValue - not needed anymore