@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Changed #

5.0.22 2018-06-26 #
  • add a red asterisk for required field's labels
5.0.21 2018-06-21 #
  • made metadata diagrams correlate with terms used in UML diagram
    • association (was "relation") - removed the diamond
    • added a whole new type of link "composition" - with diamong("cascadeDelete" is used to determine if link is "association" or "composition")
    • removed weird oval from start of "inheritance" link
5.0.17 2018-06-03 #
  • adminui-pub will inject all localization script at once using new allLocales endpoint. Will speed up startup for applications with several models

Fixed #

5.0.22 2018-06-26 #
  • handle entity attribute readOnly property on adminUI as documented (regression)
  • added support for adminui.loginURL parameter. If parameter is set, then all unauthorized users will be redirected to that page for authentication. Page itself should create a UBConnection with allowSessionPersistent and do a UBConnection.connect(). See login page example in autotest app
5.0.19 2018-06-07 #
  • package will expose 'file-saver' as SystemJS module to prevent double-loading
5.0.17 2018-06-03 #
  • package will expose itself and 'lodash', 'bluebird-q' and '@unitybase/cs-shared' as SystemJS module to prevent double-loading

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Fixed #

5.0.6 2018-06-23 #
  • fix exception during saving cleaned Document type attribute value for historical stores (ub-server #10)

@unitybase/pdf #

Added #

5.0.7 2018-06-26 #
  • ubmodel section added to package.json, so @unitybase/pdf model now can be added to the application config in one line
 "domain": {
     "models": [
         "path": "./node_modules/@unitybase/pdf"

Fixed #

5.0.7 2018-06-26 #
  • invalid PDF file format in case timesNewRomanBoldItalic font is used

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.0.13 2018-06-18 #
  • ReactNative detection added
const UB = requite('@unitybase/ub-pub')
if (UB.isReactNative) {...}

Changed #

5.0.13 2018-06-18 #
  • for ReactNative environment set a default UB.xhr timeout to 5sec instead of 120sec to prevent freezing of ReactNative app

Fixed #

5.0.13 2018-06-18 #
  • UBConnection constructor will understand react native environment and create a server URL correctly
5.0.12 2018-06-04 #
  • Package @unitybase/cryptojs expose as SystemJS will include typed array
5.0.11 2018-06-03 #
  • for environment with SystemJS (usually browser) package will expose itself and @unitybase/cryptojs as SystemJS module to prevent double-loading
  • injection.addResourceVersion correctly add version to URI with parameters (if ? exists will use & as separator)

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.0.19 2018-06-27 #
  • the adminui.loginURL setting described in ubConfig.schema.json
  • the httpServer.externalURL configuration parameter is added to ubConfig. URL that the User from the internet will use to access your server. To be used in case server is behind a reverse proxy
  • App.externalURL property added - either httpServer.externalURL of App.serverURL if external URL not configured
5.0.16 2018-06-03 #
  • new endpoint allLocales - return a single localization script bundled from all models public/locale/lang-${Session.userLang} scripts excluding adminui-pub what injected before login window

Changed #

5.0.19 2018-06-27 #
  • values from locale folder merged to the ub-pub model localization

Fixed #

5.0.18 2018-06-21 #
  • CRITICAL prevent transferring of application files to client in case httpServer.inetPub is empty in config
  • THTTPResponse methods badRequest, notFound and notImplemented will return charset in Content-Type header as required by HTTP 1.0

@unitybase/uba #

Changed #

5.0.19 2018-06-28 #
  • uba_user.publicRegistration rest endpoint will use a App.externalURL for a callbacks (in case server is behind a reverse proxy)

@unitybase/ubcli #

Fixed #

5.0.19 2018-06-21 #
  • PostgreSQL DDL generator will ignore functional ("func") index definition in dbExtensions section (should be applied only for Oracle as documented)
  • PostgreSQL DDL generator will generate single-quoter string for estimation update of newly added not null attributes of string type
5.0.18 2018-06-06 #
  • ubcli createStore will create temp path even if it is relative. In this case we consider path is relative to config path

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

4.1.49 2018-06-18 #
  • New parameter 'language' for UBServerReport
4.1.49 2018-06-18 #
  • New parameter 'language' for UBServerReport

Fixed #

5.0.18 2018-06-06 #
  • UBS.MessageBar will be bundled into @unitybase/ubs
5.0.17 2018-06-03 #
  • package will expose and mustache as SystemJS module to prevent double-loading

@unitybase/xlsx #

Changed #

5.0.14 2018-06-10 #
  • use external lodash library inside bundle (webpack config changed)

Fixed #

5.0.14 2018-06-10 #
  • BREAKING XLSXWorkbook.render will return rendered data instead of Promise, because we use a synchronous version of JSZip
5.0.13 2018-06-03 #
  • for environment with SystemJS (usually browser) package will expose mustache and lodash as SystemJS module to prevent double-loading